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Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
It must really stink to live in Wisconsin if three and a half years later you're still crying ''Whaaaa, Hillary ignore me''

And then crying ''Biden's ignoring me too'' even though we are in a world wide pandemic.

So go ahead, vote for the orange haired bullshitter. He's your guy anyway!

You should visit. Team Donkey ignores the state and the State Legislature made unions their bitch. That's why it's called God's Country.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Team Donkey. Hope your guys don't blow it ... again ...

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
907Tri wrote:
Slowman wrote:
907Tri wrote:
I lived in Wisconsin in 2016. I wasn't a Hillary fan but definitely didn't want Trump.

After she lost the primary I figured when she came to visit I would go and see what she offered. She never came, I never voted for her.

I really disliked her attitude and I felt she didn't need my vote and thought she would win.

I regret it, but I know I am not the only one that thought this way.

Seriously dems, don't F this up.

can i offer another option? you were presented a binary choice. you had ample opportunity to make up your mind. you choose poorly. own what you did. don't repeat your mistake. don't blame it on somebody else.

Yeah this is what frustrates me with people injecting their opinions on my choices.

Yes I did own and and mentioned I regret it.

I am not blaming it on someone else, but neither candidate earned my vote. We all choose for who we vote for differently.

If there is one thing I have learned over the past 4 years and moving to a very red state it is this.

Many people voted for Trump for a myriad of reasons, but what keeps coming up the most is many felt they could relate to Trump and that he put Americans first. It was similar to Obama and his message of Hope if 2008.

I have seen a much different world since 2016 and many people really identify with Trump and his personality that no other politician ever has. He doesn't speak well, but people don't want great speakers, they want someone that can talk at their level. Say what you want about Trump but that is why so many absolutely love him.

For me I couldn't identify, relate, or trust either candidate. In 2016 you were not getting my vote as the lesser of the two evils, you earn my vote because I am paying you.

hillary earned your vote. she earned it because she was smart, qualified, effective. in everything she did, she was pretty effective. you chose not to vote for her because you didn't like her. okay. but what i keep hearing about trump supporters is that they aren't voting for pastor, father, husband. you tell me why trump is given the pass on everything that should speak volumes, but hillary is held to some standard that is unattainable.

democrats didn't blow it, my friend. foolish voters blew it. there's a thread on hillary right now. what would be different in america if hillary was elected? we'd have 20,000 coronavirus deaths instead of 160,000. NATO would be our ally, and russia our adversary. we wouldn't have a trade war. or a president whose words have become irrelevant because the whole world has awoken to the fact that what our president says carries exactly zero weight.

but if hillary were elected, you would be uninspired by your leader. hillary did not inspire you. so you chose another option, and you got what you chose, and you're now asking democrats not to blow it again? this is like having a spouse that you got a little too used to, and you strayed, you wanted a little strange, and you certainly got strange, and you saw the consequences of strange, and now you're asking your spouse to not blow it again. okay.

I think this viewpoint and position should be separately highlighted and repeated
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [fishgo] [ In reply to ]
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fishgo wrote:
JSA wrote:

People are ridiculously fickle. If Biden thinks he can ignore Wisconsin, well, maybe he is right. But, history does not support that position and, to be honest, I cannot figure out why he seems to be flirting with attempts to snatch defeat from the hands of victory....

I think your separation of attending "the convention" which happens to be in Milwaukee and "campaigning" in Wisconsin are two different items. Which you helped differentiate in a subsequent post.

Biden not attending the acceptance, yeah, maybe that's a smart choice on his part to stay healthy but maybe not the best strategic move for the Dem party and the convention. A little air out of the room but there's a pandemic on and the Dem party in Milwaukee is toast anyway.

His not campaigning in Wisconsin? Well, he's spending money on ads, but I think his best play is to stay in the basement and just let the opposition keep destroying themselves. If Trump wants to hurt Trump's chances, well then stand back and let him. Biden cannot play in the Trump-defined sandbox anyway, Trump wins in any head-to-head spat match. Just.stay.out.of.the.way and let Trump self-destruct. People mostly aren't electing Biden, they're simply trying to elect anyone but Trump. Sure, Biden, like Hillary, has all kinds of position papers which the vast majority of voters aren't going to bother to even glance at nor digest in any capacity. Their N=1 conversation about a slight from a Union rep from 27 years ago or from Fred at the gas station carries more weight.

