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Re: Soon-to-Be Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Mistreated Staff, Aides [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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Once again, slowly; I didn’t say you did give a fuck about Trump, because you are, after all, wholly independent.

What I’m saying is call out their bad behavior all you want, but why? Why does it matter? I thought we were told that none of that old stuff matters if it doesn’t impact policies or independent leadership. Isn’t that the new rule book until Jan 2021 when DJT leaves office and we can begin rebuilding decency again? So why waste your remaining time on this orb dwelling in that futility?

big kahuna wrote:
MidwestRoadie wrote:
And how is this relevant in any way after Trump’s well-documented sordid character wasn’t a detriment to him winning office?

I mean, I wish this shit were relevant because it ought to be; it’s just that the ship has sailed on above board Presidential character being necessary and won’t right itself until DJT is out of office in January, 2021.

Once again, slowly: I don't give a fuck about President Dumbass and all his Russian whores and corrupt hangers-on. We already know about his glaring deficiencies. The rest of these pathetic losers, phonies and corruptocrats, though... they definitely deserve some public airing of their dirty laundry.

Also, whoever wins in 2020, we lose. Simple as that. Once we all wake up to that fact we'll finally be on the road to really fixing this shit.
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Re: Soon-to-Be Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Mistreated Staff, Aides [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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You know the acting AG, who was understudy for Peter Boyle in Young Frankensteeeeen
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Re: Soon-to-Be Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Mistreated Staff, Aides [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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Amy Klobuchar is the phony "moderate" Democratic U.S. senator from the great state of Minnesota, eh? She is, and always has been, a reliably solid vote for most every far-left policy that makes its way over the transom, though she works really, really hard at pretending to be far more middle-of-the-road than she actually is. She's also probably going to announce this weekend that she's entering the Thunderdome, seeking to be the Democratic nominee for Preezy of the United Steezy in 2020, going up against Donald "Sauron" Trump in a winner-take-all, to-the-death, match not seen since, well... since 2016. There's just one small problem: According to that eminently trustworthy and always reliable news site, Buzzfeed, she's occasionally a raging bee-yotch to her staff members:

"That anger regularly left employees in tears, four former staffers said. She yelled, threw papers, and sometimes even hurled objects; one aide was accidentally hit with a flying binder, according to someone who saw it happen, though the staffer said the senator did not intend to hit anyone with the binder when she threw it.

“I cried. I cried, like, all the time,” said one former staffer…

Most staffers who spoke with BuzzFeed News are experienced Congressional employees who say they have worked with difficult lawmakers, male and female, in the past. But as a boss, Klobuchar was uniquely unbearable, most former staffers said — in a way that four staffers said was “worse” than any rumors about her behavior they had heard.

Anything could set her temper off, they said, and it was often unpredictable. Among the things that staffers said had prompted outbursts from Klobuchar: minor grammar mistakes; the use of the word “community” in press releases; forgetting to pack the proper coat in her suitcase; failing to charge her iPad; using staples."

Honestly, does Klobuchar stand a snowball's chance in hell of beating out some of the more "electable" (I guess) declared Democrats for the White House, like U.S. senator Kamala "Side Piece" Harris or Spartacus Booker (and his imaginary dope-dealing friend, T-Bone), or even the original paleface phony Native American, Elizabeth Warren? I ain't seeing it, but like I said: I fucking suck at the political prognostication game, so what the fuck do I know?

Translation: She's a Democrat (just saying that will save you a lot of time).
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