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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [noofus] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:
xgep wrote:
I had a great one the other day at the public rec center, daily it has most of the above interesting cases but this was unique.

Guy gets into the lane next to mine and initially the only reason I noticed was because he was quite large, large enough he had to use the handicap ramp to get into the water. Ok, I figure good for him getting some exercise and swimming is at least no impact. He puts on a set of paddles and heads off doing freestyle. I otherwise just go back to what I'm doing since I had a pretty long set planned. Shortly afterwards I notice he's doing damn good flip turns. I also notice he's doing some pretty long sets at about a 1:40scy pace as I was barely going faster than him during my pull sets.

Later we chatted a bit when we were both resting and I let him know his swimming was damn impressive, then he lets me know he was doing 1k repeats.

That man is my new hero.

I had a similar experience last week. I was doing some long sets (800s, 1000s) at 1:35-1:40/100scy. This really big guy gets in the lane next to me and proceeds to completely smoke me, had to have been doing 1:15-1:20s or so. At first I was thinking "well he can't sustain that" but sure enough he did for what looked like was at least 500 at a time (x a bunch of sets!)

I am far from fast in the water, but I hold my own OK, and I am routinely humbled by people that don't *look* like they should be able to go as fast as they do. Always amazes me.

Swimming is a great deal of skill acquisition on top of fitness as you are well aware. I have a pal who swam distance at Auburn and is 25+ years removed from competitive swimming. Last time he swam with me about 2 years ago he was no less than 30 pounds overweight and does nothing but play golf. Dude still flew like a bird and was wearing board shorts he was embarrassed to put on a swim suit, but was instantly the fastest guy in the pool;)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [tigerpaws] [ In reply to ]
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i gotta post again in here. Here's the story: I'm at a local gym pool - not a Y - but you get every kind of person here -- true swimmers, water joggers, people frog-kicking, what have you. I'm in a lane, staying to one side, prepping for some longer sets (800, 400s, etc). I finish my warm up and notice 3-4 young guys (teen looking) have come in and are now in one lane doing "boxing" type moves - - boxing with water dumbells and underwater jabs, boxing footwork, and moving only slightly up and down the lane. Then there's one of them playing "dodge the lane line" such that he pops in and out of my lane by going under the lane line. I do a couple more 100s and notice he doesn't care at all he's sometimes in my lane. I'd rather not get smashed by him bobbing under the lane line, so I say, assertively "excuse me, do you mind staying in that lane" and point to the lane he's in. He looks at me, but doesn't say anything. I notice he stops the lane-line antics, but then I was thinking....maybe I was too harsh? What do you all think? Was I being a jerk?
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [cestmoi] [ In reply to ]
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definitly a jerk. let people do whatever the hell they want, screw proper etiquetee

I also have had a bottle of wine and have to fo for a run in 1 hour...
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [cestmoi] [ In reply to ]
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cestmoi wrote:
i gotta post again in here. Here's the story: I'm at a local gym pool - not a Y - but you get every kind of person here -- true swimmers, water joggers, people frog-kicking, what have you. I'm in a lane, staying to one side, prepping for some longer sets (800, 400s, etc). I finish my warm up and notice 3-4 young guys (teen looking) have come in and are now in one lane doing "boxing" type moves - - boxing with water dumbells and underwater jabs, boxing footwork, and moving only slightly up and down the lane. Then there's one of them playing "dodge the lane line" such that he pops in and out of my lane by going under the lane line. I do a couple more 100s and notice he doesn't care at all he's sometimes in my lane. I'd rather not get smashed by him bobbing under the lane line, so I say, assertively "excuse me, do you mind staying in that lane" and point to the lane he's in. He looks at me, but doesn't say anything. I notice he stops the lane-line antics, but then I was thinking....maybe I was too harsh? What do you all think? Was I being a jerk?

Hell no.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Triagain2] [ In reply to ]
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Speaking of wine bottles.... The glorious Kits Pool is open now, saltwater cramp fest of 130M long. Anyway the other day "I seen" an antique whiskey bottle, with wire cork thingy standing there at lane end amongst the all other water bottles, etc. and other assorted boards, fins and pull buoys. Struck me as v/odd. OK maybe some dufus was in a pinch...

Then a day later I thought - the deck is aggregate concrete and if someone kicks that glass bottle and shatters the thing, frig the clean-up could get ugly and they would have to close the pool, or barrier off the one end, it would be ridiculous - glass bottle at a public pool???.

So today I am finishing my final lap and I surface and what-the-frig is being put down in front of me? Yep the ol' whiskey bottle. So I says to the guy "That's glass right?" He says yes it is. I said "Did you ever think what would happen if it broke right here and pieces dropped all over the place?" He looks at me blankly, says no, jumps in a swims off.

So I get out and lifeguards are walking through right then changing shifts - I pointed it out and it was "ON NO" & gone in seconds.

I shoulda done that the first time.

