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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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Now I like that and my back will like it. Might be time for a new bike....again.

Train safe & smart

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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darn it, i loved my softride but that bike is hideous looking! Maybe it's just the paint or the contrast between the frame color and the couch. I think it's the paint and the softride logo which the picture resolution makes look almost photoshopped on.

That being said, can't wait to see if this bike is a real and if Softride is coming back. I'm also pretty curious about BB flex, or maybe we should say downtube flex on that bike. I'd imagine you'd need a pretty massive downtube to support torsinal loadings there without a seat tube and seat stays to help out a bit. Thinking that, along with the 650c wheel size might be the reasons for the epic height of the heade tube.

Hey, so what ever happened to that slack angles Total Eclipse all carbon bike that came out Germany a few years ago, looked a bit like this one, like a super modified Trek Y-foil. thinking maybe it was super heavy and just too slack maybe?
this one
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [Tai] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
so what ever happened to that slack angles Total Eclipse all carbon bike that came out Germany a few years ago[/quote] When it came out the Eclispe was about $1500-2K above market rates for framesets if I recall correctly.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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Where did you find that information and who do we contact about pre-ordering?
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [Tai] [ In reply to ]
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Just for refference, that frame looks pretty similar to the Y-foil. Probably a lot lighter though.
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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To me,it looks like an adjustable seat post on the SR. I thought those guys were knocking on Heaven's door, if you know what I mean. If it's priced right, it could be a world beater.
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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Sharrky, is the beam just part of the frame or are there two pieces that slide into one another at the carbon/red borderline...hard to tell from the pic. If it is one piece, then the fore-aft just comes from the rails on the saddle like a conventional bike?
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Or does the saddle clamp slide on the beam? I'm wondering if this is really going into production and if it means Softride is back in business. In the USA or off-shore? So many questions...! :)

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [bunnyman] [ In reply to ]
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It looks nice but they are going to have to get good distribution and in lieu of the fact it's not UCI legal they are going to have to pay some big tri names to ride it to get the exposure it needs. A welcome change to see another bike out there. Is this genuine though ?
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [UK Gear Muncher] [ In reply to ]
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SHUT UP!!!!! This is a bike for triathletes, not for roadies. We don't need UCI legal !!!!
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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I'm wondering if the Graeme mentioned is Graeme Pearson? I met him in the early '90s and he had some pretty interesting carbon gear that he had made. I imagine there is a lot his stuff kicking around in NZ. Cool stuff and he's an awesome athlete.

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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I just spoke to Mark Turner at Softride and this is a complete hoax! There is no new softride comming out!
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [NYSLIM] [ In reply to ]
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Everyone get a grip. Everyone knows that Softride USA, is no longer making bikes. But that their bike division is for sale. This information that I've posted is from someone or a group of individuals who are negotiating with Softride about purchasing the bike division. They are from down under, Australia. It has been confirmed by someone at Softride that there is indeed a party from Australia in negotiations with the company.

I am not affiliated in any way to said party. I just own Softrides and I came accross this information when trying to find a FasTT frame. I got all the information for my search via Softrides website. I searched the globe trying to find any left over stock. During this search I came accross the party in question, who at the time said he/they were in negotiations with the Softride company. He mentioned some promising things about that purchase that have yet to come to fruition. Why is it taking so long? I have no clue. Cost? Lawyers? Contracts? I'm sure to purchase intelectual property along with stock is a pretty significant undertaking.

I asked if they would email me any information as they proceed. Seems that this party is making a prototype to see how well the bike will be recieved. Everyone on this forum has read about beam issues, beam adjustment issues, lack of understanding on how the rocket beams adjust, etc. Seems to me that this party is trying to address those issues as seen in the photo.

Below is a couple of pics of the protoype frame the 1st time I saw it. Please notice that is doesn't say Softride. Why the picture of the 1st bike posted has a Softride sticker on it I don't know.

So before everyone gets all excited about pre ordering, stating that it is a hoax, etc. Take it all as just information that might or might not be. Maybe the bike will show up in Kona, I don't know. But from what I've read that's where the party would like to have it's coming out party. Apperantly there has been at least 2 frames like this being raced somewhere. Maybe those folks from the other side of the globe and confirm it.

Apparently someone is trying to git r done, as the original thread creator has requested.


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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [Tai] [ In reply to ]
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darn it, i loved my softride but that bike is hideous looking!

Agreed. I was never that warm to the bikes looks. The only time that it felt OK with me was when there was a group of us from Vancouver that were all sponsored by Softride back in the early 90's - Mark Bates, Frank Clarke, Rob Hasegawa, myself and a few others. It's was actually kinda cool when all of us went out for a ride together - all on Softrides.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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Agreed !!!!!!!!!
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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IT IS A THING OF BEAUTY AND TRIATHLETES... you should realize how much the silly UCI rules are limiting the research and development of bicycles that would help our sport. Softride, Kestrel, TitanFlex, BP Stealth and others I am forgetting... I love everyone of you! Especially those still made in the USA.
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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Coolest looking frame since the Zipp 3001. If that comes to market, I'm buying one.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." John Rogers
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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I still think that head tube is too long. But I like the looks of it. As long as it's got a decent front-center and a REALLY tight rear wheel to the BB, I'm sold.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

Last edited by: brider: Sep 10, 07 12:45
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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That looks really thin on the stays. Do you know if they use unidirectional boron on to stiffen it up with stays that small? I suppose that a higher modulus CF would do similar if more was used. By the way, if anyone has a size large softride that is cracked (aluminium or carbon), I would be happy to give it a new home and life (I have some unidirectional prepeg boron, just itching to be used).

Stephen J

I believe my local reality has been violated.
Happiness = Results / (Expectations)^2
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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Kurt Luoni
US Sales Manager
Orca Wetsuits
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [NYSLIM] [ In reply to ]
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Just buy a titan-flex that is what my brother and I swear by.

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [sjudice] [ In reply to ]
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I have no idea. I've only seen the pics. If you read the email info that I posted, someone mentioned how stiff the rearend was.

"The rear end which Graeme stiffened for track cycling was amazing"

I would like to one in person though.

Are you asking about a frame or beam?

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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that frame is totally sick looking!!!!

S�rgio Marques
When it hurts is when it feels good ;-)
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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [sergio] [ In reply to ]
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So what parts do you like or dislike? Sick looking?????

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Re: Darn it! Won't somebody buy Softride and start making bikes again? [ShaRRky] [ In reply to ]
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For those who are interested this link might be of interest:


I don't know anything about this but the wheel on the frame shown above(hed cx with splatter paint job) was certainly Graeme's years ago, I remember him racing on it.
Graeme has made many an awesome carbon frame over the years, I used to look forward to looking at his bike at races, it was always incredible ...and changing.

If there is any truth in this it could be very interesting. Graeme is the real deal he's been making cool and radical frames as long as just about anyone. He also knows how to ride them he was/ is (?) a top level tri/duathlete.

It would be great if one of his designs could be mass produced, they're awesome!!
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