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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [immyfish] [ In reply to ]
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zero for me also. Wife wanted to run with the kids late morning but I talked her out of it in favor of a couple mimosas and a relaxing couple of hours before the rest of the family obligations started. Think it was a good choice. Back at it bright and early tomorrow.
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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Barry, I've been dealing with PF on and off for 11 years since 1996. The last three years have been pretty good...the key for me is to not run intervals, do lots of stuff to keep my feel strong and ice after any hard effort (that and the night splint)...and I know you like to mock people about lifting weights, but come back to me when you are 42, and you've put down PB Ironmans and half Ironmans after coming back from crippling plantar fasciatis.

Strengthening the feet has been key and I have been able to do that through lots of lifting weights...regardless of what I do (squats, step ups, dead lifts), it all ends with a calf raise (in addition to calf raises on their own)...once your PF starts getting better, you have to strengthen your feet....oh and if you are doing it, stop wearing any form of supportive shoes for day in day out walking or supportive sandals like Birkenstocks...those things are all disasters for your feet because they let you walk around without strengthening...they are way too supportive of the entire foot structure.

Bottom line is you have to find a way to strengthen the feet.

OK, back to the regular programming....now you can go back to mocking people about lifting weights, while they run circles around your cripple body :-(

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [Allan] [ In reply to ]
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Dude, this is when you stop by the side of the road 8 miles before the next "rest stop" and tell your family to drive there and order you McDonalds...it will still take them 20 minutes to drive and order, and they'll just be waiting for 20 minutes by the time you pull in along the I95...just don't get nailed by the traffic cops for speeding putting down sub 5 min miles!

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [r7950] [ In reply to ]
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Ran Sunday morning feeling like crap. Got the stomach flu just 2 hours after the run and was in bed for 24 hours straight (when not scampering to hurl). Took today off as well simply because there is a ton of snow here in Aspen and it's just too deep too run in AND too deep to pass up the incredible apline skiing. That means two days off.

I came into this two days up so I'm even now and that's not too bad. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and run before traveling home and I can perhaps run again in LA tomorrow night. I like being up on the game.


Ian Murray
I like the pursuit of mastery
Twitter - @TriCoachIan
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I like my extra-early idea better. Since my minivan doesn't have a shower, the thought of subjecting my family to half of the drive to Florida with my sweaty body behind the wheel doesn't seem ideal either :)

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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....now you can go back to mocking people about lifting weights, while they run circles around your cripple body :-(

You're killin' me, Dev!

; ^ )

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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Well, Barry, you're gonna get ZERO sympathy for having a cripple body.

You guys just think that there is one way to do things and hammering on people doing weights does a disservice to the entire ST community, especially the mid pack and "fitness crowd"...all you anti weights guys have your heads so far under the sand that you refuse to accept the rehab and strengthening benefits because your tunnel vision is on performance....I'd rather see an athlete a bit slower and robust and not broken, with a well balanced physique that can withstand the repititive stress of constantly doing running (or swim-bike-run only), than one that is "optimized for speed" (because god forbid the weights will reduce the mitochodria density blah blah blah), but instead are broken with blown body parts and sitting on the disabled list.

Sure, fast and broken is cool, but you actually have to get to the start line to get into the results sheet!!!

....and you're the same guy who was hammering on the Big 4 because they lifted!!! Gimme a break....please feel free to go back and talk research papers with the guys with the white coats. I'll keep encouraging people to lift so that they can withstand all the endurance training and actually get to the start line uninjured!!!
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok Dev, now you are talking out of your ass. Maybe you are a revisionist or maybe you are simply confused.

1) I never *hammered* on anyone for lifting weights, including the big 4. I thought I made it patently clear that a generic wieghtlifting program was neither beneficial nor detrimental (necessarily) to triathlon performance. My point has always been that if you spend 2 hours a week on a general lifting program with the specific purpose of gettin faster that your time is likely better spent with more SBR. I think I even specifically told you that if you were to, for example, do curls while watching TV when you aren't going to be out training anyway, then go right ahead, but don't kid yourself into thinking it will make you faster.

2) I could just as easily be sitting here right now complaining about an injury *caused* by lifting. I thought I made it clear to you that I lifted weights for almost 20 years. In that time I have had several shoulder injuries and one bad lower back injury. Your comments are completely irrelavent. You could just as easily ask someone if they lift or not when they got injured. Which ever answer they give you can say, "Ahh yes.....you should have been doing the other."

3) I have always maintained that you should lift if you have specific muscular imbalances or problems, however, those problems need to be identified by someone who knows what they are talking about. A muscle imbalance can be exacerbated by lifting if you are focusing your efforts on the wrong muscle group. For example, one of my shoulder injuries was a direct result of pectoral muscles that were over powering my back, rear deltoids, and rotator cuff.

I also find it odd that you've had problems with PF for 13 years. Is the lifting making it better, or is it keeping it from healing?

So yes Dev, I take issue with your comments. They are both cheap and based intirely on ignorance.

