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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I'm a single sport runner but will log in again this year. Too bad it doesn't start on 11-15 as planned for my final run up to CIM.

I'll be playing catch up as December will be very, very light after the race.

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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [elf6c] [ In reply to ]
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elf6c wrote:
They make me faster and unreasonably annoy someone to boot- I need to buy an extra set.

It may not affect their performance to put little bells on them; to REALLY annoy people

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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I swim about 7,000 a week, ride about 100 miles a week, and run about 40 miles a week.

desert dude wrote:
ianpeace wrote:
I don't care what the "official" rules are - the rules that I'm running by are these:

  • 30min minimum

  • must have one hour between the end of run 1 and the start of run 2 to make 'em count as 2 separate runs


I still think the 30 min minimal is the dumbest requirement if someone is running a second time that day. First run sure, second run dumb. I'd love to see it changed to:
Minimal 30 minutes for any first run of the day, minimal 15 minutes for any second run. For a lot of people doing 30/30 in one day is too much to being with. After all we're talking about triathletes not runners. I'd bet you $10k the average ST triathlete runs <17 mile per week or 885 miles in a year. Setting a lower bar allows one to start double runs more easily which can allow them to build their volume up more safely. By having to add the double to the next day it offers people all sorts of ways to become delusional about their actual run training.

The rest of your post though I can agree with though.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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My grievance is that for 4 years of rehab and starts and stumbles, and largely being unable to walk and run properly, I had given up on running and enjoying my new life as an IM and butterfly masters swimmer (slow, but I was doing it), but you convinced me to be a customer of the challenge and take from it (rather than help organize and give) and just use it for 100 days of rehab.

By the last week of last year's challenge I did my first continuous 30 min run (I'd do some days as 20x 1.5 minutes over two sessions or two days of 8x2 minutes). In any case, in March I did my first run continously, by June I did my first sprint tri (pool tri), then July and august I raced 5 olympic tris in 8 weeks and actually broke 50 min in a few of them and then did a half IM on Sep 7th and went 4:54 closing out my last race in 50-54. All local tris, but after 4 years of not being able to count on running and continuous frustration, I actually got a 4th, one 3rd, a second, and four age group wins in local tris. All that fitness from endless swimming really helped get some tri racing going again once I could run again.

In any case with swim racing season started my grievance is that all this tri stuff is getting in the way of my desire to be a less sucky 400IM swimmer. I have done some tests and can run 4-6 days a week 30-50 minutes. Let's see where this takes me for next year as it is my first year racing swimming and tris as a 55 year old. Swimming will make no difference, no ones gets slower. Tris, I may suck on the run, but most in my age group kind of run not that awesome anymore anyway.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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I wasn't on this forum a year ago but saw that you stirred the pot a bit after the fact by insisting on this "purist" (or "original intent"?) definition of a 100-day run streak in singles.

Run streaks can be inspiring, but are fundamentally pedantic. What really matters to running better is getting in the miles and the runs consistently; a day off here or there really doesn't matter. Frequent doubles are better than singles. So from the standpoint of being good running training, the 100/100 as currently formulated is, simply put, better than your purist definition.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [synthetic] [ In reply to ]
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synthetic wrote:
vonschnapps wrote:
I wouldn’t let what others do stop you from some fun. I always start aggressively and then fade fast, was top twenty one year for awhile. Looking at the logs of those who were killing it, not many were gaming the system, and if you recall Bluestacks was putting in some serious effort. Put in the effort that you want, and if you do 20 runs of 30 minutes at easy effort that you would not have done without this challenge then so much the better.

It would be better 100/100 to be in purist definition... 1 run per day, for 100 days straight

Yep. And if a 5k counted. It would make sense, but this challenge is not for short course guys.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Is there a reason why you don’t leverage Strava for 100/100? Every year you get a clown or two who do 10 runs in a day for the first 30 days (and get collective ST panties in a bunch). You’d think having to upload these on strava will cut a part of that BS.

