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Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities.
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I want to start by saying that I don't think trans woman have any place in woman's sports. But this really isn't about that. It's about politics and trying to get the D's to publicly defend trans woman in competition.

And there are no trans woman competing in Nassau County

The county executive, Bruce Blakeman, signed an executive order banning all teams for all county facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams;


That's a pretty broad stroke to stop a non-existing problem. I used to swim at the Nassau County Aquatic Center. It's huge facility with all different kinds a people. Steve Tarpinian's Swim Power team trains there. Now if they want to continue, they'll have to sign a pledge to keep trans people off of their team. The pool is in Eisenhower Park. There are always running races in the park. Now will the race directors have to sign a pledge to keep trans people out to their races.

I do not think that trans woman should be competing against natural women, but I do think they have every right to train and race in an open division. This is not really about that. It's trying to put the D's on the spot.

Once again the R team has nothing to offer so all they can do is find another wedge issue to fool the voters into thinking that they represent their interests.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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I agree that trans women have no place competing against biological women in sports. It goes against the entire point of having men and women separated in sports, which is done to allow women a fair chance of competition.

I’m not sure that the lack of *current* trans women competing is a reason not to address the issue. It is very likely that a trans woman/girl will want to compete in the future. This prevents that, which is apparently what you want to see.

So I’m slightly puzzled by your objection to an action that supports your stance. Sure, pushing for an open division where trans women can compete is a potential solution to give them a place to compete, but that can still potentially happen.

I’m also always puzzled by those who support trans women’s right to compete against biological women. Rarely, if ever, do they address the elephant in the room, which is the inherent unfairness to biological women. They talk about the rights of trans women, and they talk about “bullying” trans women, but they never address the unfairness to biological women of allowing trans women to compete against them.

So I can’t get too worked up about this. Sure, maybe this is essentially an effort to create outrage over a current non-issue, but I have much more sympathy with this ban on trans women competing against biological women than I do with those critics who say this is trans-phobic or bullying, while ignoring the obvious unfairness of not protecting the rights of women.

And, what makes you say (imply?) trans women can’t train at the facilities? They don’t need to “train in an open division” to train. They can just go and a train and not race. They can enjoy swimming, or running or whatever activities they want to, but they can’t compete against biological women because they aren’t biological women. But sure, introduce an open division too…
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males.

Did you bother reading the article you posted?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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You’re not representing the executive action properly. It doesn’t ban trans athletes from all facilities and it doesn’t say that teams cannot have trans athletes on their teams.

The executive action strictly limits trans individuals on from competing on female teams and team representatives must affirm that they are not placing trans athletes on their female teams.

It specifically says in the article that the order only applies to female sports and not to co-Ed sports or boys sports where biological women can compete against boys.

I also share much of Kay’s view including that I see no problem with them preemptively taking the proverbial bull by the horns here.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males.

Did you bother reading the article you posted?

Damn you beat me to it.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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I read the first article about this last night. Then I saw it on CBS news this morning. Then I found the Post article. Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

This is just another wedge issue to for the bankrupt R party and it's only brought up to ratchet up the hate a fear. It's like taking a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

This is just more miss-handling by this buffoon who has nothing to offer except his name on big signs all around the county.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
I read the first article about this last night. Then I saw it on CBS news this morning. Then I found the Post article. Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

This is just another wedge issue to for the bankrupt R party and it's only brought up to ratchet up the hate a fear. It's like taking a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

This is just more miss-handling by this buffoon who has nothing to offer except his name on big signs all around the county.

So is the block quote I provided inaccurate? It seems you actually would agree with the policy quoted, but don't like the messenger so are going off the handle.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

That is not what it says at all.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
I read the first article about this last night. Then I saw it on CBS news this morning. Then I found the Post article. Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

This is just another wedge issue to for the bankrupt R party and it's only brought up to ratchet up the hate a fear. It's like taking a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

This is just more miss-handling by this buffoon who has nothing to offer except his name on big signs all around the county.

So is the block quote I provided inaccurate? It seems you actually would agree with the policy quoted, but don't like the messenger so are going off the handle.

This is unfortunately the current state of politics. Both sides of the aisle are letting the extremists have the loudest megaphones and that makes it easy for the others to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I will say that the republicans are taking the charge on this on many fronts. It does nothing to help fix the solutions. Though I’m not sure they all want to fix things.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males

If we know anything, it is that "repub leaders" are not to be trusted in any way, shape, or form. They have proven to be unadulterated liars again and again.

The devil will be in the details. I want to see the exact wording of this "pledge" that teams will be forced to adhere to.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

Discrimination via vigilantism: The executive order states that sports leagues, organizations, teams and other entities in the Long Island County must expressly designate teams based on an athlete's sex assigned at birth, when applying for a "use and occupancy" permit at a Nassau County Parks property for a sporting competition or event on all levels.

Permits will not be given to any event or competition that allows transgender women or girls to compete in girls' or women's sporting events. The order allows transgender men and boys to play in competitions for men and boys. https://abc7chicago.com/...g-in-women/14460111/

Bottom line: the whole team is denied access to the facility (for competition or event on all levels) unless the team excludes trans athletes.

As I stated above: vigilante discrimination is a particularly ugly thing to introduce into a team. The teams are not the proper people to make decisions about who can play. We have governing bodies for a reason.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Blakeman, a Republican, said he believes the designation of separate athletic teams or sports based on sex assigned at birth "is necessary to maintain fairness for women's athletic opportunities."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha !!!!

Because, you know, repubs have always been champions of more and fair athletic opportunities for women. (Well, kind of: the ones where women are barefoot and pregnant!)

That's comedy gold!

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:

Permits will not be given to any event or competition that allows transgender women or girls to compete in girls' or women's sporting events. The order allows transgender men and boys to play in competitions for men and boys. https://abc7chicago.com/...g-in-women/14460111/

Bottom line: the whole team is denied access to the facility (for competition or event on all levels) unless the team excludes trans athletes .

These two paragraphs contradict each other. I’ll let you find where.

Barks&Purrs wrote:
The teams are not the proper people to make decisions about who can play. We have governing bodies for a reason.

I disagree as I believe since the athletes and coaches are the ones directly affected by the issue then they are exactly the ones to decide what they believe as fair and equal and deserve a say. After all, the governing bodies are supposed to legislate the will of the people and apparently the constituents in this area have spoken up.

This social issue is about fairness in competition and to think teams don’t already make decisions or at least voice opinions on what is best for the sport is naive. Just because you disagree with that opinion doesn’t make it wrong.

But again this doesn’t prohibit teams or trans individuals from competing or entering the buildings. At all.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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I’m not going to assume that RINO aren’t genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness. I competed against my two older brothers growing up, and I realized very early that they had advantages because of their gender. Believe me, I would have kicked their asses had I been a boy! A girl in sports needs rules to ensure fairness.

I support efforts to find compromise and fairness. The word fairness means without discrimination of favoritism. In order to arrive at the proper balance, everyone will have to compromise to some extent. We’re not going to give broad, blanket favoritism to any single group.

MAGA are not motivated to find fairness. They are different. They look to upend the rule of law in order to advance their interests.

Here, we have an attack on the rule of law! It is not proper to ask teams to exclude teammates in order to go to a competition. That’s shittiest and meanest way to effectuate a public policy.

Public policy should be effectuated by carefully crafted rules, not executive orders that empower discrimination.

As we try to find fairness, we need to be very careful about the route we take. We need to preserve the rule of law.
Last edited by: Barks&Purrs: Feb 23, 24 6:35
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
I’m not going to assume that RINO aren’t genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness.

Reading that double negative, so you are assuming that RINOs are genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness?

Because, if that is what you are assuming, unfortunately, that is a profoundly faulty assumption. Fairness is the very last thing on this moron's mind ...

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
windywave wrote:
The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males

If we know anything, it is that "repub leaders" are not to be trusted in any way, shape, or form. They have proven to be unadulterated liars again and again.

The devil will be in the details. I want to see the exact wording of this "pledge" that teams will be forced to adhere to.

Feel free to provide the text
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
I’m not going to assume that RINO aren’t genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness.

Reading that double negative, so you are assuming that RINOs are genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness?

Because, if that is what you are assuming, unfortunately, that is a profoundly faulty assumption. Fairness is the very last thing on this moron's mind ...

I am splitting republicans into two groups here: those who respect the rule of law and those who do not.

I think there are RINO who have sincere concerns about fairness. I think they are able to appreciate the rights of trans people in sports, although they might disagree with me about where the line should be drawn insofar as competition. I think they would disavow efforts to exclude trans athletes from sports entirely.

With regard to MAGA, these republicans don’t understand/ don’t value the rule of law. The rule of law is the basic building block of our country, and these people don’t feel any special respect or reverence for it. Most people understand that we should preserve the rule of law even if that means we endure a degree of unfairness because we know that we will eventually move closer to fairness. That is the hope and promise of “in order to form a more perfect Union.” We know there is a way to achieve fairness and it requires the rule of law.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Feel free to provide the text

Yes, looking forward to you providing it.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Feb 23, 24 7:17
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:

I agree that trans women have no place competing against biological women in sports. It goes against the entire point of having men and women separated in sports, which is done to allow women a fair chance of competition.

I’m not sure that the lack of *current* trans women competing is a reason not to address the issue. It is very likely that a trans woman/girl will want to compete in the future. This prevents that, which is apparently what you want to see.

The only goal here was to force Democrats to protect the rights transathletes. To that extent, this was a political stunt. Ask Alabama how this can turn out.

Was this well thought out policy that protects both the integrity of women's sports and legal protections for transathletes? What state laws does this ban violate, and how much time will be wasted in court fighting over this?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Turning this into a political discussion about RINOs and MAGA Republicans is a distraction from the underlying issue. So is complaining about breach of laws and unfairness, while ignoring the unfairness on girls and women of allowing trans women to compete against them.

Those defending the rights of trans women to compete against biological women rarely acknowledge the inherent unfairness on biological women, and instead talk in vague generalizations about discrimination and fairness without discrimination.

It’s all BS. Either you believe there should be separate genders for most human physical sports, in which case you NEED to exactly discriminate against biological males competing in women’s sports, or you don’t believe there is a need for separate genders in sports. End of story. Can we please stop with the woolly language and sidetracking of blaming the messenger?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:

Turning this into a political discussion about RINOs and MAGA Republicans is a distraction from the underlying issue. So is complaining about breach of laws and unfairness, while ignoring the unfairness on girls and women of allowing trans women to compete against them.

Those defending the rights of trans women to compete against biological women rarely acknowledge the inherent unfairness on biological women, and instead talk in vague generalizations about discrimination and fairness without discrimination.

It’s all BS. Either you believe there should be separate genders for most human physical sports, in which case you NEED to exactly discriminate against biological males competing in women’s sports, or you don’t believe there is a need for separate genders in sports. End of story. Can we please stop with the woolly language and sidetracking of blaming the messenger?

I have found common ground with you and it appears most everyone on this thread is in agreement. That would be a first. The agreement is biological males should not participate on women's sports teams. End of the day, that is all that matters. And on that we all agree.

I have not heard or seen anyone that believes bio males ( other than those bio males attempting to do it) should be on women's teams. And that is a rare agreement on such a big issue.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:

Turning this into a political discussion about RINOs and MAGA Republicans is a distraction from the underlying issue. So is complaining about breach of laws and unfairness, while ignoring the unfairness on girls and women of allowing trans women to compete against them.

Those defending the rights of trans women to compete against biological women rarely acknowledge the inherent unfairness on biological women, and instead talk in vague generalizations about discrimination and fairness without discrimination.

I think fairness for all athletes matters. Especially fairness to female athletes.

But I think using "fairness" as a cloak for what is clearly a political stunt is profoundly disingenuous. And I think that is what is going on here. Until I see the text of this document.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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Blakeman could have run on an anti-trans platform, or they could have tried to bring it up as a ballot question. And if that question set up properly I probably would vote to ban trans athletes from woman's events.

But he took the cowardly way out. He's laying it on the team presidents and race directors. It's all a stunt to wake up the R voters who didn't come out for the R candidate who lost to Suozzi. Maybe the problem was that the anti-emigrant candidate was an emigrant herself and that she didn't do any campaigning.

Blakeman likes to put his name all over everything in Nassau County, maybe he can put up a billboard in front of the Nassau County Aquatic Center that says ''This improper handling of an important subject is brought to you by Bruce Blakeman''!

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:

Turning this into a political discussion about RINOs and MAGA Republicans is a distraction from the underlying issue. So is complaining about breach of laws and unfairness, while ignoring the unfairness on girls and women of allowing trans women to compete against them.

Those defending the rights of trans women to compete against biological women rarely acknowledge the inherent unfairness on biological women, and instead talk in vague generalizations about discrimination and fairness without discrimination.

I think fairness for all athletes matters. Especially fairness to female athletes.

But I think using "fairness" as a cloak for what is clearly a political stunt is profoundly disingenuous. And I think that is what is going on here. Until I see the text of this document.

Your mistake is assuming both things cannot be true and that the political stance of this hot social justice topic automatically disqualifies it from being genuine.

The reason we know this to be true is because this topic has grown in prevalence over the last few years and this is not the first stance taken on the matter, however is does happen to be the broadest stance to date. But that doesn’t automatically make is disingenuous.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
l think fairness for all athletes matters. Especially fairness to female athletes.

But I think using "fairness" as a cloak for what is clearly a political stunt is profoundly disingenuous. And I think that is what is going on here. Until I see the text of this document.
Your mistake is assuming both things cannot be true and that the political stance of this hot social justice topic automatically disqualifies it from being genuine. The reason we know this to be true is because this topic has grown in prevalence over the last few years and this is not the first stance taken on the matter, however is does happen to be the broadest stance to date. But that doesn’t automatically make is disingenuous.

So much to unpack.

Not sure where you have been for the last 50 years, but repubs / family values religious folks / conservatives then and now supported more (and more fair) athletic opportunities for women about as much as putin supports Ukrainian independence. So, yes, republicans' new found interest in fairness in women's sport is profoundly disingenuous.

But, you're totally right, "this topic" has definitely grown in prevalence in recent years because repubs despise trans people and try do everything humanly possible to make their lives a living hell. In schools, in bathrooms, in work, in sport, and just walking down the street. The "fairness in women's sports" bullsh*t is just a thinly-disguised cloak for repubs unbridled hatred.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
l think fairness for all athletes matters. Especially fairness to female athletes.

But I think using "fairness" as a cloak for what is clearly a political stunt is profoundly disingenuous. And I think that is what is going on here. Until I see the text of this document.
Your mistake is assuming both things cannot be true and that the political stance of this hot social justice topic automatically disqualifies it from being genuine. The reason we know this to be true is because this topic has grown in prevalence over the last few years and this is not the first stance taken on the matter, however is does happen to be the broadest stance to date. But that doesn’t automatically make is disingenuous.

So much to unpack.

Not sure where you have been for the last 50 years, but repubs / family values religious folks / conservatives then and now supported more (and more fair) athletic opportunities for women about as much as putin supports Ukrainian independence. So, yes, republicans' new found interest in fairness in women's sport is profoundly disingenuous.


You're a fucking idiot
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
But he took the cowardly way out. He's laying it on the team presidents and race directors. It's all a stunt to wake up the R voters who didn't come out for the R candidate who lost to Suozzi.


Hatred is a powerful motivator for certain folks.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
You're a fucking idiot

You are sweet, kind, and spiritual catholic who shines a light on everything and everyone. Keep it up, Jesus would be so proud.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
windywave wrote:
You're a fucking idiot

You are sweet, kind, and spiritual catholic who shines a light on everything and everyone. Keep it up, Jesus would be so proud.

None of which takes away from you being an idiot
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, you trump repubs make every effort possible to stand up for oppressed folks. It's in your DNA. It's what Jesus would do.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ike] [ In reply to ]
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That should be non-controversial to all but the ideologues
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeah, you trump repubs make every effort possible to stand up for oppressed folks. It's in your DNA. It's what Jesus would do.

Not to go too far down the road of theology but this kind of argument is so blatantly false, it has to be addressed. Jesus did in fact stand up for the oppressed and loved the sinners. But he also demanded the sinners stop sinning and turn from their wicked ways. It was not just a blanket, "OK, I love you just the way you are stuff." He told the prostitute to go and sin no more. He didn't tell her to go and make some more money by whoring and it was OK.

The bible is clearly against homosexuality, infidelity, and sexual perversion. If Jesus were here today, based upon the bible, he would indeed embrace all of those folks, but he would not condone or accept what they were doing was right or further that they should keep doing it. He would likely say, turn from your wicked ways and go and sin no more.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeah, you trump repubs make every effort possible to stand up for oppressed folks. It's in your DNA. It's what Jesus would do.
Not to go too far down the road of theology but this kind of argument is so blatantly false, it has to be addressed. Jesus did in fact stand up for the oppressed and loved the sinners. But he also demanded the sinners stop sinning and turn from their wicked ways. It was not just a blanket, "OK, I love you just the way you are stuff." He told the prostitute to go and sin no more. He didn't tell her to go and make some more money by whoring and it was OK.

The bible is clearly against homosexuality, infidelity, and sexual perversion. If Jesus were here today, based upon the bible, he would indeed embrace all of those folks, but he would not condone or accept what they were doing was right or further that they should keep doing it. He would likely say, turn from your wicked ways and go and sin no more.

Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...


start at 1:15

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
windywave wrote:

That should be non-controversial to all but the ideologues

There may be a drafting error in that, read literally, the order does not preclude a trans woman from being counted as a woman for purposes of determining the composition of a coed team. It only expressly bars treating that person as a woman in an all-women competition.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeah, you trump repubs make every effort possible to stand up for oppressed folks. It's in your DNA. It's what Jesus would do.
Not to go too far down the road of theology but this kind of argument is so blatantly false, it has to be addressed. Jesus did in fact stand up for the oppressed and loved the sinners. But he also demanded the sinners stop sinning and turn from their wicked ways. It was not just a blanket, "OK, I love you just the way you are stuff." He told the prostitute to go and sin no more. He didn't tell her to go and make some more money by whoring and it was OK.

The bible is clearly against homosexuality, infidelity, and sexual perversion. If Jesus were here today, based upon the bible, he would indeed embrace all of those folks, but he would not condone or accept what they were doing was right or further that they should keep doing it. He would likely say, turn from your wicked ways and go and sin no more.

Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...


start at 1:15

If you source is a youtube clip from a TV Show based in Hollyweird when discussing biblical theology, I will chalk that as up as I am correct and you quit before you started.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeah, you trump repubs make every effort possible to stand up for oppressed folks. It's in your DNA. It's what Jesus would do.

You're just exposing your idiocy more and more.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ike] [ In reply to ]
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ike wrote:
windywave wrote:

That should be non-controversial to all but the ideologues

There may be a drafting error in that, read literally, the order does not preclude a trans woman from being counted as a woman for purposes of determining the composition of a coed team. It only expressly bars treating that person as a woman in an all-women competition.

Perhaps, perhaps they don't care since the competition is mixed
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeah, you trump repubs make every effort possible to stand up for oppressed folks. It's in your DNA. It's what Jesus would do.
Not to go too far down the road of theology but this kind of argument is so blatantly false, it has to be addressed. Jesus did in fact stand up for the oppressed and loved the sinners. But he also demanded the sinners stop sinning and turn from their wicked ways. It was not just a blanket, "OK, I love you just the way you are stuff." He told the prostitute to go and sin no more. He didn't tell her to go and make some more money by whoring and it was OK.

The bible is clearly against homosexuality, infidelity, and sexual perversion. If Jesus were here today, based upon the bible, he would indeed embrace all of those folks, but he would not condone or accept what they were doing was right or further that they should keep doing it. He would likely say, turn from your wicked ways and go and sin no more.

Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...


start at 1:15
If you source is a youtube clip from a TV Show based in Hollyweird when discussing biblical theology, I will chalk that as up as I am correct and you quit before you started.

Kinda hard to watch, isn't it?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

Public schools also lease out or all private organizations to use their facilities. This seems to go beyond school or county sponsored programs. Basically, it seems that a trans friendly women's softball league, can't lease out the field to practice.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
windywave wrote:
ike wrote:
windywave wrote:

That should be non-controversial to all but the ideologues

There may be a drafting error in that, read literally, the order does not preclude a trans woman from being counted as a woman for purposes of determining the composition of a coed team. It only expressly bars treating that person as a woman in an all-women competition.

