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TSR...no more
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I am done with TSR. I can’t say that I want to be, however the idiotic judgments of people on ST have ruined it for me, and I would bet for others as well. At the end of the day, I sent out two whole bikes, many sets of pedals, bars, shifters, brakes, wheels and clothing. For that, I am happy and hope that people enjoy the sport a little more knowing that there were others out there to support them, on the course and on the way to the course.

I have been accused by members of ST of “patting myself of the back” and cautioned to not “break my arms doing it”. People can’t get past one thing to see another – and certainly people on ST have an inability to see the forest for the trees. My intentions were nothing more than to help people out – not to make myself better than them – but to just offer them something they would like. “Peaceful Tribe” you may say? I think that is about as foolish as anything I have hear. ST is not peaceful, and if we are a Tribe, we are three, four or five tribes…and we are at war. “More alike than we are different”…I would like to think that is true.

As I said when this whole thing started…there were days when I was young I was much less fortunate. I lived for my bike, my bike saved my life – it was my escape. I remember times when I was insulted by a bike shop because all I could afford was a 105 rear der, not a Dura Ace. The situation does not matter, the desire is there. I appreciate that people have a desire to improve their own life, be it financial or physical. People who have no desire to better their own life I have no time for, those are the people that I have a hard time helping. Those are not people you see out training for a triathlon. TSR was to help people play the game that I love. I know that I will never ever be at the top of the game – but I know that every time I get to the finish line of an IronMan race I have something to be proud of. I for one have started to conquer life – I for one did it on my own. IronMan is on your own, just on race day. I made it to the finish line of my first IM with allot of advice from friends, support, faith, and most of all desire to be a better person. I got to the end on my own, with ALLOT of help from my friends.

I want to thank everyone who sent anything to me. I did send much of it back out…I do still have some items that were sent. I will soon post an inventory of what is left…anyone who needs anything that is there is welcome to it.

I guess it was just another example that no good deed goes unpunished. Such is life…and I don’t care what anyone thinks…I have much respect for Brian, and his religion.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
Last edited by: record10carbon: Sep 8, 05 21:24
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Well, being a recipient of the TSR love, I must say that am quite appreciative of your efforts to coordinate. Also a big thanks to all contributers -- I can confidently say you made at least one persons week.

Record, if I'm ever at the same race as you (not likely for a while) I would like to shake your hand... regardless of whether or not I agree/disagree with your views, etc.


Daniel Heineck

The question of who is right and who is wrong has seemed to me always too small to be worth a moment's thought, while the question of what is right and what is wrong has seemed all-important.

-Albert J. Nock
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I have to say, I wish you would keep up with TSR. I was hoping that in a few years it would still be going strong and I would be able to make donations. Please rethink your decision and consider the people that you are helping rather than the people that like to whine nonstop. Pat yourself on the back. You did a good thing.

- Nick
Now that I know some of you guys look through the special needs bags for kicks, I'm gonna put some really weird stuff in mine. I can see it now. "What the heck was he going to do with a family pack of KFC chicken, a football helmet full of peanut butter, a 12 inch rubber dildo, and naked pictures of Bea Arthur?"
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Those are strong and hurtful words. I believe your feelings are valid . I respect your decision and wish you would reconsider. The bike you put together for the marine was the nicest bike and one of the kindest gestures I have ever seen.

Whether or not I agree with anything you ever say is not important because you have a right to your beliefs. From the moment I figured out what it meant, TSR became more and more admirable.

I'm sorry you are chosing to end this program.


It's a dry heat!
Last edited by: mohole15: Sep 8, 05 21:46
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for doing as much as you did Chip. As I stated before, some people do good things for other people while others just talk. You did good things for a lot of people here and have never asked for anything in return. I don't blame you at all for ending your part of TSR with all the shitty that have been said.

I just hope TSR lives on and people post what they have and what they need. Remember we have all needed a little help at some point.

Thanks again.

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry to hear it Chip...it's sad when the few turkeys can bring a well intentioned thing. I was going to send some gear in November, but will check back to see if you're for sure out of business or reconsidered.

