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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [kathy_caribe] [ In reply to ]
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kathy_caribe wrote:
windywave wrote:
M~ wrote:
windywave wrote:
So what. . . .The club spray painted the course (IMO an inappropriate thing to do) and this guy was POed and wrote a POed email. (Whoever forwarded the internal email should be fired) The club asked for monetary damages from WTC? For what?

Tempest in a teapot.

read it again.

I did. There is no colorable claim IMO.


1) Club marked the road with a relatively indelible markings (and depending on local ordinance and state law perhaps broke the law)
2) WTC requested the vandals clean up their mess or pay to do so (probably under pressure from the local government or due to contractual obligations)
3) Defense of the club: well the can says it will be gone in 10-20 days is not a great defense (try that one in front of a judge is you get caught tagging a building)
4) WTC VP wrote a blustery email for internal use.
5) Email was forwarded on.
6) Club demands monetary damages

I'm hard pressed to see anything here other than an over-reaction on the VP's part (meant to be held internally) and some hurt feelings and over-reaction on the club's part.

your facts are wrong.

1. the club cut a check the day after they received the email for $2000 IIRC.
2. the club is not demanding any monetary damages.

As to point 1. That was not in the original article.

As to point 2. I direct you to the last point of their demand list.


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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [JimSanders] [ In reply to ]
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Damn it. I just disagreed with you on a different thread, and now I have to agree with you on this one.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:

Look I'm not defending the VP. I'm just saying if you look at the situation holistically it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If he had carried out his threats without making them publicly or had made the threats directly that's a different story, but he didn't and it's not like the club is without fault in the situation. Like I said in the my first post aka post #2 tempest in a teapot.

This is where you're losing most of us. This is a very big deal in the grand scheme of things.

It's not like this is some random local hater venting to a friend. Jeff Edwards is one of the single most influential people in non-drafting triathlon. Who else has the pull this guy has? Anyone at USAT (or any other national federation)? Doubtful. Anyone at ITU? No. Anyone in the media? No. Maybe a popular pro athlete? LOL no. I can think of precisely one man on the entire planet who can exert as much influence over the direction non-drafting triathlon takes for the next couple decades as Jeff Edwards, and that's his boss Andrew Messick.

The fact that Edwards is apparently a raging dickbag and Messick seems to be OK with employing said dickbag is not something we as the athletes and customers should be willing to just shrug off.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [AlwaysCurious] [ In reply to ]
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AlwaysCurious wrote:
The threats of banning and retroactive dq's could be seen in that light if one were feeling charitable. But the threats of personal harm to cyclists, coming from an organization that promotes cycling, is at the very least incredibly tone deaf in a world where every week cyclists are physically assaulted by drivers for doing nothing more than riding their bikes on the road.

This is no less bad than the washington post editorial or the police woman's video about running over cyclists. The VP of Operations is telling his employees it's okay to personally harm cyclists if they piss you off. Regardless of it's done in jest, this shit has got to stop. And I want to hear Messick's response to this.

This is gets into semantics but he said "personally harm" not "personal harm." I read that to be he would personally carry out the DQ's etc not that he would harm their person.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [KoopaTroopa] [ In reply to ]
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KoopaTroopa wrote:
windywave wrote:

Look I'm not defending the VP. I'm just saying if you look at the situation holistically it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If he had carried out his threats without making them publicly or had made the threats directly that's a different story, but he didn't and it's not like the club is without fault in the situation. Like I said in the my first post aka post #2 tempest in a teapot.

This is where you're losing most of us. This is a very big deal in the grand scheme of things.

It's not like this is some random local hater venting to a friend. Jeff Edwards is one of the single most influential people in non-drafting triathlon. Who else has the pull this guy has? Anyone at USAT (or any other national federation)? Doubtful. Anyone at ITU? No. Anyone in the media? No. Maybe a popular pro athlete? LOL no. I can think of precisely one man on the entire planet who can exert as much influence over the direction non-drafting triathlon takes for the next couple decades as Jeff Edwards, and that's his boss Andrew Messick.