And as another poster said, the people of Wisconsin elected, then re-elected Ron Johnson. Almost anyone who can fog a mirror sees what a light-weight Johnson is. Almost anyone, except a majority of voters in Wisconsin.

As a purple state, the way Wisconsin goes depends completely on voter turnout. There are some cross-voters, sure. But, local polsters have correctly picked winners based entirely on voter turnout for about the past 30 years. Turnout is also a very fickle thing. It continues to boggle the mind, but, the average Joe and Jane need to be motivated to get out and vote. Motivation rarely comes from political ads. History has shown a candidate's presence in the state directly correlates to the motivation level of a certain group. For better or worse, that's what the numbers have shown. If Joe feels his physical presence in the state is not needed, well, that's his decision. His presence or absence will not impact my vote. But, my colleagues who work with the WI Dem Party are very nervous and very upset by the decision. They are in a far better position to ascertain the impact on turnout of their party members than I and they are concerned.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
And somehow Kanye got on the ballot in your state. Not sure if that matters, but some of the GOP folks in your state thought it was important.

Why do you hate choice?

Why did he need help? Fucking lawyers.

I dunno. I'm just trying to figure out why you want to keep Kanye down. What about him offends you?

Other than being unqualified and halfassed in his effort and that his music sucks, nothing offends me about him.

Do we really need another idiot on the ballot?

"Unqualified." Oh, well, golly, we can't have that ...

Look, you strike me as the type of guy who has been eating vanilla ice cream for that last 60 years. But, don't hate on those of us who still enjoy sampling at 31 Flavors!

It’s a sad little move that reeks of desperation by a ballwashing lawyer that knows that her primary clown needs help. It really is pathetic.

Not sure why you hate Kayne so much. Perhaps you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why.

Keep deflecting. Typical JSA when you can't argue on substance.

You continue to try to make this about me, when it is about the GOP party of your state enabling the candidacy of guy who isn't part of the party. I can only assume that they hope that having him on the ballot would pull votes away from Biden because they know Trump is weak in the state and stands a better than even chance of getting beat.

As for your implication of something else about me, kindly get bent.

If you and your state are so fickle- and thin skinned- that they need Joe to come give them a personal visit to get their vote after the last 3.5 years of Trump, I don't know what to tell you.

Suffer Well.
Last edited by: jmh: Aug 6, 20 12:12
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [Tylertri] [ In reply to ]
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Tylertri wrote:
Slowman wrote:
907Tri wrote:
Slowman wrote:
907Tri wrote:
I lived in Wisconsin in 2016. I wasn't a Hillary fan but definitely didn't want Trump.

After she lost the primary I figured when she came to visit I would go and see what she offered. She never came, I never voted for her.

I really disliked her attitude and I felt she didn't need my vote and thought she would win.

I regret it, but I know I am not the only one that thought this way.

Seriously dems, don't F this up.

can i offer another option? you were presented a binary choice. you had ample opportunity to make up your mind. you choose poorly. own what you did. don't repeat your mistake. don't blame it on somebody else.

Yeah this is what frustrates me with people injecting their opinions on my choices.

Yes I did own and and mentioned I regret it.

I am not blaming it on someone else, but neither candidate earned my vote. We all choose for who we vote for differently.

If there is one thing I have learned over the past 4 years and moving to a very red state it is this.

Many people voted for Trump for a myriad of reasons, but what keeps coming up the most is many felt they could relate to Trump and that he put Americans first. It was similar to Obama and his message of Hope if 2008.

I have seen a much different world since 2016 and many people really identify with Trump and his personality that no other politician ever has. He doesn't speak well, but people don't want great speakers, they want someone that can talk at their level. Say what you want about Trump but that is why so many absolutely love him.

