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Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ZenTriBrett] [ In reply to ]
CK levels go through the roof on these type of events. It is unavoidable. It happens to ultramarathoners during transcontinental runs knocking out 45 miles a day.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [chriskal] [ In reply to ]
chriskal wrote:
TIT wrote:
chriskal wrote:
Animalmom2 wrote:
@windschatten “If it weren't for slowtwitch, she never would have made it that far....”

I disagree, without slowtwitch she would be cruising along claiming she did everything and be having no issues at all and posting no data.

100%. Without scrutiny she would be claiming to be finishing up iron man 5 or maybe even six.

So you are all aware, I just finished my Cuba to FL swim this morning. I did it solo, and unsupported. I have no data because, how could I keep my garmin charged when I used the last of my battery power to tread water and post in this thread. Multitasking FTW.

But seriously. I walked up on that beach, for the kids of course, raised my hands up and screamed: TA DA mutha f'ers.

If you doubt me you're a hater and don't like children.

Shut up and take my money!

Please send cash,. Dirty 20's preferred to PO Box 666, IMA fraud Ln., Pueblo CO, etc.

Ha. This thread is producing some great one!
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [satanellus] [ In reply to ]
satanellus wrote:
CK levels go through the roof on these type of events. It is unavoidable. It happens to ultramarathoners during transcontinental runs knocking out 45 miles a day.

Right. So find out what's "normal" for this type of thing and stay in that range.

Zen and the Art of Triathlon. Strava Workout Log
Interviews with Chris McCormack, Helle Frederikson, Angela Naeth, and many more.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ZenTriBrett] [ In reply to ]
Hope she's home watching the live feed of Mont Tremblant. Antoine Jolicouer Desroches leads the men's swim and they were talking about his DNF's and then showed an interview with him where he said he hadn't adequately prepared for a 140.6 and had to learn a lot of things and is hoping the year of preparation for today will pay off. It's not all about being able to do the distance.
Last edited by: JRTX: Aug 19, 18 5:09
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [JRTX] [ In reply to ]
JRTX wrote:
Hope she's home watching the live feed of Mont Tremblant. Antoine Jolicouer Desroches leads the men's swim and they were talking about his DNF's and then showed an interview with him where he said he hadn't adequately prepared for a 140.6 and had to learn a lot of things and is hoping the year of preparation for today will pay off. It's not all about being able to do the distance.

Home? More like in the gym, deadlifting, about to go bust out another ironman.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [lacticturkey] [ In reply to ]
If you're still proud that Lance didn't have you fooled then it's cycling that has had you fooled all along

Actually, it was my knowledge of cycling that made me doubt Lance ever since his return from cancer. Anyone who knows the history of cycling couldn't be fooled by Lance's results unless they were caught up in the celebrity or the charitable cause.
Last edited by: Sanuk: Aug 19, 18 5:29
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ZenTriBrett] [ In reply to ]
ZenTriBrett wrote:
Ok folks. Serious question. If you were going to try to do a whole bunch of Ironmans in a row traveling town to town, how would you do it?

  • I think I would try to do two back-to-back and then start a third to see if I'm even up to it.
  • Train properly on Training Peaks and get CTL up to 140 for a few weeks and show yourself you're "good enough"
  • I would keep media exposure an a minimum because chance of failure is incredibly high. Let people champion you and personally stay very humble, like Forest Gump running.
  • Absolutely nail fueling and hydration first. Big no-duh there, but it has to be mentioned.
  • Definitely avoid the summer months. More like October-November, moving North to South.
  • Ask Ironman Cowboy to advise and also give public commentary like a TV broadcaster. His advice from the travel and recovery standpoint would be critical and his involvement would be fun.
  • Always do 2.5 miles on the swim, 112.5 on the bike, and 26.3 on the run. That little extra on the day is nothing, but is huge for public credit when there's a question about integrity.
  • Have two charities. One for your medical bills (mostly as a joke, but also you never know and that's funny.) And then one that slowtwitch picks. A charity that always has a local presence would be cool, because a rep from each chapter could show up for airtime in that community. Bikes for kids, March of Dimes, homeless shelter food and clothing, something like that. But do NOT make it about the charity. This is about a human experiment, not children. Whatever money you don't use for medical can get flipped to charity when done anyway.
  • Have ultrarunning marathoner blister experts and a marathoner swim crew leader that has ultimate authority to pull the plug and take away your equipment when you get delusional.
  • Have an easy way to take sodium and CK levels without having to go into an emergency room. Is that even possible?

What would you add or remove?