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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OK let's not debate point number 1 we'd have to wade through 10,000 posts to find the needle in the haystack and I won't dwell on point number 2 because I can't help you if you were not advised on how to lift properly...there is no reason to get injured from lifting unless you lift beyond what you have adapted to using bad technique....so let's go to point 3:

3) I have always maintained that you should lift if you have specific muscular imbalances or problems, however, those problems need to be identified by someone who knows what they are talking about. A muscle imbalance can be exacerbated by lifting if you are focusing your efforts on the wrong muscle group. For example, one of my shoulder injuries was a direct result of pectoral muscles that were over powering my back, rear deltoids, and rotator cuff.

I completely agree with everything you say here. At the same time, with a bit of reading, you can find out which imbalances start with too much swim bike run (and you can usually tell long before things start ripping apart...), and then work with your stated expert to do the right exercises to fix those...most of us also know where our weak body parts are and can do the exercises required to strengthen those issues or bring the body back to balance in the case of an overdeveloped/underdeveloped opposing muscle set.

As for your last question about the Plantar Fasciatis, it was actually caused by cycling shoes built up with too much arch support where I did not need it, interfering with my natural "gait" while cycling. Sadly, most cycling shoes are not built for a person with a neutral gait with relatively flat feet (or functionally a "collapsed arch").

I did not even realize for the first 8 years that it is was the cycling shoes and thought it was mainly from running....but then I went for the "support route" instead of the "strengthening" route...anyway, since I started doing weights to strengthen the calves and feet, it has largely gone away. There are also lots of "body weight" exercises you can do to help that entire area that I am sure you are aware of.

Bottom line, is that an athlete needs a body "in balance" to get to the start line healthy...most of us are not built to withstand the repetitive cycles of swim bike run that we expose our bodies to, so we have to be doing stuff constantly to keep things in balance...this can come from weights, from yoga or from other sports and life activities that utilize our bodies in different ways.

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Ok Dev, I think you and I are in agreement. Just make sure you remember it this time!!! ; ^ )

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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...OK I better remember!

Now let's get you all fixed up. Do you have a night splint....if you don't you have to get one!!!
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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I've already talked to rroof. Thanks.

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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That's probably the best place to start on ST to fix a PF issue...sorry for being a jerk...I should know that anyone with PF issues deserves sympathy...its like divorce, you never wish it on anyone!
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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That's ok. My hurt feelings made the pain in my feet go away. ; ^ )

Yeah, the PF is a bit of a bummer. For a while I couldn't even go to the mall, they hurt so bad. The upside is that its given me a bit of time to work on my guitar playing.

The funny thing is, the thing I honestly miss the most is not being able to go on my training runs with my old college teammates. If I had to sign a contract today that said I'll never be allowed to race again but that I will never again be un-able to do a training run with my friends, I might actually sign it.

-----------------------------Baron Von Speedypants
-----------------------------RunTraining articles here:
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [BarryP] [ In reply to ]
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"If I had to sign a contract today that said I'll never be allowed to race again but that I will never again be un-able to do a training run with my friends, I might actually sign it. "

We are in full agreement here...The gift of being able to run is fleeting at best...at some point we will all be unable to run...some sooner, some later...like you, if someone said 'sign here' to extend your running life by a decade beyond what you would otherwise achieve, but you get to never race again starting now I'd sign now....then again, I'd still be able to race on XC skis, so I'm kind of cheating!

By the way, are you rolling the frozen water bottle under your arches?

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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A question for Dev if you are reading: does snowshoe running count? I know it does for the Xmas challenge but just wondering about this one? I rec'd snowshoes for Xmas and tried them out Xmas day, what a hoot except my calves are still sore 2 days later! Today looks like a good day to use them but since I'm behind on my 100/100 challenge (due to being sick, second bad cold in 6 weeks...) I want to do a run that will count!
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [woodnymph] [ In reply to ]
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If you are running, we don't care what you put on your feet...barefoot, nikes, saucony's, ankleweights or snowshoes. The only requirement from the first post that during EVERY stride, at some point, both feet must be off the ground...if you can sustain this requirement with the weight of snowshoes in deep snow, then you are golden.

To put it simply, every stride in this challenge should get your DQ'd if you were in the Olympic 50K race walk.

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Dev, thanks for the clarification. I just got back from a snowshoe run and I'm happy to report that both feet, snowshoes and all, did indeed leave the ground! FWIW, I'm using Atlas Run snowshoes and running on trails, I'm lucky to live near trails that are wide enough for skiiers and walkers to share. Felt great to be out in the freshly falling snow!
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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The only requirement from the first post that during EVERY stride, at some point, both feet must be off the ground

Great, now I have to go back and subtract the distances that I slid downhill on my runs this past week. How do you count distance with both feet off the ground followed next by ass on pavement?

Dev I remember you saying 20-25 days is going to be the turning point... I had the worst long run yesterday. Began thinking LSD since I was pacing my somewhat slower GF (as she doesn't like running alone in the dark) But between some upset stomach issues at mile 4, I went on to average 11:00 miles for 9 more. My last 13miler I held 9:20 pace, but this slower one was the most tiring. Is running slower that much more exhausting? I had a rest day 2 days ago, and only 4 treadmill miles the day before. All my runs have been on crappy snow/ice so that hasn't changed. I guess it was just a bad day.