Perhaps, perhaps they don't care since the competition is mixed

I suspect the participants in a co-ed relay race might care. I suspect it’s just a drafting error.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:

That should be non-controversial to all but the ideologues

So you think someone that is organizing a causal softball game should get copies of all the participants original birth certificates?

That seems fucking nuts to me.

Really how do you possibly enforce this?

Also why should a group be forced to ban trans participants? If the people in the league don’t care, why should they not be allowed?

Lots of adult leagues are specifically none competitive and are just a way to meet people. I doubt those people are going to be against have trans players in the league. Why should they be forced to exclude them?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...


start at 1:15

Kinda hard to watch, isn't it?

It was. So much ignorance. https://forum.slowtwitch.com/...ost=7875423#p7875423
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ike] [ In reply to ]
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Link taken down.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...

start at 1:15
Kinda hard to watch, isn't it?
It was. So much ignorance.


So the bible (both old and new testaments) is FULL of various directives, admonishments, examples, guidelines and commands on how to live and behave. If you are familiar with the book, that fact is quite clear.

And yet, today, christians are quite selective in which of these directives they choose to follow.

That's the point of the video clip.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...

start at 1:15
Kinda hard to watch, isn't it?
It was. So much ignorance.


So the bible (both old and new testaments) is FULL of various directives, admonishments, examples, guidelines and commands on how to live and behave. If you are familiar with the book, that fact is quite clear.

And yet, today, christians are quite selective in which of these directives they choose to follow.

That's the point of the video clip.

You know that. I know that.......TMI appears to be, once again, exhibiting willful ignorance.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

And yet, today, christians are quite selective in which of these directives they choose to follow.

So what?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

And yet, today, christians are quite selective in which of these directives they choose to follow.

So what?

You're a funny guy, captain obvious.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

Oh boy, I don't think you want to go down this rabbit hole ...

start at 1:15
Kinda hard to watch, isn't it?
It was. So much ignorance.


So the bible (both old and new testaments) is FULL of various directives, admonishments, examples, guidelines and commands on how to live and behave. If you are familiar with the book, that fact is quite clear.

And yet, today, christians are quite selective in which of these directives they choose to follow.

That's the point of the video clip.

My point is that many people, including you, are not familiar enough with the book to discuss it intelligently. Care to explain why you are so concerned that Christians don't follow the book you don't believe in? Or why you won't study the thing you criticize so you will know what you are talking about?

Nutella wrote:
You know that. I know that.......TMI appears to be, once again, exhibiting willful ignorance.
The point is that you criticize in ignorance.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
windywave wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

And yet, today, christians are quite selective in which of these directives they choose to follow.

So what?

You're a funny guy, captain obvious.

No seriously why do you care what parts of people's religion they follow?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
Care to explain why you are so concerned that Christians don't follow the book you don't believe in?


Because many nutty people use that book in completely arbitrary ways to express their nasty hatred for their fellow human beings (even though Jesus would most definitely not approve). And many nutty people want to force all americans to follow their highly selectively chosen arbitrary directives in that book.

And l like the choices that l make. I value my freedom and the values that l choose. I dont want to follow some nut's highly selective willy-nilly directives of the book.

As others have said, don't tread on me.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to explain why you are so concerned that Christians don't follow the book you don't believe in?


Because many nutty people use that book in completely arbitrary ways to express their nasty hatred for their fellow human beings (even though Jesus would most definitely not approve). And many nutty people want to force all americans to follow their highly selectively chosen arbitrary directives in that book.

And l like the choices that l make. I value my freedom and the values that l choose. I dont want to follow some nut's highly selective willy-nilly directives of the book.

As others have said, don't tread on me.

Sure, there are nutty people out there.

Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to explain why you are so concerned that Christians don't follow the book you don't believe in?


Because many nutty people use that book in completely arbitrary ways to express their nasty hatred for their fellow human beings (even though Jesus would most definitely not approve). And many nutty people want to force all americans to follow their highly selectively chosen arbitrary directives in that book.

And l like the choices that l make. I value my freedom and the values that l choose. I dont want to follow some nut's highly selective willy-nilly directives of the book.

As others have said, don't tread on me.

Sure, there are nutty people out there.

Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

AL Supreme Court
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to explain why you are so concerned that Christians don't follow the book you don't believe in?


Because many nutty people use that book in completely arbitrary ways to express their nasty hatred for their fellow human beings (even though Jesus would most definitely not approve). And many nutty people want to force all americans to follow their highly selectively chosen arbitrary directives in that book.

And l like the choices that l make. I value my freedom and the values that l choose. I dont want to follow some nut's highly selective willy-nilly directives of the book.

As others have said, don't tread on me.
Sure, there are nutty people out there.

Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

Yes, arbitrary in what christians choose to follow, and what they choose to arbitrarily ignore. Like, for example, being obsessed with the homosexuality of others, but ignoring the prohibition against the wearing of clothing made of multiple materials. And, of course, many christians totally ignore Matthew 25:35-36. And Proverbs 14:31. This is just scratching the surface, if you know the bible well, then you know there are many, many more biblical guidelines that are completely ignored by most american christians.

By the way, have you every given or received oral sex in your life? Yes? Well your have committed the serious biblical perversion of sodomy. Whole cities were leveled because of if it. You're quite lucky god has not destroyed you for it.

And then, of course, there are the actions of perhaps the world's most demonic christians:

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Feb 24, 24 4:20
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to explain why you are so concerned that Christians don't follow the book you don't believe in?


Because many nutty people use that book in completely arbitrary ways to express their nasty hatred for their fellow human beings (even though Jesus would most definitely not approve). And many nutty people want to force all americans to follow their highly selectively chosen arbitrary directives in that book.

And l like the choices that l make. I value my freedom and the values that l choose. I dont want to follow some nut's highly selective willy-nilly directives of the book.

As others have said, don't tread on me.
Sure, there are nutty people out there.

Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

Yes, arbitrary in what christians choose to follow, and what they choose to arbitrarily ignore. Like, for example, being obsessed with the homosexuality of others, but ignoring the prohibition against the wearing of clothing made of multiple materials. And, of course, many christians totally ignore Matthew 25:35-36. And Proverbs 14:31. This is just scratching the surface, if you know the bible well, then you know there are many, many more biblical guidelines that are completely ignored by most american christians.

By the way, have you every given or received oral sex in your life? Yes? Well your have committed the serious biblical perversion of sodomy. Whole cities were leveled because of if it. You're quite lucky god has not destroyed you for it.

And then, of course, there are the actions of perhaps the world's most demonic christians:

Why do you care?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Why do you care?

Why do you argue with yourself so much?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [RogerC39] [ In reply to ]
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RogerC39 wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

Public schools also lease out or all private organizations to use their facilities. This seems to go beyond school or county sponsored programs. Basically, it seems that a trans friendly women's softball league, can't lease out the field to practice.

This executive order will be challenged and will hopefully fail for this reason bolded above (assuming we don’t see a further descent into theocracy).

I previously said that I dislike that teams are asked to implement the discrimination. I think it’s good to consider what this type of break from or dismantling of the normal hierarchy of authority for important decisions is. What is it? There is probably a name for it, but I don’t know the word. The book Lord of the Flies contains the theme, although there it was the result of a calamity not a strategic political maneuver.

The executive order in Nassau is too broad and not narrowly tailored. County facilities are used for a wide variety of competitions and events, and it doesn’t make sense to write this rule to solve the problem which is found only in some competitive sports.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
windywave wrote:
Why do you care?

Why do you argue with yourself so much?

Why do you care if people adhere to their religion's rules?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
windywave wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
windywave wrote:
Why do you care?

Why do you argue with yourself so much?

Why do you care if people adhere to their religion's rules?


Morality and religion doesn’t have to be an issue here. I think we should be able to agree on the basic framework for laws (the rule of law) even if we don’t agree on the content of laws.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
See my posts above, question was explicitly answered in between all of your christian insults.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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If the county doesn’t want trans athletes to use county facilities for competitions or events and implements this rule to effectuate that policy, I would prefer they put a sign on the door that says: “no trans athletes allowed.”

Let’s be straight forward and honest here. Pushing the discrimination onto teams is cowardly and ugly.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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If the county doesn’t want trans athletes to use county facilities for competitions or events and implements this rule to effectuate that policy, I would prefer they put a sign on the door that says: “no trans athletes allowed.”

Aww, c'mon, let's Make America Great Again!

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Feb 24, 24 8:57
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
See my posts above, question was explicitly answered in between all of your christian insults.

Which post specifically
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
windywave wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
windywave wrote:
Why do you care?

Why do you argue with yourself so much?

Why do you care if people adhere to their religion's rules?

I only care when those people are judges making judicial rulings based on their religious opinions.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?
Yes, arbitrary in what christians choose to follow, and what they choose to arbitrarily ignore. Like, for example, being obsessed with the homosexuality of others, but ignoring the prohibition against the wearing of clothing made of multiple materials.
This is the most tiresome retread of an argument. The Jewish Christians of the early church had a hard time understanding that they no longer had to keep the Old Testament laws. Paul spilled much ink in his writings to dispel this false teaching. You are about 2,000 years behind the learning curve.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
By the way, have you every given or received oral sex in your life? Yes? Well your have committed the serious biblical perversion of sodomy. Whole cities were leveled because of if it. You're quite lucky god has not destroyed you for it.
The Bible is quite clear about sexual relations between people of the same sex. I am not aware of any verses in the New Testament that relate to what a husband and wife may or may not do as long as they are faithful to one another. Provide a citation and not an opinion.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
And, of course, many christians totally ignore Matthew 25:35-36. And Proverbs 14:31. This is just scratching the surface, if you know the bible well, then you know there are many, many more biblical guidelines that are completely ignored by most american christians.
And then, of course, there are the actions of perhaps the world's most demonic christians:
You will know them by their fruits. Those who claim to be Christian but don't follow His commands are in for a rude awakening on judgment day. Matthew 7:15-23

However, your entire complaint is muddled. If Christians were completely faithful to Jesus' teachings, would you stop complaining?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

AL Supreme Court

Do you disagree with the ruling, or only object to the judge's invocation of religious language?

What is the difference between someone who wants to live according to their faith and someone who wants to be on the right side of history?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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I am not aware of any verses in the New Testament that relate to what a husband and wife may or may not do as long as they are faithful to one another.
Ok, this is novel to me, as no christian has ever said or implied this to me. So, are you saying that no directives or guidelines of the old testament need to be followed by christians?

If Christians were completely faithful to Jesus' teachings, would you stop complaining?
Again, as I have said previously, I have no complaints against how christians believe or live (within limits). As long as they do not try to apply their rules upon others. Don't tread on me.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
If the county doesn’t want trans athletes to use county facilities for competitions or events

Except for the Nth time that is NOT what the county is saying. Trans athletes are absolutely allowed to use the facilities.

Barks&Purrs wrote:
and implements this rule to effectuate that policy,

You mean this rule that allows trans athletes the opportunity to compete and at the same time prioritizes the fairness of biological female competition...

Barks&Purrs wrote:
I would prefer they put a sign on the door that says: “no trans athletes allowed.”

Again...that is not what is being done. All trans athletes are welcome inside their doors.

Barks&Purrs wrote:
Let’s be straight forward and honest here. Pushing the discrimination onto teams is cowardly and ugly.
I played NCAA division 1 and I had to fill out a lot of paperwork and sit through presentations. Some of the paperwork I had to fill out was a code of conduct and paperwork pledging not to break the rules of the NCAA. It was up to our school's Athletic director and team laison to ensure our promise to the leagues rules.

So there are absolutely times when putting the onus on teams is not cowardly or ugly.

Can you acknowledge that this executive order does not in fact ban trans athletes from competing? And in fact admit that trans athletes are allowed to enter the facilities and use the facilities as long as they are competing on a co-ed or male team? And then admit that your issue is that you disagree with the approach to protecting biological female athletes and not that they're banning trans athletes altogether...are you able to do that?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [RogerC39] [ In reply to ]
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RogerC39 wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

Public schools also lease out or all private organizations to use their facilities. This seems to go beyond school or county sponsored programs. Basically, it seems that a trans friendly women's softball league, can't lease out the field to practice.

Right. Which is why this order is being given so much attention as it is far more broad than other approaches that are already in place. It is a hard line approach to prioritizing fairness female sport.

Regarding the bold, that does not mean rules don't have to be adhered to. For instance, there are facilities owned by school districts that are leased for use in higher level sport that do not allow for the sale of alcohol. Nor is it allowed in the parking lot even during non school-related functions. I know this because I coach and the stadium my team used to use was owned by the district and we were not allowed to do X, Y, or Z.

I understand that it prohibits even the most non-competitive and inclusive leagues from using it should that need arise but that is simply just the rule the local govt is putting in place to protect what they (and many others) believe to be fair for women's sport and not jeopardize all the work done for women in sport.

I also used to play men's open soccer and there were too many issues with injuries and hot heads so a number of the facilities in town no longer allowed men's leagues for <23. Co-ed was allowed at any age as was women's open, and men & women O-30.

Agree or disagree with the topic but it is not out of the ordinary for this approach to be taken.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I am not aware of any verses in the New Testament that relate to what a husband and wife may or may not do as long as they are faithful to one another.
Ok, this is novel to me, as no christian has ever said or implied this to me. So, are you saying that no directives or guidelines of the old testament need to be followed by christians?

I think I need to speak carefully here, but the short answer is yes. The Old Testament law, generally contained in the books of Exodus through Deuteronomy, is not applicable to Christians. However, Jesus reaffirms in His own teaching many of the principles contained in the OT, and even raises the bar on what God expects from His followers. The Sermon on the Mount contains some famous passages explaining one's thoughts and intentions are just as important as one's actions. Instead of a list of laws and sacrifices to be made when the laws are broken, we are given principles to guide holy living. This is a very short answer to a theologically complex question.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
If Christians were completely faithful to Jesus' teachings, would you stop complaining?
Again, as I have said previously, I have no complaints against how christians believe or live (within limits). As long as they do not try to apply their rules upon others. Don't tread on me.
Every law passed implies a moral standard. Whose moral standards are going to be enforced through laws is up to the voters.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I am not aware of any verses in the New Testament that relate to what a husband and wife may or may not do as long as they are faithful to one another.
Ok, this is novel to me, as no christian has ever said or implied this to me. So, are you saying that no directives or guidelines of the old testament need to be followed by christians?
I think I need to speak carefully here, but the short answer is yes.
Well, this is completely new to me. In my many conversations with christians I.R.L., I have never ever been told this, as they very frequently quoted to me the many laws and directives of the old testament (not being gay, not eating lobster, and so on). Do all christians agree with this interpretation? If no, upon what theological basis do you decide to toss out the moral guidance of the 10 commandments and all the other stuff in the old testament?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
If Christians were completely faithful to Jesus' teachings, would you stop complaining?
Again, as I have said previously, I have no complaints against how christians believe or live (within limits). As long as they do not try to apply their rules upon others. Don't tread on me.
Every law passed implies a moral standard. Whose moral standards are going to be enforced through laws is up to the voters.
And up to the constitution. More specifically in the religious law arena, the 1st amendment.

Somewhat related, if you commit sodomy with your wife, are your a sodomite? Did you ever give or receive oral sex prior to being married?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

AL Supreme Court

Do you disagree with the ruling, or only object to the judge's invocation of religious language?

What is the difference between someone who wants to live according to their faith and someone who wants to be on the right side of history?

I disagree with the ruling. Also, I disagree with the judge invoking Christian teachings as a rationale for the ruling, which is clearly unconstitutional. Do you agree the ruling is unconstitutional?

Anyone can live by their own beliefs, as long as in doing so they don’t try to impose them on others, especially from the bench.

As to being the right side of history, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but it sounds subjective.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
RogerC39 wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

Public schools also lease out or all private organizations to use their facilities. This seems to go beyond school or county sponsored programs. Basically, it seems that a trans friendly women's softball league, can't lease out the field to practice.

Right. Which is why this order is being given so much attention as it is far more broad than other approaches that are already in place. It is a hard line approach to prioritizing fairness female sport.

Regarding the bold, that does not mean rules don't have to be adhered to. For instance, there are facilities owned by school districts that are leased for use in higher level sport that do not allow for the sale of alcohol. Nor is it allowed in the parking lot even during non school-related functions. I know this because I coach and the stadium my team used to use was owned by the district and we were not allowed to do X, Y, or Z.

I understand that it prohibits even the most non-competitive and inclusive leagues from using it should that need arise but that is simply just the rule the local govt is putting in place to protect what they (and many others) believe to be fair for women's sport and not jeopardize all the work done for women in sport.

I also used to play men's open soccer and there were too many issues with injuries and hot heads so a number of the facilities in town no longer allowed men's leagues for <23. Co-ed was allowed at any age as was women's open, and men & women O-30.

Agree or disagree with the topic but it is not out of the ordinary for this approach to be taken.

The sale of alcohol is highly regulated and we have many laws regarding who, when, and where alcohol may be sold. It is quite a different thing to exclude certain members of the public from using public facilities. Discrimination on the basis of gender is not an ordinary thing, like the regulation of alcohol sales.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
. As long as they do not try to apply their rules upon others.

Who are you okay with attempting to apply their rules on others?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
If the county doesn’t want trans athletes to use county facilities for competitions or events and implements this rule to effectuate that policy, I would prefer they put a sign on the door that says: “no trans athletes allowed.”

Aww, c'mon, let's Make America Great Again!

Yes, this is in line with the MAGA movement to allow discrimination from businesses and, now, organizations and public facilities that refuse to serve non-conforming people.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Well, this is completely new to me. In my many conversations with christians I.R.L., I have never ever been told this, as they very frequently quoted to me the many laws and directives of the old testament (not being gay, not eating lobster, and so on). Do all christians agree with this interpretation? If no, upon what theological basis do you decide to toss out the moral guidance of the 10 commandments and all the other stuff in the old testament?
Start with Acts chapter 15. It recounts the council of Christian leaders held in Jerusalem around A.D 51. In summary, if the Old Testament laws weren't binding on Gentile Christians, they couldn't be binding on Jewish Christians, either. If the Old Testament laws were still binding, wouldn't Christians still be making animal sacrifices as commanded?

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Somewhat related, if you commit sodomy with your wife, are your a sodomite? Did you ever give or receive oral sex prior to being married?
Besides being a bit creepy, it seems like you are fishing for a reason to cast me as a hypocrite. That's too bad.
Try this instead. https://www.gotquestions.org/...anal-sex-sodomy.html
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:
TMI wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

AL Supreme Court

Do you disagree with the ruling, or only object to the judge's invocation of religious language?

What is the difference between someone who wants to live according to their faith and someone who wants to be on the right side of history?

I disagree with the ruling. Also, I disagree with the judge invoking Christian teachings as a rationale for the ruling, which is clearly unconstitutional. Do you agree the ruling is unconstitutional?

My wife and I are friends with a Christian couple who went the IVF route for their second pregnancy. They ended up with twin girls, but they also have unused embryos in storage. I am not sure what their long-term plans are. I am glad we don't have to make that decision because I don't know what we'd do. Although I generally do believe life begins at conception, IVF and the theoretically infinite suspension of development takes things into an area where the right answer is unclear to me.

Kay Serrar wrote:
Anyone can live by their own beliefs, as long as in doing so they don’t try to impose them on others, especially from the bench.

As to being the right side of history, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but it sounds subjective.

I think criminalization of certain drugs is exactly imposing a belief system on others. And I agree about the subjectivity of the right side of history. Some people use it to justify their beliefs, but it doesn't have any real substance and seems to be a substitute for a morality based on religion.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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No, l'm not fishing. But l noticed you avoided the question, which is in itself an answer.

But the real point: as you know, it is very easy to find flaw in anyone's behavior. It is always easy to look outside ourselves (condemning gays, etc.), but far less easy to look inward.

Someone far wiser than me once said,
"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
I think criminalization of certain drugs is exactly imposing a belief system on others.

Absolutely correct. And our drug laws have proven to be an especially stupid and vicious set of laws.

Help drug users? Absolutely yes. But criminalize them? Absolutely no.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:
TMI wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:
TMI wrote:
Care to give an example of an "arbitrary" use of the Bible's teachings?

AL Supreme Court

Do you disagree with the ruling, or only object to the judge's invocation of religious language?

What is the difference between someone who wants to live according to their faith and someone who wants to be on the right side of history?

I disagree with the ruling. Also, I disagree with the judge invoking Christian teachings as a rationale for the ruling, which is clearly unconstitutional. Do you agree the ruling is unconstitutional?

