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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [rhayden] [ In reply to ]
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rhayden wrote:
klehner wrote:
Old geezer hint: don't swim for the next buoy. Swim for the buoy that is furthest to the side opposite the direction of the next turn. So if the swim course is clockwise, always aim for the buoy furthest to the left.


The buoys lining the inside of the swim course are rarely in a straight line, so swimming from buoy to buoy isn't the shortest path. At any given point, you should determine the furthest buoy you can see that is to the outside of your next turn: if the next turn is a left, then look for the rightmost buoy and head for that.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
rhayden wrote:
klehner wrote:
Old geezer hint: don't swim for the next buoy. Swim for the buoy that is furthest to the side opposite the direction of the next turn. So if the swim course is clockwise, always aim for the buoy furthest to the left.


The buoys lining the inside of the swim course are rarely in a straight line, so swimming from buoy to buoy isn't the shortest path. At any given point, you should determine the furthest buoy you can see that is to the outside of your next turn: if the next turn is a left, then look for the rightmost buoy and head for that.

gotcha....swim a straight as line possible to the furthest bouy. Dont necessarily follow the bouy line as it may not be straight.
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [MikayP] [ In reply to ]
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MikayP: That's awesome! By the sounds of your post you must have KILLED it!!! You won your age group right? No? Well you at least podiumed? Triathlon needs more coaches. And it's simple to become one. Just say you're a coach. And continue sharing these wonderful and positive examples. I'm already looking to learn more.........................

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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [rruff] [ In reply to ]
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That's exactly what they do at Challenge Roth, based on your "best" irondistance time. Except for the women, who all start in one of the early groups. Makes it especially difficult for the slower athletes to make the the 15 hr cutoff (which starts with the first wave!!!)
rruff wrote:
I like how they have it setup to where all the AG waves are scrambled every year to make it a little more fair to everyone, especially when it's hot later in the day.

I have a better idea. Slow people go last.

FIST Certified Fitter
Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [ssn759co] [ In reply to ]
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Still, it's the only thing that makes sense if you want/need to keep people from running into each other.

A few years ago I was talked into doing the bike leg of our local tri. They had 3 waves, with teams last. Run was first, then bike, then swim (in a pool!). It was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. The two lane winding hilly road without shoulders was open to cars. The cars (mostly SUVs and trucks) would get stuck behind slow cyclists... so I had to pass a slew of them. Incidents ranged from nearly colliding with a girl near the start who was going ~15mph on a turn that I wanted to take at 40, to passing a line of SUVs... and the front one turning left right in front of me (just missed it's bumper), to riding the center line on a descent at 50mph because I'm passing a car and traffic is coming the other way, etc. I'm sure most races aren't planned this poorly, but still... The last leg in the pool was just plain stupid, but at least it wasn't death defying.
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [BCDon] [ In reply to ]
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>>ones. If the road is in decent shape I'll be all the way over to the tight BUT, as per this quote, if the ride side of the road is crap and further to the left is nice, I'm riding further to the left. it is the same thing I do when out riding on public roads. If the far right road surface is crappy, I ride further left. <<

Well don't come to Vineman cause you'll be f--ing things up for everyone. A good stretch of road is shite and has been for 20 years.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [trimomtri] [ In reply to ]
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trimomtri wrote:
Thank you for your post.

One year during the swim of IM Augusta, the 25-29 males started two waves behind the 35-39 females. Nothing like having a younger man swim over me. Seriously, I could tell that the chilly water did not bother him much....

If you are going to participate in triathlon, please learn USAT regs and a little course courtesy. Tri responsibly!!!

I think the correct term is "race".

Michael J. Pelechaty
Brewer, Black Box Brewing Co.

"Yeah, I was depressed for a little while, but then I remembered how awesome I am."
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [trackie clm] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, at Vineman, the people who were BLOCKING and being a pain were doing so "mostly" because the road was shit on the right side. The trick for this race is too know that is going to happen and deal with it. May not be fair or right or ideal, but it is the best way to get through the race

Team Zoot So Cal
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [MikayP] [ In reply to ]
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I have done the Vineman course close to 20 times and all of your points are valid. As an old guy I will tell you a secret. Ignore all of your 10 points and follow your race plan. Deal with every slow person out there and be safe. Focus on what you can do, not what obstacles lay in front of you. You probably did that already, but thought I might add it to the discussion.

Team Zoot So Cal
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [MikayP] [ In reply to ]
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MikayP wrote:
Did Vineman yesterday. I like how they have it setup to where all the AG waves are scrambled every year to make it a little more fair to everyone, especially when it's hot later in the day.

That unfortunately put my usual first to third wave start (25 male) almost two hours after the first wave of the morning. Definitely a new experience for me. Holy hell they're some down sides to starting so much later...

