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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Titanflexr] [ In reply to ]
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Ah, my favourite halloween costume ever. Still have the PVC pants.

ericmulk wrote:
BTW, nice blog you have there, I like the way you write:)
Thanks! :)

Sorry all, for the thread derailment... back to our regularly scheduled posts about trombones and tennis balls...
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [surroundhound] [ In reply to ]
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Do we have a Goggle-Wearing-But-Wont-Put-Face-Or-Hair-In-Water-Lady yet? Any splashing anywhere near her and she gives a bitter-beer face.

I think she wears Mirrored Tyr Nests too.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Seriously] [ In reply to ]
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Pool swim sprint tri. 20 something male wearing Under Armour underwear under his backwards speedo jammers. Dude the strings go in the front.

2020 National Masters Champion - M40-44 - 400m IM
Canadian Record Holder 35-39M & 40-44M - 200 m Butterfly (LCM)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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realAlbertan wrote:

Pool swim sprint tri. 20 something male wearing Under Armour underwear under his backwards speedo jammers. Dude the strings go in the front.

MRU? I was volunteering, sorry I missed that BUT, I did feel a WHOLE bunch better about my inadequate swimming watching all those folks out there. I think 2 out of the hundreds were doing flip turns, lots of breast stroke, resting at the ends etc. Then suddenly some guy come outs wearing a Team Canada tri outfit and is doing flip turns, lapping people (3 to 5 to a lane in a 25m pool) every lap, not the best stroke I've seen BUT, great pull.

BC Don
Pain is temporary, not giving it your all lasts all Winter.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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We've got cranky-old-guy-doing-naked-yoga-in-the-shower-which-you-have-to-walk-almost-straight-through-to-get-on-deck guy.

I'm sure he's at more pools than just mine.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [BCDon] [ In reply to ]
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... I talked to your son before the race. I waited an extra minute before I jumped in and was offered lane 1 or lane 3. Took 3 because the guys were all sorta close in speed and the folks in 1 were slower. I that suit because it dries super fast and wet=cold. I biked and ran with just a wind vest and toe covers and was not too cold even with the crazy winds. That castelli vest is awesome. I had mitts in my pockets in case my hands got cold.

I didn't push the swim too hard.

2020 National Masters Champion - M40-44 - 400m IM
Canadian Record Holder 35-39M & 40-44M - 200 m Butterfly (LCM)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [BCDon] [ In reply to ]
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If that realAlbertan dude would just work on his swim a bit, he could be an alright swimmer, for a triathlete anyway...

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Past two weekends, Saturday AND Sunday. We come to the pool and the lap lanes are full of kids. Wha? Kiddie pool closed. Why? Because some kid pooped in it.

Let me get this straight. A kid poops in their pool then lifeguards come out and say this:

All right you little shits one of you pooped in the pool....... so you all get to come out of the water here and move to the lap pool next door and continue pooping next door in our real pool!

Why not if one kids poops in the pool they are all sent home that day and NO REFUNDS neither. Pretty soon every kid with poop problems will magically have a water diaper every time they come to the pool.

Eliminate the incentive, and/or throw in a punishment, and misbehaving stops. Do nothing about misbehaving and it continues forever.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [BCDon] [ In reply to ]
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One other guy in my lane was as well. Aimee from Eau Claire masters also.

2020 National Masters Champion - M40-44 - 400m IM
Canadian Record Holder 35-39M & 40-44M - 200 m Butterfly (LCM)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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   I never made the ST link. We'll have to meet in person one of these days. In any case, you were lapping everyone out there, I was impressed. I wish my all out effort were even close to that.

BC Don
Pain is temporary, not giving it your all lasts all Winter.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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Middle aged man in loose swim trunks. Orange goggles. Shows up most mornings around 6:15. Half our pool is marked with lane ropes and the other half is open for aerobics. On busy mornings, the open area is used by the tri club. He runs to the edge, jumps in the open section of the pool completely oblivious to other swimmers. He swims half the length of the pool. Stops and treads water for a few minutes. He swims back, apparently unaware of the purpose of the black tile lines on the bottom of the pool. He returns to the edge of the pool, gets out starts all over again. The only deviation is when a woman is swimming nearby. Then he drops underwater and watches us as we pass. Sweet Lord, this man is touched.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [trimomtri] [ In reply to ]
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I swim at Lifetime Fitness. I like their pool (good temp, very clear water without excess chlorine). Still, the lack of enforcement for their own rules is starting to get annoying. There is a separate kiddie pool with lanes, but the 5 available lanes are still often full. There is a sign by them that says "Water walking is best done in leisure pool", but does not outright forbidden. Children less than 12 are however forbidden.

Last time I swam, I got a lane but other people ended up waiting for these two denizens:

"Precious special child - future olympian". Despite the fact that little kids are in fact not supposed to be in the lap lanes, it seems like a LOT of parents decide that their child is so special the rules do not apply to them, so an entire lane is taken up by a little kid as they receive poor swim coaching by a clearly clueless parent.