For me I couldn't identify, relate, or trust either candidate. In 2016 you were not getting my vote as the lesser of the two evils, you earn my vote because I am paying you.

hillary earned your vote. she earned it because she was smart, qualified, effective. in everything she did, she was pretty effective. you chose not to vote for her because you didn't like her. okay. but what i keep hearing about trump supporters is that they aren't voting for pastor, father, husband. you tell me why trump is given the pass on everything that should speak volumes, but hillary is held to some standard that is unattainable.

democrats didn't blow it, my friend. foolish voters blew it. there's a thread on hillary right now. what would be different in america if hillary was elected? we'd have 20,000 coronavirus deaths instead of 160,000. NATO would be our ally, and russia our adversary. we wouldn't have a trade war. or a president whose words have become irrelevant because the whole world has awoken to the fact that what our president says carries exactly zero weight.

but if hillary were elected, you would be uninspired by your leader. hillary did not inspire you. so you chose another option, and you got what you chose, and you're now asking democrats not to blow it again? this is like having a spouse that you got a little too used to, and you strayed, you wanted a little strange, and you certainly got strange, and you saw the consequences of strange, and now you're asking your spouse to not blow it again. okay.

I think this viewpoint and position should be separately highlighted and repeated

But it is BS? There is no way to know what the difference in deaths would be. Heck there might not have been any travel ban thus increasing the deaths. I'm not saying Trump has done a good job with Corona. Far from it. He has done terrible, but to think that Hillary would snap her fingers and Covid would stop killing people is dumb. Maybe policy from the feds would change things, but only if the states listened. And there are few Red states that would listen to Hill.
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Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
But it is BS? There is no way to know what the difference in deaths would be.

there is a way to know what the difference would be.

Heck there might not have been any travel ban thus increasing the deaths.

There was a travel ban?

I'm not saying Trump has done a good job with Corona.

that's exactly what you're saying.

but only if the states listened. And there are few Red states that would listen to Hill.

you should consider the "because I said so doctrine", of which former Secretary of State Clinton is most certainly a practitioner of. States, or anybody really, don't "listen", they obey, or not. Because states are not "states" they are organizations, represented by actual people. It's because I said so. Compelled, not convinced.

Or in other words, I can't make you do anything, but I can sure make you wish you had...

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.”
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:

Keep deflecting. Typical JSA when you can't argue on substance.

You continue to try to make this about me, when it is about the GOP party of your state enabling the candidacy of guy who isn't part of the party. I can only assume that they hope that having him on the ballot would pull votes away from Biden because they know Trump is weak in the state and stands a better than even chance of getting beat.

As for you implication of something else about me, kindly get bent.

If you and your state is so fickle- and thin skinned- that they need Joe to come give them a personal visit to get their vote after the last 3.5 years of Trump, I don't know what to tell you.

Wisconsin GOP must have thought, "Should we actually address the racism in our party and change our politcies to attract black voters? Nope, lets just get Kanye on the ballot."

Of course the whole Kanye on the ballot is just a really bad plan if you think it is going to attract black voters that were maybe going to vote for Biden. First, most black voters are older and are not going to be voting for Kanye. Second, the young ones that sometimes vote are much more politically involved that average, they are not going to be voting for Kanye.

Their logic apparently is that black people will just vote for the black person, which shows a serious and deeper problem with the GOP.
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Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
As a purple state, the way Wisconsin goes depends completely on voter turnout. There are some cross-voters, sure. But, local polsters have correctly picked winners based entirely on voter turnout for about the past 30 years. Turnout is also a very fickle thing. It continues to boggle the mind, but, the average Joe and Jane need to be motivated to get out and vote. Motivation rarely comes from political ads. History has shown a candidate's presence in the state directly correlates to the motivation level of a certain group. For better or worse, that's what the numbers have shown. If Joe feels his physical presence in the state is not needed, well, that's his decision. His presence or absence will not impact my vote. But, my colleagues who work with the WI Dem Party are very nervous and very upset by the decision. They are in a far better position to ascertain the impact on turnout of their party members than I and they are concerned.

