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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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There is a good reason why Sarah Crowley had to take out an AVO when leaving
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Ajax Bay] [ In reply to ]
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Ajax Bay wrote:
mathematics wrote:
4) Victimhood/body positivity/"whatever you're already doing is perfect" is catnip for Instagram and the internet. . . . I don't doubt that she struggled with this, but she also surely struggled with plenty of boilerplate training issues that didn't warrant such a post.
Had you any particular "boilerplate training issues" in mind?

Any number of things that people struggle with in training. Volume, intensity, sleep, position, life balance. Nobody posts on Instagram about how their coach wanted their elbows narrower on the bike, and if they could've narrowed their elbows they would've come in 3rd not 4th. But every time they narrowed their elbows it caused back pain so the position was unsustainable although theoretically faster.

Minus the emotional baggage that people attach to weight and it's the same story. A theoretically improved outcome that didn't work in the real world. I give her credit for trying this pathway to improvement and seeing if it made her faster, and even more credit for realizing it didn't and going back to what worked.

At the end of the day (for a professional triathlete) weight is a training metric and should be treated with the same analytical view as hours, heart rate, lactate, etc. I trust a pro to know what's best for her.

Where I disagree is that the issue is undereating and not overeating. Yes, there are many people, athletes as well, who undereat to the point of being unhealthy and that shouldn't be encouraged. But there are far far more people, athletes too, who overeat to the point of being unhealthy. It's a disconnect because a post like Skye's is applicable to so few, yet an opposite world post about how she lost 4kg and it led to victories would almost certainly be met with disdain and vitriol (see Adele).
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [mathematics] [ In reply to ]
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mathematics wrote:
Ajax Bay wrote:
mathematics wrote:
4) Victimhood/body positivity/"whatever you're already doing is perfect" is catnip for Instagram and the internet. . . . I don't doubt that she struggled with this, but she also surely struggled with plenty of boilerplate training issues that didn't warrant such a post.
Had you any particular "boilerplate training issues" in mind?

Any number of things that people struggle with in training. Volume, intensity, sleep, position, life balance. Nobody posts on Instagram about how their coach wanted their elbows narrower on the bike, and if they could've narrowed their elbows they would've come in 3rd not 4th. But every time they narrowed their elbows it caused back pain so the position was unsustainable although theoretically faster.

But what you’re ignoring here is that this is the coach saying “I know it’s causing you back pain and it’s unhealthy and you might end up injured or with worse performance outcomes as a result, but narrow those elbows anyway.”
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [UK2ME] [ In reply to ]
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UK2ME wrote:
mathematics wrote:
Ajax Bay wrote:
mathematics wrote:
4) Victimhood/body positivity/"whatever you're already doing is perfect" is catnip for Instagram and the internet. . . . I don't doubt that she struggled with this, but she also surely struggled with plenty of boilerplate training issues that didn't warrant such a post.
Had you any particular "boilerplate training issues" in mind?

Any number of things that people struggle with in training. Volume, intensity, sleep, position, life balance. Nobody posts on Instagram about how their coach wanted their elbows narrower on the bike, and if they could've narrowed their elbows they would've come in 3rd not 4th. But every time they narrowed their elbows it caused back pain so the position was unsustainable although theoretically faster.

But what you’re ignoring here is that this is the coach saying “I know it’s causing you back pain and it’s unhealthy and you might end up injured or with worse performance outcomes as a result, but narrow those elbows anyway.”

It doesn't say that in the Instagram post though, which is what I was talking about. All the post says is how her coach pushed her to lose weight. From what I've seen here the coach seems like a real piece of work and probably did say things like that, though. (To be fair, pro level training already causes pain, is arguably unhealthy, and may cause injury or worse performance. You can't just do low volume and low intensity because high volume and intensity may cause overtraining).