Also I’m curious to see where others are running at.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Anton84] [ In reply to ]
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Also I’m curious to see where others are running at. //

Well you are in luck. A lot of folks posted up pictures of where they were running, usually the hard core peeps running on ice in sub 0 temps. But of course there will be the asshats that post up their runs from Hawaii, or an 80 degree Southern California day, but ignore those bitches...

I'm in again, will train maybe every 3rd day coming up here so that it is not a total shock out the gate. And as to shortening the 2nd runs, we already have folks doing 10 runs a day, do we need them doing 15 now, really?? Let's face it, with the new dynamic that was set last year, only a fool would go for an overall podium placing anymore, and we have our 3 fools already. The rest of us can use the challenge to motivate an otherwise unmotivated runner. That's me in spades. And like Dev, I really plan to swim a lot more, but I did find that if I ran a moderate pace, I could also do a good swim the same day, so will keep that in mind. And the earlier start is perfect, 2 extra weeks to just drill it in the pool just before spring nationals, it's all good!!
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Already? I haven’t recovered from the injuries I inflicted on myself from last year!

Sharon McN
Clif Bar Pace Team 2003-2018
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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In again this year. Last year I ended up with 80 something runs and while just about all were at my easy pace without intervals, just putting in the consistent miles helped increase my speed.

As I backed off the running as the year wore on it showed. Had a terrible run at 70.3 NC and want to be more consistent throughout the year after having achieved the 100/100 :-)
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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B.McMaster wrote:
... this challenge is not for short course guys.

Don't run so fast

When I do my Summer 100/100 - on my own - I set the minimum at 5K, but usually stretch it out to 1/2 hour [about 4 miles], because I usually have plenty of time to do so

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Nov 13, 19 6:22
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Anton84] [ In reply to ]
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Anton84 wrote:
Is there a reason why you don’t leverage Strava for 100/100? Every year you get a clown or two who do 10 runs in a day for the first 30 days (and get collective ST panties in a bunch). You’d think having to upload these on Strava will cut a part of that BS.

So you're saying people who don't Strava can't participate?

This "challenge" - note: it's NOT a Race, nor Completion, truly - has always worked on the honor system, but if you want people's results to be auditable, I know a few people at E&Y would would be glad to take your money to do so

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Anton84 wrote:
Is there a reason why you don’t leverage Strava for 100/100? Every year you get a clown or two who do 10 runs in a day for the first 30 days (and get collective ST panties in a bunch). You’d think having to upload these on Strava will cut a part of that BS.

So you're saying people who don't Strava can't participate?

If this challenge ever goes Strava-only, I'm out. Would be a shame, as I'm rather fond of it, and it seemed a few of you enjoyed my photos of wintry woods in past years. I finally made 100/100 (actually 120/100, though that still left me in 17th place...though perhaps the top Womens?) for the first time in 2018/19, and am hoping to accomplish a gold again.

Can there be some language added to clarify if multi-hour runs can or cannot be counted as 2 (or more) runs? I personally lean toward 1 session = 1 run, regardless of length - that's how I logged all of mine, including 3-hour and 6-hour races last year, but I know there was some "interpretation" of the "runs must be separated by 1 hour" that led to some logging a 2-hour run as 30mins + 30mins separated by 1hr.

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [twcronin] [ In reply to ]
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twcronin wrote:
I wasn't on this forum a year ago but saw that you stirred the pot a bit after the fact by insisting on this "purist" (or "original intent"?) definition of a 100-day run streak in singles.

Run streaks can be inspiring, but are fundamentally pedantic. What really matters to running better is getting in the miles and the runs consistently; a day off here or there really doesn't matter. Frequent doubles are better than singles. So from the standpoint of being good running training, the 100/100 as currently formulated is, simply put, better than your purist definition.

A challenge should be difficult. A challenge is not something meant to make you better.

B.McMaster wrote:

Yep. And if a 5k counted. It would make sense, but this challenge is not for short course guys.

