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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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My natural rhythym would be to go to bed late and get up late, but due to this thing called work I usually go to bed between 11-12 and get up at 7:30. Since I have a home office commuting isn't an issue. I'm usless for training until 10:30 AM. Seem to do my best training early afternoon or just after work.

I never lose sleep because of my job or because of training. I'd consider my priorities wrong if that was the case. Haven't pulled an all nighter since the wild party days of my early 20's. Weekend is catch up only in the sense of sleeping in a bit longer.
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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In bed by 10:00, up at 6:30. Work from 7:45 -3:00. Home by 3:30, out the door training by 4:00. I can fit 3 workouts in, no need to get up early with time to train in the evening. Naps on the weekends, or just sleep in late.
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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To bed around midnight. Wake up around 8:00 am. Morning workout, lunch, then in to work at 1:00 pm.

Am getting very sick of swing shift after 4 years and am ready for normal people work hours.
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [FLA Jill] [ In reply to ]
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usually get to bed at 11. wake up at 9, swim bike and or ride. go to work at 4 and get off at 9 or so. from jan-march i work more, depending on how busy i am. j
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [jheathergrizz] [ In reply to ]
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I have a young'un under 1 yr who wakes me up at 6am every day, except the two-three days a week I get up at 4:30am for swimming. Those are the only times I get to swim. I have to get in most of my runs and weights at lunchtime at work. Home by 5pm, tend to child until she hits the hay at 7pm, eat dinner and prep food/clothes/gear for next day, in bed by 9, maybe 9:30. I stayed up til 11pm one night and was so screwed up the next day I had to skip my lunch run and have a nap instead.

"How bad could it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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How does training affect your sleep habits? --generally I find sleep is of higher quality, is deep and peaceful

What about work? --sometimes I get sidetracked with ST, but it doesn't hurt me at work. if anything, it makes my brain sharper, and keeps my body from turning into a jelly filled desk jockey (or jockette I should say)

Do you get enough sleep? --yes, because I'm spoiled like that, no kiddos.

Do you use the weekends to catch up? --not really. i might stay up a bit later, but generally I'm up before 8 and ready to make a big breakfast, etc

Does your job force you to pull all-nighters frequently? --no way. there have been times when I would lie awake stressingo out over business, but in general I'm getting better at seperating work and life>even though it's literally under the same roof
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Alarm goes off at 4:40am--out of bed by 5am at the latest. 50-75 minutes of workout before getting ready and to the office for the morning meeting at 7:30am. I try and do an afternoon/evening run or bike trainer session 1x per week, but this is highly inconsistent b/c of commitments to wife and 3 kids under age 7. I try and get to bed by 10, but rarely do I get to sleep before 10:30pm. On weekends i do my long rides/runs, so I get less sleep then because I wake up at the same time, but stay up later. I never feel like I get enough sleep, but I never have to pull an all-nighter for work. When I travel for work, I generally go to bed earlier than I do at home, but the late night flight arrivals generally take back what I gain.

under-trained and over-tapered. . . .yet still hopeful . . . does that make me an optimist or a masochist?
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Asleep by 9:30-10:00 PM and awake by 4:30-5:00 AM everyday (including weekends).

Did the work-through-the-night gig for a couple years during dot-com days. Never ever ever again. Still pull 12-16 hour days every so often, but I work from home so it's somewhat tolerable.
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Tom: Great Question.

Note that I don't train "seriously" any more.

Current routine is as follows:

Work from 8:30 to 4:30 or 6:30 depending on the day.

I tend to go to bed between 10:00-11:00. Read for about 20 minutes or 30 minutes, and get up at 7:00. I find that I need 8 hours spleep or I start to get very run down.

Have not pulled an "all-nighter" since university days. Exception was the night my son was born. He was born at 2:00 in the morning and I was so pumped up I think that I was up all night.

Strangely, routine has not changed much since I was really training years ago. I know that with my body I need to get a solid 8 - 9 every night. When I change time zones or get a few nights of less sleep I get run-down very easily.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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During the week, I get up between 4:30 and 5:00. I go to bed around 11:30. By Friday, I'm so tired I can hardly see straight. I get up between 6 and 7am on the weekends and fall asleep usually before 10pm. No job all nighters, but I'm frequently up with the kids for one reason or another. I need to get more sleep:)
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I get up for work at 430am to be there by 530. I am normally in bed by 900 to 930 depending if South Park is on or not. On the weekends I will normally sleep in till 630 and take a nap in the middle of the day.

