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Re: Dirty Secrets [Otter] [ In reply to ]
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I'm military SF and when I'm lifting at the gym I listen to Barry Manilow, Air supply, and other easy listening hits but I try and look tougher so no one will know.

I actually have better workouts when I listen to such music. Maybe it's that whole 80's montage thing.

And I get choked up at weddings.

Someone once accused me of being swimfan. I miss that guy.
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Re: Dirty Secrets [snackattack] [ In reply to ]
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here goes...

• i'm a total newbie to triathlons, yet i could outfit an entire team with gear.

• triathlon training may be my midlife crisis, i'm not sure yet

• i couldn't swim 50m freestyle without sinking before 6/25/06. (i'm up to 1500m continuous now, 3x's a week, and am quite smug about it--though i know its no great feat)

• my newfound fitness has an ugly side-affect...vanity. i now must stop and flex/pose in front of every mirror (when no one's looking)

• my first 45rpm record was shawn cassidy's "da do run run"

• i saw reo speedwagon in concert, and bought the t-shirt

• i saw air supply in concert, and not even to get laid

• i was a trained concert pianist from age 7-22, and walked away from it. never played since. yet, all was not a waste (see next item)

• i learned to play guitar strictly to get laid, joined a pretty hot band, got laid lots, then tired of both guitar and the groupies. haven't picked up a guitar since.

• in 5th grade i read judy bloom's "forever", because that's what all the hot babes in school were reading. that was my intro to soft porn

• i own two-labellers, and feel compelled to label anything/everything. if its not recognizeable/categorizeable "at-a-glance", it requires a label

• i treated many a girlfriend horribly, and probably the ones who were the best persons, the worst. i feel bad about this, and ponder often how to make amends

• i love my wife & kids more than anything in the world, and am not quite sure i deserve them

• my wife is a better parent than me, but i'm learning by her example

• i am pretty good with computers, from operating systems, to photoshop, to dreamweaver, to illustrator; but i often feign incompetence because i'm sick of helping fix other people's problems

i think that's enough for a start and first post...

feel much better now...
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Re: Dirty Secrets [guncollector] [ In reply to ]
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Nice first post. Makes it hard to top though, eh?

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Re: Dirty Secrets [guncollector] [ In reply to ]
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"• i am pretty good with computers, from operating systems, to photoshop, to dreamweaver, to illustrator; but i often feign incompetence because i'm sick of helping fix other people's problems "

This is only a "Dirty Secret" to those that don not know how to fix computers. I know almost everyone I know that knows how to fix computers, either software or hardware wise does this. Otherwise we'd be spending every hour of our free time at someone's house fixing their computer. It's actually amazing to me how some people screw some of this stuff up. Half the stuff I see I can't even figure out how they broke it or screwed it up.

Anyway nice first post.

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Re: Dirty Secrets [guncollector] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know how to make those little bullets like guncollector did.

I fantasize about smashing my very nice bike driving into a garage with it still on the roof rack so I can get the new carbon model.

I can't race unless my toenails are painted to match the frame color of my bike

My transition area is set up as if a surgical procedure is being performed. Gels are perfectly balanced shoes and race belt hat perfectly aligned and then I walk back to check it and recheck it and recheck it and check it and finally recheck it.

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Re: Dirty Secrets [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Plus you owe it to the 17th guy in our age group who missed the slot by 1 position. If you take the slot, you go.

I think the guy who finished 17th was Canadian. Way to take one for the team;)
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Re: Dirty Secrets [Trigirlpink] [ In reply to ]
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i call bullshit. no one at timberman was going to perform surgery after setting up transition in that downpour!!
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Re: Dirty Secrets [Trigirlpink] [ In reply to ]
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1. I don't have a bike. Well - I have a hybrid - but I don't have a nice racing bike like everyone else around here. I am contemplating spending all the money in my savings account to buy one, however.

2. I plan my college class schedules around my training schedule. I've skipped classes to go running, on several occassions.

3. I've never worn makeup or painted my nails, and I'm never going to.

4. I wear short little running shorts all the time, just so I can show off my legs.

5. I am very self-confident. I'm nice, though possibly a little bit vain.

6. I was anorexic for the first three years of high school, and am recovered and healthy now but am mad at myself every day for all the damage I did to my body.