  • Live in or move to climate where you can train outdoors all year round.
  • Work part-time.
  • Have a supportive partner or if single, be comfortable with little money or independently wealthy.
  • If you have kids, wait until they are old enough to take care of themselves to a certain extent. If they're little 'uns, adopt them out or something. Maybe put them in an orphanage in Haiti for a few years.
  • Train your butt off.
  • Become accustomed to the weekly workloads you will require to complete the challenge. ie 17 miles of swimming, 784 miles of cycling, 182 miles of running. If any of these weekly distances on their own are intimidating or unattainable, (mentally or physically), persevere until they aren't.
  • Regularly max out your weekly swim totals in excess of 20 miles/week (while still maintain significant bike and run training).
  • Regularly max out your weekly bike totals in excess of 600 miles/week (while still maintain significant swim and run training).
  • Regularly max out your weekly run totals in excess of 120 miles/week (while still maintain significant swim and bike training).
  • Race regularly for a minimum of 5 years; Ironman and ultra tri and long ultra marathons (100 to 150 milers, 24 or 48 Hour/6 Day races,stage races of 40 to 50 miles/day for 2 weeks or more).
  • Complete at least one deca iron triathlon before attempting the challenge.
  • Enjoy the process of getting to the goal, both training and racing. Make your training fun. Have some strong friendships among your training buddies in all three disciplines.
  • Don't only train with triathletes. Train with people who are also knocking out the long stuff. eg have friends who will phone you up and say "You up for a 60 mile trail run on Saturday?" or up for 10 km of open water.
  • Have a knowledgeable, cohesive and experienced support crew, largely selected from those who have crewed for you previously.
  • Take some time to support other people in their endeavours. Crew for others, volunteer at races, willingly pass on what you have learned to assist others.
  • Appreciate that goodwill, generosity and a sense of community makes endurance sports what they are. Be a part of that community, (or more likely several communities).

Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ZenTriBrett] [ In reply to ]
ZenTriBrett wrote:
satanellus wrote:
CK levels go through the roof on these type of events. It is unavoidable. It happens to ultramarathoners during transcontinental runs knocking out 45 miles a day.

Right. So find out what's "normal" for this type of thing and stay in that range.

I don't think staying within a "normal" range is an option.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [satanellus] [ In reply to ]
Good article regarding rhabdo in ultramarathons.

Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ZenTriBrett] [ In reply to ]
ZenTriBrett wrote:
Ok folks. Serious question. If you were going to try to do a whole bunch of Ironmans in a row traveling town to town, how would you do it?
  • .Have ultrarunning marathoner blister experts and a marathoner swim crew leader that has ultimate authority to pull the plug and take away your equipment when you get delusional.

What would you add or remove?

I'd scrap those.

If you haven't worked out how to look after your feet years in advance, you haven't been preparing properly. Blisters shouldn't be problem running 26 miles a day.

The swim should be a simple with prepared. It's not going to be the breaking point. No need for a specific swim crew leader.

Don't need to appoint an omnipotent plug-puller.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
TheStroBro wrote:
Fuck I can't spell today.

That's solid Zen.

Also...bunch of money rolled in today. Went over 10.

That’s good for the orphanaged but it’s sad for society if those people are donating because they believe AH is brave or courageous.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ZenTriBrett] [ In reply to ]
Whatever you do don’t read ST or social media! Maybe have only your PR person do it and respond. But I think even that broke her coach a bit and had him fearing for his own livelihood. And have incredibly thick skin. People will tear you apart and speculate without any actual facts about every aspect of your life and arm chair quarterback the sh*t out of whatever you are doing :)

ZenTriBrett wrote:
Ok folks. Serious question. If you were going to try to do a whole bunch of Ironmans in a row traveling town to town, how would you do it?

  • I think I would try to do two back-to-back and then start a third to see if I'm even up to it.
  • Train properly on Training Peaks and get CTL up to 140 for a few weeks and show yourself you're "good enough"
  • I would keep media exposure an a minimum because chance of failure is incredibly high. Let people champion you and personally stay very humble, like Forest Gump running.
  • Absolutely nail fueling and hydration first. Big no-duh there, but it has to be mentioned.
  • Definitely avoid the summer months. More like October-November, moving North to South.
  • Ask Ironman Cowboy to advise and also give public commentary like a TV broadcaster. His advice from the travel and recovery standpoint would be critical and his involvement would be fun.
  • Always do 2.5 miles on the swim, 112.5 on the bike, and 26.3 on the run. That little extra on the day is nothing, but is huge for public credit when there's a question about integrity.
  • Have two charities. One for your medical bills (mostly as a joke, but also you never know and that's funny.) And then one that slowtwitch picks. A charity that always has a local presence would be cool, because a rep from each chapter could show up for airtime in that community. Bikes for kids, March of Dimes, homeless shelter food and clothing, something like that. But do NOT make it about the charity. This is about a human experiment, not children. Whatever money you don't use for medical can get flipped to charity when done anyway.
  • Have ultrarunning marathoner blister experts and a marathoner swim crew leader that has ultimate authority to pull the plug and take away your equipment when you get delusional.
  • Have an easy way to take sodium and CK levels without having to go into an emergency room. Is that even possible?

