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Re: June Fish Thread [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
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On outer Cape Cod this week and ocean is 57F, but local lake in the National Seashore a very nice 72F. Did 52 minutes for first OWS of year. Found my self zig zagging a bit and trouble siting landmarks into a setting sun. However not flipping every 25 yards gets me into a nice rhythm. and no pace clock to tell me how slow I’m going. Back to the pool next week.
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Re: June Fish Thread [PowerPlay] [ In reply to ]
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Took Tuesday off for some rest and got a massage. Today went 3200yds. Main set was 20 50s on a minute except the breast was 1:05. Pretty uneventful. Put fins on and did 12 25s on 30 to end practice.
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Re: June Fish Thread [Abergili] [ In reply to ]
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Possibly the hardest 1500 yards of my life!
A mess of a morning had me running late to the pool and I felt awful bc my swim buddy had to go it alone.
Only had about 35 min after arriving before our window was closed.

Did a 500 warm up
Then a set of 4 x 50 alactate work to try to wake up.
Easy 50
4 x 25 max on :45 (also to try to wake up)
easy 50
Then 2 x 50 OTB and they are on video!!! So if you want to see it, head to my insta account MyMainSet and you can see us both. Then had a 100 warm down. Total shit-show of a morning. OOOOF...

Eric was 23.2 range and I had myself, sadly, around 24.6-.7 (on the first one) second one was a touch slower but I only had about 3 min between them)
certainly hoping for faster but that will come. As we will cont to work on this as I build toward masters nats.

Goal would be 23 low range before heading to the meet.

All for now. Check out the swims if you are on insta.


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Re: June Fish Thread [PowerPlay] [ In reply to ]
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Nice to see your OW is opening up, so fun to just point a direction and just swim. I really think this kind of swimming contributes to overall strength in the water, eliminating the flip turns and just being able to focus continuously on your catch and pull..

Well I had session 2 here in Vegas, but the water park closed for some reason, so I had to get in before the group swim and do my own thing. Which was fine, because I was not looking forward to just making intervals doing IM stuff, really want to focus on gaining speed at this point. With that in mind, got some new PR's in this great pool, even though it inched up in temp a bit..

5x100swim@1;40(1;19/18/16/16/14)5xIM kick@2;00(1;48/46/44/43/1;38 new PR)
8x200 as 1 buoy@3;00(2;40)1 pull@3;30(2;25) 1 IM @4;00(2;41, 95% effort)IM kick@4;30(3;45)buoy@3;00(2;37)pull@3;30(2;24)IM kick@4;30(3;43) IM 98% effort(2;37.9 new PR)
16x50@1;00-4 buoy(39/38's)4 kick(52's)4pull(37/35/33/32)4 broken IM@1;10( 2;19//fly-32/back-38/breast-39/free-30- New PR for broken IM)
2x100p warm down(1;18/1;14)

This is exactly what I needed, a 200IM breakthrough. I was very motivated watching the guys in the lane next to me holding 1;09/10's for their IM 100's on the 1;20. I know I used to be able to do that, but at least a couple decades ago. Push off 32 fly controlled was nice, I may have to do some dive 50's to see if I can go 29 low anymore. Gonna sneak in for one more today before we start the drive home, thinking about some breast and distance free work. Got to take advantage of this fast pool while I can, and set some new standards to hopefully shoot for in the hot/high pool...
Last edited by: monty: Jun 10, 21 10:05
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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35 minutes at lunch.

3x50 @ 1:06
9x100 @ 2:20
2x50 @ 1:12

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
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Re: June Fish Thread [Abergili] [ In reply to ]
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Hey T, Dan and I got our pier swim start times, 10;15, did you get yours yet? It looks like an old guys heat, but maybe 60+. You are probably in the one just before us. I recognize a few of the names in mine, some old lifeguard competitors that were pretty good in their day, but after 60 who knows?? (-;

Did a last swim before getting on the road in Vegas, swam on my own and set a few more workout PR's:

5x100breast@2;00(1;35/32/31/28/1;23 new PR)5x100IM kick@2;00(1;48/48/48/47/1;35 new PR)
1000buoy for time@14;00(13;07--6;36/6;31 new PR)200IM KICK@4;30(3;50)
12X100(2Xpull@1;30/2;00/stroke@2;30)pulls(1;15/14/14/13/13/12/13/12) 100fly(1;18 died bad last lap)2x50fly(36/36)4x25 fly(16's)4x25 breast(20's/19)
4x50buoy@1;00 descend(38/37/36/34)

Knocked a second off the 100 breast and 13 off the 1000buoy. The big surprise was 3 seconds off the 100IM kick, didnt think that was possible one day later. And my IM kick is flutter, breast, fly,breast. No back as that interrupts my board work..
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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You're ripping right now!

