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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [schroeder] [ In reply to ]
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schroeder wrote:
With 1,771 posts out there I'm not sure this is a first, but… praying.

Probably a triathlete, praying he'd make it to the other end of the pool.

Funny because it's true
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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I swam with someone who wore swedes, but did open turns.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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Bigcreek wrote:
Tri-Banter wrote:
Are you sure you were at LTF instead of the local baptismal pool? It's a common mistake.

Doubtful, I'm Jewish :)

Not anymore.

(Sorry, the joke was there and I had to seize it)

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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LOL. Jokes are always good with me!


"Some guys they just give up living, and start dying little by little piece by piece. Some guys come home from work and wash up, then go racin' in the street." Bruce Springsteen
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Bigcreek] [ In reply to ]
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Been swimming for a while, I had garlic breath swimmer next to me. I've never had that happen before. I have had strong perfume swimmer but not bad breath swimmer.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [triathlete37] [ In reply to ]
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I had Coppertone swimmer earlier this week. Why? It's an indoor pool?! Do you know that stuff stinks?
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [benjpi] [ In reply to ]
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At the local Y (where numerous band-aids are at the bottom of the pool)...

Girl in a bikini top is about 17 yrs old wearing a mermaid fin over both feet that she pulls up to her waist and she swims/dolphin kicks 1/2 the length of the pool (short course) and returns to the wall. This goes on for about 30 min. Never seen her before or since.

Proud Representative of Slowtwitch Anti-Atheists Society.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Iamironman] [ In reply to ]
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About lost my shit on A guy today. I was sitting with legs in pool pulling up my workout (training peaks) on my iPhone. The old guy in lane next to me scooped up a bunch of water and splashed all over my phone and made a comment how people need to just put the phone down. My mouth was ready to let out the exploitives but the life guard lady unleashed on him and booted him out of the pool. The guy was 75ish and she told him not to come back until he was ready to act like an adult. Thankfully phone works good. Picked up waterproof case today.

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [GreenPlease] [ In reply to ]
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B E S T thread EVER
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [renorider] [ In reply to ]
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renorider wrote:
TriTJ wrote:
I think because I lurk around these forums and have never posted (until now).... I am the 'deep-end guy' of ST

That's different from being the back door MAN .


What are you people, on dope?

—Mr. Hand
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Economist] [ In reply to ]
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Economist wrote:
About lost my shit on A guy today. I was sitting with legs in pool pulling up my workout (training peaks) on my iPhone. The old guy in lane next to me scooped up a bunch of water and splashed all over my phone and made a comment how people need to just put the phone down. My mouth was ready to let out the exploitives but the life guard lady unleashed on him and booted him out of the pool. The guy was 75ish and she told him not to come back until he was ready to act like an adult. Thankfully phone works good. Picked up waterproof case today.
Uh, that's not a strange denizen, that's malicious destruction of property!!! Glad to hear your phone is working, but damn.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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i've held out long enough from posting on here...almost every time out to my gym pool is a trip down WTH lane. I'm sure there has been a post on here about people swimming in full street clothes....but i haven't taken the time to look through, so here's my rant on it. Why do people think its OK to swim without a BATHING suit?? Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing two young ladies "swimming" (gonna use that term lightly, since they were more less slightly doggy paddling down the lane) with the same clothes on that they came with: ladies blouse with ruffles on it, cut-off jean shorts on one, t-shirt and full leggings on the other???? It almost looked like they decided on a whim to leave a mall where they were shopping and go to the pool, but who cares if they swim with their street clothes on, just because they forgot their suits? It just seems unsanitary to me to see people in the pool with their regular clothes on....am I in the deep end on this?
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [cestmoi] [ In reply to ]
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cestmoi wrote:
i've held out long enough from posting on here...almost every time out to my gym pool is a trip down WTH lane. I'm sure there has been a post on here about people swimming in full street clothes....but i haven't taken the time to look through, so here's my rant on it. Why do people think its OK to swim without a BATHING suit?? Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing two young ladies "swimming" (gonna use that term lightly, since they were more less slightly doggy paddling down the lane) with the same clothes on that they came with: ladies blouse with ruffles on it, cut-off jean shorts on one, t-shirt and full leggings on the other???? It almost looked like they decided on a whim to leave a mall where they were shopping and go to the pool, but who cares if they swim with their street clothes on, just because they forgot their suits? It just seems unsanitary to me to see people in the pool with their regular clothes on....am I in the deep end on this?

My Y has posted rules on what is acceptable to wear in the pool. These people wouldn't have been allowed in the pool. Granted my Y also has posted rules about showering before you get in the pool so I'm under the impression that we only follow the rules that are convenient to follow. Kind of like religion. ;)

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Economist] [ In reply to ]
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The cologne bathers. Literally nothing worse than sharing a lane with someone or swimming next to someone who put on half a bottle of stinky stuff earlier that day. I literally gag/choke with every pass. Typically reserved for mid-40's super businessmen and 70+ yo women floating with a noodle in prep of their water aerobic class. Makes me want to not turn my head for a breath, just slowly allow my lungs to fill up with water instead.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Economist] [ In reply to ]
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Economist wrote:
About lost my shit on A guy today. I was sitting with legs in pool pulling up my workout (training peaks) on my iPhone. The old guy in lane next to me scooped up a bunch of water and splashed all over my phone and made a comment how people need to just put the phone down. My mouth was ready to let out the exploitives but the life guard lady unleashed on him and booted him out of the pool. The guy was 75ish and she told him not to come back until he was ready to act like an adult. Thankfully phone works good. Picked up waterproof case today.