My wife and I are friends with a Christian couple who went the IVF route for their second pregnancy. They ended up with twin girls, but they also have unused embryos in storage. I am not sure what their long-term plans are. I am glad we don't have to make that decision because I don't know what we'd do. Although I generally do believe life begins at conception, IVF and the theoretically infinite suspension of development takes things into an area where the right answer is unclear to me.

Kay Serrar wrote:
Anyone can live by their own beliefs, as long as in doing so they don’t try to impose them on others, especially from the bench.

As to being the right side of history, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but it sounds subjective.

I think criminalization of certain drugs is exactly imposing a belief system on others. And I agree about the subjectivity of the right side of history. Some people use it to justify their beliefs, but it doesn't have any real substance and seems to be a substitute for a morality based on religion.

I was talking about the ruling being unconstitutional because the AL Supreme Court used Christian beliefs as a basis for it. That is a clear breach of the first amendment, regardless of whether you believe a clump of cells should be considered as a human being or not.

As for your friends, do you believe they should be forced to pay to keep those clumps of cells alive indefinitely or face criminal prosecution? It’s not cheap to keep frozen embryos alive.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
No, l'm not fishing. But l noticed you avoided the question, which is in itself an answer.
Not really. Though it's no one's business, I can honestly say that my wife and I were both virgins on our wedding day. As it should be. No regrets.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But the real point: as you know, it is very easy to find flaw in anyone's behavior. It is always easy to look outside ourselves (condemning gays, etc.), but far less easy to look inward.
Sure, from the Sermon on the Mount again is the reference to the beam in one's eye. And, don't judge unless you also want to be judged. In this case, maybe I do have the high ground.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said,
"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic. Some use this phrase to come to the ridiculous conclusion that you can't say anyone or anything is wrong.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for answering my questions, this has been useful. Can you help me with these?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said,
"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic.
This is interesting. This is how a conversation with a christian sometimes goes:

christian: the bible is the holy word of god! we should follow it!
me: ok, what about this part in the bible?
christian: no, no, not that part, we only need to follow the new testament!
me: ok, what about this part in the new testament?
christian: no, no, not that part, that is a passage "that most scholars believe isn't authentic." So you don't need to follow that part either!

Can you see, perhaps, how an ignorant person like myself can get super confused by all this?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But the real point: as you know, it is very easy to find flaw in anyone's behavior. It is always easy to look outside ourselves (condemning gays, etc.), but far less easy to look inward.
Sure, from the Sermon on the Mount again is the reference to the beam in one's eye. And, don't judge unless you also want to be judged. In this case, maybe I do have the high ground.
Does the bible (new testament of course, the "authentic" parts!) have anything to say about being prideful?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic. Some use this phrase to come to the ridiculous conclusion that you can't say anyone or anything is wrong.
Is that really our job, to judge others? I thought that the bible (new testament of course, the "authentic" parts!) admonishes us not to judge others, but let god be the judge? Or, am I understanding all that incorrectly?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Thanks for answering my questions, this has been useful. Can you help me with these?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said,
"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic.

This is interesting. This is how a conversation with a christian sometimes goes:

christian: the bible is the holy word of god! we should follow it!
me: ok, what about this part in the bible?
christian: no, no, not that part, we only need to follow the new testament!
me: ok, what about this part in the new testament?
christian: no, no, not that part, that is a passage "that most scholars believe isn't authentic." So you don't need to follow that part either!

Can you see, perhaps, how an ignorant person like myself can get super confused by all this?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But the real point: as you know, it is very easy to find flaw in anyone's behavior. It is always easy to look outside ourselves (condemning gays, etc.), but far less easy to look inward.
Sure, from the Sermon on the Mount again is the reference to the beam in one's eye. And, don't judge unless you also want to be judged. In this case, maybe I do have the high ground.

Does the bible (new testament of course, the "authentic" parts!) have anything to say about being prideful?

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic. Some use this phrase to come to the ridiculous conclusion that you can't say anyone or anything is wrong.
Is that really our job, to judge others? I thought that the bible (new testament of course, the "authentic" parts!) admonishes us not to judge others, but let god be the judge? Or, am I understanding all that incorrectly?

you really need to go read some basic Christian Theology. TMI has been very patient with you explaining things I would expect you would already know, but I guess not. You need to educate yourself at this point.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
you really need to go read some basic Christian Theology. TMI has been very patient with you explaining things I would expect you would already know, but I guess not. You need to educate yourself at this point.

Kind of like I need to "educate" myself about the stolen 2020 election, perhaps ?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
you really need to go read some basic Christian Theology. TMI has been very patient with you explaining things I would expect you would already know, but I guess not. You need to educate yourself at this point.

Kind of like I need to "educate" myself about the stolen 2020 election, perhaps ?

if I had all the memes handy, this is where I put post a big display of the goalpost being moved all over the field. And, yes, maybe you should learn more about 2020, I have no idea what your knowledge is, but not relevant to Christian Theology.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
you really need to go read some basic Christian Theology. TMI has been very patient with you explaining things I would expect you would already know, but I guess not. You need to educate yourself at this point.

Kind of like I need to "educate" myself about the stolen 2020 election, perhaps ?

if I had all the memes handy, this is where I put post a big display of the goalpost being moved all over the field. And, yes, maybe you should learn more about 2020, I have no idea what your knowledge is, but not relevant to Christian Theology.

Are you going to go "educate" yourself about the global warming crisis?

February has been so nice! Will be 70 degrees here today in chicago!
(historical average for right now: 30 degrees)

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
you really need to go read some basic Christian Theology. TMI has been very patient with you explaining things I would expect you would already know, but I guess not. You need to educate yourself at this point.

Kind of like I need to "educate" myself about the stolen 2020 election, perhaps ?

if I had all the memes handy, this is where I put post a big display of the goalpost being moved all over the field. And, yes, maybe you should learn more about 2020, I have no idea what your knowledge is, but not relevant to Christian Theology.

Are you going to go "educate" yourself about the global warming crisis?

February has been so nice! Will be 70 degrees here today in chicago!
(historical average for right now: 30 degrees)

What's next, are you going to bring up gun control in your next post? You are all over the place today. Maybe go have some coffee.

I am very informed on the global warming crisis that is going to kill us all in the next few years per AOC and the little gnome girl that protests school on Fridays. Having said that, still waiting for those beach front properties in Florida to reflect what we all know, right?
Last edited by: SDG: Feb 26, 24 8:43
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Telling someone to "educate oneself" is inane. What it usually means is that you don't know the answer to the question asked.

And I can read all I want about theology, but none of that reading will give me Mr TMI's opinion, which is what I am interested in.

But thanks for your wonderful contributions to this discussion.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Telling someone to "educate oneself" is inane. What it usually means is that you don't know the answer to the question asked.

And I can read all I want about theology, but none of that reading will give me Mr TMI's opinion, which is what I am interested in.

But thanks for your wonderful contributions to this discussion.

Uh, it's not Mr. TMI opinion. It's foundational Christian theology that has been agreed upon for thousands of years. Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.

Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.

Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?

some of the women are really hot.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.

Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?

some of the women are really hot.

Isn't lust kinda a not "bible-approved" thing?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.

Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?

some of the women are really hot.

Isn't lust kinda a not "bible-approved" thing?

Been doing some research already? Good for you. Keep at it and you might figure out what TMI was talking about.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.
Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?
some of the women are really hot.
Isn't lust kinda a not "bible-approved" thing?
Been doing some research already? Good for you. Keep at it and you might figure out what TMI was talking about.

So, if you are a sincere christian, why are you quite intentionally indulging your lust with what you yourself call 'hollywood tripe' when your bible very clearly tells you not to do this?

Or, is this a case of, "do as I say, not as I do" kind of thing?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Feb 26, 24 13:09
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.
Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?
some of the women are really hot.
Isn't lust kinda a not "bible-approved" thing?
Been doing some research already? Good for you. Keep at it and you might figure out what TMI was talking about.

So, if you are a sincere christian, why are you quite intentionally indulging your lust with what you yourself call 'hollywood tripe' when your bible very clearly tells you not to do this?

Or, is this a case of, "do as I say, not as I do" kind of thing?

you can't think a women is hot without lusting after her? Get your mind out of the gutter. Maybe spend some time reading the good book and prayer will help with that.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
SDG wrote:
Seems you might want to know a little more about that before posting your tripe from Hollywood that has been addressed a million times by a million theologians.
Question: why do you consume so much hollywood tripe?
some of the women are really hot.
Isn't lust kinda a not "bible-approved" thing?
Been doing some research already? Good for you. Keep at it and you might figure out what TMI was talking about.

So, if you are a sincere christian, why are you quite intentionally indulging your lust with what you yourself call 'hollywood tripe' when your bible very clearly tells you not to do this?

Or, is this a case of, "do as I say, not as I do" kind of thing?

you can't think a women is hot without lusting after her? Get your mind out of the gutter. Maybe spend some time reading the good book and prayer will help with that.

You are impressive in evading the question.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Blakeman was ripped today by the Editorial Board of Newsday, the Long Island newspaper.


They said that he should be doing his job, working on his campaign promises, not issuing a probably illegal order, trying to elevate his national image.

''What could be Blakeman's motive for this bizarre move, other than an addiction to national attention? It's yet another example of government by performance. Running Nassau County is a tough job. He should start doing it. He has yet to fulfill his campaign promise to fix the county's assessment system, attend to aging South Shore infrastructure that cannot handle increased rainwater from storms, or, most urgently, save Nassau University Medical Center which is on the brink of running out of money. Instead of picking on kids in such a deplorable way, the county executive should act to solve his own grown-up problems.''

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Do people think it is very “small government” for the government to require someone running a casual softball game to get copies of the original birth certificates of everyone that wants to participate?

That doesn’t seem very small government to me.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
Do people think it is very “small government” for the government to require someone running a casual softball game to get copies of the original birth certificates of everyone that wants to participate?

That doesn’t seem very small government to me.

I've been quite so far in this discussion, but it is time to call BS on this entire "discrimination outrage" that is going on.

Bruce Blakeman Executive Order

Nowhere in that order is a "casual softball game" even remotely implied. It involves organized women's sporting events and competitions. It clearly explains that.

I don't know where or when keeping a biological male out a women's sporting competition became an afront to LBGTQ rights, but the entire thought process behind it, and justification for it, is wrong. If that was fair why do we have women's divisions in those sports? Why do we have Title 9?

By most standards I'm as liberal in my thinking as anyone, and I have no problem with that lifestyle, none what so ever, but I raised a girl that participated in sports, and I have a wife that still does, and neither should be expected to compete against a biological male. Period. No discussion needed.

PS - I think Blakeman is a shithead.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Do people think it is very “small government” for the government to require someone running a casual softball game to get copies of the original birth certificates of everyone that wants to participate?

That doesn’t seem very small government to me.

I've been quite so far in this discussion, but it is time to call BS on this entire "discrimination outrage" that is going on.

Bruce Blakeman Executive Order

Nowhere in that order is a "casual softball game" even remotely implied. It involves organized women's sporting events and competitions. It clearly explains that.

I don't know where or when keeping a biological male out a women's sporting competition became an afront to LBGTQ rights, but the entire thought process behind it, and justification for it, is wrong. If that was fair why do we have women's divisions in those sports? Why do we have Title 9?

By most standards I'm as liberal in my thinking as anyone, and I have no problem with that lifestyle, none what so ever, but I raised a girl that participated in sports, and I have a wife that still does, and neither should be expected to compete against a biological male. Period. No discussion needed.

PS - I think Blakeman is a shithead.

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. - Jesus

I can't tell whether your tone is adversarial or frustrated. You seem pretty trollish, but maybe that's just the LR. I'm still trying to decipher whether you have a genuine interest or if you have as little use for spiritual wisdom as a wild boar has for jewelry.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Thanks for answering my questions, this has been useful. Can you help me with these?
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said,
"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic.

This is interesting. This is how a conversation with a christian sometimes goes:

christian: the bible is the holy word of god! we should follow it!
me: ok, what about this part in the bible?
christian: no, no, not that part, we only need to follow the new testament!
me: ok, what about this part in the new testament?
christian: no, no, not that part, that is a passage "that most scholars believe isn't authentic." So you don't need to follow that part either!

Can you see, perhaps, how an ignorant person like myself can get super confused by all this?

Learning requires time and humility. See how much you have learned in such a short amount of time?

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Someone far wiser than me once said, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."
That portion of Scripture, in John 8, is one of two NT passages that most scholars believe aren't authentic. Some use this phrase to come to the ridiculous conclusion that you can't say anyone or anything is wrong.
Is that really our job, to judge others? I thought that the bible (new testament of course, the "authentic" parts!) admonishes us not to judge others, but let god be the judge? Or, am I understanding all that incorrectly?
Your website clearly states "we will repair the product at no charge" Do I have that right?

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But the real point: as you know, it is very easy to find flaw in anyone's behavior. It is always easy to look outside ourselves (condemning gays, etc.), but far less easy to look inward.
Sure, from the Sermon on the Mount again is the reference to the beam in one's eye. And, don't judge unless you also want to be judged. In this case, maybe I do have the high ground.

Does the bible (new testament of course, the "authentic" parts!) have anything to say about being prideful?

Do you understand the concept of moral high ground? One slave-owner can't condemn another slave-owner for owning slaves. They are on equal footing.

When parents who smoked/drank/took drugs tell their children not to smoke, drink, or take drugs, they will have little ground for denying their kids from doing the same.

Because I have not engaged in certain behaviours I can't be accused of "being no different" than those who have.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Do people think it is very “small government” for the government to require someone running a casual softball game to get copies of the original birth certificates of everyone that wants to participate?

That doesn’t seem very small government to me.

I've been quite so far in this discussion, but it is time to call BS on this entire "discrimination outrage" that is going on.

Bruce Blakeman Executive Order

Nowhere in that order is a "casual softball game" even remotely implied. It involves organized women's sporting events and competitions. It clearly explains that.

I don't know where or when keeping a biological male out a women's sporting competition became an afront to LBGTQ rights, but the entire thought process behind it, and justification for it, is wrong. If that was fair why do we have women's divisions in those sports? Why do we have Title 9?

By most standards I'm as liberal in my thinking as anyone, and I have no problem with that lifestyle, none what so ever, but I raised a girl that participated in sports, and I have a wife that still does, and neither should be expected to compete against a biological male. Period. No discussion needed.

PS - I think Blakeman is a shithead.

I agree with you as do most sane people.

Now be prepared for the ideologue lunatics that inhabit this place to attack you personally.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
l can't tell whether your tone is adversarial or frustrated.
Not trollish, sincerely interested. But the arbitrary and evasive answers are a bit frustrating, yes.

Learning requires time and humility. See how much you have learned in such a short amount of time?
Agreed, yes, it does require both. But, with all of the evasive answers, l am not at all sure you really want to share any info, opinions, knowledge, or insight. Unfortunately.

Your website clearly states "we will repair the product at no charge" Do I have that right?
Yes, it does. We correct or fix defects, absolutely. But what does this have to do with the price of tea in china?

When parents who smoked/drank/took drugs tell their children not to smoke, drink, or take drugs, they will have little ground for denying their kids from doing the same. Because I have not engaged in certain behaviours I can't be accused of "being no different" than those who have.
I agree that if one is a flawed teacher, one can't take the moral high ground. (Although many, many do anyway.) But can not a nearly flawless teacher also deliberately choose to not take the moral high ground as well? Because that seems to be a far more challenging (but powerful) exercise in humility, no? Hypothetically, even if l think that l am more moral than my student, can l not still humble myself before my student anyway? I thought the Bible highly looked down on the prideful, no?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.

Aren't you a lawyer? You are asking me to prove a negative.

Lets take Eisenhower Park, the largest county park on Long Island (bigger than Central Park) as an example. You need a permit to use a pavilion for a pick nick/family gathering, etc. You are not having an "organized Women's sporting event." You can use the softball field as you wish, and anyone can play. You don't need a permit just for that.

Where this EO applies is for all the county, city, and state sanctioned events that take place in the park. The park contains an Olympic quality pool with USA Swim, AAU, etc. There are 5K/10K races. There are bike races. There are golfing events. Pretty much any sport you can think of is played there. The EO only applies to permits for organized competitions.

Please post a quote from the actual EO that supports your conclusion that a casual softball game is included, and remember that you don't need a permit for a casual pickup softball game between friends and family.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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As far as I can tell, the executive order denies equal access to people based upon their gender. The order clearly denies permits to certain people.

We know that denying certain members of the public access to public facilities is a big deal.

Do you think using a softball field without a permit is the same as using the softball field with a permit? Are you telling me that you think the trans athletes have equal access to the public faculties?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.

Aren't you a lawyer? You are asking me to prove a negative.

Lets take Eisenhower Park, the largest county park on Long Island (bigger than Central Park) as an example. You need a permit to use a pavilion for a pick nick/family gathering, etc. You are not having an "organized Women's sporting event." You can use the softball field as you wish, and anyone can play. You don't need a permit just for that.

Where this EO applies is for all the county, city, and state sanctioned events that take place in the park. The park contains an Olympic quality pool with USA Swim, AAU, etc. There are 5K/10K races. There are bike races. There are golfing events. Pretty much any sport you can think of is played there. The EO only applies to permits for organized competitions.

Please post a quote from the actual EO that supports your conclusion that a casual softball game is included, and remember that you don't need a permit for a casual pickup softball game between friends and family.

Jack, I'm with you that men should not be allowed to compete in woman's sports or woman's divisions just because they feel the need to be a woman. They can be a woman all they want, they just can't compete in a woman's division. It's no different that steroids or some anti aging treatments. Do what ever you want, just don't race.

I don't like most of the stunts Blakeman has pulled and this is another stunt. It's probably illegal, and most likely unenforceable. When a race director goes to the county for a permit for a 5k race at Eisenhower, does he or she, have to show the birth certificates for everyone or every woman who will be racing?

It's just another stunt by Blakeman to get his name of Fox. It took him three tries to get elected. I sure hop we make him a one-termer next time.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.

Aren't you a lawyer? You are asking me to prove a negative.

Lets take Eisenhower Park, the largest county park on Long Island (bigger than Central Park) as an example. You need a permit to use a pavilion for a pick nick/family gathering, etc. You are not having an "organized Women's sporting event." You can use the softball field as you wish, and anyone can play. You don't need a permit just for that.

Where this EO applies is for all the county, city, and state sanctioned events that take place in the park. The park contains an Olympic quality pool with USA Swim, AAU, etc. There are 5K/10K races. There are bike races. There are golfing events. Pretty much any sport you can think of is played there. The EO only applies to permits for organized competitions.

Please post a quote from the actual EO that supports your conclusion that a casual softball game is included, and remember that you don't need a permit for a casual pickup softball game between friends and family.

Jack, I'm with you that men should not be allowed to compete in woman's sports or woman's divisions just because they feel the need to be a woman. They can be a woman all they want, they just can't compete in a woman's division. It's no different that steroids or some anti aging treatments. Do what ever you want, just don't race.

I don't like most of the stunts Blakeman has pulled and this is another stunt. It's probably illegal, and most likely unenforceable. When a race director goes to the county for a permit for a 5k race at Eisenhower, does he or she, have to show the birth certificates for everyone or every woman who will be racing?

It's just another stunt by Blakeman to get his name of Fox. It took him three tries to get elected. I sure hop we make him a one-termer next time.

So you like the message just not the messenger?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
As far as I can tell, the executive order denies equal access to people based upon their gender. The order clearly denies permits to certain people.

We know that denying certain members of the public access to public facilities is a big deal.

Do you think using a softball field without a permit is the same as using the softball field with a permit? Are you telling me that you think the trans athletes have equal access to the public faculties?

I'm still waiting on you to quote the section of the EO that supports your opinion.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
As far as I can tell, the executive order denies equal access to people based upon their gender. The order clearly denies permits to certain people.

We know that denying certain members of the public access to public facilities is a big deal.

Do you think using a softball field without a permit is the same as using the softball field with a permit? Are you telling me that you think the trans athletes have equal access to the public faculties?

There is so much wrong in this post and I’m not sure why you still cannot grasp that nothing in this EO denies trans individuals equal access to the facilities.

The order denies access to teams looking for permits to compete in an organized fashion.

Moreover every single organized league I’ve ever been a part of makes me register and fill out paperwork with respect to liability and insurance so I’m not sure why people are losing their shit over this other than the fact that it deals with transgender individuals.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.