It's why I give her credit both for trying it and for realizing it wasn't working. If you see narrow elbows give a much lower Cda you should probably try to adapt to the position until it's clearly not working. Likewise, if there's reason to believe being lighter would make you faster then that's also worth trying until it's clearly not working.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [bumcrackjack] [ In reply to ]
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bumcrackjack wrote:
There is a good reason why Sarah Crowley had to take out an AVO when leaving

AVO = apprehended violence order

Which is taken out when you need to be protected from someone’s abuse and violence.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [fulla] [ In reply to ]
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Right, and I forgot about the whole Sarah Crowley incident, here it is:


daletravers wrote:
This photo means a lot to me. Not because of the branding, not because of the crowd, but the one person that I care about in it. We had a few hurdles in the lead up to this race, but none more than this week when we were hassled by scumbags in the sport. I think winning a race for us means very different things. We love our life, we work hard for what we have and when Monday rolls around, we are still lovely people.
Sarah fought her hardest to push away the negative shit that was coming at us all week resulting in a police station visit and visits from undercover cops to our hotel before the race to keep Sarah protected from outside threats, but her body could only take so much. We are driven by love and friendship and happiness for everyone, but when you’re driven by hate, spitefulness and anger towards other people, that will only last so long before you self destruct, and then you have nothing left.
What may seem a victory for others, we see as weakness. Are they that weak they need to try these tactics? No one should ever feel unsafe at one of these races but unfortunately, our team did this week.
This is just another race, and we move on, but we move on with passion and integrity for the sport, we move on with happiness and celebrating our friends that are great people in the sport of triathlon. We are much more than Triathlon, and that is something that no one can take away from us but when triathlon is all you have, and you don’t win, what’s next?

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
Last edited by: kajet: Dec 12, 23 23:45
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Triathletetoth] [ In reply to ]
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Triathletetoth wrote:
Lighter is faster, until it isn't. More miles is faster, until it's not. More intensity is faster, Until it's not.

Not too long ago, I found a photo of myself taken after a Sprint Tri down the shore, many, many years ago = before we had D'Kid

From the neck down, I was fairly studly [beefy shoulders & arms, flat tummy], but my face looked terribly gaunt - my eyes were especially sunken, almost deathly, but that may have just been the residual google marks?

After The Big Quit, and gaining that missing healthy weight back, I vowed to not go that deep again

Although D'Wife still calls me "Skinny Little Shit" and probably will forevermore

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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B_Doughtie wrote:
I would say it's more that it's an unregulated sport. We have top of the sport endurance coaches that have been banned by federations for legit safesport violations and can still work with athletes (and at high levels) because basically there's no real pathway to keeping them out of the sport. A "ban" is basically not real meaningful in endurance sports unlike other sports where to actively coach you have to be part of the sport (team sport where your coaching at a game, etc).

The only way to stop this is for the athlete who hires the coach and then any coaches who become associated with that coach to face some type of sanction. It's weird though, is anyone publicly working with Salazar? Why is working for or with Sutton publicly ok? Because Chrissie won some races? Everyone fawns over her, but she and many others have willfully chosen to associate themselves with him.

How do we treat coaches that work for him? Very strange place in triathlon.

callummillward wrote:
All I'll add to this is that Im glad he's being called out again. Unfortunately, besides damaging their "coaching brand" theres not too many consequences for poor behaviour. Ironman can't or wont intervene and the national federations don't tend to get involved. Safe Sport were also very poor to deal with. So then it becomes trial by social media (if you take this route) and that can go any which way.

We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.

Based on what she said about her coach in the post it would not really be in the realm of SafeSport. But I'm not sure if you're referring to Watt or how you just get rid of Sutton. That's a tough one, it requires every Federation to recognize bans, and he was coaching while banned. But we know to be a coach you really don't need to have a federation license, just a reputation.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
Last edited by: TheStroBro: Dec 13, 23 7:17
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [callummillward] [ In reply to ]
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callummillward wrote:
All I'll add to this is that Im glad he's being called out again. Unfortunately, besides damaging their "coaching brand" theres not too many consequences for poor behaviour. Ironman can't or wont intervene and the national federations don't tend to get involved. Safe Sport were also very poor to deal with. So then it becomes trial by social media (if you take this route) and that can go any which way.

