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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [PacaMan] [ In reply to ]
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How come no one is smacking Hinds for going to Target to buy Diet Coke?
What's "hinds"? LOL :) Diet Coke = Evil
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Biliken] [ In reply to ]
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Often when you see a small kid having a meltdown, it is due to the idiot parent taking them to Walmart or the mall or the movie theatre at 9:00 at night when they should be in bed. Little kids need a lot of sleep and structure and when they get tired, they go off like a bomb.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Dude, my GF would say you are talking about me:) No sleep or no eat makes me cranky like a 4 year old :)
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Biliken] [ In reply to ]
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Nothing personal at all (honest).

I only posted to the sort that I just can't see others telling parents how to control their kids when in public places.

(Of course, I should add this: I actually told a parent to keep their 'crumb-crushing, ankle-biting, little bastard of a child' under control before I spanked him myself.. and I nearly got my ass kicked by the 'Mom (??)' - 5' 6" all 300# plus, with solid right cross - in the Bx Shopping Lot of Maxwell AFB, AL).

I've been 'scarred' ever since.

- kd

kestrel driver

DonorsChoose.org (!!!)
bogolight.com (!!!)
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Kestrel Driver] [ In reply to ]
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"Nothing personal at all (honest)." :)
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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‘why are you putting this shit on all of us? dude, come on. maybe you're a great parent, but God--your post feels like such an attack. get off your high horse. you ain't perfect buddy...when your kids flip out and act like wackos maybe you'll get a piece of humble pie”.

My response was to the person who read my post and said I should not have kids. When my kids act up (and they do) I climb off my high horse, come down to their level and make sure they understand that their behavior is out of line. I will make sure they know what is expected and what the consequences will be if the inappropriate behavior does not change. If their behavior does not change the consequences will come right then and their and they know it.

My original point (now hopelessly lost) was about parents who do absolutely nothing to correct the out of control behavior of their children in public. In Target today it was not the exception, it was the rule. The parents just totally ignored their kids. This one lady with 4 kids is the best example. I am looking at zone bars (see not just diet coke). She is next to me on her cell phone just blabbing away about nothing and not looking at any of her kids ages 3 to 7. One is pulling things off the shelves, two are fighting and the 4th is doing an all out Napoleon Dynamite solo dance in the intersection of the 2 major isles blocking all carts from any forward progress. The dance was cool I must admit. This went on for quite a while and she never even looked at the riot her kids were causing. The 2 kids were really hitting each other hard enough to do some damage and screaming at the top of their lungs. Hell her kids could have been abducted and she would have never noticed. She never stoped talking and never even looked at her kids for the several minutes I was there.

So, back to my original point about people having children when they are not sure if they want them.

“They are not pets, they are not plants, they are not finishers medals to show off to your friends, they are little humans and if you don’t put in the time and work they will end up being out of control little assholes and you will be 100% responsible”.

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [PacaMan] [ In reply to ]
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I think this whole thread went the wrong way. How come no one is smacking Hinds for going to Target to buy Diet Coke?

You had to be insane in the first place. You werent in your right mind, so of course the kids bugged ya.

Next time try 7-11. Get in, get out, get on with your life! <whatever>

Just thought I'd try and get this back on track. ;>

Nice try PacaMan but I think all is lost at this point. I will not be going to Target Walnut Creek any time soon. Thank god my wife likes to shop becaus I, as all can now see, can't take it.

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Hinds57] [ In reply to ]
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Okay, I haven't read the other replies, so I may be repeating what some one else is saying but...

YOU WERE IN TARGET! Expect that kind of thing. The only place worse is Wal-Mart. These stores just seem to attract the "undesirable element" of society.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [brider] [ In reply to ]
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""YOU WERE IN TARGET! Expect that kind of thing. The only place worse is Wal-Mart. These stores just seem to attract the "undesirable element" of society""

Why should anyone have to expect that behavior out of the little rug rats? Or make the excuse that your in Target, Wal Mart, Toys are Us etc. I don't care if you in Target or the doctor's office. Acceptable behavior is having authority enough over your kids to make sure they are not disturbing others as they shop or wait. It's the parents responsibility to control their kids so that they are not interfering with everyone else. Kids are a choice orthe result of a choice, if you choose to have kids you need to be a responsible parent and instill behaviors and manners appropiate to the situation. Running amuk is not the proper behavior, unless your in the park(ing lot, just kidding) or something.

All kids could probably use a good whooping once in a while, that whole talking to a 4 yr old trying to reason stuff or you might end up in timeout doesn't work much from what I've seen.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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You are expecting every one to comply with your level of social responsibility. We are living in the first full-welfare state. Meaning this: the kids now are being brought up by the first generation that has known nothing but welfare.

These stores attract low-income folks. The people who are after the lowest proce regardless of quality. That's just the way it is. And they tend to be the worst behaved. Both the children AND the parents (where do you think the children learn it?). Yes, I could point to a dozen contrary examples on both sides of the income spectrum, but by and large, that's the way it is.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [brider] [ In reply to ]
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Wow! Talk about being an elitist! My guess is there is at least 40-50 million undesirable elements shopping in these stores every week. Good thing you are so far above the rest of us poor slobs that actually watch our pennies and shop there.
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [brider] [ In reply to ]
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No I'm expecting people to actually take the time to get involved with their kids and be parents instead of friends or whatever parents do these days. I understand your thoughts and feelings though, and can see your point of view, but still feel that if I were to have a kid, my responsibility is to give the child a framework that allows him to have fun and be aware of what is going on in the surroundings and how his actions may or may not enhance someone else's day. Or if being a big brat or bratette remove the kid from the situation or remove the situation from him. Not ignore him.