I thinks that training helps me sleep better, on rest days I seem to lie awake in bed untill a little bit later. My job is day shift and I rarely have to work over or work weekends. Getting off at 2pm is nice for training. I can get in my weekday workouts normally by 6pm.

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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Okay, 2 kids - one is 3 and the other 8 months old, breast-feeding and teething! say no more? this means we're up during the night anything from 2 to 6 times for one, the other or both kids....

.....so we're normally in bed by 10pm (recently 9pm!!!!) and up (officially - read comments before) from 6:30am to 7am depending.....thus I can only train once per day.....normally in the afternoon these days before I go home from work.

I am self-employed so sometimes will do a morning work-out on the indoor trainer for example during work hours.

I have learned to train and race with 4 hours total, broken sleep in the system....I am running on adrenals someone said recently.....

Still, the kids will grow up and the time spent with them now will be forever in my memories.....no training or racing will ever compete with being with them! so it will get better......

Stephen Perera
Gibraltar, Europe
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I'm feeling like a lazy blob after reading how early many of you get up. I'm in bed most days between 10:00 to 12:00 each night and up at 7:00. I also work at home and have the luxury of working out at any time during the day, but that makes it hard to get in a full day's work plus take care of the kids once they're home from school. I often have to work at night after the kids go to bed and sometimes I'm up until 2:00 or 3:00 am to get something done. That works better for me than getting up early. I usually sleep in really late at least one day on the weekend to catch up.

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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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To bed about 10pm, up about 530am. Training increases my need for sleep. Weekends are sometimes a forced break. I take my off day from training of Thursdays, so Thursday nights are my night to catch up on sleep. No all nighters at work.



"Just remember there is only 2 letters difference between STUD and STUPID." Heard on the course of the 1998 Lost Boys Ultramarathon
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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In bed at 9 p.m. Up at 5 a.m. Work out 5-6 days a week before work, out the door by 6 a.m. for Tuesday through Friday workouts and usually by 6:30 for Saturday and Sunday workouts.

Always nap on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Monday is usual rest day, but alas, it is a work day.
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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M-F: Up @ 5, on the road 5:30, back in the house around 6:15, leave for work / drop-off at 7:30. I'm most likely in bed by 10-10:30

S-S: I'll either wake myself up (w/o alarm) around 6, or my daughter will wake me up at 7. I'll stay up as late as 11 or 12.

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [DC Pattie] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I work full time and in grad school full time so when 9:30PM rolls around I'm done. I'm usually in bed by 10:00 and up some time between 6:15-7:00. I can get quite nasty when someone comes between me and sleep; usually my wife takes the brunt of it.

Dave from VA

yah, I used to get ticked off at my girlfriend for staying up late to check her email - keeping me from sleeping in the process. She always responded that I spent all day in front of a computer, and this was the only time she had to catch up on her mail. Well, one day I finally gave in to curiousity and checked her email records.... long, excessively "friendly" notes back and forth with one of my best friends. After 4 years together she moved out and is now dating the guy. I still train with him, though I admit to being a little annoyed at times. Like when he showed up for a ride yesterday in her car, with his bike on the rack that I built for her. such is life.

on the plus side, i get to bed earlier now. I'm odd with my sleep habits. weekday mornings I do snooze alarm intervals and can barely drag myself out of bed sometimes. once the weekend hits I bound out of bed at 5 or 6 before the alarm, ready to sieze the day. I think it might be a comment on how much I enjoy my job.

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Re: Lifestyle question: What time do you go to bed/get up? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Been trying to go to bed around 9:30PM and run/bike at 4:30AM. Some days are more successful that others.

I'm also giving up caffeine.

I am a night owl. I'll find any and every reason to stay up late.

when I get in a pattern of getting to bed early and wkaing up early ... it's fairly easy to maintain ... but one night up till midnight (or later) throws a onkey wrench into everything.

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
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