The fact that Edwards is apparently a raging dickbag and Messick seems to be OK with employing said dickbag is not something we as the athletes and customers should be willing to just shrug off.

This might be true. In my industry I am surrounded by sociopathic assholes so I might be tempered to things like this much more so than other people. I respect other people's opinions but to me I just don't think it's a big deal, just a lot of bluster.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
AlwaysCurious wrote:
The threats of banning and retroactive dq's could be seen in that light if one were feeling charitable. But the threats of personal harm to cyclists, coming from an organization that promotes cycling, is at the very least incredibly tone deaf in a world where every week cyclists are physically assaulted by drivers for doing nothing more than riding their bikes on the road.

This is no less bad than the washington post editorial or the police woman's video about running over cyclists. The VP of Operations is telling his employees it's okay to personally harm cyclists if they piss you off. Regardless of it's done in jest, this shit has got to stop. And I want to hear Messick's response to this.

This is gets into semantics but he said "personally harm" not "personal harm." I read that to be he would personally carry out the DQ's etc not that he would harm their person.

Dude I don't know why you're stretching so hard to defend him but come on..."I will personally harm them if I see their stupid bike jerseys ... – no matter where I see them.” is in no way a reference to a retroactive DQ

Me: https://carnivoreendurance.blogspot.com/...ever-comes-next.html

Latest: Why a Couple Pieces of Fruit Sent My Triglycerides Through the Roof, and How it Relates to Chronic Health
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
KoopaTroopa wrote:
windywave wrote:

Look I'm not defending the VP. I'm just saying if you look at the situation holistically it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If he had carried out his threats without making them publicly or had made the threats directly that's a different story, but he didn't and it's not like the club is without fault in the situation. Like I said in the my first post aka post #2 tempest in a teapot.

This is where you're losing most of us. This is a very big deal in the grand scheme of things.

It's not like this is some random local hater venting to a friend. Jeff Edwards is one of the single most influential people in non-drafting triathlon. Who else has the pull this guy has? Anyone at USAT (or any other national federation)? Doubtful. Anyone at ITU? No. Anyone in the media? No. Maybe a popular pro athlete? LOL no. I can think of precisely one man on the entire planet who can exert as much influence over the direction non-drafting triathlon takes for the next couple decades as Jeff Edwards, and that's his boss Andrew Messick.

The fact that Edwards is apparently a raging dickbag and Messick seems to be OK with employing said dickbag is not something we as the athletes and customers should be willing to just shrug off.

This might be true. In my industry I am surrounded by sociopathic assholes so I might be tempered to things like this much more so than other people. I respect other people's opinions but to me I just don't think it's a big deal, just a lot of bluster.

I agree with you in that his INTENT when he wrote this email might have been in jest, or simply his temper getting the better of him. Maybe he never intended to ACTUALLY carry out these actions (personal harm or otherwise). However, in my experience (in HR with a Fortune 3 company), had this email been sent and subsequently discovered (internally or externally would not matter) there would have been serious implications. We had a saying at our company, "Write every email as if it will appear on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow".

Now WTC may have taken actions to correct this issue/behavior internally, and they have no obligation to disclose this to the author of the article, or anyone else outside of internal stakeholders in the company. As an isolated event, its wrong and shows poor decision making. That said, even if they did take action it appears that the behavior that he has exhibited in the past has not been corrected, and potentially has escalated. He is showing a pattern of behavior now. He is a representative of WTC, and WTC is going to end up being responsible for his actions. Anyone exhibiting such a pattern of behavior during work in a group that I support would be looking for new employment already.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [justarunner] [ In reply to ]
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How can you say "she did nothing wrong" when the words on the road clearly broke WTCs request for chalk that cleans up not chalk the lasts over 30 days. The point is that people who live on those roads don't want to read crap on the roads for months after event.

I'm no defending WTC heavy handed approach but this is not a one sided issue.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [Furious D] [ In reply to ]
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In corporate banking environment, we go to seminars on how to properly document client files and how to discuss client topics via email. The main point: These items can be subpoena. Assume everything you write in an email, say on a voicemail or put in a file will show up in court. Thus we are very very careful before we hit send or print. Executives at WTC should know better. These emails, plus AM post on IMC, reveal the true dysfunction of WTC executives.

