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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [swimcyclesprint] [ In reply to ]
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I am also not Erin, but I am a FOP female who is very strong on the bike and placed in my AG at IMTX on Saturday. I've been racing for over 10 years, and some of the behavior I have experienced from men is something that I have never seen from another woman. I'm not blaming all men. I had a wonderful guy tell me over and over how strong I was biking on Saturday and giving me tons of encouragement. But. I was also passed by multiple groups of men passing me on both sides with no warning. I was yelled at by a guy (in a draft pack) because they re-passed me shortly after I passed them because they never dropped back to a legal distance out of my draft zone. I could write so many more examples from other races. Sadly - this happens to me at EVERY major race I do.

I don't have an answer on how to fix it. I wish I did. I think the behavior is incredibly unnecessary and it make zero sense for such aggression and behavior when we're all out there trying to accomplish the same thing.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Pookspolo] [ In reply to ]
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It would help if Ironman started handing out more penalties to these packs. The moto riders will ride behind them but almost never give out a penalty even if it is packs of blatant drafters. That is what I heard about at IMTX and saw first hand at Oceanside. And of course the packs will destroy people trying to ride fairly even more on a windy day/course.

That would help men and women. Ironman have shown they don't care, and many racers are also fine with it unfortunately.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [pier87] [ In reply to ]
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He isn't going Pro. He is 38 and has no desire to go Pro.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [mountain_erin] [ In reply to ]
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Gosh / Iā€™m not a lefty or righty but I am a man and your posts here remind me why there is little hope in taking the online stupidity down a notch.

Iā€™ve raced 40 Ironmans and Kona many times and ā€œtheā€ most blatant drafting/cheating Iā€™ve seen has come from FOP womenā€¦.i swim slow and bike well.

Lots of guilt in both genders. It was a dumb post.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
Just thinking outloud... There are a couple issues here:

1. Fast AG males being as fast or faster than pro females.
2. Looped bike courses.

When option 2 exists, option 1 is compounded even more so.

But in general, I think the biggest problem is crowds. It's not like the handful of jerky guys are only jerky to women. There are plenty of us who look at the hyper aggressive jerk and wonder what's going on with that guy.

Now for the farmer analogy....
I thought I had occur to me the other day when taking care of my chickens, is that when they are all crowded together on account of a recent storm, they hens really treat each other like crap. (not that the rooster is any better, he's a real cock) But those ladies really do hen-peck each other when they have to be around each other a lot and are stressed.

There is a crowd dynamic at play I think in us humans we might not fully appreciate when talking about this issue in Ironman. Crowds add to stress, high levels of stress lead to more aggressive outbursts. We see it in cities, schools, and flocks.

None of this excuses the behavior of those creating the problems. But I do think it's worth pointing out the reasons why the stress levels are elevated. And of course, the mere fact that everyone is out there engaged in stress-inducing activity on little sleep from the night before then we're literally put into a "corral" where despite best intentions, stress levels for some percent are going to be rising from the start.

It seems like the best way to minimize these stresses is going to be:
Wave starts/timing / less crowds
Less Loops
Less Registrations sold

Unfortunately Ironman FL appears to be the only NA race outside of Kona that's not a looped bike course. I don't think selling less registrations is the way to go. I think if anything the pros should want IM to sell as much as possible, especially the female pros since they depend disproportionately on male AG revenue to fund their prize purse.

The course designs are really the problem. So if IM could buy the permitting to non-looped courses everywhere, what's it going to add to entrance prices? $70-100 more a person? I'd absolutely be willing to pay 100 bucks more for a non-looped course.

IMFL isnā€™t the only one loop course outside of Kona in NA. Penticton is as well.
Last edited by: Bryan!: May 1, 24 2:36
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [mountain_erin] [ In reply to ]
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mountain_erin wrote:
Here are some points to consider...

NINE (up from yesterday's 7) professional women have said that their races were negatively impacted by age group men.

People here are questioning the validity of their claims, which is BANANAS.

The Ironman Texas results list 2782 total participants, and of that 488 were women. Just 17%. So while perhaps there could have been an AG woman in with these poorly behaved draft packs, the math supports the first hand accounts of these eight professional athletes, that these packs were comprised of men.

Also, there are NINE independent accounts from these professional women about how their races were impacted by AG men on the bike. They didn't get together as a group to determine a narrative, it wasn't an isolated incident of one person. It was at least 25% of the professional women's field who had a common, negative experience. And.... why would they make this up?

