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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [themadcyclist] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for pointing out the fact that pee contributes to the formation of chloramines. Finally someone mentioned it.

Chloramines lead to asthma. http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/19/5/827.long There was a big publicity blitz about young children getting asthma who spent time in indoor pools. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/...-bad-for-your-lungs/

So, since we can't talk any sense into the majority of posters here (!) to stop peeing out of consideration of *others*, just think: if you all become asthmatic, it'll interfere with your racing. Yeah, that's right, you are hurting yourself and we all suffer because of your inconsiderate behaviour. Young kids especially.

I shower every single time before I get in a public pool and never pee in a pool. It's adult and responsible behaviour.

This was probably the most disheartening thread I've ever read on ST. I can't help but wonder if this type of behaviour extends to all facets of life for these people. Bad behaviour as long as nobody is looking.

Sheesh. Time to think about buying an endless pool!
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [karencoutts] [ In reply to ]
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karencoutts wrote:
Chloramines lead to asthma. http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/19/5/827.long There was a big publicity blitz about young children getting asthma who spent time in indoor pools. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/...-bad-for-your-lungs/

Can you link to an article that confirms that the amount of urine itself (as opposed to sweat) that could exist in a non-overcrowded pool makes any noticeable difference in the cloramine levels?

Sheesh. Time to think about buying an endless pool!

And there are germs on ATM machines, gas pumps, and all public doors. Better not ever use those either.

In fact, you probably should just never leave the house. Crossing the street is dangerous too.
Last edited by: matto: Jan 7, 13 20:39
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [ZackC.] [ In reply to ]
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"You can tell which kids have to pee and which ones are full of shit."

I see what you did there.
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [matto] [ In reply to ]
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matto wrote:
.....And there are germs on ATM machines, gas pumps, and all public doors. Better not ever use those either.....
Do you pee on them as well?
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [matto] [ In reply to ]
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No, I'm not willing to research the ratio of urine to sweat in the formation of chloramines. You can't avoid sweating in the pool, or maybe you can if you're one of the little wrinkled old men who float on their backs. You CAN control whether you pee in the pool. Or at least *I* can.

Ah, the old "better not use ATM machines because of germs" argument... Not logical. Wow, you know, I can always wash my hands after using an ATM, but I can't stop breathing in chloramines, or accidentally drinking pool water when someone in the next lane is splashing into my open mouth when I'm taking a breath, or having it go up my nose in a flip turn. The only choice is to stop using public pools since I can't afford to build my own Olympic sized pool.

Maybe I should join a pool where people actually shower before they enter. Or one where people don't pee. Right, it doesn't exist.

I'm just bowled over by the "I pee in the pool, and I'm proud of it!" crowd.
Last edited by: karencoutts: Jan 7, 13 22:28
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [karencoutts] [ In reply to ]
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Oh yeah, and I forgot to say: I am not up for a debate on whether it's okay to pee in the pool.

If you think it's okay, then I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could say to change your mind.

I remember that when I was taking a professional ethics course, the test of whether an action is ethical is, would you want to see your action on the front page of the paper? If not, then it's not ethical.

So. Would you want everyone to know that you pee in the pool? Your boss? Your girlfriend? Your mother? So, for the anonymous posters on Slowtwitch proud of peeing, let's put up a poster in the lobby of your local pool with your name and picture there with something cool, like "Hi. I'm John Doe, and I love to pee in the pool!"

I'm done with this thread!
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [karencoutts] [ In reply to ]
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karencoutts wrote:
Oh yeah, and I forgot to say: I am not up for a debate on whether it's okay to pee in the pool.

Then why did you enter into one by posting your opinions on the topic?
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [karencoutts] [ In reply to ]
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karencoutts wrote:
No, I'm not willing to research the ratio of urine to sweat in the formation of chloramines. You can't avoid sweating in the pool, or maybe you can if you're one of the little wrinkled old men who float on their backs. You CAN control whether you pee in the pool. Or at least *I* can.

Ah, the old "better not use ATM machines because of germs" argument... Not logical. Wow, you know, I can always wash my hands after using an ATM, but I can't stop breathing in chloramines, or accidentally drinking pool water when someone in the next lane is splashing into my open mouth when I'm taking a breath, or having it go up my nose in a flip turn. The only choice is to stop using public pools since I can't afford to build my own Olympic sized pool.

Maybe I should join a pool where people actually shower before they enter. Or one where people don't pee. Right, it doesn't exist.

I'm just bowled over by the "I pee in the pool, and I'm proud of it!" crowd.

What is an "ATM machine?"
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [gymrat] [ In reply to ]
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gymrat wrote:
There is a difference between Peeing in the Pool and peeing IN the Pool

Someone's a fan of Dimitri Martin I see...
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [siberian] [ In reply to ]
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There's two types of people who wear wetsuits:

1- Those to admit to peeing in them
2- Those who say they don't

Do the math...