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [cidewar] [ In reply to ]
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cidewar wrote:
How can you say "she did nothing wrong" when the words on the road clearly broke WTCs request for chalk that cleans up not chalk the lasts over 30 days. The point is that people who live on those roads don't want to read crap on the roads for months after event.

I'm no defending WTC heavy handed approach but this is not a one sided issue.

I agree with you that they were not in the right here, but the WTC is not the Albany PD. WTC can notify athletes and spectators that it can be a punishable offense, but WTC does not create law nor carry out sentence. They can't act on behalf of the authorities. They don't own the roads, the public does. So if the local authorities felt this warranted them going after these individuals, then have at it. But this guy and the Corporation cannot pretend to supersede and dole out fines (in the form of donations). **Sidebar on donations: in college I tried to ask (aka demand) donations for another keg at our house party and I ended up at the police station**

I am sure the actions of these people are stressful and annoying to Edwards et al, as it makes it more difficult to deal with local governments when organizing races, but it in no way warrants the reaction.

And if there was so much public outcry about this, why was it WTC and not the PD looking into this? Maybe there's too much back office overhead in the WTC that they could cut if they have all this time to go after people chalking roads. Then they could afford bigger purses. /sortapink
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [bhc] [ In reply to ]
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I do not have any proof. I am just an observer of this story like everyone else here.

Like I said in my post, IF THE BELOW EMAIL IS TRUE.........
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [7ofClubs] [ In reply to ]
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They should have cleaned it up without an issue BUT like I said earlier IF the e mail is true this Jeff Edwards if an absolute ass.

What a way to disenfranchise the public.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [NJSteve] [ In reply to ]
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NJSteve wrote:
AlwaysCurious wrote:
windywave wrote:
AlwaysCurious wrote:
windywave wrote:
BestSkierTy wrote:
Only on ST is the use of marking chalk worse than threatening physical violence. Do you all see how ridiculous you are being?

Do you not understand he didn't threaten violence. There is a distinct difference between this situation and him writing the same thing to the club. This is not a hard concept to grasp if you objectively evaluate it.

Here are his words: " I will personally harm them if I see their stupid bike jerseys or cars or stickers or tents or whatever else they use – no matter where I see them."

You do realize a threat of violence is the same whether it's made about a person rather than directly to them? If you have any doubts, write a blog post about how you plan to personally harm Obama and then see how long it takes the Secret Service to show up at your door.

But he didn't write a blog post, he wrote an internal email. Nice attempt with the red herring.

OMG you are dense. Let's try again. If you have any doubts, write an internal email about how you plan to personally harm Obama and then see how long it takes the Secret Service to show up at your door once it's released to the public.

The internal email was at least boneheaded. Probably stupid. Maybe more. But you're reaching too far here. Let his stupidity stand on its own.

I think it is a bit cavalier to say they don't need to worry about writing internal emails like this. I work for a major corporation. We have leaches who try to sue us on a weekly basis based on things that they deem possible cases. There are people who make a living off of our settlements, whether we are at fault or not. There are very specific subjects and terms that we are not allowed to discuss over email because they can (and do) get subpoenaed by judges from third parties to create another lawsuit.

I say this because it is not wise for you to say "It can't be used against them" when emails like this DO get used against companies on a daily basis. Will it? Probably not....But, some lawyers are like seagulls and this email is like a bread crumb. Either way, *IF* something did occur to anybody in the club in a reasonable timeframe, this email can be used to prove intent, whether they are guilty or not.
Last edited by: lifejustice: Aug 1, 14 14:04
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [Birdmantris] [ In reply to ]
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Birdmantris wrote:
windywave wrote:
AlwaysCurious wrote:
The threats of banning and retroactive dq's could be seen in that light if one were feeling charitable. But the threats of personal harm to cyclists, coming from an organization that promotes cycling, is at the very least incredibly tone deaf in a world where every week cyclists are physically assaulted by drivers for doing nothing more than riding their bikes on the road.

