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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [RandyS] [ In reply to ]
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RandyS wrote:
mikegarmin4 wrote:
This morning, in my 4-lane pool, 2 lanes were open. My friend and I split one lane, leaving one open. Right away, I realized I forgot my earplugs. 2 minutes later, I get back to the pool. A non-American speaking woman ...

Ahh, you should have tried speaking english instead ;)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [chriskal] [ In reply to ]
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"full 'copter"

love that!!!!
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [mikegarmin4] [ In reply to ]
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Why didn't you and your friend move to the open lane?

It'd be less drama and no snot rockets. Ugh!! ;)
Last edited by: TriBeer: Mar 9, 13 9:26
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [tjzubick] [ In reply to ]
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We don't speak proper English in America. Well, at least where I live.

Speed Concept 9 (race)
Madone 5 (training)
Trek 1000 (rain/snow/sleet/monsoon)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
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We're the fastest at this YMCA. The lanes belong to us.

Speed Concept 9 (race)
Madone 5 (training)
Trek 1000 (rain/snow/sleet/monsoon)
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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The sauna scene wouldn't happen at my Y. It is posted: no nudity in the sauna.
Apparently that is worth a sign.

Major naked body fear at that gym. Mesopotamia, indeed.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Ironma'am] [ In reply to ]
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Yet another new species discovered. I can only guess this must be an advanced open water technique, used for sighting by keeping track of where you have been - when heading offshore. This person would rotate their head all the way around - and out of the water - so that they were looking directly backwards when taking a breath. I mean I'm pretty, but I don't think they were looking back at me.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [sharkbait_au] [ In reply to ]
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It's spring break here to there were a lot of strange denizens at my pool today. I was a little overwhelmed, but then I thought of this thread. Here they are:

Lane 1: old man who was vertical in the water, freestyle kicking but not very efficiently...like little tiny kicks...and slowly making his way to the other side. I was surprised he was still floating somehow.
Lane 2: 13- or 14-year-old kid, who I initially assumed was getting in a workout because his swim coach told him to swim over spring break. He looked legit, but nope. The kid hung onto the side and adjusted his goggles the ENTIRE time I was doing laps. He would occasionally take a break from goggle adjustment to give his mom a nasty look.
Lane 3: me
Lane 4: two 7- or 8-year-old kids who were actually doing laps. Every now and then, one of them would race me for 25 yards. It still amazes me that they came to the pool and chose to do laps while the other kids were on the diving board and playing around in the shallow end.

The other lanes were all kids being kids and taking up lane space. A couple of them jumped in my lane at one point and didn't realize they were in my way (really!?). I had to ask them to find somewhere else to play.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [jl2732] [ In reply to ]
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The "plodder" - it takes him 42 strokes to go 25m. That's counting one arm, 84 for two. He's steady, though, never stops. Is there a running record for the most strokes to go 25m? I think he is in contention.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Ironma'am] [ In reply to ]
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Have my first!
It's spring break, so the pool is a little empty. Two guys in thier mid-20's who appear to be just normal guys hop in the pool at 6:30AM. They were there a total of 30 minutes and did 2 laps - maybe 3. Then got up and left.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Ironma'am] [ In reply to ]
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a guy i saw a couple weeks ago was doing breaststroke at 3:00/100 and doing flipturns.

Fruit snacks are for winners
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [bmeer] [ In reply to ]
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First for me today - was at my club and the swimmer must have been a triathlete owing to the number of toys in the mesh bag on deck. Next to his swim workout pad was a full size jar of peanuts!!!!.. So apart from the fact they were in a glass container-- never seen peanuts as food on deck before. Gotta love protein eh?

Graham Wilson
USAT Level III Elite Coach
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [feman] [ In reply to ]
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Was he possibly using the peanuts to count laps? I have seen a guy use pennies for this task.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [fastwiley] [ In reply to ]
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Nope the jar was unopened and no loose peanuts on deck... :-)

