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Re: Durham Investigation [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.

I don't have doubts that the investigation has merit. I do have doubts that the investigation is uncovering some sort of Hillary criminal mastermind plot.
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Re: Durham Investigation [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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I have as much confidence of her getting prosecuted as I do Trump, as both sides keep coming at both of them and nothing sticks to either. One thing that can be said is that there is enough to say that they're both scumbags.
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Re: Durham Investigation [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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yeah.... any linked commentary that uses the term "frothy right" 4x sounds like an unbiased journalistic story kinda like seeing Hillary frothy in he recent comments to get back on the podium. haha
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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I have as much confidence of her getting prosecuted as I do Trump, as both sides keep coming at both of them and nothing sticks to either. One thing that can be said is that there is enough to say that they're both scumbags.

When trump was president you really couldnt criminally prosecute him.

Saying they are both scumbags is hugely misleading. It would be like saying BJ Armstrong and Lebron James are both NBA all stars
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Re: Durham Investigation [LegoBrandon22] [ In reply to ]
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LegoBrandon22 wrote:
yeah.... any linked commentary that uses the term "frothy right" 4x sounds like an unbiased journalistic story kinda like seeing Hillary frothy in he recent comments to get back on the podium. haha

when your prior posts, under several prior user names, generate a "signature" one can use to identify posts made in the future, under your new user accounts, that should tell you something about yourself. that certain banned users keep coming back to a place they're not welcome is its own psychological mystery.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: Durham Investigation [LegoBrandon22] [ In reply to ]
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LegoBrandon22 wrote:
yeah.... any linked commentary that uses the term "frothy right" 4x sounds like an unbiased journalistic story kinda like seeing Hillary frothy in he recent comments to get back on the podium. haha

Why? Will the right wing snowflakes be triggered when someone accurately describes their campaign of misinformation as "Frothy"?

Wheeler's analysis is in line with what many experts have confirmed. Here are some more links if you are interested.


It is clear that Trump, the MAGA media, and the echo chamber have been lying about Durham's latest filing. It is reasonable to question their campaign of misinformation.
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.

What leaks came from the Mueller investigation? I recall lots of false claims of leaks from Trump but like most of what he says that was a lie.
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence.

I thought Mueller was known for running a pretty tight ship? No one seemed to know what direction he was going or what the full scope of his investigation was before he released The Report. And Mueller certainly didn't formally release anything to the media. To this day, he's only spoken to the media a few times (afaik), and those were to correct major factual inaccuracies being reported.
Last edited by: trail: Feb 18, 22 8:41
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Re: Durham Investigation [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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A quick google yielded a few examples.


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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
A quick google yielded a few examples.



From the first sentence of the first article, you prove my point, "After nearly two years of tight-lipped silence..."
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.

Why does Durham submitting in court filings have merit?

Because his filings are very different than what the Mueller special counsel filed. The Sussman indictment for example. It is 27 pages long for a single 1001 (lying to FBI) count. Mueller on the other hand spent 24 pages on Stone’s indictment, for multiple counts of obstruction and 5 1001 charges. Why did Durham spend 27 pages on a single charge, when Mueller was able to do it so many fewer pages for more charges? Especially when you see that the case against Sussman is very weak. So it has a bunch of unneeded information, but not much evidence to show Sussman is guilty.

The likely answer is the Durham don’t need all those pages. He is using people trust in federal filings as a way to launder a political conspiracy theory. I don’t see how that behavior could be interpreted as showing his investigation has merit.

Of course we all remember that his second in command did resign because they believed that the investigation did not have merit and was a political witch hunt, which is backed up by all of Durhams subsequent actions.

Do you think you have a better insight into the investigation than someone working on it?
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Re: Durham Investigation [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.

Why does Durham submitting in court filings have merit?

Because his filings are very different than what the Mueller special counsel filed. The Sussman indictment for example. It is 27 pages long for a single 1001 (lying to FBI) count. Mueller on the other hand spent 24 pages on Stone’s indictment, for multiple counts of obstruction and 5 1001 charges. Why did Durham spend 27 pages on a single charge, when Mueller was able to do it so many fewer pages for more charges? Especially when you see that the case against Sussman is very weak. So it has a bunch of unneeded information, but not much evidence to show Sussman is guilty.

The likely answer is the Durham don’t need all those pages. He is using people trust in federal filings as a way to launder a political conspiracy theory. I don’t see how that behavior could be interpreted as showing his investigation has merit.

Of course we all remember that his second in command did resign because they believed that the investigation did not have merit and was a political witch hunt, which is backed up by all of Durhams subsequent actions.

Do you think you have a better insight into the investigation than someone working on it?

He is absolutely a rear guard laundering conspiracy theories, you are spot on.

If he keeps it up however he’s going to walk Fox News into another billion dollar lawsuit.


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“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.”
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
A quick google yielded a few examples.



The leaks from the Mueller investigation didn’t come from the Mueller team itself. They came from others.