We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.

what would also be great would be if professionals stopped using coaches like brett sutton.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
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TheStroBro wrote:
B_Doughtie wrote:
I would say it's more that it's an unregulated sport. We have top of the sport endurance coaches that have been banned by federations for legit safesport violations and can still work with athletes (and at high levels) because basically there's no real pathway to keeping them out of the sport. A "ban" is basically not real meaningful in endurance sports unlike other sports where to actively coach you have to be part of the sport (team sport where your coaching at a game, etc).

The only way to stop this is for the athlete who hires the coach and then any coaches who become associated with that coach to face some type of sanction. It's weird though, is anyone publicly working with Salazar? Why is working for or with Sutton publicly ok? Because Chrissie won some races? Everyone fawns over her, but she and many others have willfully chosen to associate themselves with him.

How do we treat coaches that work for him? Very strange place in triathlon.

callummillward wrote:
All I'll add to this is that Im glad he's being called out again. Unfortunately, besides damaging their "coaching brand" theres not too many consequences for poor behaviour. Ironman can't or wont intervene and the national federations don't tend to get involved. Safe Sport were also very poor to deal with. So then it becomes trial by social media (if you take this route) and that can go any which way.

We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.

Based on what she said about her coach in the post it would not really be in the realm of SafeSport. But I'm not sure if you're referring to Watt or how you just get rid of Sutton. That's a tough one, it requires every Federation to recognize bans, and he was coaching while banned. But we know to be a coach you really don't need to have a federation license, just a reputation.

It's one thing to tell her story, and I'm glad she did. It's another to argue the guy should never coach and everyone associated with him sanctioned. I believe what Skye said, and I believe he caused real offense and contributed to emotional harm. But bad advice and causing offense are reasons to do exactly what is done -- publicly share your story. Not prevent the guy from ever working, etc. etc.

If this coach has an ounce of sense, he'll come out and announce he never intended to create or add to Skye's burdens and that he's really taking her clear emotional distress as a result of his bad advice to heart and is not taking on any new athletes until he can do some new training for himself, blah blah blah.

That's what should happen in the best case. The worst case, he just doesn't change, and people stay away as his flaws are publicly shared and he tries to defend them.

No need to make a federal case out of this.
Last edited by: Lurker4: Dec 13, 23 8:09
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [AgMatt] [ In reply to ]
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AgMatt wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
Our sports obsession with weight is sort of wild at the elite level. I always look at Frodeno and this he's a bit too skinny. We'll have threads about Sam Long and people will say he needs to lose 10lbs. Wild stuff!

Didn’t Lionel says in an interview that Frodeno got too lean one year to try and help his run and it backfired big time?

Maybe in his breakfast with Bob interview?

It was Frodeno in his breakfast with Bob interview IIRC. He saw the rise of Lange and thought that he needed to be light to shave a few mins off his run. There was a hint that this cost him his big injury in 2018
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
B_Doughtie wrote:
I would say it's more that it's an unregulated sport. We have top of the sport endurance coaches that have been banned by federations for legit safesport violations and can still work with athletes (and at high levels) because basically there's no real pathway to keeping them out of the sport. A "ban" is basically not real meaningful in endurance sports unlike other sports where to actively coach you have to be part of the sport (team sport where your coaching at a game, etc).

The only way to stop this is for the athlete who hires the coach and then any coaches who become associated with that coach to face some type of sanction. It's weird though, is anyone publicly working with Salazar? Why is working for or with Sutton publicly ok? Because Chrissie won some races? Everyone fawns over her, but she and many others have willfully chosen to associate themselves with him.

How do we treat coaches that work for him? Very strange place in triathlon.

callummillward wrote:
All I'll add to this is that Im glad he's being called out again. Unfortunately, besides damaging their "coaching brand" theres not too many consequences for poor behaviour. Ironman can't or wont intervene and the national federations don't tend to get involved. Safe Sport were also very poor to deal with. So then it becomes trial by social media (if you take this route) and that can go any which way.

We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.

