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Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
I want lance to come clean.. that's what I want.

COROS Sports Science

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
Here is the thing... for years I was one of the biggest Lance fans for what he did in cycling and the fight against cancer, which unfortunately affected my mother (currently in remission). I hoped for years that something like this wouldn't break because I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to believe he competed honestly and fairly and was at the end of the day a great humanitarian as well. That hope HAD to be set aside in the light of FACTS that were undeniable. I held out hope for as long as I could. This is what every Lance fan will have to do. They will have to OBJECTIVELY look at the facts and then decide how they want to respond. The facts don't leave room anymore for anyone to doubt that Lance was anything but a doper. You cant say he didn't dope, you don't have that option. The two stances one is afforded by the facts is to adjust your view on Lance as serial doper/trafficker and to not like it, or to view Lance as a serial doper/trafficker and not care that he did it.

You are entitled to not care that Lance doped because everyone did, but gone are the days where we can think Lance is/was clean.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
I dont believe that will ever happen.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
Tri-livin wrote:
haha +1

no but in court I'd want that sample tested in a scientific lab (which it would be) and have the scientific evidence that it is in fact shit.

What our legal system requires is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It does not require and never has required absolute certainty. It sounds to me as if you believe he doped and that your belief is beyond a reasonable doubt. Why are you asking for absolute certainty?

If you are suggesting that our legal system gets it wrong even with the standard being beyond a reasonable doubt, then you are suggesting nothing terribly new. "Overwhelming evidence" has led to erroneous convictions and some suggest erroneous executions. Could this be one of those cases? Certainly. Is it? You be the judge, but judge on your own review of the evidence.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Robert] [ In reply to ]
Let's break down your post:

Robert wrote:
I have no doubt that in a world where doping did not exist that the results of the Tours would have been mostly the same. <--THIS is pure speculation. Whether LA had better dope than everyone else is pure speculation <--THIS is anecdotal for sure but it is NOT pure specualtion.

I'm sorry you think my post is bizarre, but this obsession with LA is what is bizarre when the issue is really one of social dynamics.

At some level everything is an issue of social dynamics but accusing sports fans who want clean sport of some sort of middle class hypocrisy...is...as another poster put it "come back to us Robert." I don't dope and to use your example I don't screw my neighbour. I like my morals just fine and while I'll acknowledge that had I been an infinitely better cyclist I could have found myself in DZ or TH's shoes I'm pretty confident I'd never act like the guy portrayed in this decision and that I would never, ever have the gall to then sign my name to an ad like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q8Y0uL-4oA. No, I think I'll be just as dissappointed and angry about what Armstrong has done to a sport I love as I choose thanks.


"Are you sure we're going fast enough?" - Emil Zatopek
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [mattreg3] [ In reply to ]
Not sure why you're answering to me. It's not like I doubt he doped. And despite what the haters of haters think here, nearly everyone would have loved the story to be true.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [ACE] [ In reply to ]
My main question is still, how will Lance react to this?

That is also where I am curious.

My guess is that he will say what his lawyers are saying and that it is a witch hunt or old news or he never failed a test. Then he will simply rely on his reputation and legion of fans to ignore the facts and move on. He will increase his work for cancer (his hedge against personal attacks) and simply ignore all questions about the report. He will bet that people have short memories and ride out the storm.

One thing he will never do is own up to his cheating. That would take character and I just can't see a guy like him turning humble and admitting fault.

I hope I am wrong as he owes a lot of people the truth.

How do you think he will respond?
Last edited by: FJB: Oct 11, 12 7:16
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
Tri-livin wrote:
I can't say it enough... I believe the guy doped in my heart..

However.. until someone shows me undisputable evidence, I just can't convict the guy.. I need that "without a doubt" feeling.

I hope more comes out today with scientific evidence

I hope I missing a huge section of this report..

I just want closure.. I think we all do... and for me right now that 00.01% is really bugging me.

THe feds dropped their case against Armstrong for this very reason.

A strict legal standard might be hard to overcome, but fortunately, as onlookers we are not bound by such rules and thus are allowed to use our brains to determine his guilt or innocence.

Is there a chance he was just a ring leader but never used the stuff himself because he is a genetic freek, possibly, but that chance is so slim one has to dismiss it out of hand given the testimony of his teammates.

The mosaic of evidence in that report points to one conclusion and one conclusion only.