7. When I'm all alone, I love to dance.

8. I am terrified of how fast you go biking and downhill skiing.

9. I don't rest enough. I'm very OCD about training.

10. I don't get along well with other girls, nor do I get along well with other people my own age. Particularly girls my own age.

11. I'll never be pregnant, because I cannot handle being that fat. And, though I love kids (I've worked as a summer camp counselor for the past 7 years), I don't want any of my own. They'd interfere with training, and I'm selfish like that.

12. I hate beer. I do like wine, but I don't really like the taste of it. I just like how it makes me sleep well.

13. I absolutely hate watching TV, except for "Desperate Housewives". That is a cool show.

14. I hate shopping for clothes, unless it's for tri clothes. Jeans, dresses - doesn't interest me.

15. I don't like to dress up.

16. Big family gatherings make me very anxious. My cousin got married last weekend, and I went to the wedding ceremony and then skipped the reception.

17. I'm scared of the dark.

18. I really want to donate blood, but the one time I did, it really really hurt and now I'm afraid to do so again.

19. I enjoy being sarcastic.

20. I'm not sure if I could change a flat on my bike. I think I probably could, it would just take me a very long time.

21. I don't like my coach. I don't think that he likes me very much, either. I'm trying to find a way out of it and get a new coach.

22. I need lots of attention. I'm high maintenance.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Dirty Secrets [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Better start getting ready for marriage proposals from dirty old (and young) slowtwitchers.

Someone once accused me of being swimfan. I miss that guy.
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Re: Dirty Secrets [G1] [ In reply to ]
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well as long as they don't want kids, we're all good.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Dirty Secrets [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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3. You will, allthough I like that look.

12. Don't mistake lose of faculties and passing out for quality sleep, it isn't quality sleep as you never get to REM state.

19. An underrated talent I believe.

20. Practise at home and you will be ready for it. Also, practise with the rear as then it will not throw you if that is the one that flats, and it usually is.

21. If you pay for his services ditch him, if you don't discuss what is wrong and why. If he doesn't like you either it will be a relief to both of you.

My dirty secrets?

I eat a 7 scoop ice cream at IM Canada.

I am sat in a hotel in Wales looking at the rain pouring down and the wind lashing against the window thinking of ditching tomorrow's Xterra race and driving the 230 miles home today.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Dirty Secrets [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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3. Doubtful

12. No - I only have about 4 oz of it, which is certainly not enough to make me pass out. That small amount is enough to just make me relax.

19. :)

20. I've had two flats, right before my half, and watched both times while my dad fixed them so I could learn. One was the front, one was the back. I should be okay.

21. Not paying for it, he's the college XC coach. I think I just need to meet with him and say "hey, this isn't working for me." I need a triathlon coach, for one thing. Anyway. that's my issue to figure out.

Saw the ice cream pics... very nice. #23 for me, I don't like ice cream.

Stay for the race.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Dirty Secrets [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Betcha like chocolate though.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Dirty Secrets [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Don't listen to them... Kona is overrated. Save yourself 5K and stay home. You'll qualify again, you've broken thru the barrier. Go there and slog thru it just because???

I think it has more prestige to be able to say, "I qualified for Kona, but passed it up." I'd put money on it that you will qualify again and it will be with fresh mental clarity and no injuries getting in the way of an experience you don't want to feel obligated to.

Of course I haven't qualified, nor care to, so what do I know! ;-)

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Re: Dirty Secrets [G1] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Better start getting ready for marriage proposals from dirty old (and young) slowtwitchers.
Are you kidding me? She should be prepared for a loney life all by herself with that list. Judging by what she listed I don't believe she could ever have a long term relationship. Much to self centered.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: Dirty Secrets [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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I do like chocolate, if it's good stuff. Not the hershey's fake crap. It has to be the hard, cold, dark chocolate that cracks in your mouth and tastes black and bitter.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Dirty Secrets [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Hersey's has a wierd cheesy after taste I find it hard to believe that anyone can like that crap. Suchard or Lindt milk chocolate is the best.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Dirty Secrets [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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But the darker the chocolate, the better.