Both very true observations. I'd say there was a huge enthusiasm-gap for Hillary in 2016, which cost her, especially in Wisconsin. She is smart, she knew the issues, and people really didn't like her. I don't personally agree her presence in Wisconsin hurt her too much unless she was to target specific communities, such as minority groups which (if I recall correctly, showed poorly when compared to Obama). Trump had the opposite: he wasn't smart, he didn't know issues, but a huge segment of WI liked him.

If Biden can pick a great VP, I'd hope that'd settle down your Dem Party colleagues. I'm hoping for a great VP pick and then Biden can stay in his basement forever.
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Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
Tylertri wrote:
Slowman wrote:
907Tri wrote:
Slowman wrote:
907Tri wrote:
I lived in Wisconsin in 2016. I wasn't a Hillary fan but definitely didn't want Trump.

After she lost the primary I figured when she came to visit I would go and see what she offered. She never came, I never voted for her.

I really disliked her attitude and I felt she didn't need my vote and thought she would win.

I regret it, but I know I am not the only one that thought this way.

Seriously dems, don't F this up.

can i offer another option? you were presented a binary choice. you had ample opportunity to make up your mind. you choose poorly. own what you did. don't repeat your mistake. don't blame it on somebody else.

Yeah this is what frustrates me with people injecting their opinions on my choices.

Yes I did own and and mentioned I regret it.

I am not blaming it on someone else, but neither candidate earned my vote. We all choose for who we vote for differently.

If there is one thing I have learned over the past 4 years and moving to a very red state it is this.

Many people voted for Trump for a myriad of reasons, but what keeps coming up the most is many felt they could relate to Trump and that he put Americans first. It was similar to Obama and his message of Hope if 2008.

I have seen a much different world since 2016 and many people really identify with Trump and his personality that no other politician ever has. He doesn't speak well, but people don't want great speakers, they want someone that can talk at their level. Say what you want about Trump but that is why so many absolutely love him.

For me I couldn't identify, relate, or trust either candidate. In 2016 you were not getting my vote as the lesser of the two evils, you earn my vote because I am paying you.

hillary earned your vote. she earned it because she was smart, qualified, effective. in everything she did, she was pretty effective. you chose not to vote for her because you didn't like her. okay. but what i keep hearing about trump supporters is that they aren't voting for pastor, father, husband. you tell me why trump is given the pass on everything that should speak volumes, but hillary is held to some standard that is unattainable.

democrats didn't blow it, my friend. foolish voters blew it. there's a thread on hillary right now. what would be different in america if hillary was elected? we'd have 20,000 coronavirus deaths instead of 160,000. NATO would be our ally, and russia our adversary. we wouldn't have a trade war. or a president whose words have become irrelevant because the whole world has awoken to the fact that what our president says carries exactly zero weight.

but if hillary were elected, you would be uninspired by your leader. hillary did not inspire you. so you chose another option, and you got what you chose, and you're now asking democrats not to blow it again? this is like having a spouse that you got a little too used to, and you strayed, you wanted a little strange, and you certainly got strange, and you saw the consequences of strange, and now you're asking your spouse to not blow it again. okay.

I think this viewpoint and position should be separately highlighted and repeated

But it is BS? There is no way to know what the difference in deaths would be. Heck there might not have been any travel ban thus increasing the deaths. I'm not saying Trump has done a good job with Corona. Far from it. He has done terrible, but to think that Hillary would snap her fingers and Covid would stop killing people is dumb. Maybe policy from the feds would change things, but only if the states listened. And there are few Red states that would listen to Hill.

I simply stated that I thought the position was so remarkable, and so demonstrative of an underlying viewpoint, that it should be highlighted so as not to be lost in the other positions taken...…...

Maybe policy from the Feds would change things. But considering the death total in New York and New Jersey alone is nearly double the 20,000 total...….. I have a hard time trying to figure out how "Fed policy" would have shut down mass transit, or prevented state and local leaders from issuing shelter in place orders in an area blanketed by multi generational families who live together in small apartments in high rise buildings. Or stopped a governor from ordering Covid positive people into nursing homes...…..

History will show which of these things were right and wrong. I believe it already is starting to show this. When I've brought it up here I've been told that it was a mistake that's been owned up to and learned from, which is "convenient" given the number of lives involved. But I accept the position because I don't believe the state and local leaders of New York and New Jersey truly intended harm when they made some of these decisions.

