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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [R10C] [ In reply to ]
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The Facebook page has been closed due to our "inappropriate" postings about the case. [pink]It's our fault.[/pink]
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [winsomeeu] [ In reply to ]
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This was my response to Mark closing down the site: You are a public official. How can it be inappropriate for us to let you know that we do not agree with your handling of this case. You cannot avoid the fallout from this issue. Here is Marks response to my post: Mr. Mosely:

This site was set up for a run for State Senate that ended in June. I should have closed it down back then, but had forgotten about it as it was not used much. I am well aware of how the public feels about this case, although they have only part of the stroy. The victim in this case, Dr. Milo, was not asking that Erzinger plea to a felony, but rather plea to a felony as a part of a deferred judgement and sentence. This means that he plea to a felony and after two years it would drop off his record if he committed no more crimes and paid restitution and Erzinger could claim he did nothing. The two misdemeanors that we offered Erzinger meant that for the rest of his life he would have on his record that he carelessly drove, caused serious bodily injury on another human being and left the scene. He would lose his driver's license, face county jail time and still have to pay restitution. That is why we offered what we did.

And there is another issue. Because we made the offer months ago, including on Sept. 7 in open court, we are bound by that plea offer. Even if I wanted to change the plea bargain, I could not. The only person who could reject the plea bargain at this point is Judge Fredrick Gannett.

As for hearing what people have to say, I did recieve some comments that were thoughtful and made some good points, which I appreciate, but most were simply name calling, which I am sure you would agree adds nothing to the conversation.
Thanks again for you post.

Mark Hurlbert
Will be interesting what comes of this.
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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took action...................signed petition..................JB
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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What's the reaction of the ST lynch mob to the DA's explanation?

Mike Sparks

I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [techknowgn] [ In reply to ]
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dude, CUT IT OUT

there absolutely was intentional violence here when he left the guy to die

you have picked the wrong nit to pick here. quit it.

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Non-realistic? As the other poster said, it's not clear if prison is even on the table. I'm not going to debate the alocation of our financial resources, and whether or not they're available or well spent on punishing this man. I think that's tangential to the real matter at hand: there is absolutely no reason to remove felony charges for this crime that is clearly defined as such. Reducing these charges to misdemeanor is what's non-realistic. It DOES matter to more people than the victim. In principal, it matters to everyone - at least, it should. Should all convictions be private? Do you object to such things as sex offender registries? Is the justice system merely a farce? This is what's at stake. We should not be encouraging a country where we view the destruction of another human being as something that can be reduced to a misdemeanor; that employers will not see; that will not affect this man who can otherwise pay the money to sweep it under the rug.

I apologize for using the terms "let him fry." Let me make it clear I certainly don't expect capital punishment: I ended that way as a representation of my sentiment to pursue this case to fullest extent of the law - not literally in terms of death. I guess it was not the best choice.

Dont worry about the let him fry thing. My point is that we as a society take very seriously the difference between accidental and intentional acts of violence. It would seem to me that with no indication that there is road rage involved, the initial incident is an accident. Yes, he should be charged for leaving the scene of the accident and it sounds like he has been. My guess? he panicked and called about his car right away to hide the evidence. Thats panic and fear. The wrong thing to do? absolutley

Our judicial system isnt a farce, but the people who run it have to take into account the system as it exists, not as it should exist. Should they look at each case as if there is a jail cell for each person? The felony laws in colorado, carry a minimum jail time sentence, which im guessing is the biggest part of what the defendant is trying to avoid, and is using the fact that even with jail time, he stops being a contributing member of society upon his release because he loses his professional license with a felony conviction (most likely).


Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Sparks] [ In reply to ]
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What's the reaction of the ST lynch mob to the DA's explanation?

Not sure I qualify as a lynch mob... Personally I don't agree with the plea deal the victim wanted, and I don't agree with the plea deal the DA offered. I thought after the post by the guy who knew the DA and stated that the Judge gets to decide if the Plea was ok, that the comments should be going to the judge and have him throw the plea out.

Still feel that way and now have the judges name, maybe someone will figure out how to email the court, so that comments can be sent to the Judge.

I think several of the posts on the DA's Facebook page were immature and unnecessary but that's what some people think makes you look good, i guess.

I would love to hear the DA's explanation for the mountain biker felony charges.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [techknowgn] [ In reply to ]
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The law and the judicial process when it comes to cars and people driving is an ass

When it comes to cars, behavior on the roads and the way people drive on the road, it completely is. No joking, people get away with murder. Clearly they have done something wrong and are negligent in some way( unless there has been a catastrophic mechanical failure of the car - which is very rare).They call them "accidents", but it is very rarely truly and act-of-god accident. Driver error is at the root of almost all "accidents", Yet, despite the carnage, mayhem, deaths, life altering outcomes, and huge costs to be born by this, few people are ever found at fault or guilty and charged with anything. It's shocking and disgraceful.