500 wu
500 strong neg split 200fr/50bk
400 25sc/175 form snork/buoy
400 strong neg split paddles/buoy 150fr/50bk
300 k fins board
300 k fins back
200 im d/s form on swim
200 im d/s strong on swim
4x25 varible sprint
100 warm down

3000yds 47 minutes

most I've swum since last summer 8 days to raceday

I wrote this, you should read it:
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Monty I got a 10am start. Bummer we are not racing in the same wave. There is one uber fast open water guy in my wave to try to keep up with. I did 3600 Thursday evening and surprisingly was pretty fast including a !:15 100IM in the middle of a set. Did a bunch of pace work trying to hold 33 for my 50s but I think that will be too fast. Most likely swim in the 35/36 range.. Also did my abs and weights afterward. Woke up and went and did my friday workout...3100 yards. More pacework trying to figure out what I can hold...i did 8 75s with 4@1:10 and 4@1:05. Most were 53/54s that seems doable. I think I can adjust this on the fly if I need to and thats what I was trying to play around with in my sets...letting my heart rate get a little too high and backing off a bit and keep going with the rest of the set. Treadmill for 30 minutes after my swim.

Saturday I may warmup at my gym pool and then head to the beach since my swim isn't that early. Water temp dropped a little its 61 ugh. Waves form the west and pretty small and mushy cause of high tide. all the surfers were on the north side of the pier this morning not much there to body surf into shore during the race. slight current running opposite of normal probably a nonfactor.
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Re: June Fish Thread [tallswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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this week's swim days:

300 warmup
8x50 drill
5 rounds:
200 cruise
200 with paddles as 50 kick/ 50 swim
3x100 easy

+30 minutes running

something was really wrong with the pool chemical. Smelled and felt like swimming in bleach (slimy/soapy feeling on the bottom of the pool, etc) and tasted bad (don't actually know what bleach tastes like), different from normal pool chlorine. Watching for the suit from this session to fall apart in a week.

Thursday (pool back to normal, as in hot)
300 warmup
8x50 drill
threshold efforts, ~30s rest after each
2x400 (4:37, 35)
2x300 (3:25, 24)
2x200 (2:13's, trying really hard to even split)
4x100 (1:04-04-03-03)
4x50 easy

+shortened bike workout, only about 15min. just didn't have any juice for hard efforts.

300 warmup
8x50 drill
4x50 25 sprint/25 ez
200 near all-out (1:57)
4x50 cruise
2x [100 near all-out, 3x50 cruise] 55.8, 56.5 (feeling the drain..)
3x[50 fast, 2x50 cruise] 26's on the fast ones, should be faster

+30ish minutes running easy with strides

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Re: June Fish Thread [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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Week 5 of Flipturn School continued thusly:

June 8: Just 4x500m easy, in a busy pool, feeling tired after My Big 3000m the previous day.
June 9: Another 3000m, this time in 54:15. I just felt like....er...."consolidating my new learning".
June 11: (400m-200m-200m)WU + 1500m in an easy 27:55. I was thinking about a tempo 1500m, but the warmup dictated otherwise.

So this was a strange week, where I just swam easy/distance. I just wanted to get over a major hump regarding flipturns on longer swims.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: June Fish Thread [daved] [ In reply to ]
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daved wrote:
Good question...

Typically (for the past many years and too many to actually think about and admit) I had fallen into the "how many yards did you do?" kind of thing. with the limited pool time w masters and stuff.
Bc for years (again) I was so inconsistent I just shrugged it off and accepted it as my metric of efficient swimming.

So over the course of that time, rarely did I do any pleasurable easy long swims (like I did yesterday).