But then I come to find that Hillary would have directly made decisions that would have impacted at least 1/2 of these deaths along with apparently preventing every single other in the country...…….
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
JSA wrote:
jmh wrote:
And somehow Kanye got on the ballot in your state. Not sure if that matters, but some of the GOP folks in your state thought it was important.

Why do you hate choice?

Why did he need help? Fucking lawyers.

I dunno. I'm just trying to figure out why you want to keep Kanye down. What about him offends you?

Other than being unqualified and halfassed in his effort and that his music sucks, nothing offends me about him.

Do we really need another idiot on the ballot?

"Unqualified." Oh, well, golly, we can't have that ...

Look, you strike me as the type of guy who has been eating vanilla ice cream for that last 60 years. But, don't hate on those of us who still enjoy sampling at 31 Flavors!

It’s a sad little move that reeks of desperation by a ballwashing lawyer that knows that her primary clown needs help. It really is pathetic.

Not sure why you hate Kayne so much. Perhaps you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why.

Keep deflecting. Typical JSA when you can't argue on substance.

You continue to try to make this about me, when it is about the GOP party of your state enabling the candidacy of guy who isn't part of the party. I can only assume that they hope that having him on the ballot would pull votes away from Biden because they know Trump is weak in the state and stands a better than even chance of getting beat.

As for your implication of something else about me, kindly get bent.

If you and your state are so fickle- and thin skinned- that they need Joe to come give them a personal visit to get their vote after the last 3.5 years of Trump, I don't know what to tell you.

Well, it is all about you! Many of your posts are all about you. In this case, the topic is you and your opposition to Kayne. First, your team won't sign its franchise QB. Now, you won't stand for Kayne being on the election ballot. What is it with you Cowboy fans?

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [907Tri] [ In reply to ]
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907Tri wrote:
It's fascinating that you are telling me Hillary earned my vote knowing absolutely nothing about me or what I wanted I 2016 or what was important to me.

Being a lifelong democrat from one of the most liberal cities in the US (Madison, WI) this is the attitude that frustrates me so much.

I got what I chose and I voted in 2016 just didn't check a box on the presidential ballot.

hillary didn't earn your vote. the donald earned your vote. for hillary. now as for hillary, she didn't unearn your vote. there is nothing hillary did that disqualified her. but the donald certainly disqualified himself. you had plenty of evidence before the election of that, and 3 3/4 years of subsequent performance to substantiate what most of america knew in 2016. i'm not trying to rag on you, shame you, harsh your high. i'm recounting history, and my reply to you was on this whole saw of "the democrats not blowing it again." the democrats didn't blow it the first time. the voters blew it. if you feel that the donald is running your country just fine for you, then vote for another 4 years of him. if you feel like biden is more the leader that suits you, vote for him. don't blame your eventual vote on "the democrats." own it yourself.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Last edited by: Slowman: Aug 6, 20 12:51
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [velocomp] [ In reply to ]
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velocomp wrote:
Why was the DNC slated for Wisconsin? I'm going to guess they chose Wisc partially because it is midwest swing state, and partially because of the negative press surrounding being ignored last election.

Now the convention is virtual and the Candidate is snubbing them. There is no reason to think this won't effect the Dem influence in the midwest.... I'd bet if the DNC was in NY or CA, Biden would be told he must attend.

the republicans are, by that same reasoning, snubbing both north carolina and florida. you get wisconsin, democrats get NC and FL. alternativeliy, maybe most voters aren't that petulant and childish.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
Team Donkey. Hope your guys don't blow it ... again ...

that's really what you hope? your posting history convinces me otherwise.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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Deflect, ignore and no substance. Typical lawyer shit.

This is about the GOP Party in your state pulling a pathetic and desperate move to get a guy who isn't even in their party on the ballot in the hopes of helping the election chances of a historically bad candidate from their party. You know it is and you know you can't defend it. If you could have, you would have by now.

But once again, you fail to address the issue. Pathetic.

Suffer Well.
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't vote for Donald.

