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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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Never let extraneous stuff affect your race preparation. This is a non issue for me.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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The national passtime: being offended and/or being a victim. The two are closely related.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Cobble] [ In reply to ]
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Cobble wrote:
I would definitely be greatly annoyed by a race that forces me to participate or have to listen to anything religious . . .

What?! Who forced you to participate? You are not forced to participate, thus it is not unconstitutional. You are not forced to listen, you are free to leave. To be distinguished from public school where prayer is outlawed because attendance is compulsory. In fact, a prayer under these circumstances is constitutionally protected speech. If you don't like it, leave.

. . . I would never do the race again . . . /quote]

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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [DeeAye] [ In reply to ]
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DeeAye wrote:
It annoys me greatly and seems rather unconstitutional.

It's a private event. All sorts of private events are held in public spaces, so there doesn't seem to be any constitutional problem to me (unlike today's Supreme Court ruling).

That said, overt expressions of religion like that, with a slightly "captive" audience, annoy me. My college (a private college) pulled stuff like that from time to time and it pissed me off - we'd go to an event that had nothing to do with religion, and then there would be some religious element.

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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [DeeAye] [ In reply to ]
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On the supreme court case, just thought I'd point out that that case was prayer before legislative sessions, and the question was whether a town hall meeting with citizens present counts as a legislative session. Interesting case, but pretty different scenario than being discussed here.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Jason80134] [ In reply to ]
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Jason80134 wrote:
The national passtime: being offended and/or being a victim. The two are closely related.
Well do you want those who feel offended to stand up for themselves, and fight instead of feeling offended without doing something about it? Are you willing to accept my freedom of speech that will be used to prove why your religion is wrong and you are stupid?

Don't forget to attack!
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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Didn't get the cooties? The gay guy next to you in transition convert ya? Of course not.... Yer a big boy accept others differences and beliefs and move on... Pre race pee takes more time... (All pink)


You can't fix stupid ..
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Jason80134] [ In reply to ]
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Jason80134 wrote:
The national passtime: being offended and/or being a victim. The two are closely related.
Let me guess: you're a white man who makes a pretty good living, and comes from a Judeo-Christian background, even if you don't practice religion.

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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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If only my Jewish mother could see this she would be plotzing with joy at just how successful having Ezra over for Passover was. In all seriousness, I tend to agree with Justin on this one. Swing your arms as long as you don't hit me. It's a private organization so they can do whatever they want. If it offends enough people to a certain degree (i.e., in some people's minds if a prayer over the loud speaker is "hitting them") then they don't have to do this race, and enough people feel that way, then perhaps the RD would reconsider. At the end of the day the if the spirit of the prayer is for a safe race and to be thankful for the ability to race, I don't really care if it is JC, Allah, or Moses, the overarching message is positive. They didn't force anyone to sing along, did they?

Brad Stulberg
Author, Peak Performance
Last edited by: Bstulberg: May 5, 14 18:15
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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wow.... i didn't realize the # of triathletes who are going to hell.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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I hate religion, but love the Lord. With that said, i don't know how it can be offensive for someone to pray, aka hope you have a safe race. I have muslim friends who say they pray foe me. I don't believe what they do, but appreciate they care enough for me to take time to pray for me. This country was founded on God and people seem to be getting a little sensitive. Just my 2 cents which usually aren't worth a penny more.

Practical Coaching
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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Ah, the wildflower prayer. One year in the late '90s the CU (University of Colorado) didn't realize the prayer was going on while we were in the water waiting to take off. We chose that moment for a rousing rendition of the Unnofficial CU fight song... Which ends with a loud "F 'em up, F 'em up, Go CU". We were asked to come up with a different song for the next year. Best prayer moment ever.

I do think i remember your sister at the aid station though... :)

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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [cloesch] [ In reply to ]
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We play the national anthem to remind ourselves of the sacrifice of those who have given us the freedom and ability to enjoy the event, we all should every day take a moment to thank those who serve and make enormous sacrifices daily to protect our very blessed way of life. It may be nationalistic but we are in a country which has stability on all levels to let triathlon thrive, we owe much of that stability to those over the years who have given up everything. If you have served or know people who have served you will know the national anthem is very important and i think everybody should at least take a moment of silent gratitude.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [robb6876] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure where you're objecting to me. My point was more in-line with what link5485 wrote. I don't care for the prayer stuff at the beginning at all (it's obnoxious), but anyone who's going to be so sufficiently bothered by it that they're scratching a well-run and well-regarded race off their list should just not go. Especially if they're the type that feels a compunction to write USAT about it.

