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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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"I can prove that any kid living in my neighborhood could tell you the starting line up of most NBA teams, the quarterback for every NFL, Div I, II, III, NAIA and maybe Arena football team, they could tell you how many majors Tiger has won, they could tell you any fact about hockey, and they could also beat you in a game of one on one."

Where is your neighborhood? ESPN Sportzone? Most actual Sporscasters don't know all of that, much less neighborhood kids. It's ridiculous to think that anyone knows every DIV I quarterback, much less all the Div II and III. There are about 120 Div I football teams.

You're talking out of your ass.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Criquet is a very popular game in Paki, India, some of england, some of AUS, NZ, but it's hardly a world game, and it doesn't even rank near to hockey (which is just under curling in North America) as far as participation or viewship is concerned.
Hardly a world game? With 120+ nations participating and eligible to compete in World Cricket matches?

You seriously need to take your blinders off...have you noticed that you are the only one arguing your side?

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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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Mate! you need to relax! I wasn't America bashing, I was pointing out that the OP had named some sports that are big in other countries (Handball being a big one). I have nothing against the US or the people. Hell, I love you guys! I'll admit that I find the stereotype redneck US stuff a bit much, but all in all I find the US great, and did I mention the people? again you guys are great.

If anyone is country bashing it is you my friend, have a re-read of your post...
So to you sir I say "Don't say stupid childish stuff like this!"
In Reply To:
"You really need to travel more and see these sports from outside the US."

Don't say stupid stuff like this. America is the land of one million sports. That is our life. That is why athletes from around the world strive to come to America to play sports. Because we support and love these sports unlike the rest of the world. I have been around the world 15 times and never heard on BBC or any Asian news station about how Joe Blow threw a discus today. Give up on the America bashing. We're more passionate about sports than any country in the world. Just because we don't kill each other when our one soccer team loses doesn't unqualify us as passionate. Or maybe we should throw bananas on the basketball court like you do in Italy during soccer matches at the black players? WOuld that make us better fans? Or more worldly? Or more accepting? Or more full of culture?

I hate this conversation. But I hate even more when 'outsiders' take cheap shots at americans. We love sports and are more knowledgable about sports than any country in the world, and I can prove that. You can't. And if an American wants to see a sport removed from the Olympics, whether they are right or wrong, they are better informed than you.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [jaimev] [ In reply to ]
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That stat has been true for quite some time...I also read somewhere that even 260MM might be in the short side, since in many under-developed countries the viewers per tv at football/soccer is much higher and difficult to size. For years Fifa has claimed over 1BN viewers, although this number is also very likely on the high side. In the US even the last Superbowl, or any for that matter, hasn't been able to beat the last episode of Mash with over 50MM viewers...
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [jrfalck] [ In reply to ]
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No one has challenged any of my facts or opinions yet. You have only thrown stones at me. How about the Rugby fact? What about more kids in America playing soccer than any other country? What about the World Cup demographics in 2006?

Couple more facts:

- I didn't start this argument. I'm bringing some light to those who are America bashers.

- 75% of Americans are not over weight. The current stat is 55%. Another current stat is that that percentage has not climbed in five years. Americans are not all fat and stupid. Just like all Aussies are not fat and stupid, though they have more overweight residents than we do. the WHO claims that 50% of the Worlds population is overweight. Why is it American's that get the rap about McDonalds? You eat the crap too.

- I guarantee I have been to more major sporting events than anyone here unless you are Michael Jordan or the president of Gatorade. That was not a comment for you to bow down to me. I was qualifying my opinion for those who told me to open my eyes.

- My favorite sport is NOT in the American "top five" fyi. I have a very objective opinion about sports. As a kid, I grew up playing soccer and swimming primarily, but also excelled at baseball, basketball, tennis, golf and hockey. I defended soccer to anyone who had something bad to say about it, which are ONLY Americans who will say something stupid about soccer. But this argument is about non-US residents bashing on "ethno centric Americans" and now US residents bashing US residents.

- I came on too strong saying every kid in my neighborhood can name all College quarterbacks. I'm sorry. You understand my point however, so the only thing you can say is "Do you live in Conneticut at ESPN Zone". Very witty, but not the case. I live in a suburb of Phoenix where the average kid does know more about more sports than any other average kid from any other average country. And they could beat you one on one.