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [mattreg3] [ In reply to ]
That was well said, thank you.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
Sorry, I replied to the last post on the thread... not directed at you.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [chainpin] [ In reply to ]
The Feds dropped the case officially because they were asked to. But I bet you're going to hear from novitzky shortly.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
I would hope WTC is thankful at this moment to USADA for instituting a ban earlier this year. I'm sure having LA involved in Ironmans would have been financially lucrative, but WTC has avoided one huge PR disaster. I'll going to be somewhat disappointed if Nike, Oakely, SRAM, Trek continue to remain onboard with LA. Each company has received their benefit in the past decade; it seems like now is the appropriate time to move on. And I would be disappointed in Leopard RS if they do not institute some personnel changes prior to any federation bans that may come out.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
Tri-livin wrote:
haha.. I hate myself right now as well.. I'm stuck on a fence and wish I wasn't.

my gut says yes, the report points to yes, Its obvious it was yes, but yet that key piece of evidence is still not being shown..

blahhh...I hope I never get picked for jury duty

You might be fine for jury duty, because the defendant likely wouldn't be a personal hero of yours. Yes, eyewitness testimony is often unreliable, but the case is usually something like rape or a mugging where the witness doesn't know the defendant.

Here we have a dozen or so teammates who actually witnessed LA dope and discuss doping. The fact that LA's PR machine has somehow gotten decent people like you to still question this overwhelming evidence is just sad.

Here's another thing that's sad. My buddy just died from cancer. He liked LA's story. When the major doping evidence started coming to light his wife continued to say that she knows LA didn't dope. How does she know this? "After all he went through with his cancer treatment I just don't think Lance would put that stuff in his body. Plus, he says he didn't do it."

I've said it before, LA could still come clean and do good. It's still not too late. The fact that he won't do it is a slap in the face to all of his supporters.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [FJB] [ In reply to ]
FJB wrote:
I also am having great laughs at Francois touting his buddies as the bastions of truth who never exaggerated or made talk of LA personal while claiming LA fans always did that

I'm just relieved that you are ok. I thought with the report out you might take it a little too hard.

Why, I have believed he doped for quite a while.

Nice try though.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
Francois wrote:
The Feds dropped the case officially because they were asked to. But I bet you're going to hear from novitzky shortly.

That is a good point.

I would love to see Lance squirm in front of Congress first though...."I'm not here to talk about the past."

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Robert] [ In reply to ]
Robert wrote:
Have you heard of the Fifth Amendment?


Sure have, though I dont know which point you're referencing. If you're talking about the cyclists who testified who could have taken the 5th, clearly there was a want to come clean as well. The guys who ride for garmin are compelled by their contracts to cooperate with federal investigations; so taking the 5th wouldnt have cut it for them, so they had to tell the truth. And signing with garmin is voluntary so they took that contract willingly. Did hincapie want to testify? No, but he did and he also had no reason to lie.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [mattreg3] [ In reply to ]
mattreg3 wrote:

You are entitled to not care that Lance doped because everyone did, but gone are the days where we can think Lance is/was clean.

If I was one to put a signature at the end of my posts, this would probably be it. Thanks for the clarity, mattreg3.

As for what happens now, I honestly don't give a shit if he admits to his past activities or not. My guess is he cannot without risking criminal prosecution. What he DOES need to do, and do it very very very soon, is sever all ties with Livestrong, et al. It is sad that is has come to this, but I am not ready to give up on his foundation, even though I have given up on him.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Brick] [ In reply to ]
Brick wrote:
Tri-livin wrote:
haha +1

no but in court I'd want that sample tested in a scientific lab (which it would be) and have the scientific evidence that it is in fact shit.

What our legal system requires is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It does not require and never has required absolute certainty. It sounds to me as if you believe he doped and that your belief is beyond a reasonable doubt. Why are you asking for absolute certainty?


I think at this point any "Doubt" is pretty much "Unreasonable"

Then again... denial at this level usually is.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
Devlin wrote:
Death by tray wrote:
jaws20 wrote:
Anyone know if the witness affidavits have been released?

On the broader subject, the biggest loser by far in this whole spectacle is the sport.

No, the biggest losers <snip ugly rant>

Ah, nice. And there ends any hope of rational discussion.


No kidding. I hope the crowd tightens it up a bit.

