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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [hammerruns] [ In reply to ]
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hammerruns wrote:
You are ridiculous. Some people entering the sport have maybe never had the "deep" and apparently superior experience you have had in the sport. The swim being the most intimidating portion you cast a stone to someone who is probably in the wave after you and would not impede your progress. I get that fins and propulsion devices are a no go but the noodle we all know wont make you any faster. This triathlon had two people die this weekend. I am going to go ahead and say that if a noodle could prevent that then its a good thing. Just relax a bit and try not to make triathlon a "good ole boys club" where you have to be super good or not tri. I am going to go ahead and assume you are the same guy who climbs over people in the start of the swim because your triathlon world is so much more important than anyone elses. Do us all a favor and shut up and just enjoy the sport and encourage others who are learning and trying it out.

I really hope you're kidding... if you can't swim, you shouldn't do a triathlon, period... that's common sense, and it never ceases to amaze me to see a comment like yours.... wow...

I think the guy near the end at the bottom actuclly has a pull buoy...
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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bmanners wrote:
Francois wrote:
Bullshit. It's easy. If you can't swim, don't enter a f'in triathlon. USAT should require people to submit some proof of swimming competency (just like it's done in several Euro countries).
Such as an 800m pool swim, without a wetsuit, without a pull buoy, without holding on to the lanes, and the walls.

If you need a wetsuit, and noodles, on top of a 5-6mph current to get out of the water, well, sorry, you can't swim. Enter a duathlon (they're harder anyway).

No they are not!

They are if you actually run hard. For a change. :-)

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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I recognized the one backstroker in the green cap with the wide arm swing. He usually swims at my YMCA. :-)
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
I couldn't tell from either thread. Where noodles from swim safety personnel given to people in trouble or did participants enter with them from the start?

Noodles where attached to kyacks and handed out by safety personnel
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [hammerruns] [ In reply to ]
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Its swim-bike-run NOT float-bike-run

Can't swim? Go run a 5K.
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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That would be fun. I may even have a decent swim split with that current. That was crazy. That was one of the most unsafe swim scenes I've seen in a while.


"It's too dangerous and expensive to ride with d*ckheads" -tridork

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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Seriously....how does that happen??? How is someone allowed into the water with a frickin noodle?? Now if that person had gotten into trouble the RD would have liability because that should have alerted everyone that the person cannot swim. I have been very supportive of the RD against attacks for the safety of the swim but this is truly ridiculous.....
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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Can we just agree to post a link to this video whenever someone starts whining that triathlon is not as popular as the NFL? Behavior like this cheapens and degrades the sport. Period.
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [Hot Tamales] [ In reply to ]
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Hot Tamales wrote:
Its swim-bike-run NOT float-bike-run

Can't swim? Go run a 5K.

Swimming is part of a triathlon. If you can't swim don't enter. And I'm a MOP swimmer not some elite snob.
And this has nothing to do with the 2 that died. RIP
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [hammerruns] [ In reply to ]
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The swim being the most intimidating portion... encourage others who are learning and trying it out.

I don't think handing out noodles is the best encouragement we can offer. How many newbies were perhaps borderline in signing up for this race but decided to go ahead given the fact they had the noodle?

"Oh jeez I can't really swim a mile in the Hudson with hundreds of other people and a strong current... glad I'll have that noodle".

I think this comes down to smart decisions by newbie triathletes on selecting appropriate races. RD's shouldn't have to lower the level of expectation.

Coaching - Future Endurance
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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If water aeorbics were easy, they'd call it triathlon....
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [running2far] [ In reply to ]
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DQ and pull them....WTF


Coaching - Future Endurance
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [BrianPBN] [ In reply to ]
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The bigger issue with this race, and this has been mentioned in previous threads, is what happens when a weak/non swimmer/toddler in water wings is in a wave that is against the current? It is advertised as having the fastest swim, but only at the athlete briefing do they mention that the current will change over time. I am a MOP to back of the MOP swimmer. I went in the 2nd or 3rd to last wave a couple of years ago. Normally swim 30-31 for Olympic and 37-40 for half/70.3. I was against the curret the whole time. I swam 39:xx and my friend, similar in swim ability to me, who went right after the pros did19:xx.