I have been to traffic court once - to contest a parking ticket( I lost). However, I stuck around for the moving violations part of the court session just to see what it was like and what would happen to people. I was shocked to see the judge slash and burn many outrageous multiple speeding ticket fines, dangerous driving charges and other moving violations tickets, eliminating demerit points and reducing many of them to a small $ fine of a few hundred dollars - a slap on the wrist, really - and back out they go on the road. The message being - it's OK to drive like a complete ass and idiot and endanger the lives of many people including your own while out on the road!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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According to Erzinger he didn't know he hit Milo, so where exactly is the intentional violence? Do I believe Erzinger? I have no way of knowing if he's telling the truth or not, neither do you. We don't have all the facts. The DA says that Erzinger if willing to accept responsility, responsibility for what we don't know. I just think that you and a lot of other people are rushing to judgment.

Mike Sparks

I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Last edited by: Sparks: Nov 7, 10 14:03
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]
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You sound too reasonable to be part of the lynch mob. ;-)

Mike Sparks

I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Sparks] [ In reply to ]
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Hi all,

First off, I just want to say how awesome it is that a Twitter campaign I started just two days has exploded into something far bigger than I had hoped with infuriated cyclists amateur and professional now taking up the cause. As of this afternoon, 'erzinger hurlbert' yields over 2,300 results on Google spread over the entire globe. Local news outlets have picked up the story, too, and just the single bit.ly link I'm tracking (http://bit.ly/9RHQgq) is now approaching 10,000 views - astonishing figures for something that was only pushed across social media and over a weekend.

Jordan obviously has a deeply personal connection to this story and how the case is being handled and there's probably not a single one of us that either hasn't been hit by a car or doesn't know someone who has - Dr. Milo easily could have been any one of us or members of our families.

Please continue to keep the pressure on and consider using the contact information that Jordan has so awesomely dug up and posted. Just because the DA says he can't change the charges now that they've been filed doesn't mean we can't sway the judge into the doing the right thing - and calling into question Hurlbert's judgment and ability to effectively do his job in the process.

Also consider emailing the Vail Tourism Board at info@visitvailvalley.com and posting comments to the Quizno's Pro Challenge Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/...sProChallenge?v=wall) to express your opinion.

Finally, please pay a visit to the Facebook page I created this afternoon (http://www.facebook.com/...-Way/164728613558851) advocating fair treatment for cyclists involved in car-bike accidents. Dr. Milo's case is particularly infuriating but sadly there are more like it.

Thanks for reading,

James Huang
Technical Editor

James Huang
Technical Editor
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Sparks] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
What's the reaction of the ST lynch mob to the DA's explanation?

not sure I'd call it a lynch mob, but if there is one, yeah, i'm in it.
i don't buy it. yeah, he spins it well, but if his account is accurate, why was Milo so livid? And why, in the DA's quotes, is he so focused on the ability to pay the restitution? Everything he's said shows me that this DA believes that Erzinger has the right to injure the guy, not do time, and stay rich. *IF* this does involve serious Jail time (as opposed to prison time) that means something, but I think that's some serious backpedaling by someone who is suddenly surprised to get this attention.

Is this a lynch mob? It's a mob of some sort, but it's also a reaction to injustice, which has at its goal the crazy wild idea that there should be consequences for actions.
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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This has hit the front page of the Denver NBC affiliate:


Steve Johnson
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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"Is this a lynch mob? It's a mob of some sort, but it's also a reaction to injustice, which has at its goal the crazy wild idea that there should be consequences for actions."

Well, it's not an actual lynch mob, but it's the internet equivalent. You're reacting to what you perceive to be an injustice based on what you read in an article in the Daily Vail (I assume that you, like me, don't know anything more about this other than what appeared in the article) - you know there's always more to the story.

Mike Sparks

I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [Sparks] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
According to Erzinger he didn't know he hit Milo, so where exactly is the intentional violence? Do I believe Erzinger? I have no way of knowing if he's telling the truth or not, neither do you. We don't have all the facts. The DA says that Erzinger if willing to accept responsility, responsibility for what we don't know. I just think that you and a lot of other people are rushing to judgment.

How the hell do you not know that you hit someone on a bicycle? Do you fall asleep at the wheel, "smash into a culvert" and not even stop to see WTF you just did? Or are you composing an email on your blackberry so you never see what you hit? That makes it ok? "But officer, I had no idea that I plowed over a line of school children waiting for the bus because I was looking at my phone." Gimme a f***ing break. Being grossly negligent is the same damned thing as an intentional act, and frankly I'm sick and effing tired of people making excuses for people like this.

And for others who talk about the "money" aspects. Who cares? It is about justice and protecting the public from dangerous people, NOT about how much money can change hands. sheese!
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [techknowgn] [ In reply to ]
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Trust me, we may be small beans, but even a small bean makes ripples. I'm working to make sure that people who are NOT small beans is aware. I have a contact who works in PWM for MorganStanley. I'm getting the bosses contact info. And I'm pursuing other channels. Beyond that, though, this has gotten a LOT more attention than just what's going on here. I think we'll see some action...

