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Re: Boston 2012 [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
I am definitely in PR shape, which makes a forecast like this frustrating. I don't want to be stupid, but I don't want to give away too much time by slowing down either. I am relatively small (154 pounds) and handle the heat pretty well. Granted, I've never raced a marathon in these conditions, but summer training runs in the mid-80's never see my pace slow significantly.

I was aiming to run 6:15s, recommendations range from 15-30 seconds per mile and more. I am not to keen to run 6:45s and regret it if I have a lot left in the tank, yet I don't want to shoot for 6:30s, and end up walking the last few miles (or worse) and wishing I had just run the 6:45s and finished.

Well it really depends on your past races in heat. It sounds like you may run in heat fine but have you had any key workouts in the mild spring during this training block? You could go at your goal pace for the first half and do your best to be conscious of getting enough hydration and possible cooling. At that point re-address your question and see if it makes sense to continue to push the edge or back off. Of course, this will be mentally tough to be honest with yourself at that point in the race.

Good luck and hope it comes together for you.
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Re: Boston 2012 [masterslacker] [ In reply to ]
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Well it really depends on your past races in heat. It sounds like you may run in heat fine but have you had any key workouts in the mild spring during this training block? You could go at your goal pace for the first half and do your best to be conscious of getting enough hydration and possible cooling. At that point re-address your question and see if it makes sense to continue to push the edge or back off. Of course, this will be mentally tough to be honest with yourself at that point in the race.

Good luck and hope it comes together for you.

Thanks, I just don't have many past, long races in the heat to draw from. Really a half-marathon and below I make zero nutrition or hydration concerns as it's over before that becomes a factor.

I do a lot of my key workouts on the treadmill in a bright, sunny room, I often wish the treadmill didn't get so much sun, but am now glad it does :-) Mostly marathon and tempo pace work, so it's not like I've been running in 30 degree weather, plenty of runs at 70 or so with the sun coming in the window. Spent 4 days in south Florida a few weeks ago and while I didn't do any big workouts, got 40 miles in over 4 days running most days in the middle of the day when it was 80+.

It's looking like 70ish when we leave Hopkinton, and low 80s when we get to Boston. I think my reasonable marathon pace is about 6:07-6:09. I was planning to go out in 6:15s anyway, just to account for the nature of the Boston course. I may plan to stick with that and take your suggestion of assessing halfway through, if it's low 70s and we get any cloud cover and I am running 6-8 seconds slower than MP I may feel alright. If not, hopefully I won't be so far in the hole that throttling back won't be able to save me at that point.

Portside Athletics Blog
Last edited by: SwBkRn44: Apr 13, 12 10:19
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Re: Boston 2012 [alcatraz] [ In reply to ]
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Bummer about the Boston forecast. Keep in mind that that pavement will be even hotter than the air temp; and the course is so crowded you won't have a breath of wind out on the roadway unless maybe you're in the first corral where the field is more spread out.

Unless you've been training in 80+ temperatures, I'd back way off the pace just to survive.

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Re: Boston 2012 [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
Well it really depends on your past races in heat. It sounds like you may run in heat fine but have you had any key workouts in the mild spring during this training block? You could go at your goal pace for the first half and do your best to be conscious of getting enough hydration and possible cooling. At that point re-address your question and see if it makes sense to continue to push the edge or back off. Of course, this will be mentally tough to be honest with yourself at that point in the race.

Good luck and hope it comes together for you.

Thanks, I just don't have many past, long races in the heat to draw from. Really a half-marathon and below I make zero nutrition or hydration concerns as it's over before that becomes a factor.

I do a lot of my key workouts on the treadmill in a bright, sunny room, I often wish the treadmill didn't get so much sun, but am now glad it does :-) Mostly marathon and tempo pace work, so it's not like I've been running in 30 degree weather, plenty of runs at 70 or so with the sun coming in the window. Spent 4 days in south Florida a few weeks ago and while I didn't do any big workouts, got 40 miles in over 4 days running most days in the middle of the day when it was 80+.