Over the past almost 2 years now but more with covid, I have gotten much more specific with super hard stuff. The sexy stuff I share on here. But I have also worked to have a bigger delta between my hard workouts and my easy ones. So, what you see on here is a 3500 yard swim workout where I am sprinting/racing within it. Think of it as a track workout running 1/4s or 1/2s etc... And then yes I compliment that ridic hard swim w ridic easy ones. I try to get 3 swims per week with the occasional 4th. One is my sprint set. One will have some tempo type stuff and the other two are what you saw yesterday. Just getting in, swimming easily. Workin on some kicking and sculling and breath work. But very little stress.

I hope that helps answer your questions.

Coaching at the Olympic Training Center back in the day, this is how we did things. Specific work. Focused. Goal times. Stroke rates, HR, volume etc followed by workouts where they could just swim 3-4k of loosely organized but easy efforts. I often would dive in and swim w them on these days. (made me feel like I could swim in the olympics... until I would jokingly push the pace on something and promptly be put in my place!!)
I also heard on the lance armstrong podcast when he was speaking w ryan hall... that they would run that way. Super hard focused runs that almost killed him followed up by super easy days where he would run 5-7 miles at 7:30 or slower pace.

Ok.. Ill stop now. But there you have it.


Thanks daved. I know many "real swimmers" have strong opinions about easy/tempo 1500m/3000m swims, but I am convinced that I need them, often.

(And congrats on that recent 50. I'll try to see the vid...)

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
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Re: June Fish Thread [Skuj] [ In reply to ]
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A slight aside perhaps, but what do you folks think the Men's WR 3000m SC could be, if one of the very best 1500m people put their mind to it?

I'm going with right around 29:00.

No, I don't think I'll be attacking that anytime soon. :) But I'm a math geek and I love to do comparisons across the whole distance spectrum with my own very modest swimming. My best score so far is 60% at 50m (dive-in 33.5sec).

Edit: And just to up the swimgeek factor, what do you suppose the Men's WR 25m is? I say 9.4sec.

I only swim.
I used to run. (31:09 10k.)
I never did Triathlon. (Sue me.)
Last edited by: Skuj: Jun 12, 21 16:11
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Re: June Fish Thread [tallswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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Well finally got race #1 in the books, been a long time since I was on a starting line. And unfortunately for me and my heat, we had to wait an extra Hal hour because of a local surfer paddle out. Water temp dropped to about 62/63 or so, which I love, just not standing around and getting in and out to try and stay fresh for the start. Got a great start, got on some girls feet who missed her earlier heat, but then made a bad move to leave them once around the pier. It was really mushy surf and almost impossible to catch body surfing, but I thought at least I would get some white water push if I angled over to the main break. No dice, we all swam literally up to the shore, and my ride I abandoned would have netted me about 15 more seconds. Choices and consequences, it is the riddle of OW racing to solve each and every single race, fun!!!

Results here, figure it was about 950 to 1000 long, a real barn burner as far as OW races go;


Dan bailed today after yesterdays race for him too, so I took his Sunday slot and busted out some stroke stuff:

10x100, odds swim@1;40/evens breast@2;00-swims(1;25/21/18/17/15)breast(1;35/32/30/29/27)
10x100@2;00- odds buoy/evens fly- buoys(1;19/20's) fly's(1;31/30/29/27/25)
3x200p@3;00/2x50bk@1;00- pulls(2;30/2;28/2;21) backs(41/40/41/39) 50 kick
ran out of time- 2950SCY in 53 minutes
Last edited by: monty: Jun 13, 21 19:21
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Re: June Fish Thread [Abergili] [ In reply to ]
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Dam it is getting hot up here, and looks like we are in for a real burner all week, going up to over 110 at the peak. Back to my normal hot pool, it did not disappoint once again.)-; Figured I would do some pace work thinking about my 1000.

5x200 as 3swim@3;10(2;46/40/38)1 IM kick@4;00(3;48)1 breast@4;00(3;06--1;03/1;03)
10x100@1;30(9buoy/1 swim)-(1;17/16/15/14/14/14/15/15/14/13.9swim)
2x(300p@4;00/200IM kick@4;30-pulls(3;45/3;41)kicks(3;56/3;48)
4x(50buoy@1;00/2x25fly@;40) buoys(39/38/37/36) flys(16/17's)
3400SCY in 60 minutes

It has been enjoying following the swimming trials over on that swim thread, giving just a bit more motivation when I hit the wall and it is 100+ outside and 85+ under water!!
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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I feel ya Monty. We hit 100 here is Austin about 2.5weeks earlier than normal (heat index now steadily over 100F in the afternoon). Today the pool was a scorching 88-89F as measured by my watch. I usually think it's too hot when it reads 84-85 (the sensor on the Garmin is slow, so that's an average temp of water and air to some degree, but is usually pretty close to the pool temp). I've got to make it to one of the spring-fed pools downtown this week to get some proper work in; watching Trials makes me want to swim hard and fast.