- I am a republican. I love low taxes, small government, big business, and America. I do not like Americans who try to be European. I really don't like Americans who bash on America. We all want change and we do have problems, but this country is pretty sweet. I hate it even more when unknowledgable non residents make sweeping comments. I don't agree with the Americans on this forum who probably aren't in a position to have a good argument about this and who wish they were born in New Zealand because they could have a cool accent. I am sure it's very easy for you to brush over the fact that RACISM at sporting events in Europe is a huge issue. But we're still dumb Americans, and Europe is progressive...progressively throwing bananas on a Soccer field or tennis court.

- No one has proven to me that America is not as passionate about sports as any other country or continent or series of countries.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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You need to go chill out in the Lav Room.

blood, sweat...and big gears

I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.''
- Muhammad Ali
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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Beer pong is played in every country too. What's your point? That Cricket is played in every country, thus competes with Hockey or American football for popularity and passion? Wrong. Have you been to a cricket match before? Have you witnessed the crowds? The passion? Please give me an example. That is why they are trying to promote the 20-20. Because viewership and participation dropped, so they changed the game. Real sweet. Tradition baby.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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Americans are not all fat and stupid.

Yes we are.

For example:
I do not like Americans who try to be European.

By European, do you mean Danish or Italian or German or some kind of strange Americanized (but definitely not stupid) mixture?
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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"No one has challenged any of my facts or opinions yet."

Yes we have, you just don't listen. Here you go.

"75% of Americans are not over weight. The current stat is 55%"

According to the CDC, the current stat is 66.3%.

"Another current stat is that that percentage has not climbed in five years."

Actually, the CDC says that both childhood and adult obesity have steadily climbed over the last few years.

"the WHO claims that 50% of the Worlds population is overweight."

Then the U.S. is 16.3% fatter.

"I guarantee I have been to more major sporting events than anyone here unless you are Michael Jordan or the president of Gatorade."

You can't make any such guarantee since you don't know who is on the other end of any given post. You are a fan of making unsupportable contentions.

"...the only thing you can say is "Do you live in Conneticut at ESPN Zone"."

It was the only thing I could say because it was in response to such a ridiculous assertion.

" I live in a suburb of Phoenix where the average kid does know more about more sports than any other average kid from any other average country."

The kids of Phoenix probably know more about Playstation than any other kids, but you have no method of proving that they know more about sports than any other group of kids, much less all the rest of the kids in all of the countries in the whole world. This type of ridiculous statement is why no one is taking you very seriously.

"No one has proven to me that America is not as passionate about sports as any other country or continent or series of countries."

Since you are the one who made that ridiculous claim to begin with, it's not the responsibility of anyone else to prove anything to you. It is your responsibility to prove your claim, and you have offered nothing but personal conjecture as evidence.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [Axles of Evil] [ In reply to ]
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As a former thrower, I've just got to say that asking the throwers to go nude is a Very Bad Idea. They're a really fun crowd and great people, but they're just not, um, aesthetically pleasing for the most part, and a little bit of clothing helps a lot to hide the extra eight fat rolls on the back of shot put dude's back.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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"Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" Mark Twain. Welcome to the shallow "I am ignorant of all sports that preceed me or do not involve me and therefore don't concern me." post Your post is an embarassment of ignorance. The Olympics have a 100+ year history of sports. Many of which were around before you were born. Bone up on the history of sports, and world perspective and you might learn something. All track and field trials include field events including hammer and discus. Archery is not part of modern pentathalon (running, swimming, shooting, fencing and horse jumping.) Try canoeing for 1000 meters until your arms fall off. Asian badmitten players will have you on your knees in 3 minutes. All of the sports in the Olympics have a history and and/or tradition on the world stage. Really...its not about American sensibilities.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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Excuse me: 37% are obese or extremely obese. There is now a journal dedicated the subject Obesity Research, Obesity is the official journal of The Obesity Society. From the National Instiutes of Health

How many adults age 20 and older are overweight or obese (BMI > 25)?
A: About two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese.[6]
All adults: 133.6 million (66 percent)
Women: 65 million (61.6 percent)
Men: 68.3 million (70.5 percent)
* The statistics presented here are based on the following definitions unless otherwise specified: healthy weight = BMI > 18.5 to < 25; overweight = BMI > 25 to < 30; obesity = BMI > 30; and extreme obesity = BMI > 40.

I am a republican. I love low taxes, small government, big business, and America.(read "new millenium fascist".)