-Stephen in Arkansas
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
anyone have a link to Levi's affidavit? I read GH and would like to read a few others
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [tdf2437] [ In reply to ]
tdf2437 wrote:
I would hope WTC is thankful at this moment to USADA for instituting a ban earlier this year. I'm sure having LA involved in Ironmans would have been financially lucrative, but WTC has avoided one huge PR disaster. I'll going to be somewhat disappointed if Nike, Oakely, SRAM, Trek continue to remain onboard with LA. Each company has received their benefit in the past decade; it seems like now is the appropriate time to move on. And I would be disappointed in Leopard RS if they do not institute some personnel changes prior to any federation bans that may come out.

There are lots of caught dopers out there that are still being sponsored. I believe Contador and his team still have lots of sponsors. I think there are tons of fans cheering him on.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [chainpin] [ In reply to ]
I think he is guilty... I'm not trying to discuss anything else...

It's just been 15 years of hearing him say. " I've never failed a drug test"... and if you could discredit that... if you could show the evidence of the positive drug test then I think you instantly hit a home-run in the case and his only argument has just become void..

I love this website... you guys helped me clear up some questions..

Just put on my jersey for a ride... I had a choice between Ironman and Livestrong... It's funny... I looked at the livestrong.. thought for a second and put it back in the closet..

COROS Sports Science

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Robert] [ In reply to ]
Robert wrote:
I'm not sure one can draw a straight line, or a crooked one, between one man's alleged drug use and kids' drug use. I just don't hear kids saying "You know, I want to be just like Lyle Alzado, Vince McMahon and Barry Bonds." Young males are programmed for domination to spread their seed, and drugs are one means to that end; some are simply attracted to the fame and money. The WAR ON DRUGS, at all levels, has been a disaster. This case is a small sliver of the overall drug problem, which wil not go away with high profile prosecutions of drug users. In fact, the prosecution of Lance Armstrong is more likely to make kids think they need to get some steroids and EPO to become great too. Never understimate the value of unintended consequences. And this is one reason the WAR ON DRUGS has been a colossal failure on all fronts.

George Hincapie protected his financial future by throwing Armstrong under the bus. All those guys who got a six month slap on the wrist gave statements implicating LA primarily so they could protect themselves. None of those statements were given for honorable reasons or to elevate cycling. They never are. Why would anyone give them the time of day? They are not only drug cheats, but self-absorbed nihilistic opportunists. I thought Hincapie was better than this, but he wasn't and isn't.

I haven't read all of the USADA's brief in support of its conclusions, but I'd say the evidence looks, on first reading, stronger than I suspected. Nonetheless, we have been unable to hear an opposing argument. And LA can't bribe witnesses the way USADA has done. So, I remain cautious about drawing firm conclusions. We need BOTH sides of this story.

USADA's procedures for investigating and prosecuting these cases are smarmy at best and should be re-visited by the governing Board of USADA.


It was more like he told the truth and shifted the focus from Lance to Johan & Team. Lance threw himself under the bus years ago.

-- Aaron Davidson
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
I thinnk you are probably right, but at some point it starts to look silly in the face of all this evidence. His M.O. for the last ten years or so has been to accuse the accusers, but that was when there were only a few, or the few talking had something questionable in their own past, i.e. Hamilton, Landis, L'euipe was out to get him, etc. ( Although I never got why Betsy Andreua would have lied about the hospital incident years ago, so that started me down the path of thinking he doped).

If he continues to spout the same defenses in the face of this report, you can be sure he really is out of options. Those defenses are so weak in the face of this report, that he might as well keep his mouth shut. To suggest that all 11 of those folks concocted these stories, lied under oath to the Feds in the process and all just hate Lance does not pass the smell test.

( By the way, anyone that read the book from the English guy years ago, should have been able to figure it out. The email chain between Vaughters and Andrea sealed the deal for me.)

Having said all of the above, Lance fans don't really care if he doped. They like him, they like his cause and they like the way he road the tour. This evidence will not change that for the hardcore fan. Such is the cult of personality and sports hero worship in this society.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Tri-livin] [ In reply to ]
This is a long thread, not sure if stated before, but seems plausible that Lance's cancer can be partially attributed to his drug use.

Testosterone, HGH. Hincapie testified Lance told him he stopped taking HGH after he had cancer, meaning he was taking it before.

IMFL #12

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