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CDC said off with the mask if
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If you have been vaccinated.
*Some restrictions apply


Fully vaccinated people don’t need to wear a mask or physically distance during outdoor or indoor activities, large or small, federal health officials said, the fullest easing of pandemic recommendations so far.
The fully vaccinated should continue to wear a mask while traveling by plane, bus or train, and the guidance doesn’t apply in certain places like hospitals, nursing homes and prisons, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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Good news. I am glad we waited a few months for the vaccines to prove themselves effective in the population. Requiring them up to now was simply erring on the side of caution. We have enough data to say that vaccinated people neither get sick nor transmit the virus.

I'll be happy to wear one if asked. I suspect I'll be keeping one in my pocket for the foreseeable future. But I am excited this is coming to an end

(Said as someone who wears one 9+ hours a day since last April, every day working in an office)
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:

Sadly, there will be too many anti-vaxxers who now will just say they are vaccinated. But right now I need a bit of optimism in my life. I am vaccinated (and past the two weeks after the second). I will not be the problem.

I get that a vaccination program is not about individual protection entirely, but a societal protection... but... again as someone who has to wear it 9+ hours a day and have been doing so for the last year... I'm fucking done with it (well, I'll be done with it when the state lifts its mandate and the company says it's ok)...

Also at the moment this state (PA) claims it wont lift the mandate until 70% of eligible people get the vax
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:

Also at the moment this state (PA) claims it wont lift the mandate until 70% of eligible people get the vax

Same in Michigan. I have doubts we will ever get there. I'm not sure how this will play out but if numbers continue to improve, I don't know how we could possibly stick to that criteria. Best case is 70% vaccinated is still months away. I just don't think people are going to tolerate masks much longer if there isn't strong evidence of their value.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:

I am vaccinated (and past the two weeks after the second). I will not be the problem.

You sure about that? Seven post-vaccination (J&J) staff members, three of them coaches, of the NY Yankees just tested positive (six asymptomatic). Can we say for sure that they didn't or won't spread it to anyone else?

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:

I am vaccinated (and past the two weeks after the second). I will not be the problem.

You sure about that? Seven post-vaccination (J&J) staff members, three of them coaches, of the NY Yankees just tested positive (six asymptomatic). Can we say for sure that they didn't or won't spread it to anyone else?

I am reasonably sure. I see enough data out there showing that this vaccine works and prevents illness and transmission. I know there will be outlier cases. But really, I am happy to be done with wearing a mask assuming my chance of being a breakthrough case is very small.

I'll be happy to wear one when asked

(also this is totally moot since PA won't be lifting mask mandates any time soon - unless this CDC guidance changes things - so I'll be wearing one until such time)
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:

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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Human nature will trump science in this case. Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.

I'm just glad I am vaccinated. I'll trust the protection it gives me because otherwise we are fucked.

That said, my attitude is totally FYIGM in nature and I acknowledge that shortcoming
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:

I am vaccinated (and past the two weeks after the second). I will not be the problem.

You sure about that? Seven post-vaccination (J&J) staff members, three of them coaches, of the NY Yankees just tested positive (six asymptomatic). Can we say for sure that they didn't or won't spread it to anyone else?

The Yankees case sure caught my attention as well. It's interesting that almost all of them were asymptomatic, and they would have never known if they weren't being tested for MLB Covid protocols. I agree that there is a lot we don't know for sure about vaxxed people being able to spread the virus. From what I've heard, the viral load in a vaccinated person is much lower, so transmission is much less likely.

The great news is that this illustrates how well the vaccines are working in preventing serious illness.
Last edited by: zed707: May 13, 21 13:58
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:

Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.


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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:

I am vaccinated (and past the two weeks after the second). I will not be the problem.

You sure about that? Seven post-vaccination (J&J) staff members, three of them coaches, of the NY Yankees just tested positive (six asymptomatic). Can we say for sure that they didn't or won't spread it to anyone else?

It’s great they’re are asymptomatic and we know there will be breakthrough cases. I’m just curious about 7 in one building so to speak. How were they exposed? I don’t know how many employees the Yankees have but 7 just seems like a large number. Were they indoors in a tiny room day after day getting exposed.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.



So who are the idiots?

The CDC/the administration?
Those that refuse to be vaccinated?
Or those that were stupid enough to think that people would act in their and the common best interest and get vaccinated?

Those that have refused to get vaccinated and act like they have will be the greatest impacted. Science is a bitch.
Those are the same idiots that have been crying about their freedom being infringed with wearing a mask. Do you really expect the rest of nation to coddle them because they refuse to believe in science? Fuck 'em I say.

Suffer Well.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.



"If you like your mask, you can keep it"----Obama.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.



So who are the idiots?

The CDC/the administration?
Those that refuse to be vaccinated?


Those that have refused to get vaccinated and act like they have will be the greatest impacted. Science is a bitch.
Those are the same idiots that have been crying about their freedom being infringed with wearing a mask. Do you really expect the rest of nation to coddle them because they refuse to believe in science? Fuck 'em I say.

No I expect the fucking CDC to not give a green light to Captain Fuckstick and Prince dingleberry to not have to wear a mask before all the kids vaccinated. I hate masks with an undying passion but another month to 1.5 or so and we'd be fucking golden

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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.



"If you like your mask, you can keep it"----Obama.

3 points
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.



So who are the idiots?

The CDC/the administration?
Those that refuse to be vaccinated?



Those that have refused to get vaccinated and act like they have will be the greatest impacted. Science is a bitch.
Those are the same idiots that have been crying about their freedom being infringed with wearing a mask. Do you really expect the rest of nation to coddle them because they refuse to believe in science? Fuck 'em I say.

No I expect the fucking CDC to not give a green light to Captain Fuckstick and Prince dingleberry to not have to wear a mask before all the kids vaccinated. I hate masks with an undying passion but another month to 1.5 or so and we'd be fucking golden


Captain Fuckstick and Prince Dingleberry have been the ones fucking this up from the get go. We'd be fucking golden right now if they would have been responsible weeks ago. I'm out of patience for those guys. The vaccine has been readily available for months. Fuck 'em for being anti vaccine and anti science.

Your position is incongruent with your other positions on personal responsibility and consequences, but fully inline with you being anti-everything.

Suffer Well.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:
Human nature will trump science in this case.

I gotta say that made me chuckle for some reason.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Bumble Bee] [ In reply to ]
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Bumble Bee wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Human nature will trump science in this case.

I gotta say that made me chuckle for some reason.

I admit the pun was intended ;)
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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PA is following the CDC and alllowing everyone vaccinated to go unmasked as of right now. Suddenly everyone who was antivax I bet is fully vaccinated as of today.

I’m not good with this sudden change. I was banking on a slower rollout
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
Clutch Cargo wrote:
windywave wrote:


Masks are done with whether you are vaccinated or not.



So who are the idiots?

The CDC/the administration?
Those that refuse to be vaccinated?



Those that have refused to get vaccinated and act like they have will be the greatest impacted. Science is a bitch.
Those are the same idiots that have been crying about their freedom being infringed with wearing a mask. Do you really expect the rest of nation to coddle them because they refuse to believe in science? Fuck 'em I say.

No I expect the fucking CDC to not give a green light to Captain Fuckstick and Prince dingleberry to not have to wear a mask before all the kids vaccinated. I hate masks with an undying passion but another month to 1.5 or so and we'd be fucking golden


Captain Fuckstick and Prince Dingleberry have been the ones fucking this up from the get go. We'd be fucking golden right now if they would have been responsible weeks ago. I'm out of patience for those guys. The vaccine has been readily available for months. Fuck 'em for being anti vaccine and anti science.

