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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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From the list of argument fallacies:

Argument from ignorance:
asserts that a proposition (Chinese carbon bikes are just as fast as a Cervelo P4) is true because it has not yet been proven false


bhglobal why don't you feel any responsibility to show us that these chinese bikes are as fast as ones designed by a team of engineers? You say that Jack has to come up with the data or else his argument is false ---- the same is true of you, is it not?

p.s. the reason I keep bringing up Cervelo P3 alu's is that the poster cited concerns with cracking (durability) and aerodynamic drag ---- I think the Cervelo P3alu beats the knock off chinese frames on both of those issues. I don't care about ride feel ----- I have owned carbon bikes and could never discern the difference. But that's just my opinion.

Want: 58cm Cervelo Soloist. PM me if you have one to sell

Vintage Cervelo: A Resource
Last edited by: jeremyb: Dec 22, 11 15:05
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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bhglobal wrote:
Rick in the D wrote:
And in true form, you have the basic ST argument in full flight. The basic combatants:

Incumbents: Jackmott and Tom A & the bike manufacturers (to a lesser extent, ironically): On ST high ground, this well-choreographed group prides themselves in defending both holy grails of slippery: physics and commerce. They consistently show that frames produced by the site sponsors DO save time and can contribute real aero savings for performance, with the chances of a Chinese frame saving the same time being pretty small, just look at the data that the manufacturers themselves produced. They'll cite independent tests, too, but the cost was too much to be exhaustive, so it may not answer your question.

Oh sure, lots of other factors can improve performance more (like position and training and nutrition and coaching and powermeters and disc covers and not hanging stuff off your bike and cutting your aerodrink straw and other stuff), but bikes are our niche and it's what we talk about, so we're going to talk about it, and it's very relevant to everyone - you know, the people that lost the state TT by 3 seconds and Craig Alexander.

Insurgents: Styrell, BHGlobal, and a loosely aligned and armed coalition, consisting of a ragtag band of freedom fighters that may 1) dislike Cervelo, 2) dislike Jackmott and Tom A for whatever reason, 3) have an interest in non-incumbent bike manufacturers, or 4) don't think frames should be talked about as much as they are given the available performance gains, 5) dislike the ST high ground that Tom A and Jack seem to occupy, in any combination.

Yes, these upstarts will go toe-to-toe with the incumbents with a well-worn and predictable strategy - First, show that there's no proof that frames are faster. If they're skilled, they may be able to stop the debate here, but more clumsy insurgents will need to regroup to fall back on the 'yeah, but that's still minimial savings for a huge cost' argument. If not, frustrated, the edge-of-the-herd insurgents will sense their impending failture and attack the Incumbents themselves, with predictable results.

Mix the inevitable catalysts and envionmental factors: 1) an innocent that asks a loaded question, 2) manufacturers with their own data, 3) snarky folks that poke one side or the other to keep the entertainment value rockin', and boom: Minimum 4 pages of tit-for-tat gold, with the common denominator tha the innocent that started the whole thing is no closer to an answer than when they started.


"Rick in the D"... you see this is where the problems start. You make assumptions and misquote people, then field a thread to become the center of attention, and basically try to hijack it for everyone's amusement. But even you can't back up the claims people keep making about asian open mould frames. add something relevant, rather than try to get attention drawn to yourself.

1) I have nothing against Tom A or his data or his tests. I heard that some of these tests were done in 500m sprints, then braking, turning around and accelerating in the opposite direction. it that is his TT test, then it sounds more like a crit or closed-circuit race of some kind, whereas a true onsite TT test should be an actual course, with little to no braking and substantial riding into all major directions N-E-S-W, constant speed at near max BPM and power output, is what it's all about...and not braking and turning around every 500m. If i read that wrong, then i apologize. and if they rode 40km, in 500m sprints, then that means braking and turning around 20 times. how can you test drag properties properly if that is the case? I'd say you're testing brake pads. again, I could be wrong there, and I haev nothing against Tom A, so please don't go.