What happens in one year when 2500 people hop in and some, in hope of becoming an ironman, are against the current for even part of 2.4 miles?

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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [hammerruns] [ In reply to ]
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hammerruns wrote:
You are ridiculous. Some people entering the sport have maybe never had the "deep" and apparently superior experience you have had in the sport. The swim being the most intimidating portion you cast a stone to someone who is probably in the wave after you and would not impede your progress. I get that fins and propulsion devices are a no go but the noodle we all know wont make you any faster. This triathlon had two people die this weekend. I am going to go ahead and say that if a noodle could prevent that then its a good thing. Just relax a bit and try not to make triathlon a "good ole boys club" where you have to be super good or not tri. I am going to go ahead and assume you are the same guy who climbs over people in the start of the swim because your triathlon world is so much more important than anyone elses. Do us all a favor and shut up and just enjoy the sport and encourage others who are learning and trying it out.

Using your logic maybe the NYC Marathon should permit scooters or roller skates for people you are new to the sport. I dont think its a question of triathlon being a "good ole boys club" or even that a noodle doesn't make you faster. The point is if you are not able to complete the swim without a noodle than you shouldn't be doing it for your own safety and that of those who may need to rescue you. Shame on the RD and staff for allowing this person into a congested swim with a strong current. By using a noodle she effectively put them on notice that she couldn't swim and they should count their blessings that she survived.
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [dsimo] [ In reply to ]
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Totally agree with you. They have no business going into the water. Jerk Off's.
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [greyguy] [ In reply to ]
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By using a noodle she effectively put them on notice that she couldn't swim and they should count their blessings that she survived.
Exactly, I don't believe a noodle is an approved flotation device by any marine agency. If race staff were handing these out and someone died while using one.. well.. bye bye NYC Tri!

Proud member of FISHTWITCH: doing a bit more than fish exercise now.
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [greyguy] [ In reply to ]
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Hopefully they have higher safety standards in the balloon festivals they manage....

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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [greyguy] [ In reply to ]
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greyguy wrote:
hammerruns wrote:
You are ridiculous. Some people entering the sport have maybe never had the "deep" and apparently superior experience you have had in the sport. The swim being the most intimidating portion you cast a stone to someone who is probably in the wave after you and would not impede your progress. I get that fins and propulsion devices are a no go but the noodle we all know wont make you any faster. This triathlon had two people die this weekend. I am going to go ahead and say that if a noodle could prevent that then its a good thing. Just relax a bit and try not to make triathlon a "good ole boys club" where you have to be super good or not tri. I am going to go ahead and assume you are the same guy who climbs over people in the start of the swim because your triathlon world is so much more important than anyone elses. Do us all a favor and shut up and just enjoy the sport and encourage others who are learning and trying it out.

Using your logic maybe the NYC Marathon should permit scooters or roller skates for people you are new to the sport. I dont think its a question of triathlon being a "good ole boys club" or even that a noodle doesn't make you faster. The point is if you are not able to complete the swim without a noodle than you shouldn't be doing it for your own safety and that of those who may need to rescue you. Shame on the RD and staff for allowing this person into a congested swim with a strong current. By using a noodle she effectively put them on notice that she couldn't swim and they should count their blessings that she survived.