You can’t expect attorneys for people subpoenaed by the investigation to not leak. And that is why you should be suspicious of leaks, because they are people being investigated and want to get ahead of story.

Why are there less leaks of the Durham investigation, most likely because there are less people being investigated. Less people are involved because there is less to investigate. So less people to leak. And the people that they are investigating don’t have a reason to leak. Because it is in their interest to not give Durham any oxygen, because they don’t fear an actual adverse outcome. Compare to the Mueller investigation, where they knew they had committed crimes, so they wanted to get ahead of that story.
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Re: Durham Investigation [ECE] [ In reply to ]
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ECE wrote:
A quick google yielded a few examples.



Did you read those links before you posted them?

The first one is from two years after the investigation was over. It describes the Mueller team as "tight-lipped silence"

The second one cites no actual leaks from Mueller, just talking points from the Trump gang. In fact it points out that "many reporters and legal experts say Mueller himself has remained consistently tight-lipped about his work".

At the time most thought the "Leak" that triggered the article actually came from Trump's team

The third one also does not cite any leaks from Mueller's team. In fact it talks about how honest and ethical he is

"Everybody who has come into contact with Robert Mueller during the course of his career, with the exception of President Trump, knows that he is overwhelmingly professional and ethical," she said. "He is overwhelmingly ethical, and I think that it takes a long time to build a case."

I have seen no evidence of any leaks from Mueller's team during the investigation.

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Re: Durham Investigation [LegoBrandon22] [ In reply to ]
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LegoBrandon22 wrote:
yeah.... any linked commentary that uses the term "frothy right" 4x sounds like an unbiased journalistic story kinda like seeing Hillary frothy in he recent comments to get back on the podium. haha

Frothy right is an accurate description.

Following Durham latest filling, Fox News spent the last week devoting 4 days of almost wall to wall coverage. There was no new information there, everything was already in the Sussman indictment. But they treated it like some new revelation. Also all apparently didn’t notice that this crime they are saying happened Durham said was not a crime and also the statute of limitations just tolled a week ago. They of course did not cover other news like trumps accountants saying a decade of financial statements are not be trusted and they are no longer taking his money.

That seems like behavior that can be reasonably called frothy. And they are right. So frothy right is a reasonable description.
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Re: Durham Investigation [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.

Why does Durham submitting in court filings have merit?

Because his filings are very different than what the Mueller special counsel filed. The Sussman indictment for example. It is 27 pages long for a single 1001 (lying to FBI) count. Mueller on the other hand spent 24 pages on Stone’s indictment, for multiple counts of obstruction and 5 1001 charges. Why did Durham spend 27 pages on a single charge, when Mueller was able to do it so many fewer pages for more charges? Especially when you see that the case against Sussman is very weak. So it has a bunch of unneeded information, but not much evidence to show Sussman is guilty.

The likely answer is the Durham don’t need all those pages. He is using people trust in federal filings as a way to launder a political conspiracy theory. I don’t see how that behavior could be interpreted as showing his investigation has merit.

Of course we all remember that his second in command did resign because they believed that the investigation did not have merit and was a political witch hunt, which is backed up by all of Durhams subsequent actions.

Do you think you have a better insight into the investigation than someone working on it?

I am glad you brought this up. I have read a lot of legal filings over the years and Durham's are some of the ponderous and nonsensical I have seen. He tosses in a bunch of unrelated stuff that appears to be inserted just to fuel the conspiracy theory machine.
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Re: Durham Investigation [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
LegoBrandon22 wrote:
yeah.... any linked commentary that uses the term "frothy right" 4x sounds like an unbiased journalistic story kinda like seeing Hillary frothy in he recent comments to get back on the podium. haha

when your prior posts, under several prior user names, generate a "signature" one can use to identify posts made in the future, under your new user accounts, that should tell you something about yourself. that certain banned users keep coming back to a place they're not welcome is its own psychological mystery.

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Re: Durham Investigation [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
I don't have doubts that the investigation has merit. I do have doubts that the investigation is uncovering some sort of Hillary criminal mastermind plot.

Hillary is a lawyer. Any masterminding by her will certainly not include breaking any law. She's smarter than that. If Durham's report confirms Hillary is a shrewd trickster, it won't have told us anything we didn't already know.
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Re: Durham Investigation [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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Durham Distances Himself From Furor in Right-Wing Media Over Filing
The special counsel implicitly acknowledged that White House internet data he discussed, which conservative outlets have portrayed as proof of spying on the Trump White House, came from the Obama era.
the conservative news media treated those sentences in Mr. Durham’s filing as a new revelation while significantly embellishing what it had said. Mr. Durham, some outlets inaccurately reported, had said he had discovered that the Clinton campaign had paid Mr. Joffe’s company to spy on Mr. Trump. But the campaign had not paid his company, and the filing did not say so. Some outlets also quoted Mr. Durham’s filing as using the word “infiltrate,” a word it did not contain.

Most important, the coverage about purported spying on the Trump White House was premised on the idea that the White House network data involved came from when Mr. Trump was president. But Mr. Durham’s filing did not say when it was from.