Your position is incongruent with your other positions on personal responsibility and consequences, but fully inline with you being anti-everything.

You're missing my point
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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I can’t wait for the YouTube fist fights over “ show me your COVID vaccination card”.

Will the Walmart greeter be checking COVID cards.

This going to be fun.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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That is the plan. Allow them to take the mask off, and more peeps that are on the fence, just might get the vaccine now.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:

I am vaccinated (and past the two weeks after the second). I will not be the problem.

You sure about that? Seven post-vaccination (J&J) staff members, three of them coaches, of the NY Yankees just tested positive (six asymptomatic). Can we say for sure that they didn't or won't spread it to anyone else?
Previously the CDC said they were waiting for the data around just this situation. They wanted see if they could measure if vaccinated people become positive would they transmit at similar, lower or zero rates compared to unvaccinated.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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Question for those that have decided to forego the vaccine, will you be following the CDC guideline to continue wearing a mask?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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So, how will we recognize the anti-mask fucktards?

I guess the Karens will no longer need to speak to the manager when they get tossed from Walmart for NOT wearing their masks

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
Question for those that have decided to forego the vaccine, will you be following the CDC guideline to continue wearing a mask?

That was rhetorical and meant to be in pink font, right?

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [zed707] [ In reply to ]
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zed707 wrote:

The great news is that this illustrates how well the vaccines are working in preventing serious illness.

That's the point that many people seem to miss: vaccines prevent disease, not infection.

Given the insane transmissibility of the new Indian variant, the vaccine(s) might not be nearly as effective at stopping transmission as we'd hope for in a society with so many anti-vaxxers.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:

That's the point that many people seem to miss: vaccines prevent disease, not infection.

Depends on the vaccine. Some vaccines are sterilizing (none of the COVID ones have demonstrated that, to my knowledge, but some vaccines for other diseases have demonstrated that).

I think there's evidence that some of the COVID vaccines seriously reduce transmission.
Last edited by: trail: May 13, 21 15:39
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
zed707 wrote:

The great news is that this illustrates how well the vaccines are working in preventing serious illness.

That's the point that many people seem to miss: vaccines prevent disease, not infection.

Given the insane transmissibility of the new Indian variant, the vaccine(s) might not be nearly as effective at stopping transmission as we'd hope for in a society with so many anti-vaxxers.

This is the exact problem the UK is now very worried about.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
zed707 wrote:

The great news is that this illustrates how well the vaccines are working in preventing serious illness.

That's the point that many people seem to miss: vaccines prevent disease, not infection.

Given the insane transmissibility of the new Indian variant, the vaccine(s) might not be nearly as effective at stopping transmission as we'd hope for in a society with so many anti-vaxxers.

Well not quite.

Just because it's super transmissible doesn't mean much. It just means you are more likely to encounter the virus. If the vaccine is working well, the virus you get in you gets wiped out by your immune system before it starts doing much damage, or rises to the level at which you start breathing it out onto others.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
Thom wrote:
Question for those that have decided to forego the vaccine, will you be following the CDC guideline to continue wearing a mask?

That was rhetorical and meant to be in pink font, right?

There are anti-vaxxers out there now saying they’re going to start wearing masks to protect them from the “poison” being shed by those who’ve had the vaccine and are now starting to stop wearing masks. There will always be a more stupid iteration of this story.

"Are you sure we're going fast enough?" - Emil Zatopek
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:
PA is following the CDC and alllowing everyone vaccinated to go unmasked as of right now. Suddenly everyone who was antivax I bet is fully vaccinated as of today.

I’m not good with this sudden change. I was banking on a slower rollout

Nashville is the same as of tomorrow. I will be interested to hear what the Preds say when they are planning to have 12,000 people at games 3 and 4 of the Stanley Cup playoffs next week. I may rethink my tickets depending on their answer.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [ In reply to ]
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I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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ironclm wrote:
g_lev wrote:
PA is following the CDC and alllowing everyone vaccinated to go unmasked as of right now. Suddenly everyone who was antivax I bet is fully vaccinated as of today.

I’m not good with this sudden change. I was banking on a slower rollout

Nashville is the same as of tomorrow. I will be interested to hear what the Preds say when they are planning to have 12,000 people at games 3 and 4 of the Stanley Cup playoffs next week. I may rethink my tickets depending on their answer.

You vaccinated?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I miss YaHey
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Do you walk around your house wearing a helmet? If not why not?

I bet you wear a mask while driving by yourself in your car, or walking your dog outside by yourself.

I miss YaHey
Last edited by: Justgeorge: May 13, 21 17:47
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Do you walk around your house wearing a helmet? If not why not?

Exactly, no seat belts or helmets for me, I don't live in fear!!!!!!!
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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Do you the difference between why the CDC was recommended wearing a mask indoors prior to this and why they recommend wearing a seatbelt? The former was based on caution until data was generated to show that it wasn’t needed. The later is based on data showing that it is needed.

If the scientific community came out with a consensus position that wearing seatbelts and helmets did not significantly impact one’s chances of injury in an accident, would you continue to use them?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I suppose you could claim fear. I would characterize his action as mature considerate compassion for his family.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Now it is official

Pactimo brand ambassador, ask me about promo codes
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I don't have to wear a mask but my two little kids do. I'm not going to walk into a store with them masked and me not. Just like I wear a bike helmet around the block with them, so they feel comfortable as a family.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [gofigure] [ In reply to ]
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gofigure wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I suppose you could claim fear. I would characterize his action as mature considerate compassion for his family.

I think the venn diagram of people that won't live in fear by wearing a mask and feel being armed for a trip to Walmart for safety is reasonable is damn near a circle
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [torrey] [ In reply to ]
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torrey wrote:
Do you the difference between why the CDC was recommended wearing a mask indoors prior to this and why they recommend wearing a seatbelt? The former was based on caution until data was generated to show that it wasn’t needed. The later is based on data showing that it is needed.

If the scientific community came out with a consensus position that wearing seatbelts and helmets did not significantly impact one’s chances of injury in an accident, would you continue to use them?

After the past year, it is not suprising that people are more cautious to change behavior. Especially this behavior that is very little effort and does not harm others. So being feeling cautious here is not a big deal and I don't think it is crazy. This is very different than at the start of the pandemic where masks became a thing, because in that instance the effort was low for the individual and the affect on the public was huge, so it made sense to force people to move fast.

I think your example would illustrate this. If the CDC came out right now and said seatbelts are not needed, would you immediately stop using them? Or do you think it would be transition over time as you got comfortable doing it?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I'm three months post second shot and if anybody has anything to say about my mask, they can come and take it!

Kids get their first shots next week(possibly tomorrow) and people are nasty, so I will keep masking in any environment I choose until I don't want to anymore.

Going to take me awhile to give it up.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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I'm going to keep masking up when I go into stores for a week or two, just to see how this plays out. I don't know if Costco, for example, is going to drop all mask requirements/recommendations tomorrow. This is new.

And I'm not going to burn my masks. I'm keeping them just in case. I didn't know that I would ever need them not too long ago.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [zed707] [ In reply to ]
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I asked my hairdresser if she will wear a mask once the guidance comes out. She said she would just to be safe. I will absolutely wear mine when getting a haircut from her to make her feel comfortable and as some have said this causes zero hassle for me. I just see it as the respectful thing to do.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [triguy101] [ In reply to ]
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I went the entire winter without any colds or runny noses or anything like that... I also wasn't going to the pool and I was being somewhat careful about staying in my "bubble" of acquaintances (and social distancing when I was outside of my bubble), so there are a few complicating factors in there, but... I wish I'd tried this out when I was doing triathlons. Losing a few days of good training a few times a year probably would've mattered to me back then...