I've done this race 3 times and this is the first time i've seen or heard of noodles. i volunteered this year for the hell of it and didn't get to see swimmers leaving. but still, i agree that these folks should have been DQ'd. I'm nothing special, but the whole point of a triathlon is the swim. A lot of people come into these races never wearing a wetsuit before, never racing in salt water before, never swimming next to someone else before... they make sprint distance races for trial and error. I do think that maybe anything over a sprint should have a 25y or more pool certify that you can complete an 800 or more swim without stopping, similar to how NYCSwim does for their open water races. it's a safety hazard to swimmers that need medical attention when swimmers that are "just" freaking out take up the available manpower. i feel bad for the folks that died, and it's not a good trend to have people die at a popular race, but i feel worse for the lady that had her hand up and no one was able to help her.

before doing a triathlon, weak swimmers should develop two strokes. 1) the race stroke they are planning on doing if everything is perfect, 2) a stroke they can comfortable relax in while still moving forward (breast stroke, side stroke, back stroke, elementary back stroke).
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [greyguy] [ In reply to ]
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Hopefully but I feel he packs in the most he can to maximize his profit. Greedy son of a bitch.
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [newinnycus] [ In reply to ]
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Is there anywhere for NYC residents to practice open water swims? How many of these participants have never done OWS before I wonder?
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [greyguy] [ In reply to ]
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The point is if you are not able to complete the swim without a noodle than you shouldn't be doing it for your own safety and that of those who may need to rescue you. Shame on the RD and staff for allowing this person into a congested swim with a strong current.

Agreed, totally.

Coaching - Future Endurance
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Pooks wrote:
Behavior like this cheapens and degrades the sport. Period.

Exactly! And then this is what happens...

"Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer called today for
an comprehensive review of the triathlon safety protocol and
questioned the race’s decision to go ahead even with
temperatures exceeding 90 degrees (32 degrees Celsius) and
choppy water with strong currents following rain the night

New Yorkers signed up for a triathlon -- not a game of
Russian Roulette,” Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer said in a news release. “Choosing
to compete is a decision every athlete has to make for
themselves -- but it is the obligation of the city to make sure
all potential risks are accounted for to the extent possible.”

And for the record - I am not saying those who tragically died yesterday are responsible for this - I understand they could have trained and been ready for the race, but unfortunately suffered heart attacks. My beef is with the people who haven't trained and have no business being there.

"It's not the will to win that matters - everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters." - Paul "Bear" Bryant
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [nickwhite] [ In reply to ]
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nickwhite wrote:
Is there anywhere for NYC residents to practice open water swims? How many of these participants have never done OWS before I wonder?

Yes. There's good OW swimming to be done at Brighton Beach and Coney Island, both of which are easily accessible via subway. There are many organized groups that hold training sessions there, as well as individuals who practice there. In addition, there are organized swims in the Hudson including on that covers the same route as the NYC Tri.

Jonathan Cane
City Coach Multisport
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [joncane] [ In reply to ]
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I don't think that was a triathlete some lady obviously thought she was going to morning grandma water aerobics
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Re: NYC Tri Swim Video (noodles included)... [alittleslow] [ In reply to ]
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alittleslow wrote:
The bigger issue with this race, and this has been mentioned in previous threads, is what happens when a weak/non swimmer/toddler in water wings is in a wave that is against the current? It is advertised as having the fastest swim, but only at the athlete briefing do they mention that the current will change over time. I am a MOP to back of the MOP swimmer. I went in the 2nd or 3rd to last wave a couple of years ago. Normally swim 30-31 for Olympic and 37-40 for half/70.3. I was against the curret the whole time. I swam 39:xx and my friend, similar in swim ability to me, who went right after the pros did19:xx.

What happens in one year when 2500 people hop in and some, in hope of becoming an ironman, are against the current for even part of 2.4 miles?


Great point.

Before my first tri in the ocean (vs. lake), I spent many a swim trying to be prepared. First, I swam in murky sharky scary salt water. Second, I trained hard in the pool. Third, I swam in the ocean on the rough days.

People make fun of st anthony's but st anthony's "chop" is about 3x bigger than the "chop" at NYC tri this weekend. Plus, it wasn't even crowded!

It seems like the RD did everything he could to make it safe. 1) Staggered start 2) 52 kayaks or 1 every 30 meters 3) noodles

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