Instead of saying "the OP's generalisms makes all men look like they're to blame", perhaps, put yourselves in one of those women's shoes and ask "shouldn't I be deserving of a fair and safe race?"

Finally, while I am a very average AG female athlete, I have been in the sport for 16 years. I have COUNTLESS experiences of my race, as a mid pack AG racer being negatively impacted by men. It's usually a guy passing me and then immediately slowing down upon completing his pass. I then have to slow way down (or usually stop pedaling) to allow for the legal distance (or else I'd get an overtaking penalty), and then the guy usually doesn't go faster and I get to decide if I want to burn a match to pass him and then play this stupid game repeatedly. And this usually happens multiple times over the course of a race, and it's never done by the same individual. It's never another woman athlete doing this to me, it's always a man. And I bet if you talk to your female training partners, they all have similar stories.

So yeah, men can and should do better.

***those men*** can and should do better. Not 'men' as in ALL men, which is the implication. I and other 'men' had nothing to do with it. Never do. It is a minority. Generalizations help no one.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Pmswanepoel] [ In reply to ]
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Pmswanepoel wrote:
mountain_erin wrote:
Here are some points to consider...

NINE (up from yesterday's 7) professional women have said that their races were negatively impacted by age group men.

People here are questioning the validity of their claims, which is BANANAS.

The Ironman Texas results list 2782 total participants, and of that 488 were women. Just 17%. So while perhaps there could have been an AG woman in with these poorly behaved draft packs, the math supports the first hand accounts of these eight professional athletes, that these packs were comprised of men.

Also, there are NINE independent accounts from these professional women about how their races were impacted by AG men on the bike. They didn't get together as a group to determine a narrative, it wasn't an isolated incident of one person. It was at least 25% of the professional women's field who had a common, negative experience. And.... why would they make this up?

Instead of saying "the OP's generalisms makes all men look like they're to blame", perhaps, put yourselves in one of those women's shoes and ask "shouldn't I be deserving of a fair and safe race?"

Finally, while I am a very average AG female athlete, I have been in the sport for 16 years. I have COUNTLESS experiences of my race, as a mid pack AG racer being negatively impacted by men. It's usually a guy passing me and then immediately slowing down upon completing his pass. I then have to slow way down (or usually stop pedaling) to allow for the legal distance (or else I'd get an overtaking penalty), and then the guy usually doesn't go faster and I get to decide if I want to burn a match to pass him and then play this stupid game repeatedly. And this usually happens multiple times over the course of a race, and it's never done by the same individual. It's never another woman athlete doing this to me, it's always a man. And I bet if you talk to your female training partners, they all have similar stories.

So yeah, men can and should do better.

***those men*** can and should do better. Not 'men' as in ALL men, which is the implication. I and other 'men' had nothing to do with it. Never do. It is a minority. Generalizations help no one.

While I agree with u, Iā€™ll await for the standard ā€˜we know itā€™s not ALL men, if it doesnā€™t apply to you then you donā€™t have anything to worry about *eye rollā€™

I empathise with those who were impacted in this race. A male dominated sport usually, often means higher chance of douche behaviour from a male. Some people are just jerks when they race or even when they donā€™t. But I also have never been a fan of the ā€˜whole entire genderā€™ must do better argument. I prefer to think of it as a ā€˜peopleā€™ thing rather than a gender thing.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [clariceex] [ In reply to ]
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clariceex wrote:
Hi. I am Clarice, the one that got pushed on the bike. He made contact with me but I did not crash - I remained upright and continued pedaling despite being all "WTF?" over what just happened. He was trying to follow the group he was with, tried slotting in front of me to stick onto the wheel he was sucking, pushed me, then continued on.

I am not interested in pressing charges, getting this guy in trouble, etc. I never said any of this.

There is no video evidence. I never claimed this was "assault" or I wanted to retaliate against this man.

This is my story to tell, with many people deciding to throw in their own opinions. I felt as if I needed to come here to say this.

I understand this happens as a back of the pack swimmer. I'm not a top professional woman - I am a happy to be here professional athlete who has the privilege of being able to race at the top level. This is not my full time gig. It's fine - I know my weaknesses.

I didn't appreciate the groups riding with me but I kept to my own race and focused on the Race Rangers of the pros that I was riding with. We asked the official if we could do this and he said fine. They knew this would be an issue going into the second loop.

I ran past the man that pushed me on the bike very early into the run - that was enough karma for me.

That's my girl. I am really proud of you.

I have known Clarice since 2019, she is an amazing person and athlete. I would trust her with the care of my wife and daughter, if she said it happened it happened end of story.