Training Tweets: https://twitter.com/Jagersport_com
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Midtown Miles] [ In reply to ]
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This morning was a Twilight Zone of politeness at my pool. When the guy I had been sharing with was finished (I was already in when he had jumped in), he said "Thank you very much for sharing." I was so stunned I said something like, "OK... you're welcome???" haha. Then when I was getting out someone asked me very nicely, "Excuse me, may I take your lane?" Again I didn't really know what to say. "... Sure?" It's not like we're actively mean at our pool, but I kind of got the "Where am I?" feeling after the second interaction.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Midtown Miles] [ In reply to ]
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Midtown Miles wrote:
This morning was a Twilight Zone of politeness at my pool. When the guy I had been sharing with was finished (I was already in when he had jumped in), he said "Thank you very much for sharing." I was so stunned I said something like, "OK... you're welcome???" haha. Then when I was getting out someone asked me very nicely, "Excuse me, may I take your lane?" Again I didn't really know what to say. "... Sure?" It's not like we're actively mean at our pool, but I kind of got the "Where am I?" feeling after the second interaction.

Similarly a couple weeks ago I got onto the pool deck to see that all lanes had someone in them. I approached the first guy I saw taking a break on the wall and asked him if we could share. He said yes and when I jumped in he proceeded to introduce himself wanted to shake my hand. I was a bit flummoxed. I wasn't asking to become this guy's life partner or anything. I just wanted to share a lane. Still it was nice to at least not be shrugged off as I asked to share.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Erin C.] [ In reply to ]
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thank you :)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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Long time swimmer first time commenter:

Picture the outdoor 50m public pool in the summer around 1pm. With large inflatables taking up half the pool for kids to play on, and the lanes are swimming across the pool so 25 yards.. The deep end is also limited so kids can use the diving boards. Out of a possible 15+ lanes, the pool is down to 5. Of course you have the mix of folks taking up all the lanes, some circle swimming, some just taking up the 8 foot lane by themselves . I ask a gentleman that looks to be swimming close to my speed and ask him to split.

"No, I'm doing sprints off the blocks."

Oh, sorry to bother you. Sometimes even those that know better, are still the worst offenders..


Get outside!
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [jakers] [ In reply to ]
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Does 95 yo guy asking (telling) me to untangle his yellow-stained, equally ancient mesh liners for him count as a denizen?

...and I did it :(
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [S Train] [ In reply to ]
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noofus wrote:

Similarly a couple weeks ago I got onto the pool deck to see that all lanes had someone in them. I approached the first guy I saw taking a break on the wall and asked him if we could share. He said yes and when I jumped in he proceeded to introduce himself wanted to shake my hand. I was a bit flummoxed. I wasn't asking to become this guy's life partner or anything. I just wanted to share a lane. Still it was nice to at least not be shrugged off as I asked to share.

I can KINDA see this if you swim at the same time as the same people every day... but the one-off thing is a bit strange.

S Train wrote:
Does 95 yo guy asking (telling) me to untangle his yellow-stained, equally ancient mesh liners for him count as a denizen?

...and I did it :(

You are a kind soul; I would have noped out of there.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Midtown Miles] [ In reply to ]
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Another "old guy drying his genitalia under the hand dryer" sighting. What's up with this?
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [squid] [ In reply to ]
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I'm pretty sure its a right of passage
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Runguy] [ In reply to ]
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Those things are for your hair?!
Last edited by: dangle: Jun 18, 15 10:49
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [squid] [ In reply to ]
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Was it this guy?

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Rambler] [ In reply to ]
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Rambler wrote:
I'm "Speedo Guy" in my pool, now. My wife is less than thrilled with that notion. The other "Speedo Guy" was a pro triathlete/ former D1 swimmer but he moved away.

When did swim briefs go out of style?

I never intended to be this guy, but I am this guy. While I wear a drag suit and not a speedo per say, the lovely folks at LA Fitness don't seem to discriminate in their weird looks.

@floathammerholdon | @partners_in_tri
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [cloy26] [ In reply to ]
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cloy26 wrote:
Rambler wrote:
I'm "Speedo Guy" in my pool, now. My wife is less than thrilled with that notion. The other "Speedo Guy" was a pro triathlete/ former D1 swimmer but he moved away.

When did swim briefs go out of style?

I never intended to be this guy, but I am this guy. While I wear a drag suit and not a speedo per say, the lovely folks at LA Fitness don't seem to discriminate in their weird looks.

Just make sure your testicles aren't on display for everyone to take a gander at. That might be why you're getting the weird looks... That, or you have a drag suit like mine, which somewhat resembles an adult diaper...