Don't try playing the game of "no vote was a vote for Donald".

I didn't vote because I didn't trust either candidate and do not feel that our two party system is the answer to our future.

You could really start to feel the divide in 15/16 and obviously even more so now.

We are further moving away from each other.

Though I believe Biden is fairly moderate. Unfortunately the media isn't helping by taking sides and labeling everyone on the far end of each side.
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
Deflect, ignore and no substance. Typical lawyer shit.

This is about the GOP Party in your state pulling a pathetic and desperate move to get a guy who isn't even in their party on the ballot in the hopes of helping the election chances of a historically bad candidate from their party. You know it is and you know you can't defend it. If you could have, you would have by now.

But once again, you fail to address the issue. Pathetic.

The worst part is the racism being used to try and sway the election. They chose Kanye for one reason and one reason only. They are hoping black voters go to Kanye instead of Joe. That’s disgusting.

Each day is what you make of it so make it the best day possible.
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [TheRef65] [ In reply to ]
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TheRef65 wrote:
jmh wrote:
Deflect, ignore and no substance. Typical lawyer shit.

This is about the GOP Party in your state pulling a pathetic and desperate move to get a guy who isn't even in their party on the ballot in the hopes of helping the election chances of a historically bad candidate from their party. You know it is and you know you can't defend it. If you could have, you would have by now.

But once again, you fail to address the issue. Pathetic.

The worst part is the racism being used to try and sway the election. They chose Kanye for one reason and one reason only. They are hoping black voters go to Kanye instead of Joe. That’s disgusting.

Dude Kanye put himself into the race. Granted it was to boost the ratings of his show but intellectually you can't complain about it if you truly want open elections. Maybe being in Chicago with perpetual candidates and crazy platforms makes me a bit more accepting.
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Dude Kanye put himself into the race.

Then why are people on trump's campaign gathering signatures for him?
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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//This is about the GOP Party in your state pulling a pathetic and desperate move to get a guy who isn't even in their party on the ballot in the hopes of helping the election chances of a historically bad candidate from their party. You know it is and you know you can't defend it. If you could have, you would have by now. //

Shocking. Those damn Pubs and their shenanigans and ballyhoo. Burn them all I say. Next thing you know they’ll be spending boatloads of cash to help a Dem candidate win an election because they believe it’s a Dem they can beat in the next cycle and control the Senate.

Oh wait...
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
windywave wrote:

Dude Kanye put himself into the race.

Then why are people on trump's campaign gathering signatures for him?

Why not? Marquess of Queensbury Rules do not apply in politics.
Last edited by: windywave: Aug 6, 20 18:12
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
chaparral wrote:
windywave wrote:

Dude Kanye put himself into the race.

Then why are people on trump's campaign gathering signatures for him?

Why not? Marquess of Queensbury Rules do not apply in politics.

Well, you said he put himself in the race, well that is not exactly true is it.
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
windywave wrote:
chaparral wrote:
windywave wrote:

Dude Kanye put himself into the race.

Then why are people on trump's campaign gathering signatures for him?

Why not? Marquess of Queensbury Rules do not apply in politics.

Well, you said he put himself in the race, well that is not exactly true is it.

Nice shift

He declared a desire to be on the ballot and he probably had to sign something.
Quote Reply
Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
JSA wrote:
Team Donkey. Hope your guys don't blow it ... again ...

that's really what you hope? your posting history convinces me otherwise.

Don't worry, I haven't changed my position. 1) Biden is the milquetoast kinda POTUS the country needs for a spell. 2) I fully intend to vote for him.

But, your team really seems to be trying to fuck it up! Again!

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Hillary ignored Wisconsin and look what happened. [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
Deflect, ignore and no substance. Typical lawyer shit.

This is about the GOP Party in your state pulling a pathetic and desperate move to get a guy who isn't even in their party on the ballot in the hopes of helping the election chances of a historically bad candidate from their party. You know it is and you know you can't defend it. If you could have, you would have by now.

But once again, you fail to address the issue. Pathetic.

Deflect the obvious reason for your dislike of Kayne (and your QB). Typical Cowboys fan.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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