Id get that lifeguard a gift.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Economist] [ In reply to ]
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Economist wrote:
About lost my shit on A guy today. I was sitting with legs in pool pulling up my workout (training peaks) on my iPhone. The old guy in lane next to me scooped up a bunch of water and splashed all over my phone and made a comment how people need to just put the phone down. My mouth was ready to let out the exploitives but the life guard lady unleashed on him and booted him out of the pool. The guy was 75ish and she told him not to come back until he was ready to act like an adult. Thankfully phone works good. Picked up waterproof case today.

I bet that old dude is getting internet high fives over on the grumpy old man forum right now.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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I'm "Speedo Guy" in my pool, now. My wife is less than thrilled with that notion. The other "Speedo Guy" was a pro triathlete/ former D1 swimmer but he moved away.

When did swim briefs go out of style?
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [jet black] [ In reply to ]
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jet black wrote:
Economist wrote:
About lost my shit on A guy today. I was sitting with legs in pool pulling up my workout (training peaks) on my iPhone. The old guy in lane next to me scooped up a bunch of water and splashed all over my phone and made a comment how people need to just put the phone down. My mouth was ready to let out the exploitives but the life guard lady unleashed on him and booted him out of the pool. The guy was 75ish and she told him not to come back until he was ready to act like an adult. Thankfully phone works good. Picked up waterproof case today.

I bet that old dude is getting internet high fives over on the grumpy old man forum right now.

the old dude is my hero.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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Aqua Joggers in Lap Lane
Big Girl in Bikini
Entire Asian Family Faster than Me

“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” -A.W. Tozer
"The best things in life make you sweaty." -Barbara W.
"I was never great at math, so I had to learn to run faster." -Robbie Sandlin
“Life is like a 10-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.” Charles Schultz
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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Oh yea had 2 simultaneous 'delete' moments at the city pool 2 weeks ago forgot about this thread! First is this giant fat dude with some kind of lung infection coughing up these horrific lung boogers and spitting them in the POOL. So I move to the other end of the pool about 12 lanes away. I get done and head to the locker room and first thing I see is a drag suit on the floor with a giant 5" skid mark down the liner. I was praying that was from dry land farts and not pool shits. Thank goodness I was a short timer at that pool for 2 weeks. Shit that was nasty. Pools are always going to be full of gross stuff, but watching it go in live is not my fav thing.
Last edited by: tigerpaws: Jun 2, 15 8:13
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [tigerpaws] [ In reply to ]
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tigerpaws wrote:
Oh yea had 2 simultaneous 'delete' moments at the city pool 2 weeks ago forgot about this thread! First is this giant fat dude with some kind of lung infection coughing up these horrific lung boogers and spitting them in the POOL. So I move to the other end of the pool about 12 lanes away. I get done and head to the locker room and first thing I see is a drag suit on the floor with a giant 5" skid mark down the liner. I was praying that was from dry land farts and not pool shits. Thank goodness I was a short timer at that pool for 2 weeks. Shit that was nasty. Pools are always going to be full of gross stuff, but watching it go in live is not my fav thing.

I'm not sure which of these would make me barf more.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Midtown Miles] [ In reply to ]
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I am not a germaphobe but I think the pool/locker room is nasty and this enforces it much more. Nothing nastier than globs of hair and god knows what else floating by in the water.

Pactimo brand ambassador, ask me about promo codes
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [tigerpaws] [ In reply to ]
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I had a great one the other day at the public rec center, daily it has most of the above interesting cases but this was unique.

Guy gets into the lane next to mine and initially the only reason I noticed was because he was quite large, large enough he had to use the handicap ramp to get into the water. Ok, I figure good for him getting some exercise and swimming is at least no impact. He puts on a set of paddles and heads off doing freestyle. I otherwise just go back to what I'm doing since I had a pretty long set planned. Shortly afterwards I notice he's doing damn good flip turns. I also notice he's doing some pretty long sets at about a 1:40scy pace as I was barely going faster than him during my pull sets.

Later we chatted a bit when we were both resting and I let him know his swimming was damn impressive, then he lets me know he was doing 1k repeats.

That man is my new hero.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [xgep] [ In reply to ]
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xgep wrote:
I had a great one the other day at the public rec center, daily it has most of the above interesting cases but this was unique.

Guy gets into the lane next to mine and initially the only reason I noticed was because he was quite large, large enough he had to use the handicap ramp to get into the water. Ok, I figure good for him getting some exercise and swimming is at least no impact. He puts on a set of paddles and heads off doing freestyle. I otherwise just go back to what I'm doing since I had a pretty long set planned. Shortly afterwards I notice he's doing damn good flip turns. I also notice he's doing some pretty long sets at about a 1:40scy pace as I was barely going faster than him during my pull sets.

Later we chatted a bit when we were both resting and I let him know his swimming was damn impressive, then he lets me know he was doing 1k repeats.

That man is my new hero.

I had a similar experience last week. I was doing some long sets (800s, 1000s) at 1:35-1:40/100scy. This really big guy gets in the lane next to me and proceeds to completely smoke me, had to have been doing 1:15-1:20s or so. At first I was thinking "well he can't sustain that" but sure enough he did for what looked like was at least 500 at a time (x a bunch of sets!)

I am far from fast in the water, but I hold my own OK, and I am routinely humbled by people that don't *look* like they should be able to go as fast as they do. Always amazes me.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [benjpi] [ In reply to ]
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Coppertone swimmer again today. Different one. At least this one was static, doing aqua-robics at the end of the pool, with this film of coppertone floating around her in little stinky, bad-tasting concentric rings.
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