2) I don't consider jackmott to hold any "high ground." That never crossed my mind, nor is it a concern. I merely disagree with his flaming of wild opinions. All i know is he has been talking out of his a$$ and not backing up his claims about asian open mould frames with any definitive articles supporting all these views he has. Until he proves himself, he either should stop talking (like he's done for the last 24 hrs), and/or stop making what can be considered to be false claims. He honestly sounds like a sponsored rider that makes a back-hand profit in one shape or form by his sponsors, and his job is to slander competitors and recruit followers on ST to whatever he "considers" to be the "best" bikes out there.

3) why am i an insurgent? because i asked someone to backup their random claims that was bashing part of the industry we are interested in?

4) you mentioned manufacturer data again. that's biased marketing hype. show us the truely independent data, done by a company that was not paid to produce specific results to a specific manufacturer.

5) Cervelo. I do not dislike cervelo. I've actually done work for them. I do think there is a large number of people that ride a cervelo that have god complexes and crave attention...but that is a personal view, and not a fact.

6) CAN ANYONE PRODUCE ARTICLES SHOWING ASIAN OPEN MOULD FRAMES FROM 2010-2011 ARE DEFECTIVE AND SLOW? OR EVEN SHOW THEY -CAN -RUN WITH THE "COMPETITION"? If you can't then ask yourself WHY do the major manufacturers NOT want to go there? WHY don't they want to attack the open market? Because they would be attacking their OWN production factories and business associates in many many cases.

7) I bet that FLYXI "FRX-FL-106" TT frame is within 5% as good as whatever is considered the "best" TT frame out there. The "FLX-FR-103" is probably just about as close as well. It would be great for the major players to independently and fairly have them tested and an honest report produced.

8) Aluminum frames don't ride the same as carbon. why do people keep bringing them into the thread? it's not about aluminum frames.

Ok "Rick in the D"...back to you....go ahead, make fun of us again for everyone's amusement. Deflect everyone's attention from the fact Jackmott couldn't defend all the things he said.

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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [Rick in the D] [ In reply to ]
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Well, I thought it was funny, even if you spelled my name wrong. ;-)

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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [jeremyb] [ In reply to ]
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you guys all team up and are really good at slamming other ST users, with charts and graphs and slick comments and coined phrases, but you add nothing to the actual discussion... you seem to be on here to slam other ST users. add some relevant, documented, information on open mould carbon TT frames from 2010-2011. grow up.
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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Wow....somebody is wound a bit tight. You get that his post was a joke, right?

6) CAN ANYONE PRODUCE ARTICLES SHOWING ASIAN OPEN MOULD FRAMES FROM 2010-2011 ARE DEFECTIVE AND SLOW? OR EVEN SHOW THEY -CAN -RUN WITH THE "COMPETITION"? If you can't then ask yourself WHY do the major manufacturers NOT want to go there? WHY don't they want to attack the open market? Because they would be attacking their OWN production factories and business associates in many many cases.

As I said about one of your other posts, you are making claims that are factually incorrect. "Attacking their own production"? LOL.....you have no idea what you are talking about.

Based on my experience in the industry, I can tell you why they don't bother testing open mold frames - they don't give a schitt because they aren't a factor in the market place. They are irrelevant.

Tin foil hats are on special this season.....you may wanna pick up a few extra.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [jeremyb] [ In reply to ]
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jeremyb wrote:
From the list of argument fallacies:

Argument from ignorance:
asserts that a proposition (Chinese carbon bikes are just as fast as a Cervelo P4) is true because it has not yet been proven false


bhglobal why don't you feel any responsibility to show us that these chinese bikes are as fast as ones designed by a team of engineers? You say that Jack has to come up with the data or else his argument is false ---- the same is true of you, is it not?

p.s. the reason I keep bringing up Cervelo P3 alu's is that the poster cited concerns with cracking (durability) and aerodynamic drag ---- I think the Cervelo P3alu beats the knock off chinese frames on both of those issues. I don't care about ride feel ----- I have owned carbon bikes and could never discern the difference. But that's just my opinion.