My initial feeling on this is that the mask bothers me less than the colds, and I'm not super vain or narcissistic, so I don't care too much about what people think about my appearance... I think I'm going to keep on wearing masks even after I'm vaccinated.

Denizens of the LR: With the exception of the occasional odd look I might receive from someone I don't know (and whose opinion is probably not particularly meaningful to me), is there any reason to think that adopting this behavior WON'T make my life quantifiably better?
Last edited by: trois_pample: May 14, 21 3:41
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Do you walk around your house wearing a helmet? If not why not?

Exactly, no seat belts or helmets for me, I don't live in fear!!!!!!!

Doesn’t the beeping of the seat belt alarm drive you crazy?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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After doing my morning check-in with Fox News, I now understand this is just a PR move by the CDC to distract people from a White House in crisis. I wish I was kidding, that is actually the top headline on their web site right now.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
After doing my morning check-in with Fox News, I now understand this is just a PR move by the CDC to distract people from a White House in crisis. I wish I was kidding, that is actually the top headline on their web site right now.

White House in crisis? Did Major nip another USSS agent?
Last edited by: chriskal: May 14, 21 5:03
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

Each day is what you make of it so make it the best day possible.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I don't see how velocomp is "living in fear". He is being thoughtful and considerate of his family and friends. It is a tiny burden.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Seatbelts protect you, not the guy you crash into.

Isn’t that the same as a mask? Everyone says wearing a mask is about saving the other guy. So, I don’t quite get this argument that is used so often.

Besides that, it took years after seat belt laws were put in place for everyone to comply. That’s the real issue. Masks are more widely accepted now by people than a year ago. As time moves on, it will be even more accepted.

That’s my fear. I don’t want to live in mask world. For this reason, I’m glad the CDC released this update. Maybe a month to early though.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jharris] [ In reply to ]
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jharris wrote:

That’s my fear. I don’t want to live in mask world.

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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Everybody join the Trumpers and take your masks off now...jajajaa1!!!
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jharris] [ In reply to ]
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jharris wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Seatbelts protect you, not the guy you crash into.

Isn’t that the same as a mask? Everyone says wearing a mask is about saving the other guy. So, I don’t quite get this argument that is used so often.

Besides that, it took years after seat belt laws were put in place for everyone to comply. That’s the real issue. Masks are more widely accepted now by people than a year ago. As time moves on, it will be even more accepted.

That’s my fear. I don’t want to live in mask world. For this reason, I’m glad the CDC released this update. Maybe a month to early though.

Some people are saying this, but not everyone is not saying this. It works both ways, it is not 100% effective in either direction. Health care workers in a COVID units aren't trying to protect people with COVID from getting more COVID.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jharris] [ In reply to ]
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jharris wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Seatbelts protect you, not the guy you crash into.

Isn’t that the same as a mask? Everyone says wearing a mask is about saving the other guy. So, I don’t quite get this argument that is used so often.

Besides that, it took years after seat belt laws were put in place for everyone to comply. That’s the real issue. Masks are more widely accepted now by people than a year ago. As time moves on, it will be even more accepted.

That’s my fear. I don’t want to live in mask world. For this reason, I’m glad the CDC released this update. Maybe a month to early though.

Then are you going to get vaccinated so you can take advantage of the new guidance?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I don't see how velocomp is "living in fear". He is being thoughtful and considerate of his family and friends. It is a tiny burden.

I would hardly call it fear. I don't wear a mask when riding. I don't wear it around the house. What is wrong with wearing it in crowded public places. What is wrong seeing what happens (spikes, etc.). Wearing a mask is really the simplest thing we have done during this pandemic. I don't like it, but it is easy. Also, I have a large team I manage in India. I've seen how it is impacting everyone there. I've had employees lose family members. I have several with family currently hospitalized. This disease is not to be taken lightly. So I won't. When I feel like we are ready to open up fully, I will do so.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [TheRef65] [ In reply to ]
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TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

I miss YaHey
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

Maybe it's because we can't really trust the anti-mask crowd to follow the CDC guidance. Do you honestly think that a large percentage of those that have been bitching about masks for a year will keep wearing them if they haven't gotten the shot? It's why I asked the question above about non-vacc people wearing a mask. Of course none of them bothered to answer it.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

I have been a big advocate of following CDC guidance through this whole thing. And I appreciate the confirmation that I, as a fully vaccinated person, am protected from this virus, and also unable to somehow transmit it. Therefore when permitted by the local establishments and ordinances, I will feel comfortable going maskless. However I am currently sitting at work with my mask on because my company has yet to change their policy. I am not complaining. If a store asks me to wear one, I will without complaint.

Those saying they will continue to wear a mask even though the CDC says they don't have to are making a statement that more people need to be vaccinated before they are comfortable going without. And that is OK. Frankly I am somewhat uncomfortable with the amount of dumb anti-vax people around me. As I said above, I am going to trust my vaccination. But vaccination has two faces - the first being our individual protection, but the second is the societal benefit of stopping the pandemic. We need to stop the pandemic. This can't happen when half of us are a bunch of anti-vax chucklefucks who will take the CDC guidance as permission to go without masks vaccine or no.

I am 100^% certain that every anti-vaxxer is suddenly "fully vaccinated" as of yesterday, at least if anyone asks them why they don't have a mask on... and that is the problem.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jharris] [ In reply to ]
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jharris wrote:

That’s my fear. I don’t want to live in mask world. For this reason, I’m glad the CDC released this update. Maybe a month to early though.

This. It feels like spiking the football on the 5 yard line to me. We are SO CLOSE to being legitimately out of the woods. Why do this now when we could wait even just a few more weeks and really be in good shape?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
Nutella wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I don't see how velocomp is "living in fear". He is being thoughtful and considerate of his family and friends. It is a tiny burden.

I would hardly call it fear. I don't wear a mask when riding. I don't wear it around the house. What is wrong with wearing it in crowded public places. What is wrong seeing what happens (spikes, etc.). Wearing a mask is really the simplest thing we have done during this pandemic. I don't like it, but it is easy. Also, I have a large team I manage in India. I've seen how it is impacting everyone there. I've had employees lose family members. I have several with family currently hospitalized. This disease is not to be taken lightly. So I won't. When I feel like we are ready to open up fully, I will do so.

Plus the whole not being sick this year, I think lots of people are going to be wearing masks every winter to avoid the flu and colds.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
velocomp wrote:
Nutella wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I don't see how velocomp is "living in fear". He is being thoughtful and considerate of his family and friends. It is a tiny burden.

I would hardly call it fear. I don't wear a mask when riding. I don't wear it around the house. What is wrong with wearing it in crowded public places. What is wrong seeing what happens (spikes, etc.). Wearing a mask is really the simplest thing we have done during this pandemic. I don't like it, but it is easy. Also, I have a large team I manage in India. I've seen how it is impacting everyone there. I've had employees lose family members. I have several with family currently hospitalized. This disease is not to be taken lightly. So I won't. When I feel like we are ready to open up fully, I will do so.

Plus the whole not being sick this year, I think lots of people are going to be wearing masks every winter to avoid the flu and colds.