It's looking like 70ish when we leave Hopkinton, and low 80s when we get to Boston. I think my reasonable marathon pace is about 6:07-6:09. I was planning to go out in 6:15s anyway, just to account for the nature of the Boston course. I may plan to stick with that and take your suggestion of assessing halfway through, if it's low 70s and we get any cloud cover and I am running 6-8 seconds slower than MP I may feel alright. If not, hopefully I won't be so far in the hole that throttling back won't be able to save me at that point.

from my point of view you have three choices:
- adjust the pace and not PR
- go for and not PR cause u blow up
- go for and PR at least by 1sec on a tough day

IMHO adjust your nutrition for the weather and go for it!

good luck to all you guys racing Boston!

The entire event (IM) is like "death by 1000 cuts" and the best race is minimizing all those cuts and losing less blood than the other guy. - Dev
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Re: Boston 2012 [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
I am definitely in PR shape, which makes a forecast like this frustrating. I don't want to be stupid, but I don't want to give away too much time by slowing down either. I am relatively small (154 pounds) and handle the heat pretty well. Granted, I've never raced a marathon in these conditions, but summer training runs in the mid-80's never see my pace slow significantly.

I was aiming to run 6:15s, recommendations range from 15-30 seconds per mile and more. I am not to keen to run 6:45s and regret it if I have a lot left in the tank, yet I don't want to shoot for 6:30s, and end up walking the last few miles (or worse) and wishing I had just run the 6:45s and finished.

Just forget about it. I don't think 154lbs is small for a runner (I'm 6'1/158).

I said it before: I tried to ignore warm weather and it ended in the hospital. Granted, jet lag may have been a factor but it wasn't even nearly 80. Maybe 70. I came off a 2:33 PR in NYC a year earlier and wanted to run 2:30 in Fukuoka. Judging from my training and races, the fitness was there to have a shot at 2:30 but I absolutely detonated and had to even stop at M20. I crawled in at 2:42, started vomiting immediately and was carried away by an ambulance to a hospital. Not fun at all.

I will run purely by feel. No watch. Finishing a Boston in this kind of heat, even if it is 10 mins. slower than what you could have done in last year's ideal conditions, will be an achievement. If you are still putting out 6:10s/6:15s on the last 6 miles, you will fly past people who detonate.

If you race this one smart, you'll have a better chance than ever to place relatively high up. Top100 in 2004, the last really hot year, was a pedestrian 2:47ish compared to 2:30ish last year. Keep that in mind.

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Re: Boston 2012 [brokenspoke] [ In reply to ]
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Bummer about the Boston forecast.

There's an old saying about Boston weather forecasts: If you don't like the forecast, just wait 15 minutes and check it again.

I must admit, though, that the most recent forecast makes me feel not quite as bad about having to sit out the race.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
Which is probably why I was registering 59.67mi as I rolled into T2.

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Re: Boston 2012 [uli] [ In reply to ]
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Just forget about it. I don't think 154lbs is small for a runner (I'm 6'1/158).

I know it's not small, I just said relatively small, at 6'1" 154 I am not a whippet like an elite runner, but I am not a big guy who gets crushed when the temps go above 60, that's all I am saying.

I said it before: I tried to ignore warm weather and it ended in the hospital. Granted, jet lag may have been a factor but it wasn't even nearly 80. Maybe 70.

I don't plan to ignore the heat, just trying to guage how much of a factor it will be. For me, 70 is no problem, I have done many 18-20 milers on hilly terrain in mid-day summer heat without problem. Granted, racing a marathon when it's 80 is different than training when it's 70, but I do Ok in the heat, although I know Monday will be a different beast.

If you race this one smart, you'll have a better chance than ever to place relatively high up. Top100 in 2004, the last really hot year, was a pedestrian 2:47ish compared to 2:30ish last year. Keep that in mind.