Jeremyb - all you have to do is put a small dent into your aluminum bike and it's worthless. it can't be repaired, and it's structural properties are shot. when aluminum frames dent, the next step is for it to shear off. why do you keep bringing up your aluminum bicycle? this thread is not about aluminum bicycles. lol. even you are mentioning durability issues with open mould frames now...where is this coming from? quote an article about frames from 2010-2011, not just ritchey forks. (good article, but not what we are looking for here).
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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I can't believe you are serious ----- because you have added a lot of great, relevant, documented information showing their merits????

Want: 58cm Cervelo Soloist. PM me if you have one to sell

Vintage Cervelo: A Resource
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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bhglobal wrote:

Jeremyb - all you have to do is put a small dent into your aluminum bike and it's worthless.

Dude.....stop. You are just talking out of your Assos now.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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actually, after waiting a day, no one has been able to produce a single trade article, to support all your claims that asian open mould TT frames are inferior, in build quality, ride durabiity or aerodynamics.

(I never mentioned anything about warranty issues...or where to buy it from... i hear alibaba.com is the defacto import/export website for this sort of thing...not ebay)

jeremyb thank you for providing links to related articles.

jackmott said the transition had the best numbers. i produced info on an asain open mould frame for $3000 less than a transition frame, with similar qualities. no one could shoot it down. some of you briefly said it was a cool looking frame.

other than that, you spent all your time putting people down, arguing, and produced zero research material to support your claims.

i guess that dispells the myth.

all the naysayers lost this one.

the insurgents win !!

Last edited by: bhglobal: Dec 22, 11 16:39
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Hear hear! I just want to know who bhglobal is so I can be sure not to buy anything he might be selling...

I for one would be leary of taking advice (or $h1+) from someone who doesn't know a "dent" from a stress riser or strain hardening exponent... especially when it comes to composites
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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bhglobal wrote:
actually, after waiting a day, no one has been able to produce a single trade article, to support all your claims that asian open mould TT frames are inferior, in build quality, ride durabiity or aerodynamics.

all the naysayers lost this one.

jackmott said the transition had the best numbers. i produced info on an asain open mould frame for $3000 less than a transition frame, with similar qualities. no one could shoot it down. some of you briefly said it was a cool looking frame.

other than that, you spent all your time putting people down, argueing, and produced zero research material.

i guess that dispells the myth.

Uh....I never made any claims re: the performance, or lack thereof, re: open mold frames.

But since you seem to be demanding data / facts of claims that people are making, by all means show us the information you have that the branded companies don't want to "attack their production", or that a dent in an aluminum frame means it is now trashed.

We'll wait.....

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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bhglobal wrote:
jeremyb wrote:
From the list of argument fallacies:

Argument from ignorance:
asserts that a proposition (Chinese carbon bikes are just as fast as a Cervelo P4) is true because it has not yet been proven false


bhglobal why don't you feel any responsibility to show us that these chinese bikes are as fast as ones designed by a team of engineers? You say that Jack has to come up with the data or else his argument is false ---- the same is true of you, is it not?

p.s. the reason I keep bringing up Cervelo P3 alu's is that the poster cited concerns with cracking (durability) and aerodynamic drag ---- I think the Cervelo P3alu beats the knock off chinese frames on both of those issues. I don't care about ride feel ----- I have owned carbon bikes and could never discern the difference. But that's just my opinion.