You're a good guy

Have you hugged Your Mom today?
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Re: TSR...no more [Hinds57] [ In reply to ]
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I tried to make this work…and let there be no question, it did. It can. I would love to see things live on, I would certainly be willing to be a part – I however don’t need to deal with personal attacks on what I think, what I do, and judge TSR against things that have nothing to do with TSR.

Today the “Marine Bike” was delivered to TN…I was to ashamed to post that it has arrived – for fear of being judged…and then he see it – you all can blast me as much as you want…the fact is that WE – yes WE put together a bike for a guy that has never once been on Slowtwitch. We put together a package for this guy that is a pro quality rig that many ST members wish they could have. We with out meeting this person sent our parts, wheels, money…Profile Design sent easily $1300 worth of products – based on my word that it was a “good cause”. People trusted me to send me very costly wheels, groupsets and on and on….I fear this man looking at Slowtwitch and thinking “damn, all these guys do is fight”. I do not at all want this man to log on to ST and see people tearing each other to shreads….

“More alike than we are different”…I still think that is the case. I still am friends with ANYONE who is training, be it in the pool, on the bike or running. No matter who their god is, who they voted for or anything…they are enjoying life…they are doing something I enjoy – that is good enough for me to be their friend, or at least respect them.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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i don't know you, nor do i think you have ever responded to the nonsense that i have posted on here, but TSR is a great thing. fuck what people on here say. take a few days off from the forum, go train, clear your head and rethink what your doing. if you still decide ending it is what you want then it was a clear and rational decision, one that everyone will respect.

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Coming from a guy that's been on ST for all of 2 months, I posted something a few weeks ago about seat posts, and you, not knowing me, offered to "TSR" me a seat post. I had no idea what that meant at the time, and have just learned what you meant. What a great thing, and how sad that I'll never be able to take advantage of it or contribute to it. Hats off to you for initiating such a program, and for the record (no pun intended), I like people that express their point of view, however controversial. That why the USA was begun! People wanting to express their opinions without persecution.

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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chip -- fuck em. you did good. dont forget that. it matters.

"In case of flood climb to safety"
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Re: TSR...no more [jonny dough] [ In reply to ]
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I appreciate the good work Chip, and too hope you change your mind. I have given two bikes away to more needful people than myself over the last couple years and really feel good that my bikes are getting back into the events they deserve. If I didn't live in Hawaii I would think of taking over the job. Maybe if I get back to the mainland to live someday I will get the chance.

Thanks again Chip for the hard work. G
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I know you believe in the cause, so why let a bunch of hecklers from the cheap seats rain on your parade?

It was a good thing that you/we did. Feel good about it...
And then do it again.

It's a tough gig, because you gotta talk about it to keep the stuff flowing in and to get participation. You need to talk about it so the people who contributed know that their selflessness is appreciated. And you gotta talk about it so it will keep happening. So some moron interprets that as you blowing your own horn? Why would you care what someone that shallow and stupd thinks about you? You just need to know how much good is being accomplished and stop caring if everyone likes what you're doing.

You da man.

Cousin Elwood - Team Over-the-hill Racing
Brought to you by the good folks at Metamucil and Geritol...
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I appreciate what you did, I hope that means something to you.

Best Regards,

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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sorry I don't follow this stuff enough so I have no clue what is going on, but I hope you keep the TSR thing going.

What you are doing/keep rolling is a GOOD thing. No one has a clue how much time/effort goes into it, but I can't even imagine the lives you have helped.