Based on what she said about her coach in the post it would not really be in the realm of SafeSport. But I'm not sure if you're referring to Watt or how you just get rid of Sutton. That's a tough one, it requires every Federation to recognize bans, and he was coaching while banned. But we know to be a coach you really don't need to have a federation license, just a reputation.

It's one thing to tell her story, and I'm glad she did. It's another to argue the guy should never coach and everyone associated with him sanctioned. I believe what Skye said, and I believe he caused real offense and contributed to emotional harm. But bad advice and causing offense are reasons to do exactly what is done -- publicly share your story. Not prevent the guy from ever working, etc. etc.

If this coach has an ounce of sense, he'll come out and announce he never intended to create or add to Skye's burdens and that he's really taking her clear emotional distress as a result of his bad advice to heart and is not taking on any new athletes until he can do some new training for himself, blah blah blah.

That's what should happen in the best case. The worst case, he just doesn't change, and people stay away as his flaws are publicly shared and he tries to defend them.

No need to make a federal case out of this.

Talking about someone's weight, especially a professional endurance athlete, for five years and consistently being told that's not a primary focus point for you and it effects your mental health becomes offensive. It's one thing to talk about it for one or half a season of coaching. But a great coach would learn after a year with a good feedback loop that losing weight is not what will get their Athlete over the line. So I'm not saying what he did wasn't bad, I'm saying I'm unsure based on what was shared that would put it in the realm of misconduct. Just would make him a horrible coach.

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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With how athletic centric and athletic protective sports has moved to in our climate within the coach-athlete balance of power issue, this general type of behavior by a coach is going to only more and more result in real issues for coaches moving forward (safesport if they are a federation member). So this particular case may not be an actual real issue, but the "bullying" type of behavior that can be present in some instances in these types of issues will most certainly cause problems for coaches who continue to behave in this general type of behavior.

So again this particular case may result in nothing to see here, but the general behavior of "bullying" will certainly only increase in cases like this.

Eta: many safesport violations are nothing more than breaking a sports association rule. There is no real world law broken etc you simply then get punished to not be an associated coach. But again in endurance sports it really doesn’t matter if you’re a regulated or unregulated coach. If an athlete wants you to coach them, they basically will be allowed to.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Dec 13, 23 10:09
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [timbasile] [ In reply to ]
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timbasile wrote:
AgMatt wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
Our sports obsession with weight is sort of wild at the elite level. I always look at Frodeno and this he's a bit too skinny. We'll have threads about Sam Long and people will say he needs to lose 10lbs. Wild stuff!

Didn’t Lionel says in an interview that Frodeno got too lean one year to try and help his run and it backfired big time?

Maybe in his breakfast with Bob interview?

It was Frodeno in his breakfast with Bob interview IIRC. He saw the rise of Lange and thought that he needed to be light to shave a few mins off his run. There was a hint that this cost him his big injury in 2018

Ironically, this was also the year that he put in one of the best performances of his career (he confirmed this himself in an interview) at the 70.3 worlds where he ran 1:06 pre-super shoes to beat an in-form Gomez and Brownlee.

I think Triathletetoth has summed it up pretty well, lighter is better, until it isn't. And Frodeno was one of the leanest athletes out there, most of us would get sick or injured before we could drop down to 6% BF.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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I think people were talking about Sutton more than Watt here. Sutton is a convicted child sex offender. Definitely should be out of the sport forever. Watt is just a bad coach, different story there.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [imswimmer328] [ In reply to ]
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imswimmer328 wrote:
I think people were talking about Sutton more than Watt here. Sutton is a convicted child sex offender. Definitely should be out of the sport forever. Watt is just a bad coach, different story there.

Just a bad coach? AVO if true suggests otherwise
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
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TheStroBro wrote:
Lurker4 wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
The only way to stop this is for the athlete who hires the coach and then any coaches who become associated with that coach to face some type of sanction. It's weird though, is anyone publicly working with Salazar? Why is working for or with Sutton publicly ok? Because Chrissie won some races?
callummillward wrote:
We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.
. . . bad advice and causing offense are reasons to do exactly what is done -- publicly share your story. Not prevent the guy from ever working, etc. etc.