Aren't you a lawyer? You are asking me to prove a negative.

Lets take Eisenhower Park, the largest county park on Long Island (bigger than Central Park) as an example. You need a permit to use a pavilion for a pick nick/family gathering, etc. You are not having an "organized Women's sporting event." You can use the softball field as you wish, and anyone can play. You don't need a permit just for that.

Where this EO applies is for all the county, city, and state sanctioned events that take place in the park. The park contains an Olympic quality pool with USA Swim, AAU, etc. There are 5K/10K races. There are bike races. There are golfing events. Pretty much any sport you can think of is played there. The EO only applies to permits for organized competitions.

Please post a quote from the actual EO that supports your conclusion that a casual softball game is included, and remember that you don't need a permit for a casual pickup softball game between friends and family.

Jack, I'm with you that men should not be allowed to compete in woman's sports or woman's divisions just because they feel the need to be a woman. They can be a woman all they want, they just can't compete in a woman's division. It's no different that steroids or some anti aging treatments. Do what ever you want, just don't race.

I don't like most of the stunts Blakeman has pulled and this is another stunt. It's probably illegal, and most likely unenforceable. When a race director goes to the county for a permit for a 5k race at Eisenhower, does he or she, have to show the birth certificates for everyone or every woman who will be racing?

It's just another stunt by Blakeman to get his name of Fox. It took him three tries to get elected. I sure hop we make him a one-termer next time.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

As I said to B&P at least some amount of paperwork or proof is required for most organized entities’ events for liability coverage. And the fact that this specific situation being discussed is a bit more complex and nuanced than in decades past means that a bit more complex paperwork isn’t all that unrealistic. It just so happens to be more involved than anything before and like anything more restrictive or anything entering new territory it will be met with criticism.

Why would you think this is illegal? I as a ~40 year old male cannot jump into a women’s soccer league match or decide to run around with HS kid’s soccer games if the rules specifically don’t allow for it. And if I repeatedly tried to do it I’m sure I’d get removed from the premises and probably not be allowed to return. Moreover a coach that registered a team in the youth or womebn’s leagues with me on the roster would probably be asked to remove me (with some massive complaints from competitors) and if the coach refused then I’d imagine our team would not be allowed in the league to compete.

What about this EO do you think is illegal? Disclaimer: im not a lawyer and could very well be naive to any past case law that sets an illegal precedent here so Im genuinely asking. As per my silly and simple example above I cannot see how this would be different.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:

The sale of alcohol is highly regulated and we have many laws regarding who, when, and where alcohol may be sold. It is quite a different thing to exclude certain members of the public from using public facilities. Discrimination on the basis of gender is not an ordinary thing, like the regulation of alcohol sales.

I don’t deny that alcohol is highly regulated. Nor did I say that alcohol and trans individuals are the same. In fact my point has nothing to do how regulated any issue is.

Roger said that public facilities are leased to private organizations all the time. And the point I was making was that this doesn’t eliminate the fact that those private organizations must still adhere to rules in place even if that rule is more restrictive than elsewhere. Banning something from a public facility that is otherwise legal elsewhere is not new nor is it an issue.

My point was to show him that it happens and has happened already WRT banning private organizations from doing otherwise legal things in a public facility. To show an example: not to equate.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:

Why would you think this is illegal? I as a ~40 year old male cannot jump into a women’s soccer league match or decide to run around with HS kid’s soccer games if the rules specifically don’t allow for it. And if I repeatedly tried to do it I’m sure I’d get removed from the premises and probably not be allowed to return. Moreover a coach that registered a team in the youth or womebn’s leagues with me on the roster would probably be asked to remove me (with some massive complaints from competitors) and if the coach refused then I’d imagine our team would not be allowed in the league to compete.

Not weighing in on the legality.

The statements in your paragraph are reasonable. Teams, coaches, players, sports federations, governing bodies should all have a say in this. And you and l will likely agree with what they come up with, and how they will enforce it.

But you know who shouldn’t have a say? The owner of the lawn they're playing on.

That's the whole point of this thread.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Feb 27, 24 5:52
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Why would you think this is illegal? I as a ~40 year old male cannot jump into a women’s soccer league match or decide to run around with HS kid’s soccer games if the rules specifically don’t allow for it. And if I repeatedly tried to do it I’m sure I’d get removed from the premises and probably not be allowed to return. Moreover a coach that registered a team in the youth or womebn’s leagues with me on the roster would probably be asked to remove me (with some massive complaints from competitors) and if the coach refused then I’d imagine our team would not be allowed in the league to compete.

Not weighing in on the legality.

The statements in your paragraph are reasonable. Teams, coaches, players, sports federations, governing bodies should all have a say in this. And you and l will likely agree with what they come up with, and how they will enforce it.

But know who shouldn’t have a say? The owner of the lawn they're playing on.

That's the whole point of this thread.

Then I’ll direct you to the list of states that ban transgender girls from competing in girl’s sports across multiple levels of school competition that use public facilities.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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I am confused, are you in support of those states, or not?

Also, you didn't really give me your opinion about what l just wrote.

Do you agree that the folks that should really be having a say (and enforcing their decisions) are the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies? And not the lawn/pool/gym owners?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

But know who shouldn’t have a say? The owner of the lawn they're playing on.

That's the whole point of this thread.

Also I’d like to point out that the taxpayers elect their local officials. The locals have expressed their concerns and made their wishes known. So the owner of the lawn is the taxpayers who have spoken. That’s what elections are for.

Organizations, coaches, parents, athletes, and taxpayers have all spoken. This is perhaps the most restrictive (in terms of paperwork) and also the most fair as it still allows trans athletes and their teams to compete while respecting the fairness of the women’s sports. Yet many people and some in this thread cannot see that. And still think this means “trans athletes aren’t allowed in facilities” regardless of how patently and obviously false that claim is.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I am confused, are you in support of those states, or not?

Also, you didn't really give me your opinion about what l just wrote.

Do you agree that the folks that should really be having a say (and enforcing their decisions) are the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies? And not the lawn/pool/gym owners?

See my reply above.

And yes I support states and rules that protect women’s sport by not allowing biological males to compete alongside biological women. And I am absolutely for strict rules to ensure this until we can get a better handle on this if that ever becomes a reality and other developments occur in the future, whatever they may be.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.

Aren't you a lawyer? You are asking me to prove a negative.

Lets take Eisenhower Park, the largest county park on Long Island (bigger than Central Park) as an example. You need a permit to use a pavilion for a pick nick/family gathering, etc. You are not having an "organized Women's sporting event." You can use the softball field as you wish, and anyone can play. You don't need a permit just for that.

Where this EO applies is for all the county, city, and state sanctioned events that take place in the park. The park contains an Olympic quality pool with USA Swim, AAU, etc. There are 5K/10K races. There are bike races. There are golfing events. Pretty much any sport you can think of is played there. The EO only applies to permits for organized competitions.

Please post a quote from the actual EO that supports your conclusion that a casual softball game is included, and remember that you don't need a permit for a casual pickup softball game between friends and family.

Jack, I'm with you that men should not be allowed to compete in woman's sports or woman's divisions just because they feel the need to be a woman. They can be a woman all they want, they just can't compete in a woman's division. It's no different that steroids or some anti aging treatments. Do what ever you want, just don't race.

I don't like most of the stunts Blakeman has pulled and this is another stunt. It's probably illegal, and most likely unenforceable. When a race director goes to the county for a permit for a 5k race at Eisenhower, does he or she, have to show the birth certificates for everyone or every woman who will be racing?

It's just another stunt by Blakeman to get his name of Fox. It took him three tries to get elected. I sure hop we make him a one-termer next time.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

As I said to B&P at least some amount of paperwork or proof is required for most organized entities’ events for liability coverage. And the fact that this specific situation being discussed is a bit more complex and nuanced than in decades past means that a bit more complex paperwork isn’t all that unrealistic. It just so happens to be more involved than anything before and like anything more restrictive or anything entering new territory it will be met with criticism.

Why would you think this is illegal? I as a ~40 year old male cannot jump into a women’s soccer league match or decide to run around with HS kid’s soccer games if the rules specifically don’t allow for it. And if I repeatedly tried to do it I’m sure I’d get removed from the premises and probably not be allowed to return. Moreover a coach that registered a team in the youth or womebn’s leagues with me on the roster would probably be asked to remove me (with some massive complaints from competitors) and if the coach refused then I’d imagine our team would not be allowed in the league to compete.

What about this EO do you think is illegal? Disclaimer: im not a lawyer and could very well be naive to any past case law that sets an illegal precedent here so Im genuinely asking. As per my silly and simple example above I cannot see how this would be different.

People have certain rights of free association. The government needs a compelling interest to strip people of those rights. If the government wants to organize a women-only event, that is one thing. The government has a legitimate interest in keeping the event competitively fair for participants. But, what is the government’s interest when a trans-friendly women’s or girls’ group wants to use government facilities to host their event? If the participants (or maybe their parents, if the event is for youngsters) want to show their support for trans women/girls, don’t they have the right to express that?

I am not at all sure the order is illegal. But to grapple with its implications we need to recognize that it goes well beyond setting rules for a county- organized league. It’s basically saying that no matter how much your participants want to show their support for trans rights, they can’t use county facilities for their sporting event unless they declare the event to be co-ed. However, co-ed and trans friendly are not the same thing. Why is the government dictating who the participants can play with, if it’s contrary to the participants’ wishes?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
And I am absolutely for strict rules to ensure this until we can get a better handle on this if that ever becomes a reality and other developments occur in the future, whatever they may be.

Forgive me, but this sounds a lot like one of dear leader's word salads.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ike] [ In reply to ]
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ike wrote:
I am not at all sure the order is illegal. But to grapple with its implications we need to recognize that it goes well beyond setting rules for a county- organized league. It’s basically saying that no matter how much your participants want to show their support for trans rights, they can’t use county facilities for their sporting event unless they declare the event to be co-ed. However, co-ed and trans friendly are not the same thing. Why is the government dictating who the participants can play with, if it’s contrary to the participants’ wishes?

Bingo, exactly this.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Do people think it is very “small government” for the government to require someone running a casual softball game to get copies of the original birth certificates of everyone that wants to participate?

That doesn’t seem very small government to me.

I've been quite so far in this discussion, but it is time to call BS on this entire "discrimination outrage" that is going on.

Bruce Blakeman Executive Order

Nowhere in that order is a "casual softball game" even remotely implied. It involves organized women's sporting events and competitions. It clearly explains that.

I don't know where or when keeping a biological male out a women's sporting competition became an afront to LBGTQ rights, but the entire thought process behind it, and justification for it, is wrong. If that was fair why do we have women's divisions in those sports? Why do we have Title 9?

By most standards I'm as liberal in my thinking as anyone, and I have no problem with that lifestyle, none what so ever, but I raised a girl that participated in sports, and I have a wife that still does, and neither should be expected to compete against a biological male. Period. No discussion needed.

PS - I think Blakeman is a shithead.

Someone renting out a towns field for a softball game would clearly be held to this order. So I don’t see how you can claim it would be affected by this order.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
Someone renting out a towns field for a softball game would clearly be held to this order. So I don’t see how you can claim it would be affected by this order.

Since no one is actually reading the EO:

[quote}ORDERED, that any sports, leagues, organizations, teams, programs, or sports entities must expressly designate as one of the following based on the biological sex at birth of the team members/participants when applying for a use and occupancy permit to utilize Nassau County Parks property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition:

1) Males, men, or boys; or
2) Females, women, or girls; or
3) Coed or mixed, including both males and females;

and it is further,
ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any pennits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums may issue permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allow athletic teams or sports for males, men, or boys to include biological females; and it is further,

ORDERED, that for the purpose of this Executive Order, an individual's gender is defined as the individual's biological sex at birth; and a statement of a team member's/participant's biological sex on the team member's/participant's official birth certificate is considered to have correctly stated the team member's/participant's biological sex at birth if the statement was filed at or near the time of the team member's/participant's birth.[/quote]

Where in this document do you think that renting the field for a casual event is covered by the EO? If I wanted to rent a field for a co-ed softball game it does not fall under the EO. That is the equivalent of having a trans gender athlete on the team, and that is OK.

What is not OK is renting out the field for a softball tournament that has the sexes split - men's bracket and women's bracket. Then the EO applies.

If I'm wrong then point out how you can read this differently.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
And I am absolutely for strict rules to ensure this until we can get a better handle on this if that ever becomes a reality and other developments occur in the future, whatever they may be.

Forgive me, but this sounds a lot like one of dear leader's word salads.

Excellent deflection away from my answers to your questions.

And that is hardly difficult to digest. I support strict rules to protect women's sports. And seeing as how this is very new territory as of the last few years I also support strict blanket rules and regulations until developments may unfold to provide us better information. If that is too difficult to grasp then I can't help you.

But as always, you deflect when people answer your questions.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
And I am absolutely for strict rules to ensure this until we can get a better handle on this if that ever becomes a reality and other developments occur in the future, whatever they may be.
Forgive me, but this sounds a lot like one of dear leader's word salads.

Excellent deflection away from my answers to your questions.

And that is hardly difficult to digest. I support strict rules to protect women's sports. And seeing as how this is very new territory as of the last few years I also support strict blanket rules and regulations until developments may unfold to provide us better information. If that is too difficult to grasp then I can't help you.

But as always, you deflect when people answer your questions.

Not in any way trying to deflect, I just didn't follow what you are writing.

In any case, I guess I disagree with you. Because I am totally ok with the people that have a very big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sorting this out. Since it affects them and nobody else.

I am not ok with the govt dictating who the participants can play with, if it’s contrary to the participants’ wishes.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Why do you think a casual softball game is excluded from the rule?

Obviously an informal pickup game where people don’t care if they are interrupted and kicked off the facilities isn’t subject to the ban. But everyone who wants to reserve the facilities and have the right to play, competitively or not, for their hour or whatever will need to comply.

Aren't you a lawyer? You are asking me to prove a negative.

Lets take Eisenhower Park, the largest county park on Long Island (bigger than Central Park) as an example. You need a permit to use a pavilion for a pick nick/family gathering, etc. You are not having an "organized Women's sporting event." You can use the softball field as you wish, and anyone can play. You don't need a permit just for that.

Where this EO applies is for all the county, city, and state sanctioned events that take place in the park. The park contains an Olympic quality pool with USA Swim, AAU, etc. There are 5K/10K races. There are bike races. There are golfing events. Pretty much any sport you can think of is played there. The EO only applies to permits for organized competitions.

Please post a quote from the actual EO that supports your conclusion that a casual softball game is included, and remember that you don't need a permit for a casual pickup softball game between friends and family.

Jack, I'm with you that men should not be allowed to compete in woman's sports or woman's divisions just because they feel the need to be a woman. They can be a woman all they want, they just can't compete in a woman's division. It's no different that steroids or some anti aging treatments. Do what ever you want, just don't race.

I don't like most of the stunts Blakeman has pulled and this is another stunt. It's probably illegal, and most likely unenforceable. When a race director goes to the county for a permit for a 5k race at Eisenhower, does he or she, have to show the birth certificates for everyone or every woman who will be racing?

It's just another stunt by Blakeman to get his name of Fox. It took him three tries to get elected. I sure hop we make him a one-termer next time.

So you like the message just not the messenger?

You could sure put it that way, but I don't like messenger or the way he's going about it. It's a BS order that does nothing. It's only there to try and set up the Democrats to defend trans people. It's all about Blakeman's re-election.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
And I am absolutely for strict rules to ensure this until we can get a better handle on this if that ever becomes a reality and other developments occur in the future, whatever they may be.
Forgive me, but this sounds a lot like one of dear leader's word salads.

Excellent deflection away from my answers to your questions.

And that is hardly difficult to digest. I support strict rules to protect women's sports. And seeing as how this is very new territory as of the last few years I also support strict blanket rules and regulations until developments may unfold to provide us better information. If that is too difficult to grasp then I can't help you.

But as always, you deflect when people answer your questions.

Not in any way trying to deflect, I just didn't follow what you are writing.

In any case, I guess I disagree with you. Because I am totally ok with the people that have a very big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sorting this out. Since it affects them and nobody else.

I am not ok with the govt dictating who the participants can play with, if it’s contrary to the participants’ wishes.

Again, those people who are affected HAVE spoken. They are constituents of a locale and their elected officials heard them. Hence the ruling on certain facilities.

Other states have taken similar approaches for public school sports. The local govts spoke and dictated who can compete in some instances regardless of the participant’s wishes.

Does this EO ban trans athletes from existing legally? No

Does this EO prohibit trans individuals from entering or using facilities? No is does not.

This EO prohibits trans females from competing against biological females in designated female events. That is very straight forward.

Edit for typo not content.
Last edited by: Yeeper: Feb 27, 24 8:27
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Again, those people who are affected HAVE spoken. They are constituents of a locale and their elected officials heard them. Hence the ruling on certain facilities. Other states have taken similar approaches for public school sports. The local govts spoke and dictated who can compete in some instances regardless of the participant’s wishes.

Why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else ?

How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Again, those people who are affected HAVE spoken. They are constituents of a locale and their elected officials heard them. Hence the ruling on certain facilities. Other states have taken similar approaches for public school sports. The local govts spoke and dictated who can compete in some instances regardless of the participant’s wishes.

Why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else ?

How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

Since you are so keen on asking questions, why are you in support of biological males competing in women's sporting events? Why is this even a consideration? Because someone is dressing like a woman makes them eligible?

I'll say it once again, why did we put so much effort into creating teams for men and women, as well as title 9, if all that is needed to circumvent those efforts is to put on a dress?

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Again, those people who are affected HAVE spoken. They are constituents of a locale and their elected officials heard them. Hence the ruling on certain facilities. Other states have taken similar approaches for public school sports. The local govts spoke and dictated who can compete in some instances regardless of the participant’s wishes.

Why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else ?

How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

The same reason we don’t let neighborhoods decide their own property restrictions.

The same reason we don’t let businesses decide their own zoning requirements.

The same reason we have standards for safety and don’t let factory workers decide their own building codes and regulations.

The same reason we don’t let people sort a lot of things out on their own.

It’s called having a govt and laws and how elections work. And this is one of the beneficial reasons we have elections and rule of law.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Again, those people who are affected HAVE spoken. They are constituents of a locale and their elected officials heard them. Hence the ruling on certain facilities. Other states have taken similar approaches for public school sports. The local govts spoke and dictated who can compete in some instances regardless of the participant’s wishes.
Why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else ?

How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?
Since you are so keen on asking questions, why are you in support of biological males competing in women's sporting events? Why is this even a consideration? Because someone is dressing like a woman makes them eligible?

I'll say it once again, why did we put so much effort into creating teams for men and women, as well as title 9, if all that is needed to circumvent those efforts is to put on a dress?

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

But, if it helps, I am not in support of biological males competing in women's sporting events. It is not a consideration. No, dressing like a woman does not make anyone eligible, but I will always defer to the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies sort this out since it it primarily affects them and really no one else.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

The amount of irony in that one sentence as posted by you is immeasurable.

That being said they are not unrelated questions at all.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

The amount of irony in that one sentence as posted by you is immeasurable.

That being said they are not unrelated questions at all.

You spend 95% of the time discussing the messenger, but you don't seem to enjoy actually discussing content.

Your personality and communication style is interesting (so is mine I guess), but that's not why we are here, so why not just focus on the issue? You very, very frequently allow yourself to get sidetracked by your emotions. Let's just try to address this thorny issue instead.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

The amount of irony in that one sentence as posted by you is immeasurable.

That being said they are not unrelated questions at all.

You spend 95% of the time discussing the messenger, but you don't seem to enjoy actually discussing content.

Your personality and communication style is interesting (so is mine I guess), but that's not why we are here, so why not just focus on the issue? You very, very frequently allow yourself to get sidetracked by your emotions. Let's just try to address this thorny issue instead.

If your calculations arrive at 95% of my time spent addressing your ineffective discussion style then let’s say I’m thrilled you’re not a math teacher.

People. Including myself, have spent countless posts back and forth with you being patient as we can be entertaining your relentless questions and deflections. At a certain point it cannot go unaddressed.

That being said people ask YOU to address questions that you do not. And you claim he had unrelated questions that are in fact very pertinent yet you felt the need not to address them. I said this in my previous reply and that is content.

You claim I don’t argue content yet I’ve been in d read multiple threads where multiple posters call you out on your disingenuous posting and deflecting.