My question would be, is it acceptable to encourage a parent to enforce some sort of corrective action when jr is being dickhead? I usually hint to the parent that I'm about to run jr over with the shopping cart, give the parent 3 secs to do something before I run him over. ( NO I don't usually run over kids with shoppping carts, only one so far, I usually try to squeeze past nudging them gently aside as I shake my head and glare at the parents, who should be the one's I run over. Will try that at the grocery store in 30min)

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Last edited by: desert dude: Aug 19, 05 15:26
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [geargirl] [ In reply to ]
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Okay, first off, I shop there myself. So I guess I'm talking about myself, eh? As I stated in my other reply, the stores themselves attract the lower income brackets, which tend to have the behavior problems. Yes, we could all point to exceptions 'til we're blue in the face, on both sides of the spectrum, but the overall demographics don't lie. Yes, the stores do well because they cater to those masses. Doesn't change the problems that those masses tend to have...

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [synchronicity] [ In reply to ]
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For sure diet is part of the equation, and not just sugar. Kids (and adults) can have sensitivities to all kinds of stuff (wheat, soy, eggs, dairy, etc.). But too many people focus on one thing or another, ie diet or discipline or sleep. I have a friend who has an absolutely adorable 3 y/o. He is also a menace to society. He has actually been kicked out of preschool. My friend is very into the touchy feely neo psychology read about how to be a parent phenonena. Her older daughter is the same age as my daughter, and although not nearly as "active" ie "rotten" as her brother, she still pushes the limits. y freind has taken the boy to a new doctor who did a test and ran off a list of foods he should not eat. Thats all well and good, but in all the time I've spent with them (considerable) I have yet to see her or her husband actually discipline either kid. They ask them to stop, they get exasperated, they give up. No consequences. As my earlier post states, my daughter is no angel, but she behaves in public and when in the care of other people. A friend recently said to me "I don't know what you're doing, but you're definately doing something right". What I'm (and many others are) doing is not rocket science. Kids understand cause and effect. Consequences and follow through. I have absolutely no problem letting her scream and cry and not give into her, I do not allow her to inflict this behaviour on others. Pick your battles, if its not something you feel strong enough to stick with, then hand it over to begin with so as not to go back on your word. Kids are smart and manipulative, you have to beat them at their own game...kj

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

Last edited by: KEJ: Aug 19, 05 15:39
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with you completely. That is how things SHOULD be. But that is NOT how they are. Can't be the parent of the whole world...

Now when it comes to the play areas at the malls, I have no problem whatsoever telling kids to behave, stop doing whatever it is that's hurting other kids, stop bullying, whatever. And I also have no problem telling the parent that's been yakking on the phone the whole time (or otherwise ignoring the situation) EXACTLY what their child is doing, and suggesting that they remove them from the area. I've all but taken the phone from them at times.

Have I angered some of the parents? Most definitely. And I'm sure they blame me (another symptom of the greater problem). Fine, I can deal with that. I also know that I won't let my child be subjected to their behavior, and it gives her a very clear message that I won't tolerate it from her either.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [brider] [ In reply to ]
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Please supply your references (i.e., proof) these "stores themselves attract the lower income brackets, which tend to have the behavior problems."

Otherwise, this is a gross generalization "those masses tend to have..."

- kd

kestrel driver

DonorsChoose.org (!!!)
bogolight.com (!!!)
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Kestrel Driver] [ In reply to ]
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Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [rgr195] [ In reply to ]
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But do the kids get the parents they deserve?
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Hinds57] [ In reply to ]
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Kids are the worst.
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Hinds57] [ In reply to ]
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What I can’t stand is to watch parents treat kids like objects and not like the greatest gift in the world that they are. If you can’t or will not take care of your kid, don’t have one.

"Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word" - John Steinbeck
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [geargirl] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, and just so you know, the "undesireable elements" was a reference to a comment made by Jesse Helms when he found out about a Beach Boys concert, saying that he opposd the concert because it "attracted the undesireable elements".

Of course, when the Beach Boys came on stage, their greeting was "Welcome all you undesireable elements."

My guess is you're too young to remember that.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [brider] [ In reply to ]
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Just for the record. I was in Target today and there were plenty of undesirable elements. However, they had cheap dog food and a bottle of 100 anti-gas tablets for $2.59 so I roughed it.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Did they have ticket stubs from the concert? ;^)

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [Kestrel Driver] [ In reply to ]
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 Here are the incomes of shoppers. I have no kids, I figure I pay enough in taxes supporting other peoples kids.

And, according to consultancy A.T. Kearney, the typical Target shopper has an average income of more than $50,000, compared with that of about $30,000 for a typical Wal-Mart shopper.
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Re: Don’t have kids!!!!!!! [triathlete37] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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