If this coach has an ounce of sense, he'll come out and announce he never intended to create or add to Skye's burdens and that he's really taking her clear emotional distress as a result of his bad advice to heart and is not taking on any new athletes until he can do some new training for himself, blah blah blah.
Talking about someone's weight, especially a professional endurance athlete, for five years and consistently being told that's not a primary focus point for you and it effects your mental health becomes offensive. It's one thing to talk about it for one or half a season of coaching. But a great coach would learn after a year with a good feedback loop that losing weight is not what will get their Athlete over the line. So I'm not saying what he did wasn't bad, I'm saying I'm unsure based on what was shared that would put it in the realm of misconduct. Just would make him a horrible coach.
Is a coach talking to an athlete who has chosen them about that athlete's weight a 'red flag' for the athlete? Obviously I exclude sports where there are weight boundaries delineating competitive classes/categories. Presumably all sports have now proscribed any use of scales by coaches and athletes together. And similarly 'banned' the recording of an athlete's weight by the coach or the training group admin. IDK.
https://www.instagram.com/p/C01y9nNJRP1/ - Moench's latest.
Why, as an educated professional (accountant type) person, did Moench put up with Cameron Watt's weight-shaming behaviour for years. After IM Tulsa 2021, where Moench ran an excellent sub 2:57 - a personal best - Matthews (who beat her with a sub 2:50) went full on on the whole 'how do you run so fast; you don't look like a runner' diatribe. Time to ditch Watt there and then post pandemic.
I sincerely hope anyone who's in a coach/athlete control/weight relationship is listening (and getting advice and acting on it).
Last edited by: Ajax Bay: Dec 14, 23 9:47
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Ajax Bay] [ In reply to ]
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Ajax Bay wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
Lurker4 wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
The only way to stop this is for the athlete who hires the coach and then any coaches who become associated with that coach to face some type of sanction. It's weird though, is anyone publicly working with Salazar? Why is working for or with Sutton publicly ok? Because Chrissie won some races?
callummillward wrote:
We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.
. . . bad advice and causing offense are reasons to do exactly what is done -- publicly share your story. Not prevent the guy from ever working, etc. etc.

If this coach has an ounce of sense, he'll come out and announce he never intended to create or add to Skye's burdens and that he's really taking her clear emotional distress as a result of his bad advice to heart and is not taking on any new athletes until he can do some new training for himself, blah blah blah.
Talking about someone's weight, especially a professional endurance athlete, for five years and consistently being told that's not a primary focus point for you and it effects your mental health becomes offensive. It's one thing to talk about it for one or half a season of coaching. But a great coach would learn after a year with a good feedback loop that losing weight is not what will get their Athlete over the line. So I'm not saying what he did wasn't bad, I'm saying I'm unsure based on what was shared that would put it in the realm of misconduct. Just would make him a horrible coach.
Is a coach talking to an athlete who has chosen them about that athlete's weight a 'red flag' for the athlete? Obviously I exclude sports where there are weight boundaries delineating competitive classes/categories. Presumably all sports have now proscribed any use of scales by coaches and athletes together. And similarly 'banned' the recording of an athlete's weight by the coach or the training group admin. IDK.
https://www.instagram.com/p/C01y9nNJRP1/ - Moench's latest.
Why, as an educated professional (accountant type) person, did Moench put up with Cameron Watt's weight-shaming behaviour for years. After IM Tulsa 2021, where Moench ran an excellent sub 2:57 - a personal best - Matthews (who beat her with a sub 2:50) went full on on the whole 'how do you run so fast; you don't look like a runner' diatribe. Time to ditch Watt there and then post pandemic.
I sincerely hope anyone who's in a coach/athlete control/weight relationship is listening (and getting advice and acting on it).

I train normal humans and weight control is the biggest focus for most as why they start running or triathlon.

You talk to athletes about wt and health and strength and skill. Wt loss is a big goal for some to gain health and fitness.

here we have a bad coach that is aiming at high hanging fruit because they can't teach the athlete to swim better or get stronger or learn to run more efficient with less stress.