Very fair point. I don't generally get sick, so no role in my decision, but I can see others continuing in order to prevent illness.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [zed707] [ In reply to ]
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replying to last post.....

We are still going to wear our masks in public places for a while even though we've been fully vaccinated since April. It's the folks who won't get vaccinated that I worry about as well as unvaccinated children (there was a small outbreak of one of the variants in an elementary school not long ago). My chances of getting covid are probably very small, but nothing is 100% right now. And I suspect the non-vaccinated people won't be wearing a masks in public places.

I'm still hoping to do my July and Sept races. And I'll definitely be wearing a mask at the race venues except while I race :-)

Death is easy....peaceful. Life is harder.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [DEEPSEADOC/E-9] [ In reply to ]
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That is the plan. Allow them to take the mask off, and more peeps that are on the fence, just might get the vaccine now.

I think the plan was to entice more people to get the vaccine.

But it seems the American Way is to get away with as much as possible.
"I left my card at home" will become a popular phrase.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
chaparral wrote:
velocomp wrote:
Nutella wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I don't see how velocomp is "living in fear". He is being thoughtful and considerate of his family and friends. It is a tiny burden.

I would hardly call it fear. I don't wear a mask when riding. I don't wear it around the house. What is wrong with wearing it in crowded public places. What is wrong seeing what happens (spikes, etc.). Wearing a mask is really the simplest thing we have done during this pandemic. I don't like it, but it is easy. Also, I have a large team I manage in India. I've seen how it is impacting everyone there. I've had employees lose family members. I have several with family currently hospitalized. This disease is not to be taken lightly. So I won't. When I feel like we are ready to open up fully, I will do so.

Plus the whole not being sick this year, I think lots of people are going to be wearing masks every winter to avoid the flu and colds.

Very fair point. I don't generally get sick, so no role in my decision, but I can see others continuing in order to prevent illness.

Go to Japan, when people are sick, they wear masks which helps to keep others from getting sick. I think they have faired pretty well during the COVID as well.

Each day is what you make of it so make it the best day possible.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Bumble Bee] [ In reply to ]
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Bumble Bee wrote:
That is the plan. Allow them to take the mask off, and more peeps that are on the fence, just might get the vaccine now.

I think the plan was to entice more people to get the vaccine.

But it seems the American Way is to get away with as much as possible.
"I left my card at home" will become a popular phrase.

And the selfish twats that are anti vaxx are exactly the same type of people that will pull the “left my card at home” bullsnot. I predict that shortly if you judge just vaxx compliance just by looking around at who is or isn’t masked, vaccine compliance will appear to be 99% or better.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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I'm giving it a week and then I'm starting my no longer comply.

5/21: Never outside
5/23: I'll have to be asked if I'm inside. If it's a private place, I'll follow their rules, a public place, I'll ignore.

After 14 months, I'm no longer going to be inconvenienced doing something that does nothing (wearing a mask being fully vaccinated) by the same government that doesn't even attempt to force people to do the one thing that we know works (get vaccinated).
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]
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Cavechild wrote:
I'm giving it a week and then I'm starting my no longer comply.

5/21: Never outside
5/23: I'll have to be asked if I'm inside. If it's a private place, I'll follow their rules, a public place, I'll ignore.

After 14 months, I'm no longer going to be inconvenienced doing something that does nothing (wearing a mask being fully vaccinated) by the same government that doesn't even attempt to force people to do the one thing that we know works (get vaccinated).

For the most part I think you're a total jackass but this one time I'm in 100% agreement. If you're vaxxed there's really no need for the masks. Let's move on with life.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Clutch Cargo] [ In reply to ]
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How do you tell the difference between a fully vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person if they aren't wearing a mask?

Ask them who won the election.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Bumble Bee] [ In reply to ]
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I have been vaccinated since March. Family is vaccinated. Do I just show my card to anyone that asks to see it? Will there be vaccine card cops?
I am perfectly fine with wearing a mask into a private business. But I will not show some idiot on the street that I am vaccinated. And I won’t ask anybody if they have a COVID card. I suspect some on this forum will though.

I visit Arizona often, they have no mask mandate, a few businesses here and there, but mostly maskless. As soon as I get back into Ca, I mask up, but our mask mandate in Ca goes away June 15.

Like I said, going to be entertaining to see those mask nazi’s running around asking to see shot papers.

PS: I do not carry my card around. I have a picture of it on my phone, right next to my naked selfies.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [damn lucky] [ In reply to ]
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damn lucky wrote:
How do you tell the difference between a fully vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person if they aren't wearing a mask?

Ask them who won the election.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [DEEPSEADOC/E-9] [ In reply to ]
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Life without the mask is excellent! I'm glad to be mostly done with that.

I'm vaccinated but I'd literally laugh in the face of anyone asking for my vaccine card on the street without any authority or need for such information.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
ironclm wrote:
g_lev wrote:
PA is following the CDC and alllowing everyone vaccinated to go unmasked as of right now. Suddenly everyone who was antivax I bet is fully vaccinated as of today.

I’m not good with this sudden change. I was banking on a slower rollout

Nashville is the same as of tomorrow. I will be interested to hear what the Preds say when they are planning to have 12,000 people at games 3 and 4 of the Stanley Cup playoffs next week. I may rethink my tickets depending on their answer.

You vaccinated?

Of course I am. For about two months now. I do not want to be in near contact with a bunch of yahoos who have not been.

I am another who was not sick over the winter for once so I will be adopting a Japanese habit in the flu and cold season.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
Cavechild wrote:
I'm giving it a week and then I'm starting my no longer comply.

5/21: Never outside
5/23: I'll have to be asked if I'm inside. If it's a private place, I'll follow their rules, a public place, I'll ignore.

After 14 months, I'm no longer going to be inconvenienced doing something that does nothing (wearing a mask being fully vaccinated) by the same government that doesn't even attempt to force people to do the one thing that we know works (get vaccinated).

For the most part I think you're a total jackass but this one time I'm in 100% agreement. If you're vaxxed there's really no need for the masks. Let's move on with life.

I can understand this reasoning but it puts those of us with kids under 12 in a really weird position. Cause asymptotic case clusters pop up in places with monitoring so it seems you can still get it with a vaccine - but it’s not clear how well it passes- but it seems to among the vaccinated- so I assume it would to the unvaccinated too.

I’m trying to figure out if I need to pull my kid out of dog training and shows that are indoors now that masks are no longer required so she doesn’t risk missing more school if she gets exposed/ sick.

I get how excited everyone is - but it will totally suck for her if she can’t do that stuff.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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I made the mistake of commenting to a friends Facebook post who is railing against the CDC and the vaccine. He is a radio personality in Montana and a friend from HS. I made the basic comment that the people refusing the vaccine are actually counting on everyone else to get vaccinated so they can get away without it. In pretty much those words. Just my opinion.

Woke up and made the mistake of checking FB and I now have a group of them just railing against me in ALL CAPS and posting articles stating how the vaccines aren’t safe and how I’m against personal freedoms and am a California Nazi. Geez.

I won’t make that mistake again!
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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I can understand this reasoning but it puts those of us with kids under 12 in a really weird position. Cause asymptotic case clusters pop up in places with monitoring so it seems you can still get it with a vaccine - but it’s not clear how well it passes- but it seems to among the vaccinated- so I assume it would to the unvaccinated too.

How many kids under 12 have had serious Covid or died of Covid because they were infected by a fully vaccinated individual who wasn't wearing a mask? I'm guessing its the same number of kids under 12 who have had a serious injury or died from wearing a mask.