Short course folk do warm up and cool down, which I included in my workout. You can use that magic lap button...
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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mistressk wrote:
If this challenge ever goes Strava-only, I'm out. Would be a shame, as I'm rather fond of it, and it seemed a few of you enjoyed my photos of wintry woods in past years. I finally made 100/100 (actually 120/100, though that still left me in 17th place...though perhaps the top Womens?) for the first time in 2018/19, and am hoping to accomplish a gold again.

Judge Smails : Ty, what did you shoot today?
Ty Webb : Oh, Judge, I don't keep score.
Judge Smails : Then how do you measure yourself with other golfers?
Ty Webb : By height.

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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mistressk wrote:
If this challenge ever goes Strava-only, I'm out. Would be a shame, as I'm rather fond of it, and it seemed a few of you enjoyed my photos of wintry woods in past years. I finally made 100/100 (actually 120/100, though that still left me in 17th place...though perhaps the top Womens?) for the first time in 2018/19, and am hoping to accomplish a gold again.

I definitely would not vote for strava-only -- that would not be inclusive (as it seems this challenge is designed to be); I just like using strava myself.

mistressk wrote:
Can there be some language added to clarify if multi-hour runs can or cannot be counted as 2 (or more) runs? I personally lean toward 1 session = 1 run, regardless of length - that's how I logged all of mine, including 3-hour and 6-hour races last year, but I know there was some "interpretation" of the "runs must be separated by 1 hour" that led to some logging a 2-hour run as 30mins + 30mins separated by 1hr.

I agree, seems like a single session should be 1 run, even if it's a long run > 2hrs.

If the intent of the 1-hour separation rule is to allow doubles to count (which would make sense to me), then I would be in favor of making the time gap bigger. Like 3 hours or even 6 hours. Doubles probably should be at least several hours apart to realize the runs as separate training stimuli and not just an extended single session.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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2014/15 Grievances Thread: 297 posts
2012/13 Grievances Thread: 171
2019/20 Grievances Thread: 154 [as of 11:30pm EST 12/4/2019]
2017/18 Grievances Thread: 109
2013/14 Grievances Thread: 103
2018/19 Grievances Thread: 71

There were no dedicated Grievance threads that I could find for 15/16 or 16/17

Carry on, GrievanceSTers

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Dec 6, 19 6:34
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [twcronin] [ In reply to ]
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twcronin wrote:
I agree, seems like a single session should be 1 run, even if it's a long run > 2hrs.

If the intent of the 1-hour separation rule is to allow doubles to count (which would make sense to me), then I would be in favor of making the time gap bigger. Like 3 hours or even 6 hours. Doubles probably should be at least several hours apart to realize the runs as separate training stimuli and not just an extended single session.

I'm good with the required intervening time staying an hour - I'd just like to see it clarified as "must be separated by 1 hour of non-running". I will selfishly run an hour down to the farmers' market, do my grocery shopping and have a coffee there, then run afterward to have a double done before brunch - I've also been known to run a 3-hour trail race, change and have a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, then go back out for another hour while a 6-hour event continues on so I can pace friends while doing a double. I know some people do it as basically a training duathlon; 30min run, 1hr bike, 30min run. Heck, you could do it as an aquathlon, too, especially if you have a pool to which you can run from home. I don't quarrel with activity being permitted between runs, and an hour is plenty for your legs to stiffen up and make the second run feel more difficult as you begin; it's just the logging of a continuous run as more than 1 workout that seems to violate the spirit of the challenge to my mind.

So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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For those who want to mix it up a bit (or further distort the purity of the rules), we have an article up on the front page about running in Zwift:


If you don't have one of the suggested sensors, there should still be enough time to order the Zwift RunPod and get it before the start of the challenge. 100 runs at 30 minutes each at a 10:00 min/mile pace would be enough to get you close to level 10 in Zwift running!

Travis Rassat
Vector Cycle Works
Noblesville, IN
BikeFit Instructor | FMS | F.I.S.T. | IBFI
Toughman Triathlon Series Ambassador
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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B.McMaster wrote:
And if a 5k counted.