This is no less bad than the washington post editorial or the police woman's video about running over cyclists. The VP of Operations is telling his employees it's okay to personally harm cyclists if they piss you off. Regardless of it's done in jest, this shit has got to stop. And I want to hear Messick's response to this.

This is gets into semantics but he said "personally harm" not "personal harm." I read that to be he would personally carry out the DQ's etc not that he would harm their person.

Dude I don't know why you're stretching so hard to defend him but come on..."I will personally harm them if I see their stupid bike jerseys ... – no matter where I see them.” is in no way a reference to a retroactive DQ

I'm not trying to defend him (read my other posts), I just think people are blowing things way out of proportion and reading bodily harm into what he said when it's not there.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [rbuike] [ In reply to ]
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rbuike wrote:

Perhaps he drank some spoiled Ironman Perform?

Is there any that is not spoiled?

I'm beginning to think that we are much more fucked than I thought.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Birdmantris wrote:
windywave wrote:
AlwaysCurious wrote:
The threats of banning and retroactive dq's could be seen in that light if one were feeling charitable. But the threats of personal harm to cyclists, coming from an organization that promotes cycling, is at the very least incredibly tone deaf in a world where every week cyclists are physically assaulted by drivers for doing nothing more than riding their bikes on the road.

This is no less bad than the washington post editorial or the police woman's video about running over cyclists. The VP of Operations is telling his employees it's okay to personally harm cyclists if they piss you off. Regardless of it's done in jest, this shit has got to stop. And I want to hear Messick's response to this.

This is gets into semantics but he said "personally harm" not "personal harm." I read that to be he would personally carry out the DQ's etc not that he would harm their person.

Dude I don't know why you're stretching so hard to defend him but come on..."I will personally harm them if I see their stupid bike jerseys ... – no matter where I see them.” is in no way a reference to a retroactive DQ

I'm not trying to defend him (read my other posts), I just think people are blowing things way out of proportion and reading bodily harm into what he said when it's not there.

He undeniably vows to harm strangers on sight, without regard to circumstance. Your idea of what that entails clearly differs from that of the rest of the people on this forum

Me: https://carnivoreendurance.blogspot.com/...ever-comes-next.html

Latest: Why a Couple Pieces of Fruit Sent My Triglycerides Through the Roof, and How it Relates to Chronic Health
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
windywave wrote:


1) Club marked the road with a relatively indelible markings (and depending on local ordinance and state law perhaps broke the law)
2) WTC requested the vandals clean up their mess or pay to do so (probably under pressure from the local government or due to contractual obligations)
3) Defense of the club: well the can says it will be gone in 10-20 days is not a great defense (try that one in front of a judge is you get caught tagging a building)
4) WTC VP wrote a blustery email for internal use.
5) Email was forwarded on.
6) Club demands monetary damages

I'm hard pressed to see anything here other than an over-reaction on the VP's part (meant to be held internally) and some hurt feelings and over-reaction on the club's part.

I don't disagree with you entirely, but it should be pointed out: What business is it of WTC to ask for the club to clean up property that didn't belong to them? And while the email was intended for internal use, it became public.

It's WTC business because they are the ones that the city will go after to clean up the paint. Let's say I rent a vacation house and invite some friends over. Despite specifically being told not to, one of my friends uses spray chalk on the driveway thinking it will be gone in a few days. When the spray chalk doesn't go away the rental agency goes after me for the damages/clean up. Now I'm pissed at my friend and I expect them to take care of the mess they made.


Gary Mc
Did I mention I did Kona
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [AlwaysCurious] [ In reply to ]
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Rumor is that after the road was cleared, Jeff Edwards went back out and spray painted this as a warning of how he'd harm the cyclists.

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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:

I'm not trying to defend him (read my other posts), I just think people are blowing things way out of proportion and reading bodily harm into what he said when it's not there.

I'm failing to understand your vested stake in this. Are you getting hung up because you think that we are interpreting Jeff Edwards's threats literally?

I don't think for a second that he was actually going to hurt anyone, or that his threats about DQ'ing had any substance at all. Could you imagine the pandora's box of pure shitstorm that such an act would unleash if he were actually to do that, the notion that you could be retroactively be DQ'd for once belonging to a club that happened to piss off WTC at some event that you weren't even at?