Wanted to do a hard threshold set of 400 repeats, but one toe in the water told me that was not in the cards today. Even removed my cap after warmup.

300 'warmup'
8x50 drill
3 rounds :
400 pull with paddles and buoy on 5:00
4x100 cruise on 1:30 (slower interval, trying not to overheat)
2x50 easy


will get in some running later, but maybe not until the sun goes down.

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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats on whipping your age group!!
Great swimming Monty.

We had to switch up our speed work this week bc of travel and work stuff so we did our shortened speed sesh today.

2 rounds of
4 x 25 max on :45 -- I dont know times but I was generally keeping pace w my buddy.
1 x 50 max -- I was 26high and 26 low on these.
300 easy between rounds

Then we did 2 x 50 dive race off the blocks. You can see them on my insta account at MyMainSet if you want to see video of it.
Eric is OBV faster than I was but in my defense (and here come the excuses) I did do a 10k hard run this am with 4 x 1/2 mile TEMPO efforts within it. My 10k run was 6:49/mile w the 1/2 mile efforts coming in at 6min/mile pace... so i was fighting both fatigue and massive leg cramping. I fended them off for the most part.

Check out my swim on insta, from last week and this week.. lemme know what you think.
Nothing like posting stuff out to the real world to keep me accountable.

All for now.
Off to Lake Placid for some course recon w a client today. Should be a nice ride tomorrow and good weather up there.


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Re: June Fish Thread [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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And I feel you Adrian, 88/89 is another world. I remember swimming in La Quinta in the middle of summer and the lap pool I was at was 92. It is just a whole different kind of experience, and not a good one. I suppose when I think about it, I would have to do the same thing when I ran out there and it was 110+. Just jog some 8 minute miles, thinking it was super easy, and after 4 or 5 miles I was just trashed(was a 6+ minute mile runner back then). I think if I had to swim in your water now, I would just do some 50's on a minute or so, and stand up and try and cool off. But not now, gonna be 110+ in the air tomorrow!!

So just a 100 today and the usual 85, so did some good work and paying for it now:

4x(3x100s@1;40/100IM kick@2;30/100IM hard@2;00) swims(1;23/21/18) buoys(1;19/18/16)pulls(1;12/10/08/13/12/10) IM's(1;19/1;16/1;15/1;16) kicks(1;53 to 1;48)
8x50@1;00, odds buoy/evens IM order- buoys(38/37/37/36) IM(36fly/40back/41breast/32free) 2x100IM kick
2x150p@2;30/50 breast@1;00-(1;52/1;50/42/41)
3300SCY in 60 minutes

Had dan jump in on 2nd IM and race me with his free, so times stepped up pretty quick..
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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I sent you the link with the swim records. You missed the age group record by 2 seconds!! Any earlier start with the better conditions and I'm sure you would have gotten it. I swam in an earlier wave. I think I was 5th in my age group and a few second behind Monte's time so he gets bragging rights and his condition were probably a little worse than mine as the tide was coming in that morning. Well it was great to get in a race. Monte gave me my line out through the surf and it paid off well I was in a small pack going around the end of the pier at that point there was one guy way out ahead and we were fighting for second. Heading in I left some feet and veered out away for the pier hoping to avoid rip currents and also to catch some waves. This move really backfired as I think i ended up in a pretty strong rip current and no waves hahaha. My arms were gassed half way through the race so i just fought through it to the end as best I could. The racing really got me motivated to practice harder.

