Over Chlorinated Pool - Need Suggestions

I played water polo last night in an over chlorinated pool. When the heat of battle was over I was left with burning blurry eyes and super dry tingly skin. I showere and wnet home and then showered and put lotion on. For the eyes I used re-wetting eye drops.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to combat these conditions short of changing the chemical mix at the pool?

Thanks. David K

You could try wearing goggles so you don’t get it in your eyes. But chlorine is poison, swimming in too strong a mix is a health risk. Tell the pool owners they need to adjust the mixture.

Thanks, unfortunately, you can not play water polo with goggles. Does anyone have the magic bullet for the dry skin issue? I know that we have had threads about chlorine and hair before but I do not recall any solution to the dry skin / burning eyes problem.

Any old school swimmers out there - before goggles were widely used or available?

David K

Reminds me of when I swam in high school seeing my coach pour in gallon jugs of chlorine bleach (Clorox) right into the pool and telling us that it is all chlorine and not to worry. I would go through a suit every 3-4 weeks.

Wear goggles and gold bond medicated lotion.

pools need to be kept at a certain chemical range. It’s a health code. Ask to see the log book where they record the chemical levels, Chlorine and pH. Should be done 2-3 times a day. The burning eyes could also be due to the pH being off. If I remember correctly pH should be about 7.2-7.4ppm, Chlorine should be in the 1.5-3.0 ppm range.

cover your skin in vasaline :slight_smile: This will help with your offense also!

As you correctly point out, the question is not one simply of over/under chlorination. Ph could be an issue as well as hardness. Also, if there is a strong chlorine smell in the pool, that means there are chloramines in the water which is what you get when chlorine molecules combine with the ammonia in sweat and pee. Unfortunately, many pool water tests are done by minimally trained teenage lifeguards and the like and there is quite a bit of variation in results.

My suggestion–go in to a pool supply company with a sample of the pool water. They will be happy to test it for you. They will give you a computer printout of the results compared with what they should be. If the results are way out of limits, have a visit with the pool manager or aquatics director. If that doesn’t work, pay a call on your county public health director.

For skin & hair & suit:

Kielman’s makes a Swimmer body wash and shampoo that “neutralizes” the chlorine in your hair and on your skin. It helps. Lotion on the skin after. Something like Crew Hair Moisturizer on hair.

Eyes: don’t know except the usual eyedrops. However, there are Swim Stores online and in catalogues that stock everything imagineable for swimming. In Texas (or by mail) try looking through catalogues of D&S Sports and Lane 4 Swimming. Both are online also.

This is a health risk, particularly for asthmatics, but even normal people can have breathing problems if the PH is wrong. Unfortunately, high school kids are usually the ones checking he ph balance and they aren’t all chemistry majors. I’ve gone round and round with two pools here in Orlando over this issue after I got a bad eye from one of the pools. Vigilance is important. Don’t swim if it smells too strongly.

For a couple of years I could not get rid of itching on my arms due to dry skin from the chlorine in the pool. The itching was so bad I would scratch so much that I would break the skin, and was kept up some nights! The water chemistry was fine (I should know, I am the pool manager). I tried everything, the only thing that worked was Luberderm for extra dry skin. I started putting that stuff on 2-3 times a day and the itching stopped. As soon as I run out though the itching is back.

Hope this helps

I think some fitness clubs overchorinate there pools. It sucks and not only burns the heck out of your eyes, but eats away at your bathing suit. I would definitely mention this to the club owner or tell one of the staff members. Having too much chlorine isn’t good.