You need to prove your age to drive.
You need to prove your age to buy beer.
You need to prove you don't have a weapon to fly.
You need to prove your identity to travel internationally.
You need to prove you don't have COVID to travel to Hawaii

Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [JD21] [ In reply to ]
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This pandemic has shown just how bad off we are intelligence wise.
We get our "science" from elected officials, the news entertainment media, and random people on social media.
How soon until we start watering crops with Brawndo?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Bumble Bee] [ In reply to ]
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Bumble Bee wrote:
This pandemic has shown just how bad off we are intelligence wise.
We get our "science" from elected officials, the news entertainment media, and random people on social media.
How soon until we start watering crops with Brawndo?

Wait, wait, wait. That's not fair.

There seem to be a significant group of people who have been nothing but critical about the CDC for the last year, who as of yesterday now think the CDC is absolutely right.

Counterpoint.... there are also those who have been on board with the CDC for the last year who now take issue with their decision yesterday.

Suffer Well.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [DEEPSEADOC/E-9] [ In reply to ]
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US Navy just lifted its mask mandate for all vaccinated personnel.

I misspoke earlier, Cali is not lifting mask mandate June 15, they are lifting the stay at home thing. Discussing mask mandate today at the governors beauty salon.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]
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Cavechild wrote:
I can understand this reasoning but it puts those of us with kids under 12 in a really weird position. Cause asymptotic case clusters pop up in places with monitoring so it seems you can still get it with a vaccine - but it’s not clear how well it passes- but it seems to among the vaccinated- so I assume it would to the unvaccinated too.

How many kids under 12 have had serious Covid or died of Covid because they were infected by a fully vaccinated individual who wasn't wearing a mask? I'm guessing its the same number of kids under 12 who have had a serious injury or died from wearing a mask.

You need to prove your age to drive.
You need to prove your age to buy beer.
You need to prove you don't have a weapon to fly.
You need to prove your identity to travel internationally.
You need to prove you don't have COVID to travel to Hawaii

Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

You need to prove your a citizen to vote. Oops. Never mind.

But I agree with. Get vaccinated
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]
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Cavechild wrote:
force people to do the one thing that we know works (get vaccinated).

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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]
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Cavechild wrote:
Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

This, 100%. Although I share the shock of others that realized we agree with YOU ;)
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]
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Cavechild wrote:
Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

Cavechild, is that really you, or did some Big Gubment Nanny State Leftist hijack your account? What about FREEEDOM!!?

Or maybe this is one of those ironic counter-proposals, like a math proof where you assume the opposite is true until it trips over a known falsehood?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [slowchi] [ In reply to ]
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slowchi wrote:
jharris wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

I know right, all those people wearing seatbelts, living in fear.

Seatbelts protect you, not the guy you crash into.

Isn’t that the same as a mask? Everyone says wearing a mask is about saving the other guy. So, I don’t quite get this argument that is used so often.

Besides that, it took years after seat belt laws were put in place for everyone to comply. That’s the real issue. Masks are more widely accepted now by people than a year ago. As time moves on, it will be even more accepted.

That’s my fear. I don’t want to live in mask world. For this reason, I’m glad the CDC released this update. Maybe a month to early though.

Then are you going to get vaccinated so you can take advantage of the new guidance?

Technically, in Wisconsin, the mask mandate was ruled unconstitutional. So, CDC guidelines don’t mean much.

Stores have been supporting the CDC guidelines, but they want approach anyone not wearing a mask.

As for me, I need to wait 90 days per CDC guidelines for the shot.

However, I wouldn’t get the shot just to not wear a mask.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [JD21] [ In reply to ]
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JD21 wrote:
I made the mistake of commenting to a friends Facebook post who is railing against the CDC and the vaccine. He is a radio personality in Montana and a friend from HS. I made the basic comment that the people refusing the vaccine are actually counting on everyone else to get vaccinated so they can get away without it. In pretty much those words. Just my opinion.

Woke up and made the mistake of checking FB and I now have a group of them just railing against me in ALL CAPS and posting articles stating how the vaccines aren’t safe and how I’m against personal freedoms and am a California Nazi. Geez.

I won’t make that mistake again!

I was just in California.

Compare that to Wisconsin, or when I was in Florida back in Jan and Feb.....

One word. Damn.

Yeah, California was masked up HARD. Many people driving in cars with masks on. Walking outside with a mask on, even when alone. It’s next level. So, yeah- there response is fairly valid when you compare to other states.

Frankly, I still don’t understand why we bought masks made in China and cloth masks. Just make some damn N95’s !!!
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Bumble Bee] [ In reply to ]
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Bumble Bee wrote:
This pandemic has shown just how bad off we are intelligence wise.
We get our "science" from elected officials, the news entertainment media, and random people on social media.
How soon until we start watering crops with Brawndo?

Gatorade. It has electrolytes.

Water, pffft... that stuff is in toilets!
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Bumble Bee] [ In reply to ]
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It's what plants crave

My Blog - http://leegoocrap.blogspot.com
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

exactly. I was thinking the same thing. Up until now, CDC guidelines were gospel. Now, not so much...I guess.

Anyway, I've been fully vaccinated since January. As far as wearing a mask, I'll wear one if it makes others more comfortable. If others still want to wear a mask, thats okay too. Whatever.

Not everything is as it seems -Mr. Miyagi
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chxddstri] [ In reply to ]
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chxddstri wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

exactly. I was thinking the same thing. Up until now, CDC guidelines were gospel. Now, not so much...I guess.

Anyway, I've been fully vaccinated since January. As far as wearing a mask, I'll wear one if it makes others more comfortable. If others still want to wear a mask, thats okay too. Whatever.

I'm fully Vaccinated, but I'm not wearing a mask just to make someone else feel comfortable. If they're that uncomfortable and living that much in fear they can stay home.

I miss YaHey
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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No one has said they want everyone else to wear masks to make them feel better. They have been say they will continue to wear masks.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [cholla] [ In reply to ]
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cholla wrote:
Cavechild wrote:
Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

This, 100%. Although I share the shock of others that realized we agree with YOU ;)

I know, we can have people get their vaccine Lot number tattooed onto their arms.

I miss YaHey
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
cholla wrote:
Cavechild wrote:
Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

This, 100%. Although I share the shock of others that realized we agree with YOU ;)

I know, we can have people get their vaccine Lot number tattooed onto their arms.

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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
cholla wrote:
Cavechild wrote:
Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

This, 100%. Although I share the shock of others that realized we agree with YOU ;)

I know, we can have people get their vaccine Lot number tattooed onto their arms.


Hey it would be proof that you're vaccinated. But God forbid you ask for ID to be able to vote.

I miss YaHey
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
chxddstri wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

exactly. I was thinking the same thing. Up until now, CDC guidelines were gospel. Now, not so much...I guess.

Anyway, I've been fully vaccinated since January. As far as wearing a mask, I'll wear one if it makes others more comfortable. If others still want to wear a mask, thats okay too. Whatever.

I'm fully Vaccinated, but I'm not wearing a mask just to make someone else feel comfortable. If they're that uncomfortable and living that much in fear they can stay home.

I'm fully vaccinated, I wear pants every time I leave the house largely because I don't want to make other people feel uncomfortable. It's really not a big deal.

I find it odd that some people have been convinced that wearing a mask is some kind of dire burden that has to be endured. Anybody being honest would admit it was a minor inconvenience that we adapted to pretty quickly. I miss the days when conservatives were the rugged, self-sacrifice types.