All I Wanted Was A Pepsi, Just One Pepsi

Team Zoot, Team Zoot Mid-Atlantic

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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Pmswanepoel] [ In reply to ]
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The "men need to do better" is divisive and I sense some personal problems triggered. She is entitled to her opinion, so whatever.

I did the race, and although there were a few bad apples out there, most guys and girls were riding fair. The wind was insane so there was a lot more swerving but not ill intended. I did not see anything extreme (not implying it didn't have happen) however, I caught up to a WPRO we were riding legally when a pack of guys (and some girls) swarmed us by left and right. I watched those guys go through an aid station ahead of us and it was really sketchy. Thankfully, the refs did a good job at breaking up the pack and saw a lot of folks in the penalty tents.

I believe all the WPRO's complaints though and I think all bad apples should be reported to race officials.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Engner66] [ In reply to ]
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Just a note in general to the thread - If the FOP AG men are the problem, then shouldn't we be hearing equal amounts if not more complaints from AG men swimmers and other FOP AG men? Just by sheer numbers there are more FOP AG men than WPro, so there should be more complaints from them, all else being equal.

Maybe this is because what most men feel is acceptable racing aggression is beyond what most women feel is acceptable. I'm not saying anybody should be taking their hands off the bars to push other riders, some thing are wholly not ok. But passing someone through a gap, or around a turn, or at high speed, all of these things are gray areas. It's not unreasonable to think one rider did what they felt was a safe maneuver and the person next to them felt it was unsafe.
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Re: [xarope8] [ In reply to ]
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xarope8 wrote:
On your left doesnt work most of the time.. they look that direction and then float the direction they are lookingand then Im swerving to miss them. My experience is better to say nothing 80% of the time.

I respectfully disagree. I raced this weekend on a very crowded course and I greatly appreciated it when people spoke up before passing ("on your left"). In fact, I thank them.

While I have noticed people riding on trails drift to their left (while turning to look over their shoulder), I have not experienced this during a race.
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Re: [imsparticus] [ In reply to ]
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imsparticus wrote:
xarope8 wrote:
On your left doesnt work most of the time.. they look that direction and then float the direction they are lookingand then Im swerving to miss them. My experience is better to say nothing 80% of the time.

I respectfully disagree. I raced this weekend on a very crowded course and I greatly appreciated it when people spoke up before passing ("on your left"). In fact, I thank them.

While I have noticed people riding on trails drift to their left (while turning to look over their shoulder), I have not experienced this during a race.

Never understood the whole "on your left" thingy unless you are asking someone to move on a narrow trail, etc.. Pass on the left hand side of the rider, so simple. What's the point of saying it? We should all be expecting riders to pass us on the left hand side. I often see a lot of older/slower riders get triggered about it.
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Re: [Engner66] [ In reply to ]
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Engner66 wrote:
imsparticus wrote:
xarope8 wrote:
On your left doesnt work most of the time.. they look that direction and then float the direction they are lookingand then Im swerving to miss them. My experience is better to say nothing 80% of the time.

I respectfully disagree. I raced this weekend on a very crowded course and I greatly appreciated it when people spoke up before passing ("on your left"). In fact, I thank them.

While I have noticed people riding on trails drift to their left (while turning to look over their shoulder), I have not experienced this during a race.

Never understood the whole "on your left" thingy unless you are asking someone to move on a narrow trail, etc.. Pass on the left hand side of the rider, so simple. What's the point of saying it? We should all be expecting riders to pass us on the left hand side. I often see a lot of older/slower riders get triggered about it.

The point of saying it is to alert them that you're about to pass, and thus don't startle them. I agree with not using "on your left", though, as I've found that people often look over their shoulder and then veer in that direction. I just say "coming around" and then wait to see if they'll veer or not before passing.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [mountain_erin] [ In reply to ]
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mountain_erin wrote:
Here are some points to consider...

NINE (up from yesterday's 7) professional women have said that their races were negatively impacted by age group men.

People here are questioning the validity of their claims, which is BANANAS.

The Ironman Texas results list 2782 total participants, and of that 488 were women. Just 17%. So while perhaps there could have been an AG woman in with these poorly behaved draft packs, the math supports the first hand accounts of these eight professional athletes, that these packs were comprised of men.

Also, there are NINE independent accounts from these professional women about how their races were impacted by AG men on the bike. They didn't get together as a group to determine a narrative, it wasn't an isolated incident of one person. It was at least 25% of the professional women's field who had a common, negative experience. And.... why would they make this up?