Newsflash! It's the worst kept secret ever, and if USAT cared they'd have long, long, long since come down on TriCalifornia for all the religious messages.

The question of who is right and who is wrong has seemed to me always too small to be worth a moment's thought, while the question of what is right and what is wrong has seemed all-important.

-Albert J. Nock
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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I'll add this to the list of races—along w/ any WTC event—which i'll never pay money to do.

no sponsors | no races | nothing to see here
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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Usually if I don't like something, I don't pay it much attention. It's disappointing to read many of the comments here.

Unconstitutional... Really? Re-read that one for us.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [-Mike-] [ In reply to ]
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-Mike- wrote:
We play the national anthem to remind ourselves of the sacrifice of those who have given us the freedom and ability to enjoy the event, we all should every day take a moment to thank those who serve and make enormous sacrifices daily to protect our very blessed way of life. It may be nationalistic but we are in a country which has stability on all levels to let triathlon thrive, we owe much of that stability to those over the years who have given up everything. If you have served or know people who have served you will know the national anthem is very important and i think everybody should at least take a moment of silent gratitude.

I'm a product of a military family and couldn't agree more with this comment. You don't really have to agree with the playing of the National Anthem, but in my mind, you could at least show those that served the respect they deserve.

Was the prayer before Wildflower 3 hours long? I can't believe someone would be so offended over something that probably lasted 30 seconds. Again if you don't agree with it, ignore it. The same freedom of speech being used to bitch here was used on that prayer. Must have been one of those "hellfire and brimstone" kind of pastors condeming all the sinners
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Jason80134] [ In reply to ]
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Jason80134 wrote:
The national pastime: being offended and/or being a victim. The two are closely related.

Usually followed by a D after their party affiliation.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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I get unsettled around delusional people too.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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It does not belong.
If you need to pray, pray in your room before you race.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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I'm an Atheist. General prayer at a sporting event does not bother me in the least. In fact, I'm glad that a large number of people find comfort in their respective beliefs. Now, I have heard a couple of prayers that go a bit too far, but they have been few and far between. I don't get it why people get so upset when the majority of people at an event express their thankfulness for what they feel their god has given them. Big f'n deal.

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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Derf] [ In reply to ]
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Derf wrote:
Not sure where you're objecting to me. My point was more in-line with what link5485 wrote. I don't care for the prayer stuff at the beginning at all (it's obnoxious), but anyone who's going to be so sufficiently bothered by it that they're scratching a well-run and well-regarded race off their list should just not go. Especially if they're the type that feels a compunction to write USAT about it.

Newsflash! It's the worst kept secret ever, and if USAT cared they'd have long, long, long since come down on TriCalifornia for all the religious messages.

I totally understand the idea of "if you don't like it don't go". And for me the prayer itself is not the issue - the race organizers can do whatever they damn well please, nothing in the constitution says I can't hold a religious race.

The point is this is a USAT event. As far as I know, USAT doesn't affiliate with or endorse any religion, and accepts people of all faiths and non-believers. I personally expect the USAT to ensure races are not religious in nature. Encouraging everyone to pray and then saying a prayer over the loud speaker, along with signs everywhere ("accept Jesus as your savior"), makes it a religious race, even if relatively mild. Thus it should not be a USAT event, or they drop the religious stuff. If USAT is OK with races being religious in nature, then they should say so and some people might re-think their membership/participation.

And it would be nice if the organizers let people know ahead of time about the religious nature of it, even if it is relatively limited. Let participants make up their own mind about what they think is "limited" or what is OK to do at a race and what isn't.
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [Bstulberg] [ In reply to ]
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Oh I love a sing along...

You can't fix stupid ..
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [rjrankin83] [ In reply to ]
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Prayer and the national anthem before races annoy me too. It's a gross mix of jingoism and exclusionary/hateful religious rhetoric

If you want to say something before a race say a short non-denominational wish for a safe race and safe travels home. No need to drag deities into it
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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b] [ In reply to ]
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It annoys me a lot. Most of the people preaching 'tolerance' would be completely offended if it was a muslim prayer, or a prayer to the mighty wiccan spirit. I was 'blessed' at the start of the Tour of the Gila last week and I'm pretty sure it cost me the race. Because god hates me.

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