I went to the gym today, they are no longer requiring masks. I left my mask on out of respect for the staff that was still wearing masks. Really not a big deal, fear played zero part in the decision.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [chxddstri] [ In reply to ]
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chxddstri wrote:
Up until now, CDC guidelines were gospel.

What makes you think that? It was my impression that local/state policy generally had primacy in the U.S. for the bulk of the pandemic.
Last edited by: trail: May 15, 21 14:38
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Moonrocket] [ In reply to ]
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Moonrocket wrote:
I can understand this reasoning but it puts those of us with kids under 12 in a really weird position. Cause asymptotic case clusters pop up in places with monitoring so it seems you can still get it with a vaccine - but it’s not clear how well it passes- but it seems to among the vaccinated- so I assume it would to the unvaccinated too.

I’m trying to figure out if I need to pull my kid out of dog training and shows that are indoors now that masks are no longer required so she doesn’t risk missing more school if she gets exposed/ sick.

I get how excited everyone is - but it will totally suck for her if she can’t do that stuff.

I hear your concerns. Wearing a mask is such a nonissue for me considering under-12 kids and people who can’t get vaccinated. Why not mask up when going into stores? It’s not a significant burden.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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I miss the days when conservatives were the rugged, self-sacrifice types.

How many 100's of years was that? I know a few libertarians who fit half that equation, but they are about as far from self sacrifice as one can get... (-;
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
I miss the days when conservatives were the rugged, self-sacrifice types.

How many 100's of years was that? I know a few libertarians who fit half that equation, but they are about as far from self sacrifice as one can get... (-;

I might be confusing rugged with wanting to bomb things.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
chxddstri wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

exactly. I was thinking the same thing. Up until now, CDC guidelines were gospel. Now, not so much...I guess.

Anyway, I've been fully vaccinated since January. As far as wearing a mask, I'll wear one if it makes others more comfortable. If others still want to wear a mask, thats okay too. Whatever.

I'm fully Vaccinated, but I'm not wearing a mask just to make someone else feel comfortable. If they're that uncomfortable and living that much in fear they can stay home.

I'm fully vaccinated, I wear pants every time I leave the house largely because I don't want to make other people feel uncomfortable. It's really not a big deal.

I find it odd that some people have been convinced that wearing a mask is some kind of dire burden that has to be endured. Anybody being honest would admit it was a minor inconvenience that we adapted to pretty quickly. I miss the days when conservatives were the rugged, self-sacrifice types.

I went to the gym today, they are no longer requiring masks. I left my mask on out of respect for the staff that was still wearing masks. Really not a big deal, fear played zero part in the decision.

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

I miss YaHey
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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I went to the gym today, they are no longer requiring masks. I left my mask on out of respect for the staff that was still wearing masks. Really not a big deal, fear played zero part in the decision.

The gym staff I see were taking their masks off when they were working out, until we all had to wear them while working out. It will be the same now, they wear them while training others, take them off when they lift. They are just following work conditions.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

How do you do with pants?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

How do you do with pants?

They're fine, but they don't keep my farts in.

I miss YaHey
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

How do you do with pants?

They're fine, but they don't keep my farts in.

I'm trying to be less sarcastic, it's not going well.

Honest question, what is it about having a piece of cloth over your face that you find so objectionable? I don't get it.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

How do you do with pants?

They're fine, but they don't keep my farts in.

I'm trying to be less sarcastic, it's not going well.

Honest question, what is it about having a piece of cloth over your face that you find so objectionable? I don't get it.

Objectionable or annoying?

I don't find them objectionable and I am pissed off the guidance changed however I loathe wearing them because they're annoying, get damp, muffle voices etc.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

That’s interesting because I forget to take mine off. I wear a mask in my house when workers are over, and I’ve found myself still wearing the mask hours after they leave. I’ve accidentally worn a mask while driving (like every time I drive home from a store practically). I’ve caught myself accidentally wearing one outside alone on the chaise lounge with a book and even into the tub once! Ha! I got fully undressed and in the tub without noticing the face mask!! đź‚

My youngest child forgets to take his off. He’ll wear it alone in his room if I forget to remind him to take it off. He got sea sick while out deep sea fishing and didn’t take it off before throwing up. My youngest was sandwiched between the other two kids in a booth in the cabin of the boat. My eldest said it was horrible to see.

I’ve biked 50 miles and run in the de Soto masks. I otherwise wear regular multi-ply cloth masks from Target. I wear glasses to read, so I have some cloth ones with the metal piece to fit nicely. I don’t know why they would cause trouble.

Do you wear a big hefty mask? Are you out of shape? Is it mental? Claustrophobia?
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [OneGoodLeg] [ In reply to ]
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Cavechild, is that really you, or did some Big Gubment Nanny State Leftist hijack your account? What about FREEEDOM!!?

Hey I'm just happy some of you liberal wing-nuts can actually agree with common sense. I'm sure it won't be too long before MSNBC and CNN tell you that someone can identify as vaccinated and you'll be up in arms about how Big-Pharma is making billions of dollars being anti-choice. But biology is like the Constitution. Fluid right? I'm guessing in the next year all the printing of money will give you a little insight into the science of economics.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

How do you do with pants?

They're fine, but they don't keep my farts in.

I'm trying to be less sarcastic, it's not going well.

Honest question, what is it about having a piece of cloth over your face that you find so objectionable? I don't get it.

I have a very weak gag reflex, without constantly pulling it away I'm coughing and gagging.

I miss YaHey
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:

I have a very weak gag reflex, without constantly pulling it away I'm coughing and gagging.

The mind is a powerful thing.

Thank God you’re not a woman.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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ironclm wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

I have a very weak gag reflex, without constantly pulling it away I'm coughing and gagging.

The mind is a powerful thing.

Thank God you’re not a woman.

And thank God we’re not his wife!
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [CallMeMaybe] [ In reply to ]
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CallMeMaybe wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

That’s interesting because I forget to take mine off. I wear a mask in my house when workers are over, and I’ve found myself still wearing the mask hours after they leave. I’ve accidentally worn a mask while driving (like every time I drive home from a store practically). I’ve caught myself accidentally wearing one outside alone on the chaise lounge with a book and even into the tub once! Ha! I got fully undressed and in the tub without noticing the face mask!! đź‚

My youngest child forgets to take his off. He’ll wear it alone in his room if I forget to remind him to take it off. He got sea sick while out deep sea fishing and didn’t take it off before throwing up. My youngest was sandwiched between the other two kids in a booth in the cabin of the boat. My eldest said it was horrible to see.

I’ve biked 50 miles and run in the de Soto masks. I otherwise wear regular multi-ply cloth masks from Target. I wear glasses to read, so I have some cloth ones with the metal piece to fit nicely. I don’t know why they would cause trouble.

Do you wear a big hefty mask? Are you out of shape? Is it mental? Claustrophobia?

That is really weird how acclimated you have become. That you could be wearing one alone at home for hours without realizing is preposterous.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
That is really weird how acclimated you have become. That you could be wearing one alone at home for hours without realizing is preposterous.

I think it’s silly, too. But I’m not sure that it’s any more silly than not being able to withstand a mask for a trip to the grocery store.

If you run enough, running just feels like living. If you sit on a bike long enough, it stops hurting your butt. If you build up some endurance and toughness, life feels easier.

Back in my athletic days we talked about “toughness training.” That encompassed everything from eating Taco Bell on the way to a group ride with sprints to long solo efforts where you are guaranteed to feel sad, tired and lonely.