Instead of saying "the OP's generalisms makes all men look like they're to blame", perhaps, put yourselves in one of those women's shoes and ask "shouldn't I be deserving of a fair and safe race?"

Finally, while I am a very average AG female athlete, I have been in the sport for 16 years. I have COUNTLESS experiences of my race, as a mid pack AG racer being negatively impacted by men. It's usually a guy passing me and then immediately slowing down upon completing his pass. I then have to slow way down (or usually stop pedaling) to allow for the legal distance (or else I'd get an overtaking penalty), and then the guy usually doesn't go faster and I get to decide if I want to burn a match to pass him and then play this stupid game repeatedly. And this usually happens multiple times over the course of a race, and it's never done by the same individual. It's never another woman athlete doing this to me, it's always a man. And I bet if you talk to your female training partners, they all have similar stories.

So yeah, men can and should do better.

I can put an end to all this banter with one sentence... Men are different than women.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Canuck1] [ In reply to ]
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Canuck1 wrote:
Gosh / there is little hope in taking the online stupidity down a notch.

It was a dumb post.
Well youā€™re certainly not helping.

Also, no it was not a dumb post.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [mathematics] [ In reply to ]
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mathematics wrote:
Just a note in general to the thread - If the FOP AG men are the problem, then shouldn't we be hearing equal amounts if not more complaints from AG men swimmers and other FOP AG men? Just by sheer numbers there are more FOP AG men than WPro, so there should be more complaints from them, all else being equal.

Maybe this is because what most men feel is acceptable racing aggression is beyond what most women feel is acceptable.

It's also possible that the aggressive FOP AG men act worse towards women. I'd say that is a more likely explanation than the notion women are more likely to voice their complaints, which is basically what you are saying.

And as a FOP AG man, I'll go ahead and register my complaint. In just about every race I've done, there has been a handful of guys whose hyper-competitive behavior on the bike is either dangerous or hostile. Sometimes it's blatant drafting or cutting in, other times it's barking at someone they perceive to be in their way. My impression is that most people around me are trying to do the right thing, but there's a small subset that are jerks. I don't recall a woman ever being a part of that subset.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Pmswanepoel] [ In reply to ]
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Pmswanepoel wrote:
mountain_erin wrote:
So yeah, men can and should do better.

***those men*** can and should do better. Not 'men' as in ALL men, which is the implication. I and other 'men' had nothing to do with it. Never do. It is a minority. Generalizations help no one.

I'm a man and I didn't interpret her statement as saying, "every single male triathlete must do better". I read that as saying problematic behavior on the bike course is more common among men and men need to do more to avoid a dangerously antagonistic environment at the front of the race.

It seems you chose to read it as referring to all men, and by extension, to yourself, which I would say is a distinctly male reaction. But since you seem to prefer precise claims, let me be clear that when I say "it is a male reaction" what I actually mean is that men are more likely than women to react in the manner that you did, but certainly not ALL men because not all men are the same.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [clariceex] [ In reply to ]
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While I could reach out to IM - the problem is I have no idea what this guys number was.
I think you are missing a major part of Gerlach's point... Whereas the pushy guy was a problem, turning him in is not necessarily the solution moving forward. If the Pros want a clean race for the M/BOP womens pro race, they need to start advocating for ways to make their race more clean. An example of this would be rallying for more officials that are designated to the latter ladies. Maybe make sure that there is 1 official per every X number of pro racers (5? 10? No idea what the number is nor what it needs to be). If there was an official anywhere near your race, then the opportunity for them to see and manage problems increases. Broadcasts have shown that the race cares a lot about the pros in front but doesn't do AS MUCH for the middle and back of the packers. Here's an opportunity for the cohort to work on making their day better.

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Changpao] [ In reply to ]
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Changpao wrote:
mathematics wrote:
Just a note in general to the thread - If the FOP AG men are the problem, then shouldn't we be hearing equal amounts if not more complaints from AG men swimmers and other FOP AG men? Just by sheer numbers there are more FOP AG men than WPro, so there should be more complaints from them, all else being equal.

Maybe this is because what most men feel is acceptable racing aggression is beyond what most women feel is acceptable.

It's also possible that the aggressive FOP AG men act worse towards women. I'd say that is a more likely explanation than the notion women are more likely to voice their complaints, which is basically what you are saying.

That's not what I'm saying. That would be akin to saying "women are so bitchy". I'm saying that the acceptable standard of conduct is different (on average) between the sexes, and once one's acceptable standard is breached the amount of complaints is similar. It's the same outcome but for an importantly different reason. As far as men being more aggressive specifically towards women I have no idea, it's certainly possible.