"Hydrodynamics lesson guy". The other lane was taken up by a guy who was shaped just like a bowling ball. Now as you ST people know, a round cross section has a lot of aerodynamic drag. This fact was very clearly illustrated by the bowling ball shaped dude, because he had so much hair all over him that you could actually see the fluid flow patterns as he pushed himself forward while he water walked.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [helo guy] [ In reply to ]
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My 8 year old out swims most adult triathletes...

2020 National Masters Champion - M40-44 - 400m IM
Canadian Record Holder 35-39M & 40-44M - 200 m Butterfly (LCM)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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Last week I saw a lady do a few laps kicking while basically laying on top the board. She also had goggles, fins and, for some inexplicable reason, a pull buoy. She'd do one painfully slow lap flutter kicking and then an even more awkward and slow lap dolphin kick. Bizarre.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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realAlbertan wrote:
My 8 year old out swims most adult triathletes...

Very true! Any 8 year old kid with real potential should outswim an adult triathlete. The fact that the kid was NOT faster than me is why I thought his dad had no clue how to coach. (That and the weird swimming arm motions he kept demonstrating for his kid. ) :)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [helo guy] [ In reply to ]
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My locker room has a long hallway you have to walk down to get to the hot tub (inside the men's locker room) and then out to the pool. I got stuck behind an older guy walking with a cane a while back. There was a lot of side to side motion going on due to him walking with cane but he wasn't moving forward fast. The only problem was that he was stark naked. Kind of reminded me of Blue from old school. Well, there was another problem too, he testicles were about down to his knees and due to the side to side movement there was full pendulum action going on. He was walking so slow and there was no way to get around him. I think I know why they call it a grandfather clock now after seeing that.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Gtjojo189] [ In reply to ]
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Anyone else have a locker room DJ?

You know, someone who plays music for everyone else's benefit?

One guy at my gym literally plugs in an external speaker and blasts it while getting dressed.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [efernand] [ In reply to ]
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efernand wrote:
Anyone else have a locker room DJ?

You know, someone who plays music for everyone else's benefit?

One guy at my gym literally plugs in an external speaker and blasts it while getting dressed.


I got one of these guys. He just plays music off his iPhone audibly. I don't understand why one needs to play music while dressing in a public place? Can he not go without some tunes for 5 whole minutes while he wanders nude around the locker room?
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [efernand] [ In reply to ]
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Is that the same as Locker Room Karaoke?

I'm still creeped out by Car Salesman. He's the guy that looks like he would sell you a Ford Pinto as a safe family car. Bad toupe, 80's porn stache. Walks around the locker naked. I mean, he doesn't actually ever leave the locker room and workout or anything, just meanders around the locker room naked. Maybe he's a ghost.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [prattzc] [ In reply to ]
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prattzc wrote:
Is that the same as Locker Room Karaoke?

I'm still creeped out by Car Salesman. He's the guy that looks like he would sell you a Ford Pinto as a safe family car. Bad toupe, 80's porn stache. Walks around the locker naked. I mean, he doesn't actually ever leave the locker room and workout or anything, just meanders around the locker room naked. Maybe he's a ghost.

I remember a guy like this at a gym I went to long ago. I never saw him out doing any sort of workout. He came in every day and spent at least an hour just walking around the locker room naked. I would come in, he would be there. I would get read to swim, go swim an hour, he is still there. This was also back when I did weights, so sometimes I would be out on the weight room floor and never saw him come out to the weights or cardio machines. A couple times I would need to go into the locker room mid-workout and yup he is still there just walking around naked.

I don't get it.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [realAlbertan] [ In reply to ]
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realAlbertan wrote:
My 8 year old out swims most adult triathletes...

Good for him. Any day junior wants to put his college savings on the line and race me in a sprint, a half, or an IM, let me know. For that matter, I'll challenge him to a driving contest, a poker match, or a calculus contest, too.

Yeah, I provide this completely dumbass post to point out the dumbassness of your post.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [DJRed] [ In reply to ]
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feeling inadequate, are we???

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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Never. My swimming suckitude is well documented. I'll just always choose to point out to swimmers that they are good at it because while the actual athletes were playing actual sports growing up, the swimmers choose to hang around other mostly naked dudes. But, hey, you can beat me in the pool so good for you!
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [DJRed] [ In reply to ]
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We didn't just swim with dudes, you know ;-)

meanwhile, the football players were all rolling around in the mud with a bunch of other sweaty dudes, nary a female in sight.....

not that there's anything wrong with that....

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Last edited by: JasoninHalifax: Apr 14, 15 10:45
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [JasoninHalifax] [ In reply to ]
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For somebody who has spent the better part of his life inhaling chlorine, you're pretty quick. I'll give you that.
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