I’ve wondered if the anti-mask crowd is just not that tough? Maybe they are not used to discomfort.
Last edited by: CallMeMaybe: May 15, 21 21:56
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
I have a very weak gag reflex, without constantly pulling it away I'm coughing and gagging.

... A person who's so abjectly terrified of a piece of cloth over his mouth that he works himself into uncontrollable panic attacks... decides to barrel into a discussion about masks to lecture people about living in fear?

I generally try to empathize with people who are working through some complicated mental issues... especially when those mental issues end up having physical manifestations that they can't control... but it becomes exponentially tougher to do that when those people lob insults about the normative, reasonable, and justifiable behavior of others, rather than acknowledging their own problems. Maybe you could rethink your strategy on this one? One place to start would be by acknowledging that another person wearing a mask has the exact same number of negative ramifications for you as another person wearing a button-down shirt... and since there appears to be some evidence that it reduces airborne pathogens (there's no need to complicate this... it's a barrier in front of the portion of your body that produces airborne pathogens...) you'll get to reap the benefits from other people's cautious behaviors...

Furthermore, there are some pretty bright people on this board, and I bet a few of them would be happy to propose strategies that could help you work through the problems you're encountering, and then maybe—one day in the future—there'd be a chance that you could also contribute to some of those collective benefits which, in your current state, you're only able to draw down...
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [trois_pample] [ In reply to ]
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trois_pample wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
I have a very weak gag reflex, without constantly pulling it away I'm coughing and gagging.

... A person who's so abjectly terrified of a piece of cloth over his mouth that he works himself into uncontrollable panic attacks... decides to barrel into a discussion about masks to lecture people about living in fear?

I generally try to empathize with people who are working through some complicated mental issues... especially when those mental issues end up having physical manifestations that they can't control... but it becomes exponentially tougher to do that when those people lob insults about the normative, reasonable, and justifiable behavior of others, rather than acknowledging their own problems. Maybe you could rethink your strategy on this one? One place to start would be by acknowledging that another person wearing a mask has the exact same number of negative ramifications for you as another person wearing a button-down shirt... and since there appears to be some evidence that it reduces airborne pathogens (there's no need to complicate this... it's a barrier in front of the portion of your body that produces airborne pathogens...) you'll get to reap the benefits from other people's cautious behaviors...

Furthermore, there are some pretty bright people on this board, and I bet a few of them would be happy to propose strategies that could help you work through the problems you're encountering, and then maybe—one day in the future—there'd be a chance that you could also contribute to some of those collective benefits which, in your current state, you're only able to draw down...

Hey you ass, when did I say I'm terrified of a piece of cloth over my mouth or it was a panic attack? It's just a physical condition, nothing mental about it. Back in the days when I used to ski I would try to wear a full face mask for warmth, couldn't do that then either.

And yes, it's a good thing I'm not gay (I knew someone (not you) would go there lol).

I miss YaHey
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
Thom wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
chxddstri wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
TheRef65 wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
velocomp wrote:
I have gotten my 2 shots and am 3 weeks post second shot. I will continue to wear my mask until I feel that more people have gotten the shot. I also will continue to avoid people until my daughter is fully vaccinated (first shot now Saturday, previously appt. for Tuesday). I've gone this long being safe, why fuck that up????

I feel sorry for you, living in such fear.

There is just so much stupid in this statement. A person looks out for his family and actually cares what is going on around him but is just living in fear. I guess not giving a fuck about anyone other than yourself works for you.

All along, everyone has been saying "oh you have to follow the CDC guidance." Except now the CDC guidance says you don't have to wear it if you're vaccinated. And yet a bunch of you are saying you're going to continue to wear one anyway. And his actual words were that he's going to continue wearing one until he "feels that more people have gotten the shot". So he's going on feelings instead of CDC guidance.

exactly. I was thinking the same thing. Up until now, CDC guidelines were gospel. Now, not so much...I guess.

Anyway, I've been fully vaccinated since January. As far as wearing a mask, I'll wear one if it makes others more comfortable. If others still want to wear a mask, thats okay too. Whatever.

I'm fully Vaccinated, but I'm not wearing a mask just to make someone else feel comfortable. If they're that uncomfortable and living that much in fear they can stay home.

I'm fully vaccinated, I wear pants every time I leave the house largely because I don't want to make other people feel uncomfortable. It's really not a big deal.

I find it odd that some people have been convinced that wearing a mask is some kind of dire burden that has to be endured. Anybody being honest would admit it was a minor inconvenience that we adapted to pretty quickly. I miss the days when conservatives were the rugged, self-sacrifice types.

I went to the gym today, they are no longer requiring masks. I left my mask on out of respect for the staff that was still wearing masks. Really not a big deal, fear played zero part in the decision.

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

Get a doctors note. Can't wear a mask for health reasons.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [CallMeMaybe] [ In reply to ]
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CallMeMaybe wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

Not everybody can easily wear a mask. I can barely wear one long enough to go to the grocery store. I quit my job that I loved because it required wearing a mask.

That’s interesting because I forget to take mine off. I wear a mask in my house when workers are over, and I’ve found myself still wearing the mask hours after they leave. I’ve accidentally worn a mask while driving (like every time I drive home from a store practically). I’ve caught myself accidentally wearing one outside alone on the chaise lounge with a book and even into the tub once! Ha! I got fully undressed and in the tub without noticing the face mask!! đź‚

My youngest child forgets to take his off. He’ll wear it alone in his room if I forget to remind him to take it off. He got sea sick while out deep sea fishing and didn’t take it off before throwing up. My youngest was sandwiched between the other two kids in a booth in the cabin of the boat. My eldest said it was horrible to see.

I’ve biked 50 miles and run in the de Soto masks. I otherwise wear regular multi-ply cloth masks from Target. I wear glasses to read, so I have some cloth ones with the metal piece to fit nicely. I don’t know why they would cause trouble.

Do you wear a big hefty mask? Are you out of shape? Is it mental? Claustrophobia?

The CDC should have used you as the posterchild for masks. Unbelievable. I suppose I am glad for you it was obviously not a big deal. For many people, living through this was very frustrating and difficult. Thank goodness I work from home and don't wear one unless going into a store and it comes off as fast as I can take it off when leaving.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [CallMeMaybe] [ In reply to ]
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CallMeMaybe wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:

I have a very weak gag reflex, without constantly pulling it away I'm coughing and gagging.

The mind is a powerful thing.

Thank God you’re not a woman.

And thank God we’re not his wife!

Not sure if this applies.

I have a feeling ironclm meant that to be a subtle blow job joke..... in response to "very weak gag reflex comment"
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:

Hey you ass, when did I say I'm terrified of a piece of cloth over my mouth or it was a panic attack? It's just a physical condition, nothing mental about it. Back in the days when I used to ski I would try to wear a full face mask for warmth, couldn't do that then either.

And yes, it's a good thing I'm not gay (I knew someone (not you) would go there lol).

It seems like this is the point where you would realize that you are the outlier and apologize for accusing people that were willing to tolerate a minor inconvenience of living in fear.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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There may be some small component that is physical, maybe a constricted airway or some-such, but it is mostly a mental issue. I frequently deal with people who have similar issues, and I expect you will disagree with this, as most of them do.

"I keep hoping for you to use your superior intellect to be less insufferable. Sadly, you continue to disappoint." - gofigure
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [sonofdad] [ In reply to ]
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sonofdad wrote:
There may be some small component that is physical, maybe a constricted airway or some-such, but it is mostly a mental issue. I frequently deal with people who have similar issues, and I expect you will disagree with this, as most of them do.