Took sunday off and got in 3500 monday AM and did some weights and abs afterward. Main set was 4 x 50s 4X with first two stroke/free and then 2 50 stroke. then 4 200s pulling 150fr/50breast on 3:00 was holding 2:40ish which was pretty strong.

edit link to article with Monte's picture: https://www.ocregister.com/...swim-marks-70-years/
Last edited by: Abergili: Jun 15, 21 14:54
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Re: June Fish Thread [Abergili] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks T!!! Ya that is me in the 2nd photo, but since my allotment has run out for this paper, I only got to see it for a second. Got my wife to load it and we looked at the other pics, and looks like Slowman got his own shot too!! And that spry young girl leaping the big berm there next to me, is the one I ended up drafting off of around the pier. Should have stayed with her for sure, cost be 15 seconds and that coveted record... (-;

Of course after the fact it stings to miss a really old record by 2 seconds, especially when our conditions were not normal to begin with. Suppose I just have to get in good shape again and attack it next year!! I do like that the guy that holds it is now 72 and still ripping this swim, he has probably been doing it for 60 years!!
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Re: June Fish Thread [Abergili] [ In reply to ]
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Couple more swims. Tuesday Pm crowded pool. 3600 couple sets:
4 50s @50
2 100s @ 1:30
2 200s @ 2:45
2 100s @ 1:25
4 50s @45

Then backstroke

4 50s@ 55
3 75s @ 1:25
2 100s went a 1:24 and then rested a minute and sprinted a 1:17

Wednesday AM 12 hours after Tuesday so almost like a double. 3500 breaststroke mostly

4 50s @ 1:05
4 75s @ 1:30
4 100s @ 2, last one took a rest and tried it with my 400IM stroke as fast as I could and was only 1:30 ugh others about 1:34 avg
4 150s with fins, done 100breast with dolfin kick, 50fr ez

Pretty sluggish in warmup due to quick turn around, I'm trying more morning workouts now. Did weights and abs after the swim wednesday upping the leg and calf press weights
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Re: June Fish Thread [Abergili] [ In reply to ]
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We really do need to get together and workout side by side. You are right at the point where your back would pull me along, while I look at your feet, and my breast could move some water for you and give you a rabbit to chase. Let's work on it..

I got completely cooked yesterday, spent all afternoon just loading salt to get my muscles not to twitch. Decided to just do a really easy swim today, but apparently even easy when it is 112 outside is a cooker too. Got through it, but paying again, so gonna just take a complete day off tomorrow and try to regroup. Not much time left to get in some solid swims that actually make me faster before nationals, so gotta keep my eye on that prize:

500IM kick@10;00(9;48)
500IM kick(9;52)
12x50 as(2x50 buoy@;50/1 breast@1;00 steady descend) Buoys(39/40's) breast(46/45/44/43)
3600SCY in 60 minutes

All of this felt really easy today, but sometimes feel is not always what is happening to your body.
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Yesterday added 5 minutes to my workout, so I'm at 40 minutes in the crazy Arizona sun. Can't wait for that tan. Honestly need to shed a few more lbs before I drop the trunks and go for the speedo.

3x50 @ 1:06
11x100 @ 2:25
2x50 @ 1:15

Couple of weeks with the plunge I'm sure I'll be at 2k+ meters and loving it. Then workouts start. Probably need to add a third swimming day which I can do in August pretty easily, but working on Sundays kinda hurts that.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
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Re: June Fish Thread [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Well, despite my best attempts to get this fracture to heal on its own, it is not healing on its own and I am having surgery Tuesday.
My doctor did say I could be in the pool from now until then. I did 3200 yds easy and 30 min water running. I'm not going to write the workout details because I really just sort of went back and forth. I will tell you that I was crying by 300 yards, and that I spent the rest of the time alternating between grinning because it felt so good to swim, and crying because that is what my body wants to do right now.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: June Fish Thread [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Good luck on surgery, hopefully that speeds up your recovery and you can get back to normal.

Went in to the office today so I could use the colder pools downtown.
Ran to Deep Eddy pool (1.8mi)

Waited 30+ minutes to get a lane (at least it's free and not forcing circle swim, just 2 to a lane)

Swam (in 72F water, felt so good, but this isn't the fastest pool. It's 100ft with slippery, angled walls, narrow lanes, and in my case an old lane with fins and a kickboard who can't stay on her side. Roughly ~1s /100y slower than a normal pool, maybe more)
400 warmup
8x67 drill
2x400 on 5:20 4:41-36
4x200 on 2:45 2:19-19-15-13
8x100 on 1:30 1:10-08-06-06-04-03-02-02)
5x67 cool down

Ran the longer way back to the office (2.4mi)

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Re: June Fish Thread [Optimal_Adrian] [ In reply to ]
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Went in to the office today so I could use the colder pools downtown.

This made me smile :D

thanks for the kind words.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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