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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Stop being pathetic. You did good things but got your feelings hurt when you sounded off in the LR. Waa. TSR either meant something to you, or it didn't. A lot of people benefitted, and the Marine's bike was one of the coolest things I've seen on this forum. You did good, content yourself with that.

God, I hate it when people feel sorry for themselves.
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Re: TSR...no more [k2] [ In reply to ]
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This whole thread makes me sad. Having mostly lurked for a year or so, I'd never label ST as the peaceful tribe, but y'all really have accomplished some great things.

I often feel like a woman in a men's locker room here, and I think I am, but BE NICE! TSR has done some great things. Please don't ruin that.

Thanks for all of your hard work, Chip.
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Re: TSR...no more [Football Mom] [ In reply to ]
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I agree with everything Football Mom said, from the "send some gear in November" to the "good guy".

Be content with whatever decision you settle upon.
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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i don't know you from adam. i wasn't even aware of ST till this summer. i can understand your frustration, but don't confuse what is posted in Tibb's room with what you have done with TSR. Being new and sitting on the sidelines, i have to this point, zero involvement with TSR, but I can honestly say that the charities I currently work with are a direct result of seeing people like you unselfishly give your time and money to great causes. personally, i think you should grab a couple brews, avoid Tibbs room for a few days, and reflect on all the good you have accomplished with TSR. If you decide to change your mind PM me and let me know how I can help keep a great thing going.

from the silent masses, i'll just say thanks.

"Slow... but mellow"
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I have obviously not been spending much time on the forum as I have been very busy with work thus have no idea what happenned

But i would like to say thank you for doing what you did to this point. You picked up the program when you were needed tkaing responsibility when other were looking at eachother for someone to do something.

You continue to be an example and inspiration to all of us especially those of us who have read your posts ever the last several years...
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Well, then can I get a refund for my TSR shorts?
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