Lawyers for a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist who helped analyze the Yota data said on Monday that the data came from the Obama presidency. Mr. Sussmann’s lawyers said the same in a filing on Monday night complaining about Mr. Durham’s conduct.
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Re: Durham Investigation [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Sheesh. I'm embarrassed by my description post above.

Durham clearly played footsie with these notions, as I pretty much only read parts of his court filings, not any media interpretation. Which leads me to believe he intentionally steered me towards the erroneous assumptions he's talking about here.
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Re: Durham Investigation [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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I think I may have found a hint as to why Fox has gone quiet on this.

"We can't get distracted, whether it's by the new culture war nonsense or some right-wing lie on Fox or Facebook. They've been coming after me again lately, in case you might have noticed. It's funny, the more trouble Trump gets into, the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories about me seem to get...Fox leads the charge with accusations against me, counting on their audience to fall for it again. And as an aside, they're getting awfully close to actual malice in their attacks."
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Re: Durham Investigation [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
I am glad you brought this up. I have read a lot of legal filings over the years and Durham's are some of the ponderous and nonsensical I have seen. He tosses in a bunch of unrelated stuff that appears to be inserted just to fuel the conspiracy theory machine.

If we learned anything from 2020, it’s that documents filed with courts can be filled with factually devoid/ conclusory allegations and legally unsupported arguments. That’s legalese for LIES.

Consider that lawsuits typically have a winner and a loser. That means half of the claims of facts and legal arguments fail. There is a lot of nonsense written into court filings. Do not ever think that because something has been submitted to a court that it automatically has merit.

With Trump-related stuff, it’s probably correct to say that the effort is for PR as much as anything else, but that’s because Trump and GOP INVENT the reality he wants. Propaganda and their legal arguments are one and the same.

I think our best approach is to read as much of the court filings as possible and share the claims here and subject them to a little critical analysis. It will be both interesting and funny. At this point in history, I think anything related to the GOP is just ridiculous. Look at the stupid lawsuit by Palin. Let’s enjoy this carnival!
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Re: Durham Investigation [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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Fox has lost almost all interest in this story.


How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Durham Investigation [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
chaparral wrote:
ECE wrote:
One of the differences between the Muller team and Durham team is that the press is getting what they're reporting, or not reporting, from court filings not leaks, so Durham is submitting this stuff into the court record as evidence. I don't think many people know outside of the team what Durham has, and he may eventually come up with a nothing burger. That being said what he has released he's done so to a federal court, not to the media, so it has to have some merit.

Why does Durham submitting in court filings have merit?

Because his filings are very different than what the Mueller special counsel filed. The Sussman indictment for example. It is 27 pages long for a single 1001 (lying to FBI) count. Mueller on the other hand spent 24 pages on Stone’s indictment, for multiple counts of obstruction and 5 1001 charges. Why did Durham spend 27 pages on a single charge, when Mueller was able to do it so many fewer pages for more charges? Especially when you see that the case against Sussman is very weak. So it has a bunch of unneeded information, but not much evidence to show Sussman is guilty.

The likely answer is the Durham don’t need all those pages. He is using people trust in federal filings as a way to launder a political conspiracy theory. I don’t see how that behavior could be interpreted as showing his investigation has merit.

Of course we all remember that his second in command did resign because they believed that the investigation did not have merit and was a political witch hunt, which is backed up by all of Durhams subsequent actions.

Do you think you have a better insight into the investigation than someone working on it?

I am glad you brought this up. I have read a lot of legal filings over the years and Durham's are some of the ponderous and nonsensical I have seen. He tosses in a bunch of unrelated stuff that appears to be inserted just to fuel the conspiracy theory machine.

Not necessarily. Again, McCarthy's opinion might be helpful here.

In this instance, Durham filed a motion last week asking the presiding judge, Christopher R. “Casey” Cooper, to inquire into a potential conflict of interest borne by Latham & Watkins, the law firm representing defendant Michael Sussmann. ... Prosecutors are duty bound, under court precedents, to raise any potential conflicts involving defense counsel of which they become aware. ... Ergo, conflicts get resolved pretrial.

Here, Durham (who related the applicable law on this subject at pages 5–6 of his motion) has opined that the potential conflicts can probably be addressed by a waiver. And we should stress: To flag a conflict is not to accuse anyone of misconduct; it is to address a contingency lest it become a huge problem.

In order for a judge to understand why there is a conflict, the prosecutor must foreshadow what the evidence will prove. This enables the judge to grasp why the testimony of possible witnesses who are current or former clients of defense counsel matters to the case. That is why Durham had to proffer parts of his case that bear on Perkins-Coie and Elias. If Sussmann is to be permitted to keep L&W as his trial counsel, he must waive the right to claim prejudice from any potential conflict his L&W lawyers have.

If Durham's reputation for being thorough and nonpartisan is deserved, it doesn't make sense to think that he would make something public just to fuel a conspiracy. Wouldn't that undermine the legitimacy of his eventual report? McCarthy's speculation seems more likely.
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