As a person who is rarely see's the course when it is at it's highest capacity I learn some things yesterday. Here's a few things to rant about...mostly about less experiences AG'rs....

1) If you are a less experiences swimmer learn how to swim in a straight line. I know it's not an easy thing to master, but it's not that hard to learn that a straight line is a shorter swimming distance than making a continuous "Z" pattern. Which leads me to #2...

2) If you know you are a slower swimmer...please stay to the right of the swim course. It's better for everyone. Leads me to #3....

3) If you are swimming at a decent tempo DO NOT IMMEDIATELY GO TO BREAST STROKE! All of a sudden I'm drafting off of someone at a good clip and then my face goes into your ass.....C'mon people let's go!

Onto the bike....

4) When in doubt stay on the right side of the road! If I had a quarter for every time I had more room to pass on the right than on the left of someone I could've paid for my sure to be medical fees for crashing from one of these loons.

5) Know how to bike BEFORE the race. There was this one girl in front of me who not took a terrible left turn (took up the whole road and braking way more than needed). Not only did she take up the whole lane when doing this, but she made a bad shift and dropped her chain. She then just stopped on the road! Right in the middle! This was a part of the road where the left lane was full of cars that were stopped waiting to pass when there was lack of riders. So I had to pass on the right of her (while almost riding into the dirt embankment) while another passed on the left. And #6, which is related....

6) If you can't climb....just walk your bike up. I know Chalk Hill is a grinder, especially that far into the race, but that doesn't give you the right to do zig zags all over the right lane cause you don't have the bike strength or totally chose the wrong gear choices for the race. It's annoying and dangerous....just walk and stay out of our way. It's less embarrassing than looking like a fool all over the road.

7) If you have to make a pit stop at one of the bike aid stations to go to the restroom please take your bike off the road. This is a part of the course where us people who choose not to stop need to get close to the volunteers on the right side of the road to get hydration/nutrition.

Now onto the run. Boy the roads get crowded at this point of the race.

8) Don't try to act like your saving yourself for the last 1/2 of the race. If I'm passing you just accept it. It gets old passing people who try to stay with you because they don't like getting passed. Then you see them at an out and back walking cause they obviously overcooked themselves.

9) If you're going to be taking every water, ice, gatorade cup at an aid station...just goto the table instead of taking every volunteers cup. Some of us actually know what we want at a station and will be on out own way. These poor volunteers spinning around and around trying to make sure they help everyone who needs it doesn't need you just taking stuff and dropping it cause you can't say "Water".

And #10...I Didn't plan for this to be a 'Top 10' List, but I'll leave it here.

10) After the race keep the food line going! Some of us are hungry!

To all you AGr's who every race have deal with all this bs, you now have my sympathy.

Just read your "top ten" list, and I can't decide if you're a FOP guy or a BOP guy...sounds more like a heat induced whine to me really...
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Cheddar] [ In reply to ]
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Cheddar wrote:
trimomtri wrote:
Thank you for your post.

One year during the swim of IM Augusta, the 25-29 males started two waves behind the 35-39 females. Nothing like having a younger man swim over me. Seriously, I could tell that the chilly water did not bother him much....

If you are going to participate in triathlon, please learn USAT regs and a little course courtesy. Tri responsibly!!!

I think the correct term is "race".

That verb was chosen carefully. As shocking as this may be, there are some people who don't race every event. Some call it their "C race" or "training for the t-shirt". I know there is no body on ST who does this, as we are all always FOP. ( cough, cough), but it have heard that it happens.

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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [MikayP] [ In reply to ]
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Many of your points advocate for mass start races.

* Ironman for Life! (Blog) * IM Everyday Hero Video * Daggett Shuler Law *
Disclaimer: I have personal and professional relationships with many athletes, vendors, and organizations in the triathlon world.
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [david] [ In reply to ]
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david wrote:
Many of your points advocate for mass start races.

1. Totally agree with this.

2. The OP is a complete self-righteous prick that gives those of us non douchebags in this sport a bad name.

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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [MikayP] [ In reply to ]
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MikayP wrote:
1) If you are a less experiences swimmer learn how to swim in a straight line. I know it's not an easy thing to master, but it's not that hard to learn that a straight line is a shorter swimming distance than making a continuous "Z" pattern. Which leads me to #2... How is this a problem for you?. The only way this is a problem is if you are so slow that the zig zagging person still manages to bump you on each zig and zag. Or, you just have a knack for being in the wrong place for every person zig zagging out there.

2) If you know you are a slower swimmer...please stay to the right of the swim course. It's better for everyone. No, it's better for you. It's better for them to stay on the left, becuase it's the shortest route (see your note above.) And, presumably you are on the left side of the course - if so, then how are you being bothered by zig zaggers? If you are on the inside lane, then are they zig zagging out of bounds? .Leads me to #3....