This. Minimum should be 30 minutes OR 3 miles. Alright, see you next year to comment this again.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you for moving the start date to Dec 1st. That was one of my exact requests in last years thread :)

Looking forward to racking up some Zwift mileage!! I find the treadmill much more soft and forgiving than frozen trail or (obviously) asphalt. And it's a lot more time efficient to find/ put on/ take off/ wash/ put away a shirt, shorts and socks as opposed to the gosh awful amount of paraphernalia you need to run outside -- eg. hat, gloves, base layers, ear warmers, tights, wool socks, shoe spikes for ice, etc. etc. ad nauseum. Treadmill and Zwift is a NO BRAINER.

I'll just add: if you have issues with the Zwift Pod (I've had nothing but constant issues with multiple Milestone/ Zwift pods) bite the bullet and spend the 40 bucks on a Garmin Foot pod. I've used the Garmin Pod for a year and never had a single issue once, and it's very accurate.

Is Bluestacks867 going to eclipse his 2018/19 record of 220 Runs in 100 days? Or is IntensOne going to reclaim the title from 2017/18??
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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How will time zones affect the challenge? I’m in the UK and thinking if I do my first run at 7am on the first day, it won’t count as it will still be November in the US?
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Tubs] [ In reply to ]
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i think it's based on whatever time zone you choose for your computer; in any case whatever your instance of your slowtwtich training log thinks it is. you should be fine. i think yours will just arrive earlier than those of us in the U.S. you'll get a head start.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
...It's about getting/making time to get 1/2 an hour of running in, on a regular basis, whatever that may mean for you [30/100, 50/100, 75/100]. And to perhaps re-invigorate a joy of running "Hey! It's time to run! Let's go!"

It's a very special breed of STers who actively pursue 100/100

RandMart, that’s a nice thing to say. I was just sitting here not feeling special, and now I do feel special. That’s fantastic!

UK2ME, please log your running on ST (through Strava or not) because it’s more fun to see that you’re running. It motivates me to see women on the challenge.

MistressK, congrats on your standings from last year! Plus, I love your pics. I cast my vote with you, my lady, to support freedom of movement and non movement alike during the 1 hour break between runs.
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Re: 2019/20 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
On Dec 1st the 2019/20 edition of the 100 runs in 100 days Challenge, commonly known as 100/100, commences. The thing has evolved somewhat over the past few years, due to and contrary to popular demand. This is the official boast, complain and relate thread, that will remain active until March 9th, the final day of the Challenge. The last few years we have had 500+ athletes from all over the world. Invite your friends. Thanks to Dev Paul for conceiving of and curating this Challenge over the years.

This first post is to explain the purpose, and the rules.

This goals of this Challenge are to establish a solid run base; to embed a habit of using the run to establish your fitness foundation; and - for some of us - to break out of the my-legs-are-shot paradigm, by which we've convinced ourselves that we can only run once per week. This Challenge honors frequency. Not distance. Not speed. Not effort. It honors regularity. Routine. To prevail in this Challenge you don't see how much you can do; rather how little. Not how hard you can run, but how easy. You might think running that easy detrains you. Try this Challenge. Let's revisit this once you're 60 days into it.

What Counts?

1. Any run that's at least 30 minutes long (see below for exceptions).
2. The runs can be outdoors or on a treadmill.
3. Walking does not count.
4. Aquajogging and elliptical training do not count.
5. You can (and probably should) take days off.
6. You can do days with more than 1 run session; each sessions counts.
7. You get no credit for going longer than 30min; a 30min run is identical to a 60min run for this Challenge.
8. Extra effort gains you nothing.
9. You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every stride.
10. Runs must separated by at least 1 hour to count as multiple sessions.

Runs shorter than 30 minutes

11. If you do 2 runs shorter than 30 minutes in one day you can count the total as 1 run.
12. Twice per week you can run a session that is shorter than 30min if on the very next day you run a session that makes up the difference, i.e., a 23min run doesn't count, but, if you run a 37min run the following day, then you've officially run 2 sessions.
13. That same paradigm does NOT count for a double run on a given day.
14. These "make up" runs can't be the rule; they're the exceptions; you get to do this twice in a week, and not more.