So I reiterate the irony and my chuckling at these claims.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

The amount of irony in that one sentence as posted by you is immeasurable.

That being said they are not unrelated questions at all.

You spend 95% of the time discussing the messenger, but you don't seem to enjoy actually discussing content.

Your personality and communication style is interesting (so is mine I guess), but that's not why we are here, so why not just focus on the issue? You very, very frequently allow yourself to get sidetracked by your emotions. Let's just try to address this thorny issue instead.

If your calculations arrive at 95% of my time spent addressing your ineffective discussion style then let’s say I’m thrilled you’re not a math teacher.

People. Including myself, have spent countless posts back and forth with you being patient as we can be entertaining your relentless questions and deflections. At a certain point it cannot go unaddressed.

That being said people ask YOU to address questions that you do not. And you claim he had unrelated questions that are in fact very pertinent yet you felt the need not to address them. I said this in my previous reply and that is content.

You claim I don’t argue content yet I’ve been in d read multiple threads where multiple posters call you out on your disingenuous posting and deflecting.

So I reiterate the irony and my chuckling at these claims.

Perhaps it is only 93.7% of the time, please forgive me.

But your post here is still all about the messenger and not the issue at hand. Why do your emotions drive you so much? Or, if you have a bunch of emotional stuff to say about my communication style and personality, just pm me instead?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

The amount of irony in that one sentence as posted by you is immeasurable.

That being said they are not unrelated questions at all.

You spend 95% of the time discussing the messenger, but you don't seem to enjoy actually discussing content.

Your personality and communication style is interesting (so is mine I guess), but that's not why we are here, so why not just focus on the issue? You very, very frequently allow yourself to get sidetracked by your emotions. Let's just try to address this thorny issue instead.

If your calculations arrive at 95% of my time spent addressing your ineffective discussion style then let’s say I’m thrilled you’re not a math teacher.

People. Including myself, have spent countless posts back and forth with you being patient as we can be entertaining your relentless questions and deflections. At a certain point it cannot go unaddressed.

That being said people ask YOU to address questions that you do not. And you claim he had unrelated questions that are in fact very pertinent yet you felt the need not to address them. I said this in my previous reply and that is content.

You claim I don’t argue content yet I’ve been in d read multiple threads where multiple posters call you out on your disingenuous posting and deflecting.

So I reiterate the irony and my chuckling at these claims.

Perhaps it is only 93.7% of the time, please forgive me.

But your post here is still all about the messenger and not the issue at hand. Why do your emotions drive you so much? Or, if you have a bunch of emotional stuff to say about my communication style and personality, just pm me instead?

It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

It is weird that you don't address my questions above, but instead you just try to divert with unrelated questions.

The amount of irony in that one sentence as posted by you is immeasurable.

That being said they are not unrelated questions at all.

You spend 95% of the time discussing the messenger, but you don't seem to enjoy actually discussing content.

Your personality and communication style is interesting (so is mine I guess), but that's not why we are here, so why not just focus on the issue? You very, very frequently allow yourself to get sidetracked by your emotions. Let's just try to address this thorny issue instead.

If your calculations arrive at 95% of my time spent addressing your ineffective discussion style then let’s say I’m thrilled you’re not a math teacher.

People. Including myself, have spent countless posts back and forth with you being patient as we can be entertaining your relentless questions and deflections. At a certain point it cannot go unaddressed.

That being said people ask YOU to address questions that you do not. And you claim he had unrelated questions that are in fact very pertinent yet you felt the need not to address them. I said this in my previous reply and that is content.

You claim I don’t argue content yet I’ve been in d read multiple threads where multiple posters call you out on your disingenuous posting and deflecting.

So I reiterate the irony and my chuckling at these claims.

Perhaps it is only 93.7% of the time, please forgive me.

But your post here is still all about the messenger and not the issue at hand. Why do your emotions drive you so much? Or, if you have a bunch of emotional stuff to say about my communication style and personality, just pm me instead?

For the record it is possible to both address content as well as the messenger at the same time without issue. If that pill is too hard to swallow then that’s your issue to overcome.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.

Excellent. Understood.

Back the topic at hand: why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else? How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.

Excellent. Understood.

Back the topic at hand: why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else? How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

lol exhibit A of what I’ve been alluding to. This question of yours has been asked and answered multiple times by me already.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.

Excellent. Understood.

Back the topic at hand: why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else? How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

Asked and answered.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.

Excellent. Understood.

Back the topic at hand: why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else? How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

lol exhibit A of what I’ve been alluding to. This question of yours has been asked and answered multiple times by me already.

Weird, l just thought that you were talking about taxpayers ans so on.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.

Excellent. Understood.

Back the topic at hand: why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else? How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

lol exhibit A of what I’ve been alluding to. This question of yours has been asked and answered multiple times by me already.

Weird, l just thought that you were talking about taxpayers ans so on.

You think you're clever but really you often show how obtuse you are with subsequent posts. I suggest you re-read the thread as I'm not doing your homework for you.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
It has nothing to do with my emotions and everything to do with hoping to participate in reasonable discussions with individuals who utilize sound communication strategies. It is the opinion of many posters here that you do not fit into that category.

I have no need to pm you. I say what I say in public, and I choose not to say things behind people’s backs that I would not say to their face or in public.

Excellent. Understood.

Back the topic at hand: why not just let the people that have a big compelling interest (the teams, leagues, coaches, players, sports federations, and governing bodies) sort this out, since it affects them and nobody else? How are random county residents (who do not play sports in the these groups), how are they affected?

lol exhibit A of what I’ve been alluding to. This question of yours has been asked and answered multiple times by me already.

Weird, l just thought that you were talking about taxpayers ans so on.

You think you're clever but really you often show how obtuse you are with subsequent posts. I suggest you re-read the thread as I'm not doing your homework for you.

Ah, l wish l was clever, but l'm not. Will re-read as you suggest.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:
Someone renting out a towns field for a softball game would clearly be held to this order. So I don’t see how you can claim it would be affected by this order.

Since no one is actually reading the EO:

[quote}ORDERED, that any sports, leagues, organizations, teams, programs, or sports entities must expressly designate as one of the following based on the biological sex at birth of the team members/participants when applying for a use and occupancy permit to utilize Nassau County Parks property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition:

1) Males, men, or boys; or
2) Females, women, or girls; or
3) Coed or mixed, including both males and females;

and it is further,
ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any pennits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums may issue permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allow athletic teams or sports for males, men, or boys to include biological females; and it is further,

ORDERED, that for the purpose of this Executive Order, an individual's gender is defined as the individual's biological sex at birth; and a statement of a team member's/participant's biological sex on the team member's/participant's official birth certificate is considered to have correctly stated the team member's/participant's biological sex at birth if the statement was filed at or near the time of the team member's/participant's birth.

Where in this document do you think that renting the field for a casual event is covered by the EO? If I wanted to rent a field for a co-ed softball game it does not fall under the EO. That is the equivalent of having a trans gender athlete on the team, and that is OK.

What is not OK is renting out the field for a softball tournament that has the sexes split - men's bracket and women's bracket. Then the EO applies.

If I'm wrong then point out how you can read this differently.[/quote]
Can you not read this part that?

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:

Can you not read this part that?

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.

I certainly can, and a casual softball game is not an "organizing a sporting event or competition..." You are reading into it what you want it to say. Having gotten a permit to use a field for a casual game, it only asks who is responsible for the field (and some other stuff, but not who is playing).

You are arguing details with a local. You should probably walk away.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:

Can you not read this part that?

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.

I certainly can, and a casual softball game is not an "organizing a sporting event or competition..." You are reading into it what you want it to say. Having gotten a permit to use a field for a casual game, it only asks who is responsible for the field (and some other stuff, but not who is playing).

You are arguing details with a local. You should probably walk away.

This is helpful as I was curious but didn’t want to assume. Can you confirm this is still the case now? Not sure when you last applied for field use and this EO just came out.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:

Can you not read this part that?

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.

I certainly can, and a casual softball game is not an "organizing a sporting event or competition..." You are reading into it what you want it to say. Having gotten a permit to use a field for a casual game, it only asks who is responsible for the field (and some other stuff, but not who is playing).

You are arguing details with a local. You should probably walk away.

Jack, you're arguing the past and not the present. This is just one of the reasons that this is ''for show''. What happens with the Long Island Marathon? Do all women have to show their papers?

Who enforces it?

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.

Where does it say birth certificates must be produced to play and why not just list your event as co-Ed if you want to skip all the paperwork?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:

Can you not read this part that?

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.

I certainly can, and a casual softball game is not an "organizing a sporting event or competition..." You are reading into it what you want it to say. Having gotten a permit to use a field for a casual game, it only asks who is responsible for the field (and some other stuff, but not who is playing).

You are arguing details with a local. You should probably walk away.

Jack, you're arguing the past and not the present. This is just one of the reasons that this is ''for show''. What happens with the Long Island Marathon? Do all women have to show their papers?

Who enforces it?

I’d imagine it is the responsibility of the event organizer (in the case of a marathon) to ensure compliance with all regulatory obligations. And they must enforce it. No different than if I wanted to race in a different category than I belong as per the rules of the event that I am willfully and voluntarily participating in.

Does this EO mandate everyone present their BC or does it spell out that compliance means you must refer to you the details on your BC to ensure you are in the correct category?

I’d also imagine this becomes an issue and people only have to “show papers” if they are flagged or reported by someone else: like an aggrieved competitor or someone else.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
Jack, you're arguing the past and not the present. This is just one of the reasons that this is ''for show''. What happens with the Long Island Marathon? Do all women have to show their papers?

Who enforces it?

The Long Island Jovia Marathon is RRCA certified, if I'm not mistaken. That is a lot different from a pickup softball game and would certainly fall under the executive order, but I think the RRCA already has rules regarding trans-gender. Plus you are running through the park. I'm not sure how it is permitted with Nassau County Parks and Rec. I know that IRunThisIsland is involved.

Regardless, that is not what I'm arguing. It looks like we are now discussing who has to burden of responsibility. That is obviously the race director. In a foot race all you need to do is police the results, not the actual race.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
chaparral wrote:

Can you not read this part that?

ORDERED, that Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums shall not
issue any permits for the use and occupancy of Nassau County Park's property for the purposes of organizing a sporting event or competition that allows athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls to include biological males; and it is further,

If you wanted a permit for a casual women’s softball game, this applies to you! You would need to get copies of the original birth certificate for those participating if you want to be in compliance.

I certainly can, and a casual softball game is not an "organizing a sporting event or competition..." You are reading into it what you want it to say. Having gotten a permit to use a field for a casual game, it only asks who is responsible for the field (and some other stuff, but not who is playing).

You are arguing details with a local. You should probably walk away.

Jack, you're arguing the past and not the present. This is just one of the reasons that this is ''for show''. What happens with the Long Island Marathon? Do all women have to show their papers?

Who enforces it?

I’d imagine it is the responsibility of the event organizer (in the case of a marathon) to ensure compliance with all regulatory obligations. And they must enforce it. No different than if I wanted to race in a different category than I belong as per the rules of the event that I am willfully and voluntarily participating in.

Does this EO mandate everyone present their BC or does it spell out that compliance means you must refer to you the details on your BC to ensure you are in the correct category?

I’d also imagine this becomes an issue and people only have to “show papers” if they are flagged or reported by someone else: like an aggrieved competitor or someone else.

You can imagine anything you want. That's why this is BS. It's all showbiz, and nothing else.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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You judged Christians earlier because they weren't following Jesus' teachings.

Are only Christians prohibited from judging, or is it wrong for everyone?

Your website clearly states "we will repair the product at no charge" Do I have that right?

Yes, it does. We correct or fix defects, absolutely. But what does this have to do with the price of tea in china?

I lifted a select portion out of your warranty policy, but I should read the whole thing, correct?

Likewise, when people clip a mere two words - Don't judge! - from the rest of Jesus' teaching and the rest of his life example, we get a false idea of what judging is in the first place. At least read the verses in context. Here they are.

"Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For you will be judged by the same standard with which you judge others, and you will be measured by the same measure you use."

Does this mean that one can't call out someone else's sinful behaviour? Or does it mean that one can judge, but be prepared to be measured by the same standard if one decides to do so? The latter is the real meaning.

Consider some real examples. Jesus spent nearly a whole chapter blasting the many ways Pharisees were perverting the Law to their own ends and burdening others with unnecessary rules of their own creation.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached to the crowds in Jerusalem, many of whom were among those who called for Barabbas' release and Jesus' crucifixion. Peter accused them of Jesus' death, and when they heard his words, they were convicted of their actions and repented.

Some time later, Peter was guided to the home of a Gentile, a Roman soldier named Cornelius. A Jew would have never entered the home of a Gentile, but God was trying to teach Peter that the Gospel was for everyone. Peter led the way in the early church embracing both Jews and Gentiles.

In the time before the church leaders' council I mentioned earlier (Acts 15), the Jewish Christians did not all abandon their practice of the Law, and some tried to make the Gentiles follow the Law, too. When Peter, who had been associating with the Gentiles in Antioch, withdrew from their company because he was afraid of what the Jewish Christians visiting from Jerusalem would think, the apostle Paul had to call out his hypocrisy publicly.

In these three examples, certain individuals needed to be called out for their actions for the benefit of either themselves or others. Was this judgment wrong?

I agree that if one is a flawed teacher, one can't take the moral high ground. (Although many, many do anyway.) But can not a nearly flawless teacher also deliberately choose to not take the moral high ground as well? Because that seems to be a far more challenging (but powerful) exercise in humility, no? Hypothetically, even if l think that l am more moral than my student, can l not still humble myself before my student anyway? I thought the Bible highly looked down on the prideful, no?
Indeed. "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." I Peter 5:5

Are you suggesting that a sign of humility is to water down God's message? Does your definition of being humble require saying nothing when wrongs are being committed?

I understand that people really bristle when they are told they are doing something wrong. Especially when it is true.

The proud aren't willing to admit fault.
The proud aren't willing to accept instruction or correction.
The proud aren't willing to change.

The humble know they are sinful.
The humble know they aren't better than anybody else.
The humble are willing to be judged.

Biblical teaching usually flies in the face of conventional thinking. Perhaps you could rethink your ideas on pride, humility, and judgment?
Last edited by: TMI: Feb 27, 24 19:03
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
You judged Christians earlier because they weren't following Jesus' teachings.

Are only Christians prohibited from judging, or is it wrong for everyone??

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Jack, you're arguing the past and not the present. This is just one of the reasons that this is ''for show''. What happens with the Long Island Marathon? Do all women have to show their papers?

Who enforces it?

The Long Island Jovia Marathon is RRCA certified, if I'm not mistaken. That is a lot different from a pickup softball game and would certainly fall under the executive order, but I think the RRCA already has rules regarding trans-gender. Plus you are running through the park. I'm not sure how it is permitted with Nassau County Parks and Rec. I know that IRunThisIsland is involved.

Regardless, that is not what I'm arguing. It looks like we are now discussing who has to burden of responsibility. That is obviously the race director. In a foot race all you need to do is police the results, not the actual race.

I did some checking and the best that I can find is that RRCA and NYRR are promoting a ''non-binary'' division. It seems like a good solution, but I didn't see if it's mandatory or not.

There is a whole page of letters, for and against this subject in Newsday today. They point out how hard life is for trans people and how they are not whole people if they are treated differently, and others point out how unfair it is for a natural woman to have to compete against a biological male. In my opinion, the people doing the most damage to the trans cause are the formerly male athletes who compete against women and don't see the unfairness and the damage they are doing to other trans people who just want to live their lives.

I also admit that I can't stand Blakeman, but his EO does nothing except raise the flag of hate with no solution.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
. In my opinion, the people doing the most damage to the trans cause are the formerly male athletes who compete against women and don't see the unfairness and the damage they are doing to other trans people who just want to live their lives.

This. Almost no one gives a fuck about trans folks except when "activists" or idiots get involved.

I'm convinced some of these actions are intentional to just garner attention by narcissists.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
. In my opinion, the people doing the most damage to the trans cause are the formerly male athletes who compete against women and don't see the unfairness and the damage they are doing to other trans people who just want to live their lives.

This. Almost no one gives a fuck about trans folks except when "activists" or idiots get involved.

I'm convinced some of these actions are intentional to just garner attention by narcissists.

Another “this.” Even many of the LGBTQ community that I’ve interacted with state their frustration or annoyance by the “over the top” or “in your face” approach taken by members of their community. They admit it sets them back and is the opposite of the message they want to send.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
windywave wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
. In my opinion, the people doing the most damage to the trans cause are the formerly male athletes who compete against women and don't see the unfairness and the damage they are doing to other trans people who just want to live their lives.

This. Almost no one gives a fuck about trans folks except when "activists" or idiots get involved.

I'm convinced some of these actions are intentional to just garner attention by narcissists.

Another “this.” Even many of the LGBTQ community that I’ve interacted with state their frustration or annoyance by the “over the top” or “in your face” approach taken by members of their community. They admit it sets them back and is the opposite of the message they want to send.

And another “this”.

Very few people have any kind of intolerance, and certainly not animosity, towards transgender people. Indeed, most have much respect for their choices and bravery in making them. Unfortunately, many who support trans people like to mischaracterize those who seek to protect women’s and girls’ rights for fair competition in sports, as being trans-phobic, or dismissing the rights of trans people. This is disingenuous and frankly offensive.

How do transgender females (or those who support their right to compete), not understand that they are being disrespectful to the rights of biological females when they choose to compete against them?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:

How do transgender females (or those who support their right to compete), not understand that they are being disrespectful to the rights of biological females when they choose to compete against them?

My guess is the pervasive “me me me” or victim mentality to score sympathies has become the default mindset or approach to difficult or unfavorable situations for many individuals. Especially younger ones and this minority group.

Certainly not an explanation that applies to all, but I feel that it’s not too far off the mark.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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A follow up to my reply to say that it’s far easier to take to social media and play/appeal to the emotions and sympathies of others to validate your feelings and get support than it is to be introspective and perhaps adjust your own attitude or feelings. That seems to be very difficult nowadays. Thick skin seems to be wasting away.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
TMI wrote:
You judged Christians earlier because they weren't following Jesus' teachings.

Are only Christians prohibited from judging, or is it wrong for everyone??


My last post ran long, but I feel I should address one more thing - the element of motive.

Confronting someone with their self-destructive behaviour in an attempt to belittle or demean that person is judgmental. I think we can all agree that's wrong.

Confronting someone with their self-destructive behaviour in an attempt to help that person is difficult, but compassionate.
Last edited by: TMI: Feb 29, 24 11:08
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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Who are you trying to help?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
Who are you trying to help?
Good question. Seems DSW has lost interest.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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Definitely have not lost interest, just wanted to give your thoughtful post a reasonable reply.

TMI wrote:
You judged Christians earlier because they weren't following Jesus' teachings.
No sir, not exactly. I have no agenda on whether christians follow Jesus' teachings, that is up to them. But I do have an agenda if christians want to impose their fairly arbitrary beliefs on other people (like me). Then I look far more carefully at what they say, and what they do. And, unfortunately, often, I find that these conflict hugely.

Are only Christians prohibited from judging, or is it wrong for everyone?
I cannot say what is "wrong", but I do think that avoiding judging others is probably a good practice. Back to that (I guess fake?) biblical quote, 'let he who is without sin throw the first stone' etc.

I lifted a select portion out of your warranty policy, but I should read the whole thing, correct? Likewise, when people clip a mere two words - Don't judge! - from the rest of Jesus' teaching and the rest of his life example, we get a false idea of what judging is in the first place. At least read the verses in context. Here they are. "Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For you will be judged by the same standard with which you judge others, and you will be measured by the same measure you use." Does this mean that one can't call out someone else's sinful behaviour? Or does it mean that one can judge, but be prepared to be measured by the same standard if one decides to do so? The latter is the real meaning.
Ok, but even with all of that context didn't Jesus just say, "Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged."? That seems pretty clear that judging others is something to avoid. Or, if not, what did I miss?