Have you tried Royce from Japan? Blows the shit out of Lindt IMHO. A bite of Royce Nama in Milk Chocolate will change your life.

Japanese chocolates are quite good - even their Black Meiji bar [which is totally low-end and can be found even in 7-11] tastes better than any Hershey's bar. It's even as good as the dark Lindt stuff.

French chocolates are good too - Fauchon makes the best dark chocolate bar ever.

I guess that's my dirty secret - I eat a bite of chocolate everyday and I'm quite a chocolate snob.
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Re: Dirty Secrets [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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I think she should have titled it 21 reasons why I'm perfect.

My newest dirty secret: I've been married 2 months and I already think about being a widower. Honey I'm kidding.

Someone once accused me of being swimfan. I miss that guy.
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Re: Dirty Secrets [G1] [ In reply to ]
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- I've been a single parent for 2 years and not once during that time has my ex-wife tried to communicate with our son. I'm very happy about that.

- I've been broke for 2 years. If I do get extra money, I buy tri gear. Along the same lines, my sons room is the only room in the house that is furnished, I sleep on an army issue cot.

- Only 4 more months until everything is paid off and that scares me because I've been living off a very strict budget for so long.

- I often think the best year of my life was the year I was in Iraq, I wish I could go back because I had so much fun.

- Between work, school, and being a parent, Im often overwhelmed.

- I havent drank alcohol in over 6 years for no particular reason.

- I've made huge sacrafices professionally to be there for my son and wish I could do more for him to make up for what my ex did to him.

- I HATE running and thats the reason I do so much of it.

- There will always be someone faster then me, therefore Im only concerned with beating my previous times.

- I broke up with a girl because she had cankles.

- My first marathon consisted of 29 laps around our camp in Iraq. I did it the morning after 2 of the guys in my platoon told me they hit a "wall" at mile 20 and I didnt believe them.

- My "wall" is at mile 23.
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Re: Dirty Secrets [geekgoddess] [ In reply to ]
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Never heard of Royce chocolate, so No I haven't tried it, but will look out for it.

Best chocolate in the world is belgium and my favourite is Godiva.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Dirty Secrets [snackattack] [ In reply to ]
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After reading every single post, I finally had to respond and this is just a start....

1. I wear an Ironman finishers hat to the gym even though I've never started or completed an Ironman event.

2. Even though I raced bikes as a Cat 2 for 15+ years, my wife can out lift me in just about every leg exercise in the gym. She can also out swim me and she's a smoker.

3. I love my wife and kids more than life itself and will do anything to make them happy and content.

4. I feel guilty when away from my family for long training rides on my bike, therefore I dont train nearly as much as I would like to.

More to come....

"Gravedigger, when you dig my grave could you make it shallow? So that I can feel the rain."
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Re: Dirty Secrets [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Never heard of Royce chocolate, so No I haven't tried it, but will look out for it.

Best chocolate in the world is belgium and my favourite is Godiva.[/reply]

Chocolate fans anywhere near the West Coast must try Chocolate Arts in Vancouver. Unrivaled, though it will take a big chunk out of your tri budget.

More in keeping with the thread: My first post here, being a Slowtwitch Newbie. It is a genuinely moving and amusing thread. All should be congratulated.

For me:
-I like playing up the isolated, training-in-the-wilderness aspect of living where I do, though if I was more flexible and sociable there is a very skilled and friendly group to train with and I could likely progress a lot faster if I would join them.
-I broke my collar bone hucking off a bridge butress on my mountain bike this January, cleverly landing on rock-solid ice. I think I was trying to see if the drop would break my ride so I could upgrade. Justice served.
-I loved the time alone training for my first IronMan this year. Love my wife and Kids but really liked the self-indulgence after years of work and child rearing.

Hmmm. Cathartic.
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Post deleted by newbz [ In reply to ]
Re: Dirty Secrets [newbz] [ In reply to ]
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A moment ago I just admitted to being new here but isn't part of this thread's purpose to allow one to air secrets without judgement?
She just admitted to getting over a very serious medical problem which is an enormous accomplishment and she agrees that she is high maintenance which puts her light years ahead of most high maintenance people who completely lack insight.
So we should be supportive, no?
Last edited by: G-GP: Sep 3, 06 15:25
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