Jeremyb - all you have to do is put a small dent into your aluminum bike and it's worthless. it can't be repaired, and it's structural properties are shot. when aluminum frames dent, the next step is for it to shear off. why do you keep bringing up your aluminum bicycle? this thread is not about aluminum bicycles. lol. even you are mentioning durability issues with open mould frames now...where is this coming from? quote an article about frames from 2010-2011, not just ritchey forks. (good article, but not what we are looking for here).

Can you provide documented evidence from impartial sources about Cervelo P3 aluminum frames from 2002 denting and then shearing off?

The durability question on these frames comes from no warranty on a frame that perhaps was made very well or perhaps was made very poorly. Litigation is a powerful motivator to make things right, and that is lacking with these frames.

$600 seems like a lot of money to take such a risk. Additionally, I'd never ride a chinese carbon fork with carbon steerer tube ---- even some of the big names have had problems there ---- so I'd recommend a new fork ---- now you're looking at $850-$900 for a bike that has questionable ride characteristics, questionable durability and questionable aerodynamics ------ that's a lot of questions for $600.

So to the original poster ---- keep your bike and do as Jack says and buy a set of Zipps with a wheelcover.

Want: 58cm Cervelo Soloist. PM me if you have one to sell

Vintage Cervelo: A Resource
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [jeremyb] [ In reply to ]
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"Additionally, I'd never ride a chinese carbon fork with carbon steerer tube"

Do you ride any bikes with carbon steerers? The vast majority are made in the orient. Certainly not all but most.

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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [styrrell] [ In reply to ]
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styrrell wrote:
"Additionally, I'd never ride a chinese carbon fork with carbon steerer tube"

Do you ride any bikes with carbon steerers? The vast majority are made in the orient. Certainly not all but most.

My issue isnt with chinese carbon ---- its with unbranded chinese carbon where you're only recourse in a catastrophic failure is to send some ebay seller in hong kong a message via ebay.

Want: 58cm Cervelo Soloist. PM me if you have one to sell

Vintage Cervelo: A Resource
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [jeremyb] [ In reply to ]
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That I can see.

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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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bhglobal wrote:

1) I have nothing against Tom A or his data or his tests. I heard that some of these tests were done in 500m sprints, then braking, turning around and accelerating in the opposite direction. it that is his TT test, then it sounds more like a crit or closed-circuit race of some kind, whereas a true onsite TT test should be an actual course, with little to no braking and substantial riding into all major directions N-E-S-W, constant speed at near max BPM and power output, is what it's all about...and not braking and turning around every 500m. If i read that wrong, then i apologize. and if they rode 40km, in 500m sprints, then that means braking and turning around 20 times. how can you test drag properties properly if that is the case? I'd say you're testing brake pads. again, I could be wrong there...

You couldn't be MORE wrong about the above...amongst many other things :-/

Last edited by: Tom A.: Dec 22, 11 16:15
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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Chinese frames are definitely slower than the big bike brand frames (BBBF).


I rode an open mold frame this year
One of my competitors rode a Shiv.

He beat me on the bike (but not on the OA!).

Thus, Shivs > Open mold.
By further definition, BBBF > Open mold.

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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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Allright, homey-omey, I was in this for the amusement, but, well, I still am. Fortunately, I'm an analyst at heart, and I've got one paragraph's worth of analysis left to show how you supported my original analysis to the word, not 'sorta' or 'somewhat'. Let's take your first paragraph:

bhglobal wrote:
"Rick in the D".....You ....misquote people"

I didn't quote anyone in my post, it's my opinion, not your words, nor Tom's, nor Jack's. I paraphrased many, many posts, and accurately. Anything beyond that is a polka-dot floater in your field of vision leftover from that sun-viewing session in the clamshell.

bhglobal wrote:
...then field a thread to become the center of attention

...and here we have the central issue with my post. It detracted from the 'me' generation rumbling around your spacial crainial.

bhglobal wrote:
....and basically try to hijack it for everyone's amusement.