Consider some real examples. Jesus spent nearly a whole chapter blasting the many ways Pharisees were perverting the Law to their own ends and burdening others with unnecessary rules of their own creation. On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached to the crowds in Jerusalem, many of whom were among those who called for Barabbas' release and Jesus' crucifixion. Peter accused them of Jesus' death, and when they heard his words, they were convicted of their actions and repented. Some time later, Peter was guided to the home of a Gentile, a Roman soldier named Cornelius. A Jew would have never entered the home of a Gentile, but God was trying to teach Peter that the Gospel was for everyone. Peter led the way in the early church embracing both Jews and Gentiles. In the time before the church leaders' council I mentioned earlier (Acts 15), the Jewish Christians did not all abandon their practice of the Law, and some tried to make the Gentiles follow the Law, too. When Peter, who had been associating with the Gentiles in Antioch, withdrew from their company because he was afraid of what the Jewish Christians visiting from Jerusalem would think, the apostle Paul had to call out his hypocrisy publicly. In these three examples, certain individuals needed to be called out for their actions for the benefit of either themselves or others. Was this judgment wrong?
Very hard to say. Ultimately, all I can do is to try not judge others and focus more of my attention on my own behavior. Is that approach wrong?

Indeed. "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." I Peter 5:5 Are you suggesting that a sign of humility is to water down God's message? Does your definition of being humble require saying nothing when wrongs are being committed?
No, not not at all. But if I am doing something "right", it seems wrong to me to lord it over someone else. And it seems prideful. Some people have had a very rough life. And I feel it might be better to have empathy for their life and struggles rather than judging them. Is that not a good approach?

I understand that people really bristle when they are told they are doing something wrong. Especially when it is true.
I would agree with this. But often people know exactly what they are doing wrong. Do they always need someone to point it out to them repeatedly?

The proud aren't willing to admit fault.
The proud aren't willing to accept instruction or correction.
The proud aren't willing to change.
The humble know they are sinful.
The humble know they aren't better than anybody else.
The humble are willing to be judged.
I agree with this, makes a lot of sense.

Biblical teaching usually flies in the face of conventional thinking. Perhaps you could rethink your ideas on pride, humility, and judgment?
You bet. All of my ideas are subject to continuous rethinking. This conversation and your input is part of my learning journey.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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NY AG calls on Blakeman to rescind the EO citing it as discriminatory and transphobic.

"The law is perfectly clear: you cannot discriminate against a person because of their gender identity or expression. We have no room for hate or bigotry in New York,” James said Friday. “This executive order is transphobic and blatantly illegal. Nassau County must immediately rescind the order, or we will not hesitate to take decisive legal action.”

I'll be interested to see how this plays out and what ground there is to make this claim that it is illegal as 24 states currently have laws banning transgender student-athletes from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity.
Last edited by: Yeeper: Mar 1, 24 15:57
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
I'll be interested to see how this plays out and what ground there is to make this claim that it is illegal as 24 states currently have laws banning transgender student-athletes from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity.

I am no expert, but a prohibition against participating in a certain sports event or sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against using an entire sports facility.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
I'll be interested to see how this plays out and what ground there is to make this claim that it is illegal as 24 states currently have laws banning transgender student-athletes from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity.

I am no expert, but a prohibition against participating in a certain sports event or sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against using an entire sports facility.

The E.O. does not prohibit transgender athletes from using an "entire sports facility." It prohibits the county's Department of Recreation from issuing permits for the use of county Park property to be used for organized sporting events that explicitly permit biological males (defined as male sex at birth) to participate in events otherwise designated as being for women, females, or girls.

It doesn't prohibit transgender athletes from using parks, or from visiting facilities, or from participating in sports. It doesn't prohibit any transgender athletes from participating in any sports. It just doesn't permit the county to issue a permit for a women's/girls'/female event, if the permit requester allows biological males (again, defined as male sex at birth) to participate in those sports.

The E.O. is less than 2 pages. It's not difficult to read.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry, l misspoke. I meant, a prohibition against an individual participating in a certain sports event or certain sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against a sporting event being able to use a public sports facility, based solely on the gender of the participants.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sorry, l misspoke. I meant, a prohibition against an individual participating in a certain sports event or certain sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against a sporting event being able to use a public sports facility, based solely on the gender of the participants.

I'm interested in how you think those two scenarios would play out, and how different they would actually be.

Scenario 1. The govt prohibits transgender women from competing in women's/girls'/female sports.

Scenario 2. The govt prohibits the issuance of permits for sporting events that allow transgender women to compete in women's/girls'/female sporting events.


If we existed in Scenario 1, do you think it would make sense for the govt to issue a permit for a sporting event that didn't follow the law regarding individual transgender athletes? Would they issue the permit, but have someone on scene to enforce the prohibition against the individual athletes? Is that substantially different from the outcome we'd see in Scenario 2?


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Last edited by: slowguy: Mar 1, 24 17:23
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sorry, l misspoke. I meant, a prohibition against an individual participating in a certain sports event or certain sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against a sporting event being able to use a public sports facility, based solely on the gender of the participants.
l'm interested in how you think those two scenarios would play out, and how different they would actually be.

Scenario 1. The govt prohibits transgender women from competing in women's/girls'/female sports.

Scenario 2. The govt prohibits the issuance of permits for sporting events that allow transgender women to compete in women's/girls'/female sporting events.
If we existed in Scenario 1, do you think it would make sense for the govt to issue a permit for a sporting event that didn't follow the law regarding individual transgender athletes? Would they issue the permit, but have someone on scene to enforce the prohibition against the individual athletes? Is that substantially different from the outcome we'd see in Scenario 2?

Good questions, but a lot of hypotheticals in situations where we really know very, very few practical details or enforcement methods. And, to me, unless our govt completely becomes a dictatorship, it seems highly unlikely that the govt would issue a blanket prohibition of transgender women from competing in women's/girls'/female sports. For example, what about a sport where all of the biological females are totally OK with trans athletes competing with them? The govt will stop that??

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sorry, l misspoke. I meant, a prohibition against an individual participating in a certain sports event or certain sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against a sporting event being able to use a public sports facility, based solely on the gender of the participants.
l'm interested in how you think those two scenarios would play out, and how different they would actually be.

Scenario 1. The govt prohibits transgender women from competing in women's/girls'/female sports.

Scenario 2. The govt prohibits the issuance of permits for sporting events that allow transgender women to compete in women's/girls'/female sporting events.
If we existed in Scenario 1, do you think it would make sense for the govt to issue a permit for a sporting event that didn't follow the law regarding individual transgender athletes? Would they issue the permit, but have someone on scene to enforce the prohibition against the individual athletes? Is that substantially different from the outcome we'd see in Scenario 2?

Good questions, but a lot of hypotheticals in situations where we really know very, very few practical details or enforcement methods. And, to me, unless our govt completely becomes a dictatorship, it seems highly unlikely that the govt would issue a blanket prohibition of transgender women from competing in women's/girls'/female sports. For example, what about a sport where all of the biological females are totally OK with trans athletes competing with them? The govt will stop that??

I didn’t make up the hypotheticals. I just asked you questions about the two scenarios you proposed. But I get that you see quite a difference between the two, and just don’t want to get into what that difference is.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sorry, l misspoke. I meant, a prohibition against an individual participating in a certain sports event or certain sports division is, l think, quite different from a prohibition against a sporting event being able to use a public sports facility, based solely on the gender of the participants.

Six of one, half dozen of another. Both laws are in effect saying the same thing but just enacting it at a different point in the timeline considering many interscholastic venues are public facilities.

1) Trans females cannot play on teams for interscholastic female sports. And I’d imagine there are ramifications if they tried to ignore this.


2) Teams will not be allowed to compete in a female division if they intend to field a trans female in the competition (team can still compete without trans female).

Either way the end result is nearly the same.

In some respect the state-wide bans are more resstrictive because trans females probably cannot even practice with the female teams as there are often strict regulations for practice as well.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
I didn’t make up the hypotheticals. I just asked you questions about the two scenarios you proposed. But I get that you see quite a difference between the two, and just don’t want to get into what that difference is.

Not at all, l think your scenarios are quite different from what l was trying to describe in my post #167. Because, in the first part of my post, l did not imagine that the govt would step in with a blanket trans athlete legal ban, l thought more of a case where a sport governing body restricted a trans athlete from competing for place, ranking, or prizes against biological females, and/or perhaps provided trans folks other suitable competitive alternatives.

In the second part of my post, l just tried to describe the facilty and/or permit ban now in effect in Nassau co. Although l still know no details of how it will implemented and enforced, except that it appears that the certification burdens of the ban will fall squarely on the women's sports teams.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
In some respect the state-wide bans are more restrictive because trans females probably cannot even practice with the female teams as there are often strict regulations for practice as well.

I hear you, these statewide bans also seem to significantly overreach, when it seems that far better solutions would be to incorporate direct input from the most directly affected parties. Not "solutions" from random state legislators with an oversized obsession with trans people and trans athletes. But YMMV.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Jesus; Peter; Paul; Was this judgment wrong?
Very hard to say. Ultimately, all I can do is to try not judge others and focus more of my attention on my own behavior. Is that approach wrong?
No, it's not hard to say! You can't, on the one hand, hold firm to Jesus' exhortation not to judge or cast the first stone, but on the other hand ignore what that means to live out. If Jesus was wrong to judge the Pharisees, then he was being hypocritical when earlier saying, "Do not judge."

You can't rely on two snippets of Scripture to inoculate yourself from criticism for not following the rest of New Testament teaching. You can't use Jesus' words to reply to someone, "Don't judge!" when they rightly point out that you're not following Jesus' other teachings. That is engaging in the same sort of cherry-picking you have complained that Christians are guilty of.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Are only Christians prohibited from judging, or is it wrong for everyone?
I cannot say what is "wrong", but I do think that avoiding judging others is probably a good practice. Back to that (I guess fake?) biblical quote, 'let he who is without sin throw the first stone' etc.
If you cannot cay what is wrong, that may be part of the problem.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Indeed. "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." I Peter 5:5 Are you suggesting that a sign of humility is to water down God's message? Does your definition of being humble require saying nothing when wrongs are being committed?
No, not not at all. But if I am doing something "right", it seems wrong to me to lord it over someone else. And it seems prideful. Some people have had a very rough life. And I feel it might be better to have empathy for their life and struggles rather than judging them. Is that not a good approach?

See my previous post on motive. If you saw someone going the wrong direction, would you tell them, or let them continue going the wrong way? You seem to not be confident enough in your knowledge of which direction is correct to offer help. Suggesting someone go in the opposite direction can be done without being prideful or lording it over them.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Blakeman appears to be getting everything he wants out of this. He was once again on the news this morning, he got a half page article in Newsday, and he has the Democrats coming to the defense of trans athletes. In NY this is supposed to be settled law from the Renee Richards case all the way back in 1977

Renee Richards was born Richard Rasskind and was a pretty amazing person and a great athlete both before and after gender re- affirmation surgery. She was also the coach of Martina Naratalova. She was also a medical doctor, an opthamologist and an author.

She wrote several books including one about her tennis career. It was titled;

''Tennis Without Balls'' (ba dum bump!)

Sorry, it's an old joke. I couldn't help myself.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Jesus; Peter; Paul; Was this judgment wrong?
Very hard to say. Ultimately, all I can do is to try not judge others and focus more of my attention on my own behavior. Is that approach wrong?
No, it's not hard to say! You can't, on the one hand, hold firm to Jesus' exhortation not to judge or cast the first stone, but on the other hand ignore what that means to live out. If Jesus was wrong to judge the Pharisees, then he was being hypocritical when earlier saying, "Do not judge."
I think you are right, that Jesus taught many things of which I know only a fraction. So when I said, "hard to say", I am not a biblical (only new testament, not the fake parts of course) expert, I was mostly saying that it is difficult for me to conclude something without knowing the entire work.

TMI wrote:
You can't rely on two snippets of Scripture to inoculate yourself from criticism for not following the rest of New Testament teaching. You can't use Jesus' words to reply to someone, "Don't judge!" when they rightly point out that you're not following Jesus' other teachings. That is engaging in the same sort of cherry-picking you have complained that Christians are guilty of.
I think you are right. The admonition to not judge others harshly is just something that I personally believe, not something I have extracted from the bible (only new testament, not the fake parts of course) with any certainty.

TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Are only Christians prohibited from judging, or is it wrong for everyone?
I cannot say what is "wrong", but I do think that avoiding judging others is probably a good practice. Back to that (I guess fake?) biblical quote, 'let he who is without sin throw the first stone' etc.
If you cannot say what is wrong, that may be part of the problem.
In some cases, based on my own life, I can tell definitively what is wrong. For example, cruelty to people and/or animals is an example of something that is profoundly wrong. However, in other cases, I am not qualified. I would never say that a man truly loving a man in a romantic way, or a woman truly loving a woman in a romantic way is wrong. Is it safe to say that you believe that a man truly loving a man is wrong, and that a woman truly loving a woman is wrong? And that sodomy outside of marriage is wrong, but sodomy inside of marriage is ok, is that correct?

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Indeed. "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." I Peter 5:5 Are you suggesting that a sign of humility is to water down God's message? Does your definition of being humble require saying nothing when wrongs are being committed?
No, not not at all. But if I am doing something "right", it seems wrong to me to lord it over someone else. And it seems prideful. Some people have had a very rough life. And I feel it might be better to have empathy for their life and struggles rather than judging them. Is that not a good approach?
See my previous post on motive. If you saw someone going the wrong direction, would you tell them, or let them continue going the wrong way? You seem to not be confident enough in your knowledge of which direction is correct to offer help. Suggesting someone go in the opposite direction can be done without being prideful or lording it over them.
Yes, if I am certain of the "correct" direction, I would try to tell them. But the method one uses to communicate is very, very important. One could communicate in an arrogant and prideful way, or one could communicate in a humble and compassionate way. People usually have much greater success in communicating in a compassionate way.

Related question, you've been on the LR for a bit. You probably know who (most of) the christians on here are. How would you, in general, characterize how they communicate with others on here?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Related question, you've been on the LR for a bit. You probably know who (most of) the christians on here are. How would you, in general, characterize how they communicate with others on here?
Are you asking me to judge someone?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Related question, you've been on the LR for a bit. You probably know who (most of) the christians on here are. How would you, in general, characterize how they communicate with others on here?
Are you asking me to judge someone?

He's asking you to help him poke at people who disagree with him, sometimes forcefully or even disrespectfully. When people treat him harshly, he likes to claim that they're not acting very Christian, as if somehow Christians are more bound to rules of courtesy, and as if somehow their arguments can be dismissed because Christians shouldn't be mean to him.

It's a dodge and a mechanism he routinely employs, kind of like his "I just don't understand" nonsense.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Related question, you've been on the LR for a bit. You probably know who (most of) the christians on here are. How would you, in general, characterize how they communicate with others on here?
Are you asking me to judge someone?

No, I am asking, in your opinion, about how a group of people generally act.

If you see a movie, I might ask you: how was the acting? how was the story?

If you live in a neighborhood, I might ask you: how are your neighbors?

If you go to a new doctor, I might ask: how was his/her bedside manner?

If you go to a restaurant, I might ask you: how was your server?


Any thoughts about my question?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
TMI wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Related question, you've been on the LR for a bit. You probably know who (most of) the christians on here are. How would you, in general, characterize how they communicate with others on here?
Are you asking me to judge someone?
No, I am asking, in your opinion, about how a group of people generally act.

Any thoughts about my question?

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [TMI] [ In reply to ]
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Why do Christians fight among themselves so much?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Why do Christians fight among themselves so much?

I missed where it happened, or how it happened, but what does religion have to do with this discussion?

I don't remember Jesus preaching that boys should be allowed to participate in girls' sports. No matter how you spin this topic, it will always come back to that issue - allowing biological boys to compete against girls has been restricted since the beginning of organized sports. Nothing that is happening now should have any bearing on that long held practice.

Religion has no place in this discussion.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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Not debating you, no one is questioning that. What some question is the method, using a sledgehammer to tap in that tiny nail on your flawless coffee table.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks]o [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Not debating you, no one is questioning that. What some question is the method, using a sledgehammer to tap in that tiny nail on your flawless coffee table.

While I would generally applaud the use of a good analogy I’d hardly consider transgender individuals a tiny nail and women’s sport, which historically was troubled and required heavy legislation for equality, is hardly flawless. You’re doing an excellent job of diminishing a very real threat to women’s sport.

Dealing with social justice for protected classes often required legislative action.

We know you don’t think it’s enough of an issue.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks]o [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Here is a sport’s governing body making rules, based on available research and a desire to protect female athletes. Hopefully we can all support that.


“World Athletics president Sebastian Coe has doubled down on his organization’s policy around transgender athletes competing in track and field, saying that the regulations are “here to stay.”

Just under a year ago, World Athletics announced that it would prohibit athletes who have gone through what it called “male puberty” from participating in women’s world rankings competitions…”

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.

You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Umm, did you even read the OP???

"But this really isn't about that. It's about politics and trying to get the D's to publicly defend trans woman in competition."

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Umm, did you even read the OP???

"But this really isn't about that. It's about politics and trying to get the D's to publicly defend trans woman in competition."

I did read the OP. What I’m failing to see is what that has to do with your hypothetical.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

Sure, and why should we stop there? What if every person wanted to get punched in the nose? What if every black person wanted to have white people vote for them? What if gay people (on "all sides") wanted to have their rights to equal treatment under the law rescinded?

Oh wait, you were serious? I just assumed this was the part of the thread where we all start saying the dumbest shit we can think of.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Umm, did you even read the OP???

"But this really isn't about that. It's about politics and trying to get the D's to publicly defend trans woman in competition."

I did read the OP. What I’m failing to see is what that has to do with your hypothetical.

Not a hypothetical, it's just part of this somewhat reasonable solution:

But l don't think the Nassau co. EO would allow it. Hence using a sledgehammer to hammer in a tiny nail in your flawless coffee table.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

According to folks on here, you clearly don't exist. You're defying all the known laws of da universe!

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 4, 24 17:07
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

Actually now that you mention it I just asked my wife and she said that she doesn’t care if married women have to give up their rights. She’s a woman after all and she feels that once she’s married what does she need all that for? She’s got me to rely on. So she doesn’t think women should worry about all that. After all shes a woman, one woman, who says who the fuck cares?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

According to folks on here, you clearly don't exist. You're defying all the known laws of da universe!

No one ever said there aren’t women who don’t mind competing against females. It’s the notion that they speak for all women in setting the default of fairness in women’s sport.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

According to folks on here, you clearly don't exist. You're defying all the known laws of da universe!

No one ever said there aren’t women who don’t mind competing against females. It’s the notion that they speak for all women in setting the default of fairness in women’s sport.

Oh. My. God.

No one here is saying this. ABSOLUTELY no one.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 4, 24 17:11
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

According to folks on here, you clearly don't exist. You're defying all the known laws of da universe!

No one ever said there aren’t women who don’t mind competing against females. It’s the notion that they speak for all women in setting the default of fairness in women’s sport.

Oh. My. God.

No one here is saying this. ABSOLUTELY no one.

Then explain to me what notion Carla was conveying? What did your hypothetical mean?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Now l am totally lost.


Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Now l am totally lost.


Barks and Purrs. Whatever her name is.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

You mean the co-ed division. There's your answer.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

According to folks on here, you clearly don't exist. You're defying all the known laws of da universe!

No one ever said there aren’t women who don’t mind competing against females. It’s the notion that they speak for all women in setting the default of fairness in women’s sport.

Oh. My. God.

No one here is saying this. ABSOLUTELY no one.

Then explain to me what notion Carla was conveying? What did your hypothetical mean?

Only Ms Barks&Purrs can explain that. But nowhere did she write that she speaks for all women.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

According to folks on here, you clearly don't exist. You're defying all the known laws of da universe!

No one ever said there aren’t women who don’t mind competing against females. It’s the notion that they speak for all women in setting the default of fairness in women’s sport.

Oh. My. God.

No one here is saying this. ABSOLUTELY no one.

Then explain to me what notion Carla was conveying? What did your hypothetical mean?

Only Ms Barks&Purrs can explain that. But nowhere did she write that she speaks for all women.

How do you interpret the last paragraph of her post?

Because she went out of her way to make two points.

1) she’s a woman and has no issue with it and “who the fuck cares?”

2) it’s “ridiculous” to exclude those not at the pointy end of competition.

I think there are a lot of other women across many age groups that fall outside of that “narrowly preserved” point end of the spectrum included the trial races that Carla views as her fun runs.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I will let her explain her post, you should ask her.

But you are absolutely right, there are two groups of women (and everyone in between), women who don't care at all and women who care very much. I fully support both groups (and the in between groups too), that's why l don't like the Nassau co. blanket facility/permit ban, it's a big and unnecessary govt overreach (and bad faith political stunt) that stifles freedom and options. Options and solutions that are far better adressed sport-by-sport (not all sports are identical) by the highly affected and directly affected parties.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I will let her explain her post, you should ask her.