3) If you are swimming at a decent tempo DO NOT IMMEDIATELY GO TO BREAST STROKE! All of a sudden I'm drafting off of someone at a good clip and then my face goes into your ass.....C'mon people let's go! Translation - Dear everyone in front of me - it's your job to make my swim easier - don't do anything that would make it harder for me to mooch off your effort. And is there any other way to go to breast stroke? Is there some internationally accepted intermediate stroke between freestyle and breast stroke to alert people to stop drafting? The person breast stroking could easily post: "Dear drafting person, you should be watching my feet when you draft so you can see if I suddenly stop or slow down. I think you are cute and all, but I don't want your head up my ass."

Onto the bike....
5) Know how to bike BEFORE the race. There was this one girl in front of me who not took a terrible left turn (took up the whole road and braking way more than needed). Not only did she take up the whole lane when doing this, but she made a bad shift and dropped her chain. She then just stopped on the road! Right in the middle! This was a part of the road where the left lane was full of cars that were stopped waiting to pass when there was lack of riders. So I had to pass on the right of her (while almost riding into the dirt embankment) while another passed on the left. (Wow - she was either REALLY big, or was standing cross-ways in the road if she were taking up the WHOLE road. I think she should be shot! Luckilly, you are an uber biker with exceptional bike handing skills, so it all worked out. And #6, which is related....

6) If you can't climb....just walk your bike up. I know Chalk Hill is a grinder, especially that far into the race, but that doesn't give you the right to do zig zags all over the right lane cause you don't have the bike strength or totally chose the wrong gear choices for the race. It's annoying and dangerous....just walk and stay out of our way. It's less embarrassing than looking like a fool all over the road. I don't understand. Are you saying that while climbing Chalk Hill, you had your head down so much that you didn't see the person in front of you zig zagging? Or that the zig zagging is so completely erratic that you could not simply time your pass? What happened to those exceptional bike skills?

Now onto the run. Boy the roads get crowded at this point of the race.

8) Don't try to act like your saving yourself for the last 1/2 of the race. If I'm passing you just accept it. It gets old passing people who try to stay with you because they don't like getting passed. Then you see them at an out and back walking cause they obviously overcooked themselves. Exactly how is this any skin off your nose? Maybe they don't like to get passed. Maybe they were having a particularly terrible day, saw you passing and thought, "there is NO WAY I am letting THAT guy pass me. I'm faster than he is!" Or is it that they are also taking up the entire road? Were they weaving, somehow blocking your forward progress? Hey Galileo, the universe does not revolve around you. I bet that person did the same thing with every other person that passed them. It's nothing personal - I bet you've thought more about that person than they have thought about you.

9) If you're going to be taking every water, ice, gatorade cup at an aid station...just goto the table instead of taking every volunteers cup. Some of us actually know what we want at a station and will be on out own way. These poor volunteers spinning around and around trying to make sure they help everyone who needs it doesn't need you just taking stuff and dropping it cause you can't say "Water".

And #10...I Didn't plan for this to be a 'Top 10' List, but I'll leave it here.

10) After the race keep the food line going! Some of us are hungry! (Especially that really fat girl who took up the entire road on her bike!)

To all you AGr's who every race have deal with all this bs, you now have my sympathy.

Thanks, but no thanks. Most of us AGrs are nice people who at some point or another have done some of these things you're talking about. When we screw up and get in your way, we know it, and generally feel bad about it. But, you being faster does not make you a better person, just a faster person. Everyone racing in the pack deals with the occassional road block and most of us handle it with grace and compassion. Most people out there are trying for something - to finish, to PR, to podium, or to win - but we all encounter the same challenges and obstacles with other racers, so it all evens out in the end. It's funny how some of these uber-triathletes who are supposedly hard as nails can be so fragile when out on the course.

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. - D. H. Lawrence
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Moose1406] [ In reply to ]
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I don't usually respond to these kinds of threads, but in this case MOST of the OP's comments are about safety issues.

Perhaps a bit condencending tone in a couple but as others have pointed out the safety issues have nothing to do with performance - many auto accidents are caused by slow drivers, it's inattention, laziness or ignorance of rules that cause many auto accidents

some days you're the windshield some days the bug
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Moose1406] [ In reply to ]
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Nice answer!

I like this quote. It definitely applies to the OP: "Hey Galileo, the universe does not revolve around you."
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Moose1406] [ In reply to ]
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You are an idiot.

When we screw up and get in your way, we know it, and generally feel bad about it

You are not an idiot.

It's funny how some of these uber-triathletes who are supposedly hard as nails can be so fragile when out on the course.