Just like some coaches say to get faster as a swimmer swim more.... they are and not faster so what are you really helping with???

Her relationship had more then a focus on wt here??? Just like a spousal abuse. Why didn't you just leave ???? I am not sure why?

Maybe like those that play for Bobby knight or a swim coach that destroys your love for sport with volume and intensity but no joy, it's worth it if I am winning and improving, until it's not winning or improving.

Plus first coach? they think they are all like that.

go watch the tri film WHAT IT TAKES and you can see Peter Reid does this abuse to himself didn't even need a coach to push him? people watch that and assume that's the only way to win then.

Technique will always last longer then energy production. Improve biomechanics, improve performance.
http://Www.anthonytoth.ca, triathletetoth@twitter
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Triathletetoth] [ In reply to ]
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Triathletetoth wrote:
Ajax Bay wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
Lurker4 wrote:
TheStroBro wrote:
The only way to stop this is for the athlete who hires the coach and then any coaches who become associated with that coach to face some type of sanction. It's weird though, is anyone publicly working with Salazar? Why is working for or with Sutton publicly ok? Because Chrissie won some races?
callummillward wrote:
We have a lot of great coaches in the sport. If we really want to deter the bad apples in the bunch then vote with your coaching fee's and support the good apples.
. . . bad advice and causing offense are reasons to do exactly what is done -- publicly share your story. Not prevent the guy from ever working, etc. etc.

If this coach has an ounce of sense, he'll come out and announce he never intended to create or add to Skye's burdens and that he's really taking her clear emotional distress as a result of his bad advice to heart and is not taking on any new athletes until he can do some new training for himself, blah blah blah.
Talking about someone's weight, especially a professional endurance athlete, for five years and consistently being told that's not a primary focus point for you and it effects your mental health becomes offensive. It's one thing to talk about it for one or half a season of coaching. But a great coach would learn after a year with a good feedback loop that losing weight is not what will get their Athlete over the line. So I'm not saying what he did wasn't bad, I'm saying I'm unsure based on what was shared that would put it in the realm of misconduct. Just would make him a horrible coach.
Is a coach talking to an athlete who has chosen them about that athlete's weight a 'red flag' for the athlete? Obviously I exclude sports where there are weight boundaries delineating competitive classes/categories. Presumably all sports have now proscribed any use of scales by coaches and athletes together. And similarly 'banned' the recording of an athlete's weight by the coach or the training group admin. IDK.
https://www.instagram.com/p/C01y9nNJRP1/ - Moench's latest.
Why, as an educated professional (accountant type) person, did Moench put up with Cameron Watt's weight-shaming behaviour for years. After IM Tulsa 2021, where Moench ran an excellent sub 2:57 - a personal best - Matthews (who beat her with a sub 2:50) went full on on the whole 'how do you run so fast; you don't look like a runner' diatribe. Time to ditch Watt there and then post pandemic.
I sincerely hope anyone who's in a coach/athlete control/weight relationship is listening (and getting advice and acting on it).

I train normal humans and weight control is the biggest focus for most as why they start running or triathlon.

You talk to athletes about wt and health and strength and skill. Wt loss is a big goal for some to gain health and fitness.

here we have a bad coach that is aiming at high hanging fruit because they can't teach the athlete to swim better or get stronger or learn to run more efficient with less stress.

Just like some coaches say to get faster as a swimmer swim more.... they are and not faster so what are you really helping with???

Her relationship had more then a focus on wt here??? Just like a spousal abuse. Why didn't you just leave ???? I am not sure why?

Maybe like those that play for Bobby knight or a swim coach that destroys your love for sport with volume and intensity but no joy, it's worth it if I am winning and improving, until it's not winning or improving.

Plus first coach? they think they are all like that.

go watch the tri film WHAT IT TAKES and you can see Peter Reid does this abuse to himself didn't even need a coach to push him? people watch that and assume that's the only way to win then.