As far as peeing in the pool goes, yeah it's not the ideal. I would assume that we've all done it at some point in our lives... so let him/her who hasn't cast the first stone.

Skip the pool, pee in the shower. And if you're doing a long set, it doesn't make sense to get out, pee, and get in again. We're all about efficiency, right?

It's not nearly as bad as peeing on the bike, but then again, I understand that too. (As long as you don't do it while someone is passing behind or downwind)

Fitness, Like Life, Is a Journey!
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [Atak Kat] [ In reply to ]
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Its probably already been said (too lazy to read the whole thread) but the solution to pollution is dilution. It would take a WHOLE lot of pee to have a noticeable different in a pool. However, 3000 ironman startes in a small area in Lake Placid with no chlorine? Hmmmmmmmmmm.....
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [karencoutts] [ In reply to ]
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karencoutts wrote:

If you think it's okay, then I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could say to change your mind.

I remember that when I was taking a professional ethics course, the test of whether an action is ethical is, would you want to see your action on the front page of the paper? If not, then it's not ethical.

So. Would you want everyone to know that you pee in the pool? Your boss? Your girlfriend? Your mother? So, for the anonymous posters on Slowtwitch proud of peeing, let's put up a poster in the lobby of your local pool with your name and picture there with something cool, like "Hi. I'm John Doe, and I love to pee in the pool!"

Agree. Those that pee in the pool will never grow up or mature enough to stop the habit. Some are even proud of it and may not have an issue having their picture displayed at their club. Maybe it just goes back to how some of us were raised. Everybody has different sets of morals and values. I was raised to act like a mature adult and respect others. I'm not always perfect, but when I'm wrong I try to learn from the lesson and move on. I can't fathom the mentality of somebody who is proud to pee in a pool or too lazy to go to the restroom.

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [guppie58] [ In reply to ]
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I don't EVER want to grow up!! Wait, I'm 40--shit!! Oh well, I will forever be 20 at heart. IMHO- Swimmers, that are properly hydrated DO NOT get out of the pool to take a leak. Sorry to burst anyones bubble but can you imagine a D1 swimmer interupting a workout and raising his hand? Coach, I need to pee...... ya right! Swimmers "Omerta"



Team Every Man Jack

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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [dmounts] [ In reply to ]
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dmounts wrote:
I don't EVER want to grow up!! Wait, I'm 40--shit!! Oh well, I will forever be 20 at heart. IMHO- Swimmers, that are properly hydrated DO NOT get out of the pool to take a leak. Sorry to burst anyones bubble but can you imagine a D1 swimmer interupting a workout and raising his hand? Coach, I need to pee...... ya right! Swimmers "Omerta"



X2. I can't imagine the reaction had someone asked out of a set to go pee. Part of the reason I can't imagine it is that it never happened. wasn't even really contemplated. Cut loose while coach is describing the next set, or if you can't wait let a little go during a rest interval. No problem.

I swam a lot of backstroke and peeing a little waiting for the starter to tell us to take your mark was part of my focusing ritual. Every single race. I'm sure I wasn't the only one.
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [guppie58] [ In reply to ]
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guppie58 wrote:
karencoutts wrote:

If you think it's okay, then I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could say to change your mind.

I remember that when I was taking a professional ethics course, the test of whether an action is ethical is, would you want to see your action on the front page of the paper? If not, then it's not ethical.

So. Would you want everyone to know that you pee in the pool? Your boss? Your girlfriend? Your mother? So, for the anonymous posters on Slowtwitch proud of peeing, let's put up a poster in the lobby of your local pool with your name and picture there with something cool, like "Hi. I'm John Doe, and I love to pee in the pool!"

Agree. Those that pee in the pool will never grow up or mature enough to stop the habit. Some are even proud of it and may not have an issue having their picture displayed at their club. Maybe it just goes back to how some of us were raised. Everybody has different sets of morals and values. I was raised to act like a mature adult and respect others. I'm not always perfect, but when I'm wrong I try to learn from the lesson and move on. I can't fathom the mentality of somebody who is proud to pee in a pool or too lazy to go to the restroom.

How about a compromise??? Most of the "pro Peeing" group are serious swimmers who've done 1000s of 2 to 3 or even 4-hr WOs when their coach would not let them get out to pee because he didn't want them getting extra rest, and their 1000s of hrs in the pool is what makes them so "cavalier" about the whole issue. Also, often the long-time swimmer will just be getting into their groove at the 1-hr point, and stopping the swim for more than 60 sec causes the lactic acid (or some sort of muscle breakdown byproduct) to build up in your muscles, at which point it is very difficult to get back down to the pace you were holding. These "real swimmers" must never be confused with your typical tri-swimmer who generally swims 45 min or less, maybe 1 hr tops. Therefore, I propose:

Swim WOs of 1 hr or less: no real need to pee in the pool, hold it until you get out.
Swim WOs exceeding 1 hr: OK to pee in the pool, you've earned it.