I like that the republican adminstration has destroyed the constitution, the bill of rights (except the second amendment) and that we have borrowed 2/3 of a trillion dollars to fight an unwinnable war and handed billions to the administrations handpicked corporations. I do not like Americans who try to be European (or have the common sense of 3/4 of the worlds populations). I really don't like Americans who bash on America (who exercise their constitutional right to free speech.) We all want change and we do have problems, but this country is pretty sweet (if you are on the winning side). I hate it even more when unknowledgable non residents make sweeping comments (as opposed to residents who make really ignorant statements.) I don't agree with the Americans on this forum who probably aren't in a position to have a good argument about this (who may have spent 30 years in social action and community service as opposed to someone who is sucking on the tit of birth and privilege.) and who wish they were born in New Zealand because they could have a cool accent (your's is redneck enough) I am sure it's very easy for you to brush over the fact that RACISM at sporting events in Europe is a huge issue (its called a red herring in America --don't know what you cal it in europe.) But we're still dumb Americans (not dumb, just uneducated, intellectually lazy) and Europe is progressive...progressively throwing bananas on a Soccer field or tennis court. (As opposed to americans who throw snowballs or spit on at the opposing teams players.)
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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What about shooting. Talk about good drugs. Get that heart rate down to the low 20's so you can squeeze of a round between beats.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [ironotter] [ In reply to ]
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Hey! whats this about NZ and rednecks? ;)
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [ironotter] [ In reply to ]
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"badmitten" -- Did you really spell it that way? That's awesome.

Personally, I like the diversity of sports in the Olympics. It's a good chance to learn about other cultures. I think that it also serves as motivation for kids who aren't gifted in the mainstream sports to learn about something that they may have the ability to someday excel at.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [banana] [ In reply to ]
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I played badmitten in college. Tough sport.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [ironotter] [ In reply to ]
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There are two sports that I would love to see in the Olympics.

The first is Ninja Warrior. If you have seen the TV show, you know that it is the absolute toughest sport in the world. Every skill is tested under time constraint.

The second is the hot dog eating contest. The incredible training someone has to do to eat 59 hot dogs in 10 minutes is mind boggling. And besides, who doesn't like a good hot dog.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [ironotter] [ In reply to ]
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Can I assume that you weren't an English major at the college where you played badmitten?

When I played, we spelled in badminton. I was only in high school at the time.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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"Criquet is a very popular game in Paki, India, some of england, some of AUS, NZ, but it's hardly a world game, and it doesn't even rank near to hockey (which is just under curling in North America) as far as participation or viewship is concerned. "

With all your open-eyed worldly travel, one would think you could spell cricket, considering others have spelt it for you several times prior...

Actually it's a very popular game in all of AUS, England and NZ. Considering the population of India alone is approximately FOUR times that of the united states, and cricket is without doubt their national game, then it would not surprise me if there were more people in India passionate about cricket then there would be in the Unites States passionate about NFL, NBA, Major League and NASCAR COMBINED! I don't doubt US passion for those sports, but the Indians are CRAZY about that game.

Your ill-informed statements in this post, and the stance you have taken towards multiple people, reminds me of some blind drunk throwing hay makers at everybody in sight. About the only statistic you could claim at present, which I don't see many people arguing with, is that you have officially ended Frank Day's reign as the most irritating, baseless statement making person of Slowtwitch (PS - I personally have no real problem with Frank!).

Jaylew - going back to your statement about walking... I've not really had a problem with it unti I just thought about something then. One could argue that walking is suspect because it can be done much faster if one were to run, using exactly the same equipment!
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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Again My Friend Slowdude, you are just trying to win an argument with nothing to back it up. When the best debaters are beat, they just try to discredit their opponent. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't matter, because you are definite in your opinion as am I. But I'm just trying to stick to the facts. Your facts are incorrect, and are still making sweeping comments. Site references.

I know you're a little slow, but let me say this one more time. I did not start this argument. It was started early in this thread when non-US residents were making comments about Americans and their misunderstanding of sports, and our lack of culture. I have more experience than you, and probably the person who wrote those comments. Therefore, I can make comments, such as, Americans are much more passionate about sports than any other country on this great planet. And I'm more qualified to say such a thing because I have seen almost every major sporting event across the globe.

You continue to throw stones. However, I conceeded a long time ago that I wouldn't win this argument. So your stones are just annoying now. I would rather just debate about how Americans love sport more than other contries. Not that Buffalo, NY is full of fat people, or that you are embarrassed to be a citizen of the US.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [YaHey] [ In reply to ]
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The second is the hot dog eating contest. The incredible training someone has to do to eat 59 hot dogs in 10 minutes is mind boggling. And besides, who doesn't like a good hot dog.