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [non_sequitur] [ In reply to ]
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Chalk it up to a bad day, however, why do you feel you need to do long runs at all? The entire point of the 100 runs is to accumulate the base so that you can finally do long runs well...most people cannot...they trick themselves into doing long runs and then spend the next few days recovering or hobbling through sub par runs....last year, in the last week on the second last day I went straight from 60 min "long run" to a 2:10 long run...sure it is nice to run long, but the entire point is to do "Nothing today that takes you out of tomorrow's run"...this usually means ending each run feeling like you can do another 5K if you want to...but choose not to.

After a while, you should feel like you are fully recovered for EVERY RUN. Your average pace should be getting faster and faster by the end of this 100 runs, all at an aerobic intensity, with lots of "head room" and lots of buffer in the tank to run that "phantom extra 5K" that you actually never end up running today. Its not that actually go out with the intent of jacking up the pace...its just that you are more recovered and are marginally more fit from a running perspective than when you started.

Your long runs right now work against the goal of being recovered for tomorow and being able to run reasonably quick tomorrow. Over the course of this thing, your average speed should increase and you should cover slightly more distance in runs that are in the 30-60 minute duration...if you feel like you need more mileage in a day, then go for a double because your recover for tomorrow will be better than just one long run and your average pace today will be faster by splitting it up...and you'll hopefully end both feeling like you could run an additional 5K on each instance.

Basically, I am trying to get you guys to act like Kenyans on a much different scale with respect to speed and duration of runs...those guys run doubles most days at their marathon pace (3 min per K), which is pretty well conversational...only difference is that they run 300K per week over 12-14 runs at conversational pace, which works out to just over an hour per run for their regular runs and then only "long run" (if you do the math, these guys are running something like marathon per day in something like 2:20-2:30ish ...)

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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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this is a thank you to you and whoever else contributed to the spreadsheet. I was discussing the challenge with some of my training partners yesterday over coffees at Tim's and they thought it would be a great idea to introduce to our tri club. So, starting Jan 1, we're starting our own 100 day challenge. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I've exported your spreadsheet and am using a clean version for our own challenge. I just thought that credit should go where due. So thanks!


June 22/08 - Ironman Nice
Sept 14/08 - Muskoka 70.3
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [rwestwood] [ In reply to ]
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Richard, no problem...please also thank Dan McGuire...I got both spreadsheets off the ground and did the conceptual work behind what I thought would get people revved up...then Dan was the genius behind the google spreadsheet mechanics...in the process he taught me a lot about how to use this great online utility!
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Richard, no problem...please also thank Dan McGuire...I got both spreadsheets off the ground and did the conceptual work behind what I thought would get people revved up...then Dan was the genius behind the google spreadsheet mechanics...in the process he taught me a lot about how to use this great online utility!

Thanks Dan, nice job on the spreadsheet.


June 22/08 - Ironman Nice
Sept 14/08 - Muskoka 70.3
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Why do you feel you need to do long runs at all? Hmm. I guess I feel compelled since beyond this challenge I have an early season marathon (March 29), which is part of my base building towards a season of long course. I am in no means trying to peak for the marathon as I view myself still climbing the fitness curve. My fitness is there, but currently limited by my size (previously mentioned). My two hour long run really isn't anything extraordinary for me, I was just surprised how crappy it felt the other day.

I guess I was surprised by how running slower (11:00/mile pace vs standard) actually felt more difficult; and it was compounded by intestinal distress. I didn't push it to a point that I couldn't still comfortable run my phantom 5K; actually, I still played my two soccer games that night and felt better once I loosened up. The slower pace, barely jogging, must have fatigued other muscles not used as much at standard pace.

if you feel like you need more mileage in a day, then go for a double because your recover for tomorrow will be better than just one long run and your average pace today will be faster by splitting it up.
Can I trust you on this? As my mileage builds for my marathon plan I am hesitant to try something I haven't tested before. What have others experienced? (I don't know any Kenyans) I'm still on the early stage of building up my once a week long run, currently 14 miles, going up about 1-2 miles/wk. Would running half my long run distance twice in a day prepare my body for a marathon?

I suspect that I had different goals for this challenge than you intended. Perhaps this isn't the best plan for me. The problem is that I'm really enjoying it.

Last edited by: non_sequitur: Dec 28, 07 8:53
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Re: 100 runs in 100 Days Challenge...Starts Dec 1 [non_sequitur] [ In reply to ]
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"Can I trust you on this?"\

You can trust dev on that and about everything else. Certainly easier on your body to break it up into 2 runs. I did a couple of my long runs split up last year [usually because of business travel] and it did not seem to make much of a difference. There are many articles and old posts on this and many believe that you lose very little by splitting a long run and gain benefits. That said you need to be ready to increase the mileage whether you split the runs or not. Because people are all so different only trial and error will give you a real answer. Good luck.

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