Especially since the gag reflex is something triggered by contact with the roof of your mouth, back of the throat or tongue near the tonsils. If a mask is triggering a gag reflex, he's wearing it wrong.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [big bentley] [ In reply to ]
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big bentley wrote:


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [Justgeorge] [ In reply to ]
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Justgeorge wrote:
cholla wrote:
Cavechild wrote:
Yet nothing is being done by the government to even slightly inconvenience people that are too hard-headed to get a free vaccine. It's fairly simple. Implement a national vaccine passport program where if you don't have one, you can't fly, stay in a hotel, eat in restaurant, shop in a store, go to school, go to a movie,...... If we did this and had it take effect this summer, we would be in the high 90% fully vaccinated rate very quickly.

This, 100%. Although I share the shock of others that realized we agree with YOU ;)

I know, we can have people get their vaccine Lot number tattooed onto their arms.

Wouldn't that be redundant? The implanted chip should already provide all the needed information on vaccine status.
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [cholla] [ In reply to ]
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cholla wrote:
Justgeorge wrote:
I know, we can have people get their vaccine Lot number tattooed onto their arms.

Wouldn't that be redundant? The implanted chip should already provide all the needed information on vaccine status.

Digital primary system with an Analog back up - sounds reasonable


We went to the Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market yesterday - although it was outside, everyone was fully masked without a problem

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: May 17, 21 5:01
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

This is one of the stupidest things in a line of stupid things that people continue to clamor on about. Too many idiots out there who can't differentiate between "you don't have to" and "you shall not."

I hear all kinds of people claiming that continuing to wear a mask means you don't follow science because CDC says not to wear them anymore. Those people are pretty much all dumbasses.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

This is one of the stupidest things in a line of stupid things that people continue to clamor on about. Too many idiots out there who can't differentiate between "you don't have to" and "you shall not."

I hear all kinds of people claiming that continuing to wear a mask means you don't follow science because CDC says not to wear them anymore. Those people are pretty much all dumbasses.

Not to mention their inability to know who has what authority to regulate. The CDC is a medical institution. They released a statement saying fully vaccinated people are neither at risk of contracting COVID (or at least a severe case), and are also not at risk for transmitting COVID. It's a purely scientific take on the situation. Hence why states still have mask mandates. It's not time to lift mandates yet because many people still haven't been vaccinated.

Then when many of us balked at the announcement, the antis claim it's because we suddenly don't trust the CDC. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's simply that it was made too early. And predictably the antis are taking it to mean the masking thing is over.

The announcement should have waited a few more weeks.

But now here we are... and hopefully this doesn't cause problems
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.

You win! Congrats!

Suffer Well.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [g_lev] [ In reply to ]
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g_lev wrote:
slowguy wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

This is one of the stupidest things in a line of stupid things that people continue to clamor on about. Too many idiots out there who can't differentiate between "you don't have to" and "you shall not."

I hear all kinds of people claiming that continuing to wear a mask means you don't follow science because CDC says not to wear them anymore. Those people are pretty much all dumbasses.

Not to mention their inability to know who has what authority to regulate. The CDC is a medical institution. They released a statement saying fully vaccinated people are neither at risk of contracting COVID (or at least a severe case), and are also not at risk for transmitting COVID. It's a purely scientific take on the situation. Hence why states still have mask mandates. It's not time to lift mandates yet because many people still haven't been vaccinated.

Then when many of us balked at the announcement, the antis claim it's because we suddenly don't trust the CDC. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's simply that it was made too early. And predictably the antis are taking it to mean the masking thing is over.

The announcement should have waited a few more weeks.

But now here we are... and hopefully this doesn't cause problems

I'm fine with the announcement being made as soon as CDC thinks they have the info to back up an opinion. The last thing they need is for it to look like they delayed making an announcement to impact policy. It's then up to government, media, etc to communicate what the CDC announcement means. And it's up to people to use their full brain capacity.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
g_lev wrote:
slowguy wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

This is one of the stupidest things in a line of stupid things that people continue to clamor on about. Too many idiots out there who can't differentiate between "you don't have to" and "you shall not."

I hear all kinds of people claiming that continuing to wear a mask means you don't follow science because CDC says not to wear them anymore. Those people are pretty much all dumbasses.

Not to mention their inability to know who has what authority to regulate. The CDC is a medical institution. They released a statement saying fully vaccinated people are neither at risk of contracting COVID (or at least a severe case), and are also not at risk for transmitting COVID. It's a purely scientific take on the situation. Hence why states still have mask mandates. It's not time to lift mandates yet because many people still haven't been vaccinated.

Then when many of us balked at the announcement, the antis claim it's because we suddenly don't trust the CDC. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's simply that it was made too early. And predictably the antis are taking it to mean the masking thing is over.

The announcement should have waited a few more weeks.

But now here we are... and hopefully this doesn't cause problems

I'm fine with the announcement being made as soon as CDC thinks they have the info to back up an opinion. The last thing they need is for it to look like they delayed making an announcement to impact policy. It's then up to government, media, etc to communicate what the CDC announcement means. And it's up to people to use their full brain capacity.

That's fair... but the bold statement here is the problem...

In any case... My county in PA is now at 62.5% first dose, 34% fully vaxxed. Our local R0 value is at 0.69... I think we are doing pretty well here
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.

You win! Congrats!

Doing a victory lap as I type
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.

You win! Congrats!

Doing a victory lap as I type

Suffer Well.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
sonofdad wrote:
There may be some small component that is physical, maybe a constricted airway or some-such, but it is mostly a mental issue. I frequently deal with people who have similar issues, and I expect you will disagree with this, as most of them do.

Especially since the gag reflex is something triggered by contact with the roof of your mouth, back of the throat or tongue near the tonsils. If a mask is triggering a gag reflex, he's wearing it wrong.

You're correct. ( And P.S., Justgeorge meant to say he has a strong gag reflex not weak one ) It is something people do to themselves by thrusting their tongue upward and backward and pressing on the same area you would with your finger to try and make your self throw up. It's not done intentionally and there are issues with the anatomy of the throat and tongue and tongue thrusting habits. It's a reflex on top of a reflex. These people will often time gag on pills or even brushing their teeth yet can eat and drink fine.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.

You win! Congrats!

Doing a victory lap as I type

You can do better
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.

You win! Congrats!

Doing a victory lap as I type

You can do better

Why would I? My effort was commensurate with the importance of the achievement.

Suffer Well.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer

That’s so funny. This reminds me of when I was talking with my 15 year old son recently about my daughter who is pure-teenage-insanity. She stopped doing school work and had Ds and Fs this year. I told her she’s probably going to have to repeat this year. Now she’s in overdrive to bring her grades up. She’s very snarly about it. She has succeeded in getting back to Cs and Bs. I would love to ask her what she thinks about all of it, but my son says only jerks say, “I told you so.” We were laughing about it. I could ask, “did you learn your lesson?” and be such a bitch.

Congratulations on being so smart. It’s fun to see your success. I didn’t catch your prediction, but it sounds like it was a pretty big deal.
Quote Reply
Re: CDC said off with the mask if [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
jmh wrote:
windywave wrote:
g_lev wrote:
windywave wrote:
Almost like I am a seer


Because this was such a bold prediction nobody could possibly have foreseen this?!

I was the first to call it therefore all others are just building and expanding on my premise.

You win! Congrats!

Doing a victory lap as I type

You can do better

Why would I? My effort was commensurate with the importance of the achievement.

Personal satisfaction of doing a job well?
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