Hot dog eating - you beat me to it. Can you imagine weight classes, time trials, speed and endurance, male and female, for variety we could do chilli dogs, duathlons could be hotdog + donut, tris hotdog, beer + donut. The possibilities are endless we could get rid of all those old boring events and just have ones that the US could win. Can't you imagine the spectacle an event like the most hotdogs eaten by a 120kg plus female over a two hour period would create. The sprint event could be the most in 10 seconds by a sub 45kg.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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India loves a single sport. That's great. Prove it. You can't. Americans love SPORT. I can prove that with numbers compared to India.

I am not the one who said Indians weren't passionate. I am simply defending Americans and their love for sport. I believe, and the numbers support me, that Americans are more passionate about sport than any other country. You're fighting the wrong fight.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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You asked for references yourself. So why do you not put your money where your mouth is.

Give references for your statements.

(Instead of dismissing someone who gives actual sources,CDC, for their claims).

*edited* So your only source you are citing is your own superior vision and experience? Your posts contain so much logical fallacies I wouldn't know where to begin. Non sequitors, Ad Hominems and a very strange appeal to auto-authority?

I by the way think that judged sports should also be out of the Olympics. I like it clean (ha-ha-ha) and tidy and no
"black-box" winners.


IMH/IMG/NM Graduate
Challenge Almere enthousiast.
Come race Frysman
Last edited by: JV99: Jul 7, 08 23:52
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [ironotter] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for taking the time to respond to my posts. Makes me feel important.

I understand that your experience in life has you believing that people who make money are evil. That's fine. You fuel the "America is ignorant" fire from the inside. I won't spend much time on your comments about that. Your work has probably led you down scary roads, full of unfortunate situations. I applaud you for making a difference. However, you are ignorant for saying the things you say. I love free speech. That is why our country is great. You don't have an argument for racism and the unprogressive nature of other countries outside of the US. Your response was to just make fun of me. That's lame. My comment about Italians throwing bananas on soccer fields really messed up your feelings. "How is it possible that the United States is more forward thinking than a European country? Has Air America lied to me all these years?"

To call me a red neck and that I was born into money, which makes me uneducated, is a typical cheap shot. Similar to saying that Americans don't love sport or understand "world" sport. Just a lame, sweeping comment. Typical. I pay more taxes than most, but that doesn't give me any more rights than the next guy. I may have more degrees than you, but that doesn't give me any more rights. My voice doesn't get louder. I understand the pecking order, and understand that nothing will make you proud of our country. You'll never hear me saying that the poor need to get cut off because they are lazy, uneducated, and sucking off of my wallet. But you're the first to throw stones at me because I defend our country and pay for it's institutions.

We are in debt. The dollar is worth very little. Dems are in charge of the house, and they aren't doing anything to change the situation. Our government as a whole has some work on it's hand.

But none of this has anything to do with SPORT and how you know anything about SPORT. I would like to keep it on topic.
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Re: Sports that should not be in the Olympics [zonie] [ In reply to ]
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Cricket is one of the most widely played sports in the world. More than 120 cricket-playing nations are recognised by the International Cricket Council.[8] In the countries of South Asia, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, cricket is the most popular sport.[9][10][11] Similarly, it is the most popular sport in Samoa, Australia,[12][13] United Arab Emirates,[14] Bermuda,[15] Cayman Islands[16] and the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean, which are collectively known in cricketing parlance as the West Indies.[17] Cricket is also the national sport of England[18] and The Bahamas,[19] and a major sport in the countries of Europe (including Wales,[20] Scotland,[21] Ireland[22] and Italy[23]), Africa (containing South Africa,[24] Zimbabwe,[25] Kenya,[26] Namibia,[27] Uganda[28] and Zambia[29]), Asia (including Hong Kong,[30] Fiji[31] and Papua New Guinea[32]), and in New Zealand,[33] etc.

Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/...ket#Forms_of_cricket for your references.
In Reply To:
India loves a single sport. That's great. Prove it. You can't. Americans love SPORT. I can prove that with numbers compared to India.

I am not the one who said Indians weren't passionate. I am simply defending Americans and their love for sport. I believe, and the numbers support me, that Americans are more passionate about sport than any other country. You're fighting the wrong fight.
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