Let's be clear - the hijack for everyone's amusement was intentional, not 'basically'. 'Completely' is a better word. It seems redundant in retrospect, though, because I really didn't need to post for everyone to be amused by the thread. Everyone thought it, I just said it. Insurgents and Incumbents alike, you're not special in THAT way.

bhglobal wrote:
But even you can't back up the claims people keep making about asian open mould frames.

Hey, accurate, check YOU out. Now, let's see...oh, wait, I didn't make any claims about frames. I made claims about arguments, claims, and satire out of the ST way of reasoning and discourse. Should you ever win the Heisman, make sure some of your National Honor Society speech don't creep into your opening remarks. It's bad form.

bhglobal wrote:
...add something relevant, rather than try to get attention drawn to yourself.

I did, you friggin Chinese-frame hawkin' monstrosity of structured thought spun off into an ephelumps and woozelopes world of narcissism. There's two issues you have, data and presentation. My semi-satire was on they dynamics of the message (that's the presentation). If you had read the post with anything other than your blunt instrument personality on, you would have seen most of the reason you haven't 1)getting the answers you're looking for, and 2) could adjust your line of discourse to get further on this forum.

But nope, bluntness first and last, with not much crafty inbetween is your hallmark, and hallmark it shall be. Go forth and conquer, BFGlobal![/quote]
Damn, that was a bitter blast, but it felt good, prolly a little too good. I think at this point I'll sign off, wish you luck with that big honkin' windmill, and start analyzing why tattoos are the 2000's answer to the 80's duck shoes - unwatchable, and everywhere. Ciao!

ETA: sorry I butchered your username, styrrell. That was completely unintentional. Really. :)


- I do all my own stunts
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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How do you think one of these Chinese Frames (say a Carbonzone TT01) would be vs. an older technolgy aluminum frame, such as a Cervelo Dual?
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [bhglobal] [ In reply to ]
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Looked at the pic of the "open mould" -went to the completed bike menu and found this pic... http://flyxii.com/...enuid=325&id=576 , there is like an inch or two gap from the rear tire to the frame.

I have had my eye on this... http://media.photobucket.com/...bonzone/P1050651.jpg The finished bike photos don't have the gap.

I'm curious as to what people think on how these carbon frames would fare against an older model Aluminum frame (not a super aero P3)

Open Mould TT bike for $550 (frameset)

Specialized Transition for $3100 (frameset)

Steven's Volt for $3500 (frameset)
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [styrrell] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [PapaBear] [ In reply to ]
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Honestly, it's hard to guess how an aluminum frame would compare. Kind of apples and oranges. A Cervelo Dual may be as aero or more so than some of the open mold frames, it's got really well thought out tubes shapes.

The open mold frame is carbon, for whatever that is worth(possibly lighter and stiffer). But many of them lack the same attention to detail, in my opinion.

Why did you link to the Specialized and Stevens bikes?

Why not find a compromise between the $600 mystery frame and the $3000 uber frame? Two frames that come to mind in the $1000 price point are the Quintana Roo Seduza, Planet X Exocet.
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [KingJulian] [ In reply to ]
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KingJulian wrote:

FWIW - I just got fitted by a guy who spent his career owning bike shops, being in the industry etc. He said if he was still owning his shop he'd tell me not to do it and to buy a branded frame, etc etc.. but now that he has no vested interest, he said he thinks the frames are the same as the expensive branded frames and to go for it if it fits.
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [Rick in the D] [ In reply to ]
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This thread resurrection was worth the read just for Rick's response. Bravo, Rick!
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Re: Specialized Transition or Chinese Carbon TT Frame [aftereffector] [ In reply to ]
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I would like to create a new group called the "Rick In The D Clones" in honor of his epic poster analysis.

NOW CAN SOMEONE ANSWER THE QUESTION UP THERE OF WHERE YOU BUY THESE FRAMES? Is the flyxii cite the only reputable chinese frame manufacturer. And why don't any of them make frames larger than 56cm.
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