Joining the Challenge; Entering Runs on the Slowtwitch Training Log

15. Go to training.slowtwitch.com. You can always navigate there via the blue navbar above (below the ad banner at the top), hover over "Training" (third heading from right) and click on Training Log.
16. Sign up for a Training Log account if you don't already have one (your Reader Forum account is also your Training Log account, i.e., there's one unified login for both).
17. Then look for 100/100 for 2019/20. It's hard to miss.
18. Click "enroll". (It says "leave" in the screenshot because I'm already enrolled.)

[inline enroll.jpg]

19. Now start entering your runs in the log. Make sure you only enter runs that combine as 30 minutes as one session. If you have a 20min + 15min day, enter it as one workout of 35 minute or it will not get rolled into the results sheet.
20. Please ensure that you log a distance along with the time. If you don't know the distance, please try to estimate.
21. Your runs will automatically get entered into the Challenge results sheet.

Strava Sync

22. You'll see a button on our Training Log allowing you to sync with Strava (in fact, you can see it in the screenshot above). Click that button if you enter your results some other way, in another training log or program. The only requirement for this to work is that your other training log must also sync with Strava. Basically, if your session is on Strava, our log will find it, download it, and your sessions will automatically append to the Challenge. "EricTheBiking" (on the Forum) is our Training Logmeister. He'll answer questions you have about this on this thread.

Viewing Challenge Standings

23. From the Challenges home page, click on the link to go to the 100/100 for 2019/20, you'll see where you and everyone stands.
24. Click on any of the column headers, and it will sort the sheet based on that category (frequency, time, distance, aerobic points). Just, frequency is how we judge this.
25. Please note that you must be logged in to actually enter your data. You can't enter data without logging into your account (seems obvious...).

Accumulated Wisdom: This is year-12 of this Challenge. Much has been learned, good and bad.

26. This is an exercise in who can whisper the loudest.
27. Don't try to bank run sessions early. Just trust the process. You'll probably be more successful "banking" runs, as in, performing double runs, later in the Challenge rather than earlier.
28. Take days off when you need to. As your fitness increases, you may find later in the Challenge you can run doubles. Most who hit their 100/100 do take rest days.


While some might go for 100 runs, the reality is that unless you are already running 4-6 hours per week, this might be unrealistic. For most a realistic goal is to start at Bronze club pace (or less) and then see how things go.

Platinum Club = 100 runs in 100 days
Gold Club = 90 runs in 100 runs in days
Silver Club = 80 runs in 100 runs in days
Bronze = 70 runs in 100 runs in days

Please put any questions on this thread. Better to put them here than send PMs or emails.

Please post stories about your workouts, pictures from running days and chime in to motivate each other on this thread. Don't just log workouts and disappear. The community is what it's all about.

Zwift Running

And, finally, I'm getting a treadmill (supposedly) today. The plan is to start putting some weekly Zwift run sessions on our Slowtwitch Event Calendar. To those who just got your footpods, or who will get them (working on that!), if you're a treadmill runner (the 2 things you need for Zwift running is a treadmill and a footpod), you've got the necessary equipment for Zwift Running. I'll be asking you for help on when to hold these sessions (time of day, day of week), and the length, format, and so forth. I'll probably begin a separate thread asking for your feedback.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman

I pasted the rules above if anyone didn't see it (and updated the date).

I'm going to try and make Platinum this year and go for a running base. I understand the spirit of the challenge I think now and will go for it. I was originally planning on mainly cycling this winter, but trying to run more.

I'm trying to bring my 70.3 run pace from 7:42 to 7:00 by next September, so was thinking this might be a good place to start. I have always developed injuries while running, but think I have found the perfect trainer shoes and have been able to run quite well recently. I've never truly trained for a race in running as I usually get injured. Maybe this year it will be different for me. I hope so.

Last edited by: plant_based: Nov 17, 19 19:57
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