You are in idiot.

When another persons actions has the potential to cause harm (as in a crash or what not) - they are the one needing correcting, not the other folks. Better to whine on the forum than the race course.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Record10Carbon wrote:

When another persons actions has the potential to cause harm (as in a crash or what not) - they are the one needing correcting, not the other folks. Better to whine on the forum than the race course.

Actually, better not to whine at all.

I can't help but be reminded of the George Carlin routine where he notices that anyone driving slower than you is an "a**hole", and anyone driving faster than you is a "maniac". Well, guess what - we're competing on a course with 2,500 other people, and by definition, each and every one of them is either an a**hole, or a maniac (except for that person right next to you that you can't seem to get away from...that person is just weird). Do you really think you can put 2,500 people on a race course and not have them get in each other's way?

Oh, and remember that for every a**hole that you have to go around who is "in your way", you are the maniac that is screaming past them and putting everyone else in "danger".

If you want to have a 100% unimpeded path to the finish line, get your pro card.

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. - D. H. Lawrence
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [MikayP] [ In reply to ]
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The average BOPer, and most MOPer's are nothing more than overweight couch potatos. We even have divisions for them, Clydesdales and Athenas. How about the book "Slow Fat Triathlete" . What about the Danskin triathlon giving Swim Noodles out to participants.

I think the sport of triathlon is more less a circus of inexperienced self-aborbed couch potatos who have too much money and dreams of athletic stardom. Yet when they look in mirror, they are Al Bundy. Then someone says, "hey... what about triathlons?" Don't get me wrong, these triathletes train ALOT at a COMFORTABLE pace, rarely pushing outside their comfort zone. Hell, they even say swimming is a poor ROI....

I have nothing against people trying to better themselves and get more fit, just don't put them ahead of me in the race. RD's need to make triathlons better for ALL participants not just the MOPer and BOPer out there.

Waves suck and do not work PERIOD>...
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Moose1406] [ In reply to ]
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Moose1406 wrote:
Record10Carbon wrote:

When another persons actions has the potential to cause harm (as in a crash or what not) - they are the one needing correcting, not the other folks. Better to whine on the forum than the race course.

Actually, better not to whine at all.

I can't help but be reminded of the George Carlin routine where he notices that anyone driving slower than you is an "a**hole", and anyone driving faster than you is a "maniac". Well, guess what - we're competing on a course with 2,500 other people, and by definition, each and every one of them is either an a**hole, or a maniac (except for that person right next to you that you can't seem to get away from...that person is just weird). Do you really think you can put 2,500 people on a race course and not have them get in each other's way?

Oh, and remember that for every a**hole that you have to go around who is "in your way", you are the maniac that is screaming past them and putting everyone else in "danger".

You are an IDIOT .... I cannot help that out of 2500 participants 2400 do not know what they are doing..... you all have too much money and very little on brains.

If you want to have a 100% unimpeded path to the finish line, get your pro card.
Last edited by: trihard4me: Jul 20, 12 14:49
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Moose1406] [ In reply to ]
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Moose1406 wrote:

If you want to have a 100% unimpeded path to the finish line, get your pro card.

Even better way - and a way that I know a few folks who have done - go the Y, swim 2.4 miles. Leave the Y on your bike, ride 112 miles. Get home, go for a run....


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [trihard4me] [ In reply to ]
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Are you having fun yet?

There are too many words to describe you: Let's start with arrogant.
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Record10Carbon wrote:

I HATE THIS THE WORST..... They run out of transition to immediately stop and figure out how to get their feet in the shoes, clogging up the "bike out" and then falling down because this is the first time they've tried this stunt. At one race this year they had 5 women in the "Bike Out" COMPLETELY STOPPED trying to get their feet in the shoes. I had to yell out, "You've got to kidding me, MOVE !!!!" and I bumped this one girl out of the way and she yell out "ASSHOLE". Poor baby, practice that first before the event.
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [trihard4me] [ In reply to ]
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Thus the reason that I as an RD did not allow that. We had one guy head out of transition and jump on - no shoes. He had to go back and get them. Funniest thing, he thanked me later. The rules were clear - and I held them to the letter. I think that practice should be banned for all but Elite/Pro


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: To you older AG's, I get it now... [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
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TriBeer wrote:
Are you having fun yet?

There are too many words to describe you: Let's start with arrogant.

You do not understand what it's like racing from the back and in front of you is the Sea of Medocrity. Until you've walked a mile in my shoes, well, heck that may be too far for you, how about just a block in my shoes. I would not want to tire you out.

And no I am not having fun. I go the race to RACE, NOT to have a "smell the roses" fest. Last I heard it is called a RACE.

Just don't be in my way, and all is good. You can have your fun Com By Ya fest behind me.
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