Hope you reconsider. Because of reading about things on here I already TSRd a whole bike to my sister (owe her SO much more than a bike!!!) and some shoes to a local athlete, and now a whole bunch of shoes and clothing and belongings to a family of 20 living in a 3 bedroom house from Katrina--thinking I might be parting with my couch soon. In the past that concept never occured to me to just give it to another athlete, never knew how they would take something used versus new. I could always give to charity, but never knew my end receipent, but to see the look on their face is far greater than just placing it in a box.
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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chip, record, or whatever you want to be called, keep up the tSR, working for someone elses better is a pissy shity job and it has to be done by people who can. I cant , really I would like to put the effort to help people but I want the freedom to train, I want the freedom to work and also the freedom to relax, you have given that up in partial to help someone who wants to ride a bike I hope that some day we get to ride togethere, on speedplays or shimanos,

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Re: TSR...no more [english muffin] [ In reply to ]
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Being a military man myself, as well as being unfortunate in the past, I truly appreciate what you did for that Devil Dog. Like someone said before, there are a million idiots standing on the sideline of life talking much crap about the game they have. All the while the true players are in the game busting their ass day in and day out. You my friend are one of those people and we know that. If others here don't see it, to hell with them. What matters is that you know what you did and that it was for a good cause. I have only been here on the board for a few months and only saw the TSR events for this Marine. From another military member, your kindness as well as those that gave to the cause is truly appreciated. Rest assured, that Marine is one happy fellow!


"These aren't Love Handles, I just have Big Kidneys!"
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Since when did you start caring what anybody else says?
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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hey Chip--sorry it had to come to this. you did alot of good. shame on those who dampened this generous effort.

Last edited by: kittycat: Sep 9, 05 5:46
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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i found it quite amazing that you had put together something so awesome like tsr. to be able to believe in something like that and make it work is even more amazing. well rec10, sorry to hear that you're stopping this.

"The aspect of sport that you learn is that you have your good times and your bad times, but you share it with great people." - George Gregan

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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hey, I don't think I ever agreed with your opinions on anything non bike/tri related, but I don't care. since when did you start caring about what people think of you? you know you are doing good and I respect you for that. it makes no diofference to me if you ever post anything about sending parts to someone, I just hope you keep doing it. I greatly appreciate what you've done and I commend you for it, I know I didn't take on the responsibility. I'll continue to send parts to people if I can.

TSR is not dead as long as WE keep it going.

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry to hear that Chip.

I have been the recipient of a lot of help from people doing things through TSR. I know I would probably not be doing Ironman Florida this year had it not been for the kind help of a lot of people.

I think the only person you really have to worry about here in the forum is Dan. I've not followed any of the posts about different things you've done recently for our Marine guy, but I did feel a warm spot in my heart knowing that something was being done to help the guy out, and other people.

That being said, do what you can, and what you want to do. It's hard to do anything volunteer for a long period of time. Maybe take a break and come back at it later on.

Anyhoo... Don't let the basturds grind you down. :)


Trae McCombs
TSR - Sponsored by the Masses. Racing for the hell of it.
Ironman Finisher 2005 -- 14:09:18
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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I'm a recipient of TSR, and also know Chip well. Chip, you and I have been through these wars together. Consider the naysayers as the ones who told us we'd crash and burn at our Ironman races, and talked behind our backs. Did we cave in and give their words credence? Hell no, we used it for the motivation to kick their asses, and come back home and listen to their silence. These people who criticize TSR are the same as those ones. Do as we did with their words.....use them as motivation. Whenever it gets tough, we find those words in the back of our mind and break through. Listen to the people here, their positive words; they respect you for what you've done, as you should......and always remember..."you're an Ironman!". No quit in that.


Gary Geiger
http://www.geigerphoto.com Professional photographer

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Re: TSR...no more [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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A sincere thank you for doing all you did for everyone who benefitted from your efforts. Your excellent work is out on the road right now and I know those you helped are not going to forget how you and the TSR community gave them a start.

Perhaps the idea will work best when everyone shares the work a little more evenly. While having a central clearing house is a wonderful thing it does unfairly load the burden on a single person. Let's keep posting our gear and our gear needs; TSR is as much an ideal as it is an equipment exchange and it can exist in the ether of ST, sometimes front and center, sometimes lurking in the back pages, but never gone.

Thanks again Chip. Fight the good fight.

Mr. Uncaptured External Costs

Fossil carbon is planetary poison.
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Post deleted by Sojourner [ In reply to ]
Re: TSR...no more [occy] [ In reply to ]
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I want my shorts back! I'll trade you for a pair with a large hole in it.

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