I can't speak for everyone else here, but I for one don't think Jeff Edwards is anything more than a blowhard with a massive ego. He's not a menace to society, it sounds like he's just an asshole.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [tgarson] [ In reply to ]
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Is this him?

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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Birdmantris wrote:
windywave wrote:
AlwaysCurious wrote:
The threats of banning and retroactive dq's could be seen in that light if one were feeling charitable. But the threats of personal harm to cyclists, coming from an organization that promotes cycling, is at the very least incredibly tone deaf in a world where every week cyclists are physically assaulted by drivers for doing nothing more than riding their bikes on the road.

This is no less bad than the washington post editorial or the police woman's video about running over cyclists. The VP of Operations is telling his employees it's okay to personally harm cyclists if they piss you off. Regardless of it's done in jest, this shit has got to stop. And I want to hear Messick's response to this.

This is gets into semantics but he said "personally harm" not "personal harm." I read that to be he would personally carry out the DQ's etc not that he would harm their person.

Dude I don't know why you're stretching so hard to defend him but come on..."I will personally harm them if I see their stupid bike jerseys ... – no matter where I see them.” is in no way a reference to a retroactive DQ

I'm not trying to defend him (read my other posts), I just think people are blowing things way out of proportion and reading bodily harm into what he said when it's not there.

Legally, that bold part is a threat. Seriously. Words have consequences, especially once written down.

The point is, ladies and gentleman, that speed, for lack of a better word, is good. Speed is right, Speed works. Speed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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What business is it of WTC to ask for the club to clean up property that didn't belong to them?

I can't speak of the current contract or situation but I am guessing the situation is similar, in the days of Graham Fraser, there was a clean-up crew that would go over the WHOLE COURSE in the early hours of the morning, and pick up every last gel wrapper and piece of discarded litter from the Ironman Lake Placid course. Most of that illegally discarded by athletes i might ad!

Again my guess is that it was part of a contract or promise from the WTC to the town to leave the roads in a clean state. Sort of like the leave-no-trace when you are hiking in the back country!

I've also had the misfortune of being in Lake Placid on some training weekends from years ago, and seen a disgraceful amount of litter on the bike course from . . . guess who?

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [M~] [ In reply to ]
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M~ wrote:


This is the most blown out of proportion grand stand posturing shit ever. Plain fucking non-sense all around. WTC should have just cleaned the chalk up, sent out a warning email to the offenders and then outlined a policy about road markings going forwards [per other comments it seems like there is a policy already?]. Job done.

2000 dollars sounds like a punitive fee to clean chalk off the roadway. You could fly up there, rent a vehicle, buy a powerwasher/tank, gas, lodging... and still come under that charge.
Last edited by: Pantelones: Aug 1, 14 19:12
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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This has nothing to do with whether wtc has any authority to "force" people to clean up roads.
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Re: WTC....if this is true..... [tgarson] [ In reply to ]
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tgarson wrote:
windywave wrote:

I'm not trying to defend him (read my other posts), I just think people are blowing things way out of proportion and reading bodily harm into what he said when it's not there.

I'm failing to understand your vested stake in this. Are you getting hung up because you think that we are interpreting Jeff Edwards's threats literally?

I don't think for a second that he was actually going to hurt anyone, or that his threats about DQ'ing had any substance at all. Could you imagine the pandora's box of pure shitstorm that such an act would unleash if he were actually to do that, the notion that you could be retroactively be DQ'd for once belonging to a club that happened to piss off WTC at some event that you weren't even at?

I can't speak for everyone else here, but I for one don't think Jeff Edwards is anything more than a blowhard with a massive ego. He's not a menace to society, it sounds like he's just an asshole.
I really don't have a stake other than people took swipes at me that were either unfounded in the facts or illogical. I said originally I didn't think this was a big deal and is blown out of proportion.

Your post pretty much sums up my position, I wish you had made it as early as I made mine, so maybe people would have gotten on your case instead of mine.
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