What would you add or remove?
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [sametime] [ In reply to ]
sametime wrote:
Good article regarding rhabdo in ultramarathons.


From the above article:

Again, a CK greater than 366 U/L for adult men and greater than 176 U/L for adult women is considered abnormal in a resting state and a CK greater than five times the upper limit of normal is diagnostic for non-exertional rhabdomyolysis. We know, for example, from the 2010 Western States 100 that the average CK blood level immediately post-race was 32,965 U/L and ranged from 1,500 to 264,300 U/L.

As I said, keeping CK within a "normal" level while running 182 miles a week (plus cycling and swimming) for over seven weeks isn't going to be an optional extras box that you can just tick.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [rinliz] [ In reply to ]
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [rinliz] [ In reply to ]
I would also have the words "THIS IS ALL MY OWN FAULT" printed in huge letters on the front of my running shirt, back of my cycling jersey, and on my swim cap. :)

rinliz wrote:
Whatever you do don’t read ST or social media! Maybe have only your PR person do it and respond. But I think even that broke her coach a bit and had him fearing for his own livelihood. And have incredibly thick skin. People will tear you apart and speculate without any actual facts about every aspect of your life and arm chair quarterback the sh*t out of whatever you are doing :)

Zen and the Art of Triathlon. Strava Workout Log
Interviews with Chris McCormack, Helle Frederikson, Angela Naeth, and many more.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [restodruid] [ In reply to ]
restodruid wrote:
She says it was rhabdo now.


Wow! She’s more delusional,stupid, and self absorbed than I gave her credit for. So she was diagnosed with Rhabdo and decided to continue the next day anyway. And in true social media promotion style she’s leaving the door open at the end of her statement. And of course she states her fitness is 100% there. WTF?!?
Last edited by: mickison: Aug 19, 18 6:35
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [restodruid] [ In reply to ]
“No aches and pains”. Sure she is a complete farce

This goes back to her level of dishonesty in the 230 mike run.

She is a joke
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [Animalmom2] [ In reply to ]
Animalmom2 wrote:
“No aches and pains”. Sure she is a complete farce

This goes back to her level of dishonesty in the 230 mike run.

She is a joke

You sexist ;)
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [Fishbum] [ In reply to ]
So.... she's adding another 2 days

From this morning's IG post... " Alex told me to take two days off and more blood work is being ordered... so I’ll be here with my doctors getting evaluated and once I’m cleared we’ll hit the ground running again"

This now makes this 52 IMs in 48 states in... 55 days? I'm losing count.

Honestly, IMO it's good that she's taking the time to get medically checked, but I can't imagine she didn't see this coming.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [mickison] [ In reply to ]
mickison wrote:
restodruid wrote:
She says it was rhabdo now.


Wow! She’s more delusional,stupid, and self absorbed than I gave her credit for. So she was diagnosed with Rhabdo and decided to continue the next day anyway. And in true social media promotion style she’s leaving the door open at the end of her statement. And of course she states her fitness is 100% there. WTF?!?

Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [restodruid] [ In reply to ]
Ashley Horner wrote:
...without a doubt my fitness is 100% there- no aches and no pains this far. But Friday when I started vomiting, not able to hold down liquids or food I went to the ER...

I must have a different definition of fitness than she does. And I believe shes lying about the aches and pains part, or she has some really good "supplements".
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [biglazybum] [ In reply to ]
My surprising 2 cents: I think she is a fascinating individual and hope she completes this endeavor. It has been fun to follow her on Instagram to get updates and learn more about her cause she’s raising money for through her racing.
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [Animalmom2] [ In reply to ]
Animalmom2 wrote:
“No aches and pains”. Sure she is a complete farce

This goes back to her level of dishonesty in the 230 mike run.

She is a joke

Go do your how many IM's you'll claim in however many days, raise some money for some kids and go on to your next (eta: fraud) "adventure".

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Aug 19, 18 7:22
Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [ In reply to ]
From her last IG...

It’s mind over matter...

Unbelievable. Reminds me of the SNL skit with Hillary and Palin. "You just have to want it".

Re: Fitness star Ashley Horner to complete 50 ironman triathlons in 50 days [mickison] [ In reply to ]
New insta post: she got rhabdo and "needs a few days off. "

Edit: ah, a little late to the party.

Endurance coach | Physiotherapist (primary care) | Bikefitter | Swede
Last edited by: mortysct: Aug 19, 18 7:28

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