But you are absolutely right, there are two groups of women (and everyone in between), women who don't care at all and women who care very much. I fully support both groups (and the in between groups too), that's why l don't like the Nassau co. blanket facility/permit ban, it's a big and unnecessary govt overreach (and bad faith political stunt) that stifles freedom and options. Options and solutions that are far better adressed sport-by-sport (not all sports are identical) by the highly affected and directly affected parties.

The EO we’re talking about doesn’t prohibit women from choosing to play sports or in sporting events where they could compete against transgender women. It just prohibits those events from being permitted on government property (in this case, Parks department property), if they are designated as women’s/girls’ events.

If a person likes or doesn’t care about being discriminated against, or treated unfairly, they’re free to find activities or organizations where they can consent to that kind of thing, but we don’t allow that to happen on government property or endorsed/funded by the government. And we don’t establish rules to protect fair treatment based on the views of those who don’t care about being treated fairly.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I understand the EO generally, just not a fan of it. But, in the end, unless the EO is ruled invalid, it's gonna be up to the voters of Nassau co. if they want to get so involved in the rules and details of women's sports, in many cases where their involvement is clearly not necessary.

But it sure makes for some great viral content. And nutter Blakeman is one happy, happy camper!

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 4, 24 19:15
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

That would be in the ''non-binary'' division that RRCA and NYRR are pushing for. I suppose it would be like a ''open division'' that would allow anyone to race. If a trans woman wanted to be responsible and respectful of the sport, they would race in that division.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Since we both live here, what do you think of Blakeman? DSW is painting him as a political hack that is doing this only for the publicity, and there is probably some truth to that, but I wouldn't considered him a far right MAGA idiot by any means. Kind of middle of the road as a republican, maybe even a little towards the left on many things.

What are your thoughts?

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
This was interesting ...


Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Since we both live here, what do you think of Blakeman? DSW is painting him as a political hack that is doing this only for the publicity, and there is probably some truth to that, but I wouldn't considered him a far right MAGA idiot by any means. Kind of middle of the road as a republican, maybe even a little towards the left on many things.

What are your thoughts?

Yes, I think he's a pretty typical Republican. He's all about campaigning and self promotion but doesn't do much governing. It took him three tries to get the R nomination and in my opinion, her won over Laura Curran because she didn't get out there and do the work of campaigning.

I don't see where he's done anything for us in Nassau County, but he found time to go into NYC to hold a press conference across from the court house in support of the Subway Strangler. For those of you who don't know who the SS is. Daniel Penny is an ex-marine who strangled a homeless, mentally ill guy to death on the NYC subway for annoying people. Penny is white and the guy he killed was black. I don't understand what Blakeman was doing there other than to appeal to the followers the Post and ABC radio.

He's also busy putting his name all over the place. The Harry Chapin remembrance concert at the Harry Chapin amphitheater was cancelled. Most of the performers walked out
because Blakeman put up a new sign with his name three times the size of Harry Chapin's.

So I don't like the guy at all. Saying he's not a Mega really isn't much of a recommendation. He's an opportunist and a self promoter and if Trump wins the election he'll jump right onto the Mega bandwagon.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
I don't see where he's done anything for us in Nassau County, but he found time to go into NYC to hold a press conference across from the court house in support of the Subway Strangler. For those of you who don't know who the SS is. Daniel Penny is an ex-marine who strangled a homeless, mentally ill guy to death on the NYC subway for annoying people. Penny is white and the guy he killed was black. I don't understand what Blakeman was doing there other than to appeal to the followers the Post and ABC radio.

He's also busy putting his name all over the place. The Harry Chapin remembrance concert at the Harry Chapin amphitheater was cancelled. Most of the performers walked out
because Blakeman put up a new sign with his name three times the size of Harry Chapin's.

Wow. What a POS.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

Actually now that you mention it I just asked my wife and she said that she doesn’t care if married women have to give up their rights. She’s a woman after all and she feels that once she’s married what does she need all that for? She’s got me to rely on. So she doesn’t think women should worry about all that. After all shes a woman, one woman, who says who the fuck cares?

Using your marriage analogy, I shall explain:

Your church says women should sit with women. Men should sit with men. If people don’t like it, people are free to leave your church.

My church says men and women can mix. If people don’t like this, they are free to leave my church.

My church makes the rules for my religion. Your church makes the rules for your religion.

The EO says the county facilities must follow your church’s rule that says men and women cannot mix in certain situations. I object because my church likes freedom to mix under all situations.

I do not argue with you that your religion must follow my religion’s rules. I am not imposing my rules on you. Your religion can make whatever rules it wants to make. I argue that the county has no right to create rules to enforce your religion’s rules on me and my religious people.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

Actually now that you mention it I just asked my wife and she said that she doesn’t care if married women have to give up their rights. She’s a woman after all and she feels that once she’s married what does she need all that for? She’s got me to rely on. So she doesn’t think women should worry about all that. After all shes a woman, one woman, who says who the fuck cares?

Using your marriage analogy, I shall explain:

Your church says women should sit with women. Men should sit with men. If people don’t like it, people are free to leave your church.

My church says men and women can mix. If people don’t like this, they are free to leave my church.

My church makes the rules for my religion. Your church makes the rules for your religion.

The EO says the county facilities must follow your church’s rule that says men and women cannot mix in certain situations. I object because my church likes freedom to mix under all situations.

I do not argue with you that your religion must follow my religion’s rules. I am not imposing my rules on you. Your religion can make whatever rules it wants to make. I argue that the county has no right to create rules to enforce your religion’s rules on me and my religious people.

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Jack, you're in Suffolk right?

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I'm not against legislative action absolutely, but l am against poorly designed legal action taken or executed in bad faith (i.e., Nassau co.).

Also, sports vary enormously. I don't see how one universal law/regulation would work best for all sports at all levels and for all participants. Seems like actual sports participants, coaches, specific sports governing bodies, etc. would do a far better job devising a reasonable and fair policy than a conspiracy theory nutter politician. But YMMV.
You make it sound complicated. Its not.

[biological] males over here, [biological] females over there.

The 2 shall not cross.

Not that difficult, and no discussion required.

That's great that it is so simple. What should be done if biological females (on all sides) want to participate/compete with trans females?

And that’s it, I think. One of the most preposterous hypotheticals you could throw out. You’re asking what the option should be in the event that all biological women want to compete against trans females?

And you’re asking this question in a thread that started out of the frustration of biological females that have been forced to compete against or faced with the likely probability of competing against trans females?

I don’t know if there’s a word appropriate enough to convert the level of WTF.

Yeeper, I’m a woman who wouldn’t mind competing against a trans woman. In fact, I might have competed against a trans athlete during the last 35 years and it wouldn’t have impacted me much at all. Like many people who aren’t in the top 5%, it doesn’t matter to me! Who the fuck cares? The vast majority of people compete to have fun and compete to push themselves and compete to enjoy community.

I prefer to have trans athletes compete against me during my next years’ of racing. At this point, trail racing is a race against myself and I love to share that experience with others.

It’s ridiculous to broadly exclude people when the sports’ governing bodies can narrowly preserve competition at the top end of competition.

Actually now that you mention it I just asked my wife and she said that she doesn’t care if married women have to give up their rights. She’s a woman after all and she feels that once she’s married what does she need all that for? She’s got me to rely on. So she doesn’t think women should worry about all that. After all shes a woman, one woman, who says who the fuck cares?

Using your marriage analogy, I shall explain:

Your church says women should sit with women. Men should sit with men. If people don’t like it, people are free to leave your church.

My church says men and women can mix. If people don’t like this, they are free to leave my church.

My church makes the rules for my religion. Your church makes the rules for your religion.

The EO says the county facilities must follow your church’s rule that says men and women cannot mix in certain situations. I object because my church likes freedom to mix under all situations.

I do not argue with you that your religion must follow my religion’s rules. I am not imposing my rules on you. Your religion can make whatever rules it wants to make. I argue that the county has no right to create rules to enforce your religion’s rules on me and my religious people.

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
Jack, you're in Suffolk right?

Yep, but I live in Deer Park and work in East Farmingdale, so I spend a lot of time as "tweener" as they call them. We have NICE bus service.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?

And there lies your disconnect. You are claiming a trans-girl is female. I'm trying to tell you they aren't. They are biological boys, and belong with the boys. No discrimination. If you are male, compete against the males.

You are trying to call forcing the males and females to compete in different groups as discrimination. It is not even close. You don't get to choose your sex when it comes to sports competitions. How much clearer do I have to make it?

Look at it from an historical context if that makes it more clear. Boys and girls have always been separated at all level of competition (except for some rare instance where there are mixed or co-ed competition).

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?

And there lies your disconnect. You are claiming a trans-girl is female. I'm trying to tell you they aren't. They are biological boys, and belong with the boys. No discrimination. If you are male, compete against the males.

You are trying to call forcing the males and females to compete in different groups as discrimination. It is not even close. You don't get to choose your sex when it comes to sports competitions. How much clearer do I have to make it?

Look at it from an historical context if that makes it more clear. Boys and girls have always been separated at all level of competition (except for some rare instance where there are mixed or co-ed competition).

In my religion, we accept people as they are. They come to my church and sit where they feel comfortable. We recognize the importance of community and exercising the heart to love one another. We live in this county and we want to be treated like any other person in the county who pays taxes and participates in civic life.

I don’t care that historically your religion made rules. Your rules are for you. My religion’s rules are for me.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?

And there lies your disconnect. You are claiming a trans-girl is female. I'm trying to tell you they aren't. They are biological boys, and belong with the boys. No discrimination. If you are male, compete against the males.

You are trying to call forcing the males and females to compete in different groups as discrimination. It is not even close. You don't get to choose your sex when it comes to sports competitions. How much clearer do I have to make it?

Look at it from an historical context if that makes it more clear. Boys and girls have always been separated at all level of competition (except for some rare instance where there are mixed or co-ed competition).

you are arguing with someone that is talking religion ( or something like that in her twisted analogy), and you are arguing science. There is no religion that can make a boy a girl any more than can make an apple a steak. It doesn't matter what a religion says, the science says a boy is a boy and girl is a girl when it comes to sex. And we determine team sports participation by sex. Very simple.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?

And there lies your disconnect. You are claiming a trans-girl is female. I'm trying to tell you they aren't. They are biological boys, and belong with the boys. No discrimination. If you are male, compete against the males.

You are trying to call forcing the males and females to compete in different groups as discrimination. It is not even close. You don't get to choose your sex when it comes to sports competitions. How much clearer do I have to make it?

Look at it from an historical context if that makes it more clear. Boys and girls have always been separated at all level of competition (except for some rare instance where there are mixed or co-ed competition).

In my religion, we accept people as they are. They come to my church and sit where they feel comfortable. We recognize the importance of community and exercising the heart to love one another. We live in this county and we want to be treated like any other person in the county who pays taxes and participates in civic life.

I don’t care that historically your religion made rules. Your rules are for you. My religion’s rules are for me.

What does religion have to do with this? WTF? You are literally saying your religion recognizes biological boys as girls. For the record, I'm not even baptized, so don't go down the "your religion BS road" with me. this is simple science.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sweeney wrote:

I don't see where he's done anything for us in Nassau County, but he found time to go into NYC to hold a press conference across from the court house in support of the Subway Strangler. For those of you who don't know who the SS is. Daniel Penny is an ex-marine who strangled a homeless, mentally ill guy to death on the NYC subway for annoying people. Penny is white and the guy he killed was black. I don't understand what Blakeman was doing there other than to appeal to the followers the Post and ABC radio.

He's also busy putting his name all over the place. The Harry Chapin remembrance concert at the Harry Chapin amphitheater was cancelled. Most of the performers walked out
because Blakeman put up a new sign with his name three times the size of Harry Chapin's.

Wow. What a POS.

That's not a very nice/Christian thing to say.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sweeney wrote:

I don't see where he's done anything for us in Nassau County, but he found time to go into NYC to hold a press conference across from the court house in support of the Subway Strangler. For those of you who don't know who the SS is. Daniel Penny is an ex-marine who strangled a homeless, mentally ill guy to death on the NYC subway for annoying people. Penny is white and the guy he killed was black. I don't understand what Blakeman was doing there other than to appeal to the followers the Post and ABC radio.

He's also busy putting his name all over the place. The Harry Chapin remembrance concert at the Harry Chapin amphitheater was cancelled. Most of the performers walked out
because Blakeman put up a new sign with his name three times the size of Harry Chapin's.

Wow. What a POS.

That's not a very nice/Christian thing to say.

No debate, you're totally right about that. He is not a POS, he is a sad and profoundly misguided person.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?

And there lies your disconnect. You are claiming a trans-girl is female. I'm trying to tell you they aren't. They are biological boys, and belong with the boys. No discrimination. If you are male, compete against the males.

You are trying to call forcing the males and females to compete in different groups as discrimination. It is not even close. You don't get to choose your sex when it comes to sports competitions. How much clearer do I have to make it?

Look at it from an historical context if that makes it more clear. Boys and girls have always been separated at all level of competition (except for some rare instance where there are mixed or co-ed competition).

In my religion, we accept people as they are. They come to my church and sit where they feel comfortable. We recognize the importance of community and exercising the heart to love one another. We live in this county and we want to be treated like any other person in the county who pays taxes and participates in civic life.

I don’t care that historically your religion made rules. Your rules are for you. My religion’s rules are for me.

What does religion have to do with this? WTF? You are literally saying your religion recognizes biological boys as girls. For the record, I'm not even baptized, so don't go down the "your religion BS road" with me. this is simple science.

Oh, you don’t like a religion analogy. Let me explain my position in a different way:

In sports, you think women should be with women; men should be with men. You can set up your sport’s competition rules to be that way.

In my sport’s organization, we say men and women can choose how they participate. We don’t intrude into their gender identity. We welcome everyone as they are and focus on developing strength, endurance, healthy lifestyle habits, good sportsmanship and fun. If people don’t like this, they are free to leave my sport’s organization. They can go to yours.

My organization makes the rules for my sport. Your organization makes the rules for your sport.

The EO says the county facilities must follow your organization’s rule that says men and women cannot mix in certain situations. I object because my organization likes freedom to leave alone questions about gender and we mix, or not, under all situations.

I do not argue that your sport must follow my organization’s rules. You can do whatever you want at the county facilities. I am not imposing my rules on you. I argue that the county has no right to create rules to enforce your organization's rules on me and my sporty people.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:

In your analogy you can leave Nassau county. Works for me. don't like the rules, go somewhere else.

Our county government, like state and federal government, serves all the citizens. Why do you feel comfortable excluding certain people from the county’s services?

I recognize and approve of sports organizations setting rules that the participants want. Why isn’t that good enough for you?

And there lies your disconnect. You are claiming a trans-girl is female. I'm trying to tell you they aren't. They are biological boys, and belong with the boys. No discrimination. If you are male, compete against the males.

You are trying to call forcing the males and females to compete in different groups as discrimination. It is not even close. You don't get to choose your sex when it comes to sports competitions. How much clearer do I have to make it?

Look at it from an historical context if that makes it more clear. Boys and girls have always been separated at all level of competition (except for some rare instance where there are mixed or co-ed competition).

Or just don't compete. Sports competition isn't a biological need. In life you have to make choices. If you just have to be a woman, just don't compete. Show some respect for fair competition. Who is really doing more damage to the ''trans cause'', Bruce Blakeman or Lia Thomas? Take a look at a podium shot. It looks like a guy and two girls.

Or compete in a non-binary division. A little common sense and respect from the ''victims'' would go a long way here.

And it would keep people like Bruce Blakeman out of my headlines.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
If you're thinking that I'm argueing both sides of the discussion, I know it and it seems weird to me to.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Oh, you don’t like a religion analogy. Let me explain my position in a different way:

In sports, you think women should be with women; men should be with men. You can set up your sport’s competition rules to be that way.

In my sport’s organization, we say men and women can choose how they participate. We don’t intrude into their gender identity. We welcome everyone as they are and focus on developing strength, endurance, healthy lifestyle habits, good sportsmanship and fun. If people don’t like this, they are free to leave my sport’s organization. They can go to yours.

My organization makes the rules for my sport. Your organization makes the rules for your sport.

The EO says the county facilities must follow your organization’s rule that says men and women cannot mix in certain situations. I object because my organization likes freedom to leave alone questions about gender and we mix, or not, under all situations.

I do not argue that your sport must follow my organization’s rules. You can do whatever you want at the county facilities. I am not imposing my rules on you. I argue that the county has no right to create rules to enforce your organization's rules on me and my sporty people.

Using slightly different words, you have just invoked the Sovereign Citizen, David Koresh, and Jim Jones argument for "the government has no right to tell us what to do." Since you have self identified as that type of thinker, I'm going to disengage from this discussion with you at this point. I would encourage to consider your standing in this discussion, because it goes against, most likely, a lot of things you think are ok because you agree with the governments position.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
If you're thinking that I'm argueing both sides of the discussion, I know it and it seems weird to me to.

I think it’s because this is not a black and white issue. There are legitimate arguments on both sides which is why it is important to approach it with caution.

We are talking about freedom of association, which is in the first amendment. There is a legal standard for gender discrimination (intermediate scrutiny) that apply here.
Last edited by: Barks&Purrs: Mar 5, 24 10:29
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
And it would keep people like Bruce Blakeman out of my headlines.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
And it would keep people like Bruce Blakeman out of my headlines.

We have disagreed on many, many things on this forum but this is perhaps my favorite post of yours.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
And it would keep people like Bruce Blakeman out of my headlines.

We have disagreed on many, many things on this forum but this is perhaps my favorite post of yours.



''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

Setting aside the messenger in this case, since you clearly don't like him, what's "mean spirited" about this particular case. How could this be done in a non-mean spirited way, and what specifically is mean spirited about the current policy we're discussing?


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

that's how I feel about this too.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ajthomas wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

that's how I feel about this too.

I going to ask Slowman's question again: Other than not liking the messenger, how could this have been done differently to meet your "kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution?"

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

Setting aside the messenger in this case, since you clearly don't like him, what's "mean spirited" about this particular case. How could this be done in a non-mean spirited way, and what specifically is mean spirited about the current policy we're discussing?

Yes, not a big fan of the messenger (Blakeman).

You've read my posts in this thread, yes? In the many, many posts of mine in this thread, you don't have any sense at all of my answers to these questions? I kinda feel like I have answered both questions many, many times.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

Setting aside the messenger in this case, since you clearly don't like him, what's "mean spirited" about this particular case. How could this be done in a non-mean spirited way, and what specifically is mean spirited about the current policy we're discussing?

Yes, not a big fan of the messenger (Blakeman).

You've read my posts in this thread, yes? In the many, many posts of mine in this thread, you don't have any sense at all of my answers to these questions? I kinda feel like I have answered both questions many, many times.

As far as I can tell, your proposed solution that would be less mean-spirited is to let individual sports or sports associations handle this themselves, but I'm not clear on what that would result in that you find less mean-spirited. I also am not clear on why you think this specific method of regulation is mean-spirited, when we exclude the messenger.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

Setting aside the messenger in this case, since you clearly don't like him, what's "mean spirited" about this particular case. How could this be done in a non-mean spirited way, and what specifically is mean spirited about the current policy we're discussing?

Yes, not a big fan of the messenger (Blakeman).

You've read my posts in this thread, yes? In the many, many posts of mine in this thread, you don't have any sense at all of my answers to these questions? I kinda feel like I have answered both questions many, many times.

As far as I can tell, your proposed solution that would be less mean-spirited is to let individual sports or sports associations handle this themselves, but I'm not clear on what that would result in that you find less mean-spirited. I also am not clear on why you think this specific method of regulation is mean-spirited, when we exclude the messenger.

It's not about the messenger. He is profoundly misdirected, but even dumb folks occasionally stumble upon good policy.

No, it is about a blanket ban of public facilities/permits to groups that are perfectly happy (men, women, trans athletes) competing with their existing rule frameworks. It's about creating so much ado about nothing when the problem (by all accounts) does not even seem to exist in the county.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I want things to be fair for women competing. Always.

Call me crazy, but I just figure that a kind, decent, nuanced approach/solution will always be better than a mean-spirited approach.

Setting aside the messenger in this case, since you clearly don't like him, what's "mean spirited" about this particular case. How could this be done in a non-mean spirited way, and what specifically is mean spirited about the current policy we're discussing?