Contacting his employer about a criminal matter which I am sure they are already quite aware of could be considered harassment. Be careful.

I simply spoke with a friend of mine who works in MorganStanley PWM and who was equally concerned. The goal of contacting MS PWM is simply to voice the concern that if I - and others, it seems - are not interested in trusting our money to the type of person who would leave a man he'd just hit on the side of the road nor in trusting it to the type of company who would employ such a person. I believe that's within my first amendment rights.

If someone believes that is harassment, please advise.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Bob Loblaw] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, he spins it well, but if his account is accurate, why was Milo so livid?

And why, in the DA's quotes, is he so focused on the ability to pay the restitution?

Everything he's said shows me that this DA believes that Erzinger has the right to injure the guy, not do time, and stay rich.

In response to the first sentence: He was hit by a car. Wouldn't you be livid?

In response to the second sentence: The DA's quotes come from the newspaper. We have no idea what else was said, just what the newspaper chose to print. I trust Mark Hurlbert a heck of a lot more than I do our local journalists.

In response to the third sentence: That is an absolutely moronic thing to say. You're entitled to your opinions, but by making statements like that it shows me that there isn't much worth in listening to anything you're saying.
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Companies have Boards of Directors and individuals are free to contact them with concerns about the employees they ostensibly oversee.

If someone can get the name and contact for the MS PWM Board I think we all should send letters.

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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [Sparks] [ In reply to ]
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And if people did not react to their perceptions in the manner, everyone could get away with everything.

Maybe we are wrong, if so, nothing will come of this.

In Reply To:
Well, it's not an actual lynch mob, but it's the internet equivalent. You're reacting to what you perceive to be an injustice based on what you read in an article in the Daily Vail (I assume that you, like me, don't know anything more about this other than what appeared in the article) - you know there's always more to the story.

Kat Hunter reports on the San Dimas Stage Race from inside the GC winning team
Aeroweenie.com -Compendium of Aero Data and Knowledge
Freelance sports & outdoors writer Kathryn Hunter
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [tribreck] [ In reply to ]
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I meant that Milo was livid about the misdemeanor charge, not only about Erzinger hitting him and leaving him to die.
You're free to read my posts or not, that's up to you.
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [Macho Grande] [ In reply to ]
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Companies have Boards of Directors and individuals are free to contact them with concerns about the employees they ostensibly oversee.

If someone can get the name and contact for the MS PWM Board I think we all should send letters.


I'm working on exactly that. But if anyone else works or has contacts at MS PWM, please push from your end as well.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [tornado] [ In reply to ]
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Dr. Milo was not hit in Vail, Co. He was hit in Edwards Co which is about 20 miles west of Vail. Our District Attorney resides in Summit County and is in office due to his popularity in Summit County.
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [LuckyMe] [ In reply to ]
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How the hell do you not know that you hit someone on a bicycle? Do you fall asleep at the wheel, "smash into a culvert" and not even stop to see WTF you just did? Or are you composing an email on your blackberry so you never see what you hit? That makes it ok? "But officer, I had no idea that I plowed over a line of school children waiting for the bus because I was looking at my phone." Gimme a f***ing break. Being grossly negligent is the same damned thing as an intentional act, and frankly I'm sick and effing tired of people making excuses for people like this.

Well said. I feel the same way.

It's very strange. We live in this society that is obsessed with safety and security. Yet when people do the most dangerous and highest risk thing that any of us do everyday - get behind the wheel of our cars we somehow throw caution to the wind and take on this care fee and cavalier air. There is only one thing you should be doing when driving a car - focusing on driving that car FULL STOP!!

Human error is at the root of almost all so called traffic "accidents". It's rarely a true accident, yet despite all the carnage, the injuries the loss of life, the lives ruined, and the massive amounts of money involved, everyone including the courts act like it's no ones fault! It's shameful and disgraceful.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Calling EVERYONE To Action! [xcwhite] [ In reply to ]
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Hurlbert's senate campaign on Facebook sent out this message. Looks like he's circling the wagons.

Subject: Shutting Down SiteDue to people inappropriately using this site to post comments on the pending case I am shutting it down. Thanks for all your support in my bid for State Senate.

Gary Mc
Did I mention I did Kona
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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All of the following is publicly available information courtesy of The Google:

The Board: http://www.morganstanley.com/...overnance/board.html

Mailing Address:
Worldwide headquarters
Morgan Stanley
1585 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

Last edited by: Macho Grande: Nov 7, 10 16:35
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Re: Calling Vail Residents [Macho Grande] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
All of the following is publicly available information courtesy of The Google:

The Board: http://www.morganstanley.com/...overnance/board.html

Mailing Address:
Worldwide headquarters
Morgan Stanley
1585 Broadway
New York, NY 10036


I'm trying to get a bit more direct pipe. However, in the interim, I'm sure that will more than suffice.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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