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Yesterday a somewhat portly middle aged guy was walking back and forth in his lane wearing a swim mask and snorkle. He never actually put his face in the water. He would get to the wall, act like he was about to put his face in and then would turn around and walk some more.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [squid] [ In reply to ]
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started seeing this guy at our pool for the first time last week... wears every swim gadget known to man at the same time: snorkel, those over-sized mask-style goggles, some sort of lap counter on his finger, waterproof ipod shuffle, fins, large paddles, and even his HRM. He refuses to do circle swims and his workout mainly consists of what looks like all-out 25s and 50s with ample recovery intervals. Fins/paddles come on/off routinely too. He also throws in a few 25s of butterfly (with fins). The kicker is that he is always sipping on a large can of NOS energy drink.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [chiquipartner] [ In reply to ]
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chiquipartner wrote:
started seeing this guy at our pool for the first time last week... wears every swim gadget known to man at the same time: snorkel, those over-sized mask-style goggles, some sort of lap counter on his finger, waterproof ipod shuffle, fins, large paddles, and even his HRM. He refuses to do circle swims and his workout mainly consists of what looks like all-out 25s and 50s with ample recovery intervals. Fins/paddles come on/off routinely too. He also throws in a few 25s of butterfly (with fins). The kicker is that he is always sipping on a large can of NOS energy drink.

Sounds like one bada** hombre if you ask me.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [chiquipartner] [ In reply to ]
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Good god the HRM really tops it. It can't possibly work well. I'm very surprised the management puts up with the NOS. The pools I swim in would stop that real quick. It's not a matter of will but when that gets spilled onto the deck and into the pool.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [chiquipartner] [ In reply to ]
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chiquipartner wrote:
started seeing this guy at our pool for the first time last week... wears every swim gadget known to man at the same time: snorkel, those over-sized mask-style goggles, some sort of lap counter on his finger, waterproof ipod shuffle, fins, large paddles, and even his HRM. He refuses to do circle swims and his workout mainly consists of what looks like all-out 25s and 50s with ample recovery intervals. Fins/paddles come on/off routinely too. He also throws in a few 25s of butterfly (with fins). The kicker is that he is always sipping on a large can of NOS energy drink.

I encountered one of these today too. Positions himself with kickboard, paddles and flippers. Swims 25. Puts on paddles. Swims to other side. Puts on fins. Swims back. Takes off paddles. Another 25. Grabs kickboard. Rinse and repeat with no real semblance of a plan other than to make sure a new combination of accessories is used for each 25. Swimming about :40/25 and taking huge breaks in between lengths. Really was quite confusing.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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This thread is so funny!!! I've seen so many of these archetypes, hell I've been so many of these archetypes. I didn't read the entire thread, so forgive me if these have been used.

I'm sure you've all seen "Impossibly proficient super heavy middle aged lady". Maybe she was an Olympian once or something? She swam 4000+meters effortlessly and twice as fast as me, as agile as a dolphin on her flip turns, she's not a day under 40 and not a pound under 250 at 5'1". Mad respect!

And once, just once (this was the rarest of sightings at my local pool) was the Megan Fox look alike in a stringy tiger striped suit that entered the water like the dawn goddess. So sexy the water literally got out of the effing way for her. So sublime you could hear the collective gasps of everyone else even underwater. The kind of attractive that makes everyone uncomfortable, men, women, cats, pool bacteria. She smiled, said hello to an older guy and he mumbled. Literally couldn't talk.

“Bloom wherever you are planted"
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [K-DUB] [ In reply to ]
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K-DUB wrote:
This thread is so funny!!! I've seen so many of these archetypes, hell I've been so many of these archetypes. I didn't read the entire thread, so forgive me if these have been used.

I'm sure you've all seen "Impossibly proficient super heavy middle aged lady". Maybe she was an Olympian once or something? She swam 4000+meters effortlessly and twice as fast as me, as agile as a dolphin on her flip turns, she's not a day under 40 and not a pound under 250 at 5'1". Mad respect!

And once, just once (this was the rarest of sightings at my local pool) was the Megan Fox look alike in a stringy tiger striped suit that entered the water like the dawn goddess. So sexy the water literally got out of the effing way for her. So sublime you could hear the collective gasps of everyone else even underwater. The kind of attractive that makes everyone uncomfortable, men, women, cats, pool bacteria. She smiled, said hello to an older guy and he mumbled. Literally couldn't talk.

I've seen a good number of that first type, but sadly never any of the second.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [K-DUB] [ In reply to ]
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K-DUB wrote:
This thread is so funny!!! I've seen so many of these archetypes, hell I've been so many of these archetypes. I didn't read the entire thread, so forgive me if these have been used.

I'm sure you've all seen "Impossibly proficient super heavy middle aged lady". Maybe she was an Olympian once or something? She swam 4000+meters effortlessly and twice as fast as me, as agile as a dolphin on her flip turns, she's not a day under 40 and not a pound under 250 at 5'1". Mad respect!

And once, just once (this was the rarest of sightings at my local pool) was the Megan Fox look alike in a stringy tiger striped suit that entered the water like the dawn goddess. So sexy the water literally got out of the effing way for her. So sublime you could hear the collective gasps of everyone else even underwater. The kind of attractive that makes everyone uncomfortable, men, women, cats, pool bacteria. She smiled, said hello to an older guy and he mumbled. Literally couldn't talk.

I literally saw the "Impossibly proficient super heavy middle aged lady" yesterday. She got into the pool and probably did a 1500m "warmup" in the time it took me to do my last 20x50m. No joke, she looked just like Shelley Taylor Smith, stroke and all.
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