At the AG level it's obviously very important for athletes and coaches to agree on what they are trying to get out of the training. For a lot it's general health, weight loss, faster times, more muscular, etc. For a pro there really is only one goal, winning. Or at least higher placing. I;m not defending this coach specifically, but part of the job of a coach is to steer you in the right direction, especially when that means doing things the athlete normally wouldn't do. Some like speedwork, some like tempos, some like long runs, and we all naturally gravitate to the workouts we're best at and/or enjoy the most. Doing nothing but tempos generally isn't going to be as effective as doing tempos and speedwork, even if the athlete hates doing speedwork. A refusal of an athlete to at least try to complete the instructions is a failure of the athlete. A coach obstinately demanding completion of the instructions without monitoring the objective and subjective performance of the athlete is a failure of the coach.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [s13tx] [ In reply to ]
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My first thought is that anyone airing private relationships in social media scores very low in respect. She is supposed to be a professional and if she does not like her professional coach, find another one. But broadcasting this is very unprofessional, but apparently popular these days.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [ In reply to ]
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Replying in general. This question turns the thread a bit.

Let's assume Skye was not annoyed with her coach, and agreed she needed to lose weight, but also was sensible and realized there's no way she can cut calories, train, and not lose muscle and invite injury. She has hardly any body fat on her, as she pointed out in the interview, her lower body does amazing things for her in terms of biking and running, but let's suppose she apparently sees it as being the target area to reduce fat.

Is liposuction actually a thing a female athlete who wants to target fat loss can do? This isn't the case of an overeater who will just gain the weight back. She's carrying an absolutely healthy level of fat in her lower body by virtue of her genetics, not her excessive eating. But could one actually suck 4lbs of fat out and realize a performance gain?

No arguing anyone should do this, but has anyone heard of this? I'm just coming at this from the perspective of short of starving herself and damaging her body across the board there's just no way to target that fat loss to the area that the coach apparently thinks she needs to lose it.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
Replying in general. This question turns the thread a bit.

Let's assume Skye was not annoyed with her coach, and agreed she needed to lose weight, but also was sensible and realized there's no way she can cut calories, train, and not lose muscle and invite injury. She has hardly any body fat on her, as she pointed out in the interview, her lower body does amazing things for her in terms of biking and running, but let's suppose she apparently sees it as being the target area to reduce fat.

Is liposuction actually a thing a female athlete who wants to target fat loss can do? This isn't the case of an overeater who will just gain the weight back. She's carrying an absolutely healthy level of fat in her lower body by virtue of her genetics, not her excessive eating. But could one actually suck 4lbs of fat out and realize a performance gain?

No arguing anyone should do this, but has anyone heard of this? I'm just coming at this from the perspective of short of starving herself and damaging her body across the board there's just no way to target that fat loss to the area that the coach apparently thinks she needs to lose it.

I had this discussion a few years ago with an MD who's also a Cat 1 cyclist, jealousy enabled. The long and short (from him) is that yes, liposuction would immediately reduce weight by a measurable amount. It would also require at the very least a few days completely away from training and a longer time of reduced training load. The balance point at which there would be a realized net positive is up for debate. The big unknown is if the homestasis of the body would be thrown off to the extent that existing fat cells increase in size/number to maintain their current proportion or if a new balance will be found where less fat store are required. Personally, I do not trust studies of people who got liposuction as a valid indicator of what would happen to pro athletes getting liposuction. The differences in lifestyle are to great.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [mathematics] [ In reply to ]
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"I'd like to lose some weight but I can't. How about I tried a liposuction?" - said no professional triathlete ever.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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kajet wrote:

"I'd like to lose some weight but I can't. How about I tried a liposuction?" - said no professional triathlete ever.

Incidentally, after searchigng a bit Simona Halepis is a pro tennis player who got breast reduction surgery. And it turns out she is also under drug use investigation. It's not surprising, if true, that someone getting surgery for performance might also consider drugs for performance.
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Re: Skye Moench - Race weight [kajet] [ In reply to ]
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kajet wrote:

"I'd like to lose some weight but I can't. How about I tried a liposuction?" - said no professional triathlete ever.

Beat me to it. This place is amazing sometimes.
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