At my club, there are only a total of about 3 swimmers (me and 2 others) whose WO usually goes over an hour, and hence so the urine input to the pool would be pretty minimal if my compromise were implemented.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
How about a compromise?
Couldn't agree more. You break the pee in the pool rule, and we won't complain. Someone breaks the don't burgle your house rule, or don't drink and drive and crash into you rule, and you don't complain. Fair?
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [sharkbait_au] [ In reply to ]
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sharkbait_au wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
How about a compromise?

Couldn't agree more. You break the pee in the pool rule, and we won't complain. Someone breaks the don't burgle your house rule, or don't drink and drive and crash into you rule, and you don't complain. Fair?

Let me guess: you swim less than 1 hr typically???

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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ericmulk wrote:
sharkbait_au wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
How about a compromise?

Couldn't agree more. You break the pee in the pool rule, and we won't complain. Someone breaks the don't burgle your house rule, or don't drink and drive and crash into you rule, and you don't complain. Fair?

Let me guess: you swim less than 1 hr typically???
Yes, you are correct. Are you not prepared to answer the question. Should I make it more appropriate? Ok... how about only serious burglars who are prepared to commit grievous harm are allowed to burgle you?
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [sharkbait_au] [ In reply to ]
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sharkbait_au wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
sharkbait_au wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
How about a compromise?

Couldn't agree more. You break the pee in the pool rule, and we won't complain. Someone breaks the don't burgle your house rule, or don't drink and drive and crash into you rule, and you don't complain. Fair?

Let me guess: you swim less than 1 hr typically???

Yes, you are correct. Are you not prepared to answer the question. Should I make it more appropriate? Ok... how about only serious burglars who are prepared to commit grievous harm are allowed to burgle you?

Actually, the last time my house was broken into, they did not take anything, I guess because I have very few material possessions, and apparently none of interest to the robbers:)

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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Yup, not prepared to answer the question.
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [sharkbait_au] [ In reply to ]
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sharkbait_au wrote:
Yup, not prepared to answer the question.

The answer is I don't care if someone comes in my house or not. It is unlocked all the time anyway and I do not have a house key. This is the honest truth. If they come in when I'm home, my three dogs will be very excited to finally attack someone. If they come when the dogs and I aren't home, then so what, I have nothing they will want.

"Anyone can be who they want to be IF they have the HUNGER and the DRIVE."
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [guppie58] [ In reply to ]
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guppie58 wrote:
karencoutts wrote:

If you think it's okay, then I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could say to change your mind.

I remember that when I was taking a professional ethics course, the test of whether an action is ethical is, would you want to see your action on the front page of the paper? If not, then it's not ethical.

So. Would you want everyone to know that you pee in the pool? Your boss? Your girlfriend? Your mother? So, for the anonymous posters on Slowtwitch proud of peeing, let's put up a poster in the lobby of your local pool with your name and picture there with something cool, like "Hi. I'm John Doe, and I love to pee in the pool!"

Agree. Those that pee in the pool will never grow up or mature enough to stop the habit. Some are even proud of it and may not have an issue having their picture displayed at their club. Maybe it just goes back to how some of us were raised. Everybody has different sets of morals and values. I was raised to act like a mature adult and respect others. I'm not always perfect, but when I'm wrong I try to learn from the lesson and move on. I can't fathom the mentality of somebody who is proud to pee in a pool or too lazy to go to the restroom.

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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [ericmulk] [ In reply to ]
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Live and let live then? Fair enough.
ericmulk wrote:
Actually, the last time my house was broken into, they did not take anything.
It is unlocked all the time anyway

Although...... you came home and your house was open because you left it open, and nothing was missing, how does that translate into your house was broken into by robbers? There was no robbery and no broken into.

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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [sharkbait_au] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think one 'earns' the right to pee in the pool (thus earning the right to disrespect others). Some of my swim sessions are longer than an hour and I will consume a bottle of water during those sessions. I rarely find the need to go to the bathroom and when I do, I have zero issue jumping out of the pool and hitting the rest room. I don't pee in the pool because I'm a grown adult and I don't want to disrespect the other swimmers in the pool. For me, it's really that simple.

As I said before, those that are too lazy to exit the pool and don't care about other swimmers will continue to pee in the pool. Nothing will change their mind. They will find any way possible to justify their behavior (my old high school coach wouldn't let us out of the pool.....professional swimmers pee in the pool.....etc.). I was just raised by a different set of morals and values.

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
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Re: Nothing Wrong With Peeing In The Pool [sharkbait_au] [ In reply to ]
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sharkbait_au wrote:
ericmulk wrote:
How about a compromise?

Couldn't agree more. You break the pee in the pool rule, and we won't complain. Someone breaks the don't burgle your house rule, or don't drink and drive and crash into you rule, and you don't complain. Fair?

Are you serious? One is breaking the law, one is not even remotely a "rule."
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