Totally agree with that, although people only ask and care about your time, my goal for Monday will be focused on my placing. I finished 445 last year and with running a smart race, despite the fast field, hope to improve on that this year.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Boston 2012 [kraeburn] [ In reply to ]
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kraeburn wrote:
Hello all,

I am somewhat of a novice to this endurance stuff (2 Bostons, 1 NYC, all slow so far) and wanted to see what advice you guys have for a race in these types of temps. All of my race thus far have been at most in the mid-50's so far. I have done a few sprint tri's and a bunch of 5ks in searing heat but this is a whole new ballgame. I was expecting awful heat for my first 70.3 in July but this will be quite a shock and my experience in the heat is minimal.

Any advice/tips aside from hydrating like mofo? Like I said, I am not a complete newbie but this is unexpected and all of my training/racing has been in the fall/winter/spring.


Time goals are out the window. Don't even think about "forcing" yourself to stay below a particular pace. Take whatever pace the day gives you.

The last time Boston was this hot (at least as hot as they're saying it's going to be this year) I stubbornly clung to my goal pace. Managed to hold it for almost 10 miles. 11 pounds later I crossed the line 30 minutes behind my original goal and at least 20 minutes behind what should have been easy for me even in those conditions. I passed out on the sidewalk afterwards and took an unplanned nap. Was not the same person again for months.
Last edited by: JoeO: Apr 13, 12 14:09
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Re: Boston 2012 [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
I know it's not small, I just said relatively small, at 6'1" 154 I am not a whippet like an elite runner, but I am not a big guy who gets crushed when the temps go above 60, that's all I am saying.

In a marathon I do. Maybe I have to shed those 4lbs. Heck, scratch that 'maybe'.

Granted, racing a marathon when it's 80 is different than training when it's 70, but I do Ok in the heat, although I know Monday will be a different beast.

I've trained for a marathon while staying in Kona. Not good!

Totally agree with that, although people only ask and care about your time, my goal for Monday will be focused on my placing. I finished 445 last year and with running a smart race, despite the fast field, hope to improve on that this year.

No one cares about your time or placing. Gotta do what motivates you for whatever reason. It's still my goal to get Top100 in Boston after I did it in NYC. Maybe Monday will be day for me because I don't actually have to run a 2:31 to achieve that! Perseverance over speed.

See you Monday


Last edited by: uli: Apr 13, 12 16:53
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Re: Boston 2012 [JoeO] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the reality chexk Joe, appreciate it.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Boston 2012 [uli] [ In reply to ]
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I want bib numbers and your goals for the race posted here! If you post your bib number, I'm gonna track you. And, I want you to know that we're watching you. I hope that gives you a little bit more motivation for Monday.

Have a great race.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Boston 2012 [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Personally, in a race like Boston where you are seeded by your qualifying time, my primary goal is to outperform my bib number. My bib number is over 7000, and would be absolutely thrilled if I am in the top 7,000 (especially since I'm not in PR condition). This relies on running the best race for the conditions. Therefore, my advice to everyone is to try and hold your original pace for as long as you can, no matter what the weather is ;).
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Re: Boston 2012 [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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As I put earlier in the thread, 26723. Really running as a "victory lap" of sorts, so just going to go out there, have a blast, try and stay safe, and if times come together, awesome.

Well, looks like we're locked into the warmth. The positive side of the equation: looks like a big old southwest wind again. 15 MPH + sustained with gusts to close to 30.

If anybody's around tonight and wants to grab a beer, or will be at the expo tomorrow and wants to chill for a couple of minutes, shoot me a PM.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: Boston 2012 [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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1 - 2:29 - in my dreams
2 - 2:35 - solid race - not happening
3 - 2:39:59 - at least sub2:40 - too hot, unlikely
4 - 2:41:59 - qualify for Fukuoka - doable
5 - 2:44:59 - qualify for NYC 2013 - oh please, that should be possible in 100F!
6 - finish - who knows?

Top100 is another goal. Let's see what time will actually be needed. Could be pedestrian.

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Re: Boston 2012 [JoeO] [ In reply to ]
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JoeO wrote:

Time goals are out the window. Don't even think about "forcing" yourself to stay below a particular pace. Take whatever pace the day gives you.