Graham Wilson
USAT Level III Elite Coach
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [miner1098] [ In reply to ]
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miner1098 wrote:
I went to Paris last spring. Which I hated BTW. I found a pool to do some laps a few kilometers from our hotel. I got changed and walked to the edge of the pool. In french on the edge of the pool there were signs that clearly stated fast,medium, and slow lanes. I watch everyone for 1 lap, and decided I'm ok to jump in the fast lane. I do a slow warmup, and now I'm ready to start the the actual workout, but during the warmup, I have to wait at the end of the pool so I don't catch up to anyone. Nobody helps me out by letting me pass. I'm not French, and I'm in someone else's pool so I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way if you know what I mean. I wait until I have a bit of clear shot and start my workout, I figure I'll just do some 50's. Every time I catch up to someone but I notice there is less and less people in the lane, at first I think there were 6 of us. I keep doing 50's until I look up and notice that the lifeguard was yelling something in French at the other swimmers in the lane. I had no idea what he was saying at the time. I get a few more 50's in and decide hey, I can do some 100's now, and I notice some very pissed off Frenchmen in the Medium and Slow lanes. Then I realized that the Lifeguard was kicking them out of "my" lane. It was awesome, never seen that happen, and trust me I'm not fast at all.

That is pretty awesome! I usually just swim around everyone myself and not worry about being rude.

Glad they don't do that here in Clermont though, or I wouldn't have a lane to swim in. Everyone here is either on 1:00-1:10/100yd pace (ITU guys) or 2:00+/100yd pace. Not much in between.

-Bryan Journey
Travel Blog | Training Blog | Facebook Page
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [fastwiley] [ In reply to ]
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I'm terrible at counting. I have used all kinds of stuff. I find marching my water bottle across the tiles helps me keep track.

I do the same thing for workout sets in the gym. Have even used pepper packets/fake rocks/keys/etc.

The harder the workout, the worse I am at counting.


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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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kjmcawesome wrote:
I'm terrible at counting. I have used all kinds of stuff. I find marching my water bottle across the tiles helps me keep track.

I do the same thing for workout sets in the gym. Have even used pepper packets/fake rocks/keys/etc.

The harder the workout, the worse I am at counting.

Oh, if I was at your pool - I'd drive you nuts. I'd move your bottle while you weren't looking.

Just think how studly you'd be with all the extra work in your work out! :-)

I saw this on a white board in a window box at my daughters middle school...
List of what life owes you:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [manofthewoods] [ In reply to ]
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Were you the one who kept moving the pieces of gravel I was using to track sets of pull-ups outside in SF last week?

I kept thinking it was the wind. Very sneaky.


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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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This is me, too. Teammates have gotten so they just scream underwater when I'm about to keep going & shouldn't, or they grab my leg, or they just wait at the wall & laugh when I get back.
I have a tendency to knock the water bottle over with a flipturn splash, or forget where it was before I take a drink. This same concept can work with a kickboard as well.
Most helpful remedy I've found is keeping track of my 100 pace while swimming....the pace clocks have to be in the right spot though & the interval fairly predictable.
200s are my nemesis.

Had to swim at the Y earlier this week. Nevermind that it was a sauna. Swimming 100 sets with varied/broken intensity - there was "stink eye lady" and "the backstroker". The lady gave me seriously ugly looks every time I had to wait for an interval for no good reason. She was aquajog/floating two lanes over. Backstroke guy was alternative free/back really close to the lanerope in the next lane. Backstroke almost got an inappropriate handfull a few times...Too bad I was swimming with a flailer & was hugging the rope myself.

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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [AWARE] [ In reply to ]
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Backstroke almost got an inappropriate handfull a few times...Too bad I was swimming with a flailer & was hugging the rope myself.[/quote]
Maybe that was his goal. That would make him an entirely different kind of Denizen.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [chriskal] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker, but this thread has been great, so I must add to it.

Probably the worst pool in the area, but it is on the way to work. The pool I go to on the weekends is a very nice pool and I don't see too many strange denizens. The one I go to during the week is odd:

1. A guy in the locker room that makes a long grunting and growling sound like Frankenstein. He does it all around the locker room, so you know exactly where he is (Lockers, Restroom, Shower...)
2. We also have the same old guys blow drying their junk and shaving naked at the sink.
3. This past week there was a lady with a small child in the pool. The child was screaming and crying. It went on for my entire session (30 minutes). I could not understand why the lady didn't remove the child from the pool.