And as a FOP AG man, I'll go ahead and register my complaint. In just about every race I've done, there has been a handful of guys whose hyper-competitive behavior on the bike is either dangerous or hostile. Sometimes it's blatant drafting or cutting in, other times it's barking at someone they perceive to be in their way. My impression is that most people around me are trying to do the right thing, but there's a small subset that are jerks. I don't recall a woman ever being a part of that subset.

This is exactly my point. People are doing what they feel is acceptable, and different people have different standards. And as you said, men are more likely to be more aggressive. I'm sure a % of people feel that as long as it's not against the rules then it's fair, or even as long as you don't get caught breaking the rules then it's still fair. Dumb, but that's some of the people we're all racing with. There's surely some women that race that way too, but we're talking averages and outliers.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Michal_CH] [ In reply to ]
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Last I checked, most of these ladies you are talking about are top 50 in the Pro Series, so your point is invalid
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [pier87] [ In reply to ]
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They might not have a sub 1 hour swim but these ladies can run a sub 3:30 marathon consistently. Who made the rule to be a pro you have to be amazing in all 3 disciplines? These ladies may not have been collegiate swimmers, but they are amazing bikers and runners. Recognize their abilities in the 2 disciplines that take up the most distance and time in a full

You have to remember the AG had a wet suit legal swim and had a lot more people to draft off of and sight off of; where the pros had started in the dark and had less people to work with.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [mathematics] [ In reply to ]
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mathematics This is exactly my point. [b wrote:
People are doing what they feel is acceptable, and different people have different standards[/b]. And as you said, men are more likely to be more aggressive. I'm sure a % of people feel that as long as it's not against the rules then it's fair, or even as long as you don't get caught breaking the rules then it's still fair. Dumb, but that's some of the people we're all racing with. There's surely some women that race that way too, but we're talking averages and outliers.

Exactly. How many times to we see posts like why can't I use my headphones, why can't I use my phone?

Last year at Eagleman as I was getting ready to pass a person in front of me, they noticed a photograher on the side of the road and decided to wave at the camera, this caused the rider to veer from the right side of the road to the other side of the road passiong right in front of me, forcing me to lock up my brakes to avoid a crash at 24 mph.

All I Wanted Was A Pepsi, Just One Pepsi

Team Zoot, Team Zoot Mid-Atlantic

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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Banter wrote:
While I could reach out to IM - the problem is I have no idea what this guys number was.
I think you are missing a major part of Gerlach's point... Whereas the pushy guy was a problem, turning him in is not necessarily the solution moving forward. If the Pros want a clean race for the M/BOP womens pro race, they need to start advocating for ways to make their race more clean. An example of this would be rallying for more officials that are designated to the latter ladies. Maybe make sure that there is 1 official per every X number of pro racers (5? 10? No idea what the number is nor what it needs to be). If there was an official anywhere near your race, then the opportunity for them to see and manage problems increases. Broadcasts have shown that the race cares a lot about the pros in front but doesn't do AS MUCH for the middle and back of the packers. Here's an opportunity for the cohort to work on making their day better.

I thought about this for a good time last night and realized similar. We can talk about this all we want within ourselves and the community but if we don't talk to the powers at be or the officials at our pro meetings we can't expect a change. I've had conversations with some other pro females and we are on board to try to do something.

I'll leave it at that. I did not post my race recap to try and throw anyone under the bus - I was just talking about an experience. This has developed into something more that I did not intend to happen in the first place. I also did not ask for my story to be posted here, nor did these other women involved. I had a reporter reach out to use my experience and interview me and I was happy to share, but a large part of our conversation was about how this an issue but right now there is a lot more awareness behind it and we have the power to do something about it.

So we can point fingers at genders, yell at people behind keyboards or we can choose to do be better and try to change something happening in our sport.
Last edited by: clariceex: May 1, 24 9:05
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [Changpao] [ In reply to ]
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OK, stranger on the internet. Victory is yours. Carry on.
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Re: IMTX - AG Men interfering with Female Pros on the bike [SplootRazor] [ In reply to ]
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SplootRazor wrote:
Last I checked, most of these ladies you are talking about are top 50 in the Pro Series

That doesn't mean much when the said pros finish the fast course of IM Texas in ~10/10.5 hours. That is strong amateur female pace, but not pro pace. The gigantic gap with actual competitive pros says a lot about how young our sport is. IM is just too generous handing out pro cards.
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