The last time Boston was this hot (at least as hot as they're saying it's going to be this year) I stubbornly clung to my goal pace. Managed to hold it for almost 10 miles. 11 pounds later I crossed the line 30 minutes behind my original goal and at least 20 minutes behind what should have been easy for me even in those conditions. I passed out on the sidewalk afterwards and took an unplanned nap. Was not the same person again for months.

Thanks for the insight. I am working with a very experienced coach so I do have that going for me. In prior marathons I would have been going by pace only but now I just go by heart rate mostly while also paying attention to my perceived exertion. I am going to just cruise in Z2 and wherever that leads me is where I'll end up. Under ideal conditions I was shooting for a 3:30-3:45 so hopefully that is still achievable (I think it is).

My bib is 23374. Yes I am one of those charity folks and I am proud of it. I have great respect for those who can qualify but I am just not there yet. I really enjoy doing non-profit work and through this program I am able to raise money and also participate in an amazing event.

In the past month I have started to get burnt out and have been saying this is my last Boston for a while. I am sure once I cross the finish line that will go out the window and I will start thinking about next year, it is just that awesome to run this race.
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Re: Boston 2012 [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Bib #3584.

With the great weather, I'm gonna go for it. I'm shooting for a sub 3 hour race. Sure not lightening fast but would make me feel like I haven't lost that much from my PR of 2:50. The crowds, the tailwind and the best weather conditions for me out of any of marathons including Ironmans will hopefully get me there.
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Re: Boston 2012 [uli] [ In reply to ]
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So are you thinking 20-30 seconds per mile above ideal temperature pace as an estimate?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Boston 2012 [masterslacker] [ In reply to ]
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I love reading the posts on your individual goals. Also, the weather may be warm on Monday, but, at least, it's looking like the humidity will be low.

What I do: http://app.strava.com/athletes/345699
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Re: Boston 2012 [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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SwBkRn44 wrote:
So are you thinking 20-30 seconds per mile above ideal temperature pace as an estimate?

I have no idea. I just run and see what happens.

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Re: Boston 2012 [Printer86] [ In reply to ]
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Overdid it 3 weeks ago so staying positive
Sub 3
Smiling all the way regardless
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Re: Boston 2012 [kraeburn] [ In reply to ]
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Another charity guy here... Hoping by 2014 I could be there as a qualifier (I'll get an extra 5 mins by then too, unless they change the times again), but in the meantime it is a great way to contribute to a charity I am deeply passionate about - Children's Hospital Boston.

Blew up 2 years ago running for Children's, then was injured last year and didn't register. Goal is to not blow up... Sub-4, hoping for 3:45, was goal, but I am going to follow the "time goal out the window" advice and just check HR and feel.

Bib is 22079.

As a avid lurker and rare poster (only when I know what I am talking about, which is rare), thanks to all for the good and sometimes great advice (and the smack talk too) on all endurance related matters.
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Re: Boston 2012 [beaker] [ In reply to ]
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What's the temp gonna be in hopkinton at 10am?

As long as its still in the upper 60's then I'll feel ok.
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Re: Boston 2012 [DC Pattie] [ In reply to ]
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DC Pattie wrote:
What's the temp gonna be in hopkinton at 10am?

As long as its still in the upper 60's then I'll feel ok.

Most local news is reporting 70 for the 10am start...

The BAA just sent out the deferment program and a plea for non-experienced runners not to run the race due to the heat. I wasn't expecting that. I guess they don't want a Chicago situation although Chicago was heat and lack of aid.
Last edited by: masterslacker: Apr 14, 12 8:52
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Re: Boston 2012 [masterslacker] [ In reply to ]
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I was done running at 9:30 here in town and trust me no gloves , arm warmers, winter hat needed!
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Re: Boston 2012 [uli] [ In reply to ]
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just got an email from the BAA and because of the heat they are letting runners defer to Boston 2013. Its supposed to be 87 as a high and 15 mph winds from the southwest according to weather.com. They need to pay the entry fees again and they do not need to requalify. I've never heard of that before, but I'm still planning on running it.
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