The kids do behave for the most part though. There is a basketball hoop for the pool right next to one of the lanes. Before I got in there was kids using the lap lanes as part of the "court". Once I got in the lane though, they moved and didn't bother me at all. The ball ended up in the lane at one point and the kids looked scared when I grabbed it for them. I just handed it to them nicely and went back to my workout.
Last edited by: Grux: Mar 15, 13 13:53
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Grux] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not even sure what to name this guy. I'm coming back into the locker room from the pool, and he's standing, naked and soapy, outside the shower, leaning in to rinse his shorts.

Shrug, laugh inside thinking about this thread, and head to my locker. He walks around to the locker side, still naked, still soapy, and dries his shorts in the suit dryer.

There's a guy with his son in the locker room, and we make eye contact with a "WTF?" look, shrug, and then he hurries his son out of there.

Naked, soapy guy, I guess that's his name, then proceeded to shampoo his hair outside of the shower, with it running, before getting back in.

This was Tuesday, and what thread do I find revived today? Priceless.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [spot] [ In reply to ]
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My pool is usually pretty boring and uncrowded, but the last couple of weeks I've had the misfortune of sharing the pool with...

Overwhelmingly Odorific Obese Man. I was in the pool on the opposite side from the door, close to 100' away and as I start swimming back this smell hits me. I don't know if it's some kind of body spray or aftershave or what, but it hits me across the pool, while swimming, when he simply enters the room; and this is no small pool room. The rest of my workout is incredibly unpleasant because of this while he sometimes swims, sometimes walks, and sometimes holds onto the starting blocks while kicking his legs around in a biking motion for a few minutes. I've never been overwhelmed my an odor like this.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Emzee] [ In reply to ]
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B.O is a nasty touch and a sure way not to overstay at the wall...

How about the lady who switches lanes and decides to backstroke straight into my face...
Don't know how I did not see her switch (working hard to keep that head down) but head to head collision hurts.
The flailing arms with Fu Manchu long nails added the finishing touch to a memorable aquatic crash.

I also got chased by a pack of HS Swim Club kids. They were just chatting and hogging the 'fast' lane (faster than water aerobics in my case) and had driven the 'regulars' away to the other lane.
When I got in their lane, I inadvertently activated their target sensor and off they went.
I am slow and they were not. I had to go all out just to escape the rabid pack.
I clung to the wall gasping for air and they quietly stopped as well... Thought they were done so I went again and boom!
The chase was back on.
They were letting me get to the wall first deliberately but made sure to let me know I was slower.
No toe fiddling, no word at the wall...
Other lane was crowded and thus slower, I was stuck with my under-age torturers.
It lasted 10 minutes, the most difficult 10 minutes of my mediocre swimming career...
Harder than the choppy IMFL swim...
Damn talented kids.

Only fools never change their minds and I'll never change my mind about that.
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Re: Strange Denizens of the Pool.... [Emzee] [ In reply to ]
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I've been following this thread for a long time. Awesome reading.

My gym has a 20 yd pool. Hotel pool that gets all types. Occasionally swim there but mostly with my masters group.

Got the ball sack hair dry dude. Older dude, actually a nice guy that everyone at the club knows.

Got the I can't believe he takes that many strokes to get to the other side of the pool guy. Almost 2 minutes down and back, so 40 yards.

Got naked dude that sits down on the bench in front of the lockers chatting on the phone. His crap is all over the place (ok I'm not neat but in a locker room I keep my stuff tidy). He uses 20X the amount of mouthwash anyone would use. Towels are provided free of charge (don't worry the cost is in there) and no limit, there is a full shelf of clean towels for the taking. He comes dripping out of the shower and proceeds to walk around the locker room dripping all over the place. After air drying a bit. Puts on his freshly pressed dress shirt without drying fully. His lack of towel using clearly bothers me but perhaps it was the one time I saw him use one is the real culprit. Came out of either the shower or stall (I have been trying to suppress the image for a long time so might not have this part correct), grabs a new clean towel, wipes his sagging ass and leaves the towel, open face if you will, on the counter. Doesn't even put it in the f'in hamper. Perhaps the thing that bothers me most is he doesn't even workout! Occasionally, he goes into the gym and does what I call nano reps, gets on a machine and moves the apparatus maybe an inch or two, when the machine calls for 15-20 inches of travel. Don't get it. BTW a real D-bag and known around town as such.

On a brighter note, we have a paraplegic who regularly swims a mile. Former wheelchair racer who hung up the racing chair from too many injuries. Always interested in my training and racing. We have a mutual friend that went to the Worlds for XC.
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