Yes, not a big fan of the messenger (Blakeman).

You've read my posts in this thread, yes? In the many, many posts of mine in this thread, you don't have any sense at all of my answers to these questions? I kinda feel like I have answered both questions many, many times.

As far as I can tell, your proposed solution that would be less mean-spirited is to let individual sports or sports associations handle this themselves, but I'm not clear on what that would result in that you find less mean-spirited. I also am not clear on why you think this specific method of regulation is mean-spirited, when we exclude the messenger.

It's not about the messenger. He is profoundly misdirected, but even dumb folks occasionally stumble upon good policy.

No, it is about a blanket ban of public facilities/permits to groups that are perfectly happy (men, women, trans athletes) competing with their existing rule frameworks. It's about creating so much ado about nothing when the problem (by all accounts) does not even seem to exist in the county.

That's not even remotely true. Have you not been following the news? There are a lot of people that are not happy with that "rule frameworks" and most, if not all, are accused of discrimination when they point out it is misguided and unfair.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
No, it is about a blanket ban of public facilities/permits to groups that are perfectly happy (men, women, trans athletes) competing with their existing rule frameworks. It's about creating so much ado about nothing when the problem (by all accounts) does not even seem to exist in the county.

That's not even remotely true. Have you not been following the news? There are a lot of people that are not happy with that "rule frameworks" and most, if not all, are accused of discrimination when they point out it is misguided and unfair.

So local cities, counties, towns, and state legislatures are gonna start getting into the weeds and start developing detailed rule frameworks for nearly any and all sports that might have male, female, open, trans, co-ed, mixed categories? For regular competition? For elite competition? For professional competition? Really?? That's gonna make things better??

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
No, it is about a blanket ban of public facilities/permits to groups that are perfectly happy (men, women, trans athletes) competing with their existing rule frameworks. It's about creating so much ado about nothing when the problem (by all accounts) does not even seem to exist in the county.

That's not even remotely true. Have you not been following the news? There are a lot of people that are not happy with that "rule frameworks" and most, if not all, are accused of discrimination when they point out it is misguided and unfair.

So local cities, counties, towns, and state legislatures are gonna start getting into the weeds and start developing detailed rule frameworks for nearly any and all sports that might have male, female, open, trans, co-ed, mixed categories? For regular competition? For elite competition? For professional competition? Really?? That's gonna make things better??

You just changed the question with that answer. Answer the question first.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry, yes I have been following the news.

Based on the news, I noticed this problem does not exist in Nassau co.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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First important thing, it should have been voted on my the county legislature

Also, If you're going to ban trans women, there should be a non-binary division.

Race directors should not have to be the ones who enforce it.

There's plenty wrong here, that might have been done better if it had to be voted on.

I don't know what's fair, but I think an executive order isn't the way to do things.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Last edited by: Sweeney: Mar 5, 24 14:23
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
First important thing, it should have been voted on my the county legislature

Also, If you're going to ban trans women, there should be a non-binary division.

Race directors should not have to be the ones who enforce it.

There's plenty wrong here, that might have been done better if it had to be voted on.

I don't know what's fair, but I think an executive order isn't the way to do things.

I can see your first point. A non-binary division is probably easy enough. Race directors enforce age group, Clydesdale and Athena, and other entrants in other division just fine. This rule is along those lines, so I disagree with that point.

What you are saying, I believe, is the rule is fine, it just took the wrong path. That may be true.

Also, DSW is hanging his hat on "the rule isn't needed because there are trans participants in Nassau County. I don't know how he knows that is true, since I live here and I don't know, but that is not to say we there won't be one in a sporting event next week.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
Also, DSW is hanging his hat on "the rule isn't needed because there are trans participants in Nassau County. I don't know how he knows that is true, since I live here and I don't know, but that is not to say we there won't be one in a sporting event next week.

Not hanging my hat on anything, but our dear hero Mr Blakemen himself says he knows of no 'trans athletes competing against women' problem in Nassau co. These are his own words (paraphrased).

But this is not the biggest issue. The biggest issue is Mr Blakeman wants to use a sledgehammer to fix a tiny nail sticking out of his flawless coffee table. That's not gonna end well. Actually already causing some issues:

But publicity for Blakeman for his nutter base? That's going great !

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
It's not about the messenger. He is profoundly misdirected, but even dumb folks occasionally stumble upon good policy.

Good, so we'll stop mentioning him and his possible motives. We agree he's probably an asshat.

No, it is about a blanket ban of public facilities/permits to groups that are perfectly happy (men, women, trans athletes) competing with their existing rule frameworks. It's about creating so much ado about nothing when the problem (by all accounts) does not even seem to exist in the county.

Again, although you say you understand the E.O., it's not clear that you do. This is not a blanket ban for anyone. It's a specific ban on issuing permits for the use of specific Parks facilities (not all public facilities) for specific events that don't comply with the rule. It isn't the purview of existing sports organizations to determine the rules for use of government facilities.

So again, what's mean spirited about the policy itself?

Once you cross into "creating much ado" you're back into complaints about the messenger and how he delivers his message, not about the policy itself.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
No, it is about a blanket ban of public facilities/permits to groups that are perfectly happy (men, women, trans athletes) competing with their existing rule frameworks. It's about creating so much ado about nothing when the problem (by all accounts) does not even seem to exist in the county.

That's not even remotely true. Have you not been following the news? There are a lot of people that are not happy with that "rule frameworks" and most, if not all, are accused of discrimination when they point out it is misguided and unfair.

So local cities, counties, towns, and state legislatures are gonna start getting into the weeds and start developing detailed rule frameworks for nearly any and all sports that might have male, female, open, trans, co-ed, mixed categories? For regular competition? For elite competition? For professional competition? Really?? That's gonna make things better??

Again, again, again, that's not even close to what this policy does. This policy doesn't set a single rule for how competitions can be held. It simply sets rules for what kinds of events can be permitted for the use of Parks facilities.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Sweeney wrote:
First important thing, it should have been voted on my the county legislature

Does the county typically hold a vote for Parks permitting regulations? I don't know, maybe that's the level of thing that goes before the public for a vote.

Also, If you're going to ban trans women, there should be a non-binary division.

The policy doesn't ban transgender women. All it prohibits is issuing a permit for an event listed as a women's/girls' event that allows transgender women to compete in that women's/girls' category. It explicitly permits co-ed events with no such restriction.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Last edited by: slowguy: Mar 5, 24 15:39
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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Newsday letters to the editor this morning, 100% in support of Blakeman and criticizing the editorial a few days ago that was against it.

The only criticism was that Blakeman should be conceded with other more important problems like the Nassau University Medical Center that's about to run out of money in a few weeks. But still supporting this.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe, and I know this is crazy, but maybe most people think that if you’re going to separate sports by sex, then you should actually, you know, separate sports by sex.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:
Maybe, and I know this is crazy, but maybe most people think that if you’re going to separate sports by sex, then you should actually, you know, separate sports by sex.


This is generally accepted as the most effective and minimum needed for fairness. Some sports go above and beyond that but separation by sex is the bare minimum for most (aside from co-Ed).

The fact that some individuals are happy and willing to waive the bare minimum standard doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do in the name of inclusivity.

It’s obvious the emotional ideologies fuel a lot of the opposition to this as evidenced by the frequent and consistent mischaracterization of the EO.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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The policy doesn't ban transgender women. All it prohibits is issuing a permit for an event listed as a women's/girls' event that allows transgender women to compete in that women's/girls' category. It explicitly permits co-ed events with no such restriction.

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans. Everything else is just quibbling to justify your bigotry. Them's the rules.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
The policy doesn't ban transgender women. All it prohibits is issuing a permit for an event listed as a women's/girls' event that allows transgender women to compete in that women's/girls' category. It explicitly permits co-ed events with no such restriction.

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans. Everything else is just quibbling to justify your bigotry. Them's the rules.

I know this is in jest (you should start using pink fonts) but unfortunately there is a lot of truth in this statement. There are some posters in this thread that have said almost exactly that.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
sphere wrote:
The policy doesn't ban transgender women. All it prohibits is issuing a permit for an event listed as a women's/girls' event that allows transgender women to compete in that women's/girls' category. It explicitly permits co-ed events with no such restriction.

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans. Everything else is just quibbling to justify your bigotry. Them's the rules.

I know this is in jest (you should start using pink fonts) but unfortunately there is a lot of truth in this statement. There are some posters in this thread that have said almost exactly that.

I wish it were in jest. Acceptance now requires endorsement and it's not just a small sliver of people in that community who see it this way. I say that as a parent of a young teen who got caught up in this stuff and is still trying to sort himself out, who essentially said the same thing--even though he can't put a finger on what it is he is, he just knows it isn't that so it's offensive and deadnaming to call him that. I can no longer call him by his birth name, or male pronouns, or refer to him as son (or my guy, my dude, the boys when referring to both he and his brother, etc.), but also not daughter, or female pronouns, and doesn't use they/them. But he has assured us we have to respect his wishes and his identity, whatever the hell that is, if we want to have a good relationship going forward.

If I sound a little bitter about it, it's because I am. I'm resentful that we've decided as a society that kids can't just be awkward or unique or slow to grow into themselves or just be uncomfortable in their skin for a while without opening this escape hatch black hole of nothingness and all but encouraging them as a society to jump through headfirst.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
So again, what's mean spirited about the policy itself?

As mentioned previously, the policy penalizes an entire team/group/sport if the team/group/sport has no issue with trans athletes competing within their sport within existing rule framework. And, then, even for a team/group/sport that does not want to compete with trans athletes, the burden of the "being trans-free" certification apparently falls only on the women's teams.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 6, 24 6:56
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
sphere wrote:
The policy doesn't ban transgender women. All it prohibits is issuing a permit for an event listed as a women's/girls' event that allows transgender women to compete in that women's/girls' category. It explicitly permits co-ed events with no such restriction.

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans. Everything else is just quibbling to justify your bigotry. Them's the rules.

I know this is in jest (you should start using pink fonts) but unfortunately there is a lot of truth in this statement. There are some posters in this thread that have said almost exactly that.

“Some posters,” eh? Do you mean moi?

I don’t care to know the intimate details about other people’s genitalia or hormones. It’s not my business! It’s not a matter of me denying or accepting or embracing or encouraging a person with or without certain body parts. It’s just not my business! And when I compete in sports, there are so many differences impacting me relative to others that the gender issue is just one of many. Both the results of competition and the gender/hormones of competitors are insignificant in the bigger scheme of things.

I recognize that gender/hormones and the results of competition are significant for some women. I would like rules in place to preserve the fairness of competition for that higher level of competition. For everyone else who’s success and involvement in sport is not as narrowly defined, I want to make certain everyone has minimal barriers to enter sports. Needlessly invading people’s privacy is an unnecessary barrier to sports.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
So again, what's mean spirited about the policy itself?

As mentioned previously, the policy penalizes an entire team/group/sport if the team/group/sport has no issue with trans athletes competing within their sport within existing rule framework. And, then, even for a team/group/sport that does not want to compete with trans athletes, the burden of the "being trans-free" certification apparently falls only on the women's teams.

So your issue is with the fact that the policy penalizes the entire team for having an ineligible player on their roster. Ultimately thats what this comes down to.

You have two issues if I understand:

1. Issue with who is legislating the policy
2. Issue with the policy itself as it penalizes an entire team for something

The odd thing is that this concept of penalizing an entire team is not new in sport. Penalizing an entire team for ineligible players, or for not following other rules has been widely accepted as punishment for eons.

Sports organizations must opt into the rules and regulations of the league or area in which they wish to compete. If the rules and regulations come from higher authority then so be it.

I think your really need to just say that you have an issue with them excluding transgender individuals. Because thats what it seems like and you keep dancing around that.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Adding this thought:

There is no appreciable benefit to women athletes like me to exclude transathletes. I participate in sports that include rankings, but my ranking is a B or C student. Even when I’m lucky and place as an A student, it’s only because a better event was happening and all the better athletes went to it instead of my event. It’s luck that gets me the A in that case. Not skill or talent—luck.

The vast majority of people are like me (90%) if you use my graded scale. So why would we accept a rule that invades privacy of EVERYONE for the benefit of 10% of the population? Why wouldn’t we make a rule that invades the privacy of 10 or 15%?

If we know that sports fosters excellent personal growth, positive mental health, connection to others, physical health, then why would we create barriers to participation that won’t result in benefits to the vast majority of people who want to participate?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, I have an issue with the county excluding transathletes from women’s teams. I don’t think that is the appropriate thing for the county to do. It is not the county’s job to determine who should play on certain teams and impose rules to effectuate it. That is an unnecessary intrusion into the lives of people. There are better ways to achieve the goal. This has been my point from the get-go.

ETA: oopsies! You weren’t talking to me. My bad!! lol
Last edited by: Barks&Purrs: Mar 6, 24 7:26
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:

I think your really need to just say that you have an issue with them excluding transgender individuals. Because thats what it seems like and you keep dancing around that.

You could think that, sir, but you would be mistaken. Since l have never said that. Nor do l think it. Also, if it helps, I am not on, or off, the 'trans train'. I am just trying to be on the 'human decency train.'

I am totally OK with directly affected parties deciding whatever they think is best for their sport/team/event. I am just not ok with mean-spirited micromanagement at a distance by totally unaffected politicians with all kinds of kooky values and, umm, "morals". And l want to keep Blakeman out of our effing headlines.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 6, 24 8:04
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yes, I have an issue with the county excluding transathletes from women’s teams. I don’t think that is the appropriate thing for the county to do. It is not the county’s job to determine who should play on certain teams and impose rules to effectuate it. That is an unnecessary intrusion into the lives of people. There are better ways to achieve the goal. This has been my point from the get-go.

ETA: oopsies! You weren’t talking to me. My bad!! lol

Its ok to respond even if I wasn't talking to you.

Regarding your bold: Said another way you have an issue with the government passing regulations/laws regarding how to facilitate fairness to a protected class of individuals. The fact that this has to do with sports, and sports can be seen as irrelevant to the big picture, is red herring. This is about government stepping up to continue the protection of a class of individuals that needed government protection over 50 years ago.

This boils down to how best to continue protecting two separate protected classes as defined by our constitution. And this EO and laws like it have done a fabulous job as offering a middle ground compromise. Women retain the ability to compete without the threat of biological males in their way and trans individuals can all compete in male, open, or co-ed divisions.

No one is excluded. As this emerging hurdle is growing places are being proactive based upon previous conflicts. And the government is stepping in seeing as how there is an obvious issue with people/organizations handling it on their own. Everyone is being given multiple opportunities to participate/compete.

Again, the basic issue is that protected classes are at the crux of this issue. Imagine if we never had civil rights legislation or women's suffrage and we just "left it up to the individual businesses or organizations" in their respective areas. Theres a reason legislation was passed for that.

We now have relatively uncharted territory when two protected classes begin to clash. So government intervention is not wildly inappropriate as has been claimed at times.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
sphere wrote:
The policy doesn't ban transgender women. All it prohibits is issuing a permit for an event listed as a women's/girls' event that allows transgender women to compete in that women's/girls' category. It explicitly permits co-ed events with no such restriction.

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans. Everything else is just quibbling to justify your bigotry. Them's the rules.

I know this is in jest (you should start using pink fonts) but unfortunately there is a lot of truth in this statement. There are some posters in this thread that have said almost exactly that.

I wish it were in jest. Acceptance now requires endorsement and it's not just a small sliver of people in that community who see it this way. I say that as a parent of a young teen who got caught up in this stuff and is still trying to sort himself out, who essentially said the same thing--even though he can't put a finger on what it is he is, he just knows it isn't that so it's offensive and deadnaming to call him that. I can no longer call him by his birth name, or male pronouns, or refer to him as son (or my guy, my dude, the boys when referring to both he and his brother, etc.), but also not daughter, or female pronouns, and doesn't use they/them. But he has assured us we have to respect his wishes and his identity, whatever the hell that is, if we want to have a good relationship going forward.

If I sound a little bitter about it, it's because I am. I'm resentful that we've decided as a society that kids can't just be awkward or unique or slow to grow into themselves or just be uncomfortable in their skin for a while without opening this escape hatch black hole of nothingness and all but encouraging them as a society to jump through headfirst.

Not to dive too deeply into this societal can of worms, but it's also an issue of this supremacy of the individual. It doesn't matter what everyone else wants, believes, thinks, or sees,....you have to bow to the desires of the individual.

It's always amusing to me when someone says what "their pronouns" are. Sorry buddy, but you don't own those pronouns. The pronouns that belong to you are "I, me, my." First person pronouns. Third person pronouns are used by a person to describe what they perceive and see. They are owned by the observer, not the observed.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

Anti-trans in the sense that you don’t believe in what believe is very different than anti-trans in saying they don’t deserve the same respect as any other human being.

Now we can argue whether or not it’s disrespectful to prohibit trans individuals from participating in every single situation without addressing the elephant in the room.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

Only in the most superficial and meaningless sense.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
So again, what's mean spirited about the policy itself?

As mentioned previously, the policy penalizes an entire team/group/sport if the team/group/sport has no issue with trans athletes competing within their sport within existing rule framework. And, then, even for a team/group/sport that does not want to compete with trans athletes, the burden of the "being trans-free" certification apparently falls only on the women's teams.

I don't think the E.O. specifies any certification process, so I don't know that I see any particular burden. Of course, the devile's in the details. In this case, enforcement of the E.O. If it's just checking a box on the permit request form, then there's no particular burden on the sports organization or event sponsor.

And again, this is how governmental regulations regarding discrimination and fairness work. You wouldn't allow a sports organization to get permits to hold events on government property if they excluded black people. You wouldn't allow them to hold events on government property if they refuse to take basic safety precautions. Both types of concerns exist (discrimination and safety) when we discuss allowing transgender women to compete with women.

It boils down to a value judgment about whether or not you think there is a legitimate fairness and safety concern in allowing that. If you don't, then you would see this policy as bad. If you do, then I still have not seen any actual objection to the policy except that you don't like it.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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I am totally OK with directly affected parties deciding whatever they think is best for their sport/team/event.

In this specific case, the government is a directly affected party. This has solely to do with issuing permits for the use of government facilities. In all other cases, the E.O. doesn't say anything about how a sport/team/event can organize itself.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

Only if you dramatically expand the definition to basically whatever you want.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
It boils down to a value judgment about whether or not you think there is a legitimate fairness and safety concern in allowing that. If you don't, then you would see this policy as bad. If you do, then I still have not seen any actual objection to the policy except that you don't like it.

Not exactly. There is a legitimate concern for the affected parties. And, as mentioned previously, the policy penalizes an entire team/group/sport if the team/group/sport has no issue with trans athletes competing within their sport within existing rule framework. And, then, even for a team/group/sport that does not want to compete with trans athletes, the burden of the "being trans-free" certification apparently falls only on the women's teams (as far as we know right now).

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
I am totally OK with directly affected parties deciding whatever they think is best for their sport/team/event.
In this specific case, the government is a directly affected party. This has solely to do with issuing permits for the use of government facilities. In all other cases, the E.O. doesn't say anything about how a sport/team/event can organize itself.

We can debate this, but I really do not follow how a happy, well behaved set of teams using a county's baseball/softball fields directly affects the govt. Do teams of all black folks (vs teams of all white folks) playing softball on the fields directly affect the govt.? Do two womens teams that may, or may not, include trans athletes happily playing on a county baseball diamond wear out or damage the field in ways substantially different than other women's teams?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 6, 24 9:07
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yes, I have an issue with the county excluding transathletes from women’s teams. I don’t think that is the appropriate thing for the county to do. It is not the county’s job to determine who should play on certain teams and impose rules to effectuate it. That is an unnecessary intrusion into the lives of people. There are better ways to achieve the goal. This has been my point from the get-go.

ETA: oopsies! You weren’t talking to me. My bad!! lol

Its ok to respond even if I wasn't talking to you.

Regarding your bold: Said another way you have an issue with the government passing regulations/laws regarding how to facilitate fairness to a protected class of individuals. The fact that this has to do with sports, and sports can be seen as irrelevant to the big picture, is red herring. This is about government stepping up to continue the protection of a class of individuals that needed government protection over 50 years ago.

This boils down to how best to continue protecting two separate protected classes as defined by our constitution. And this EO and laws like it have done a fabulous job as offering a middle ground compromise. Women retain the ability to compete without the threat of biological males in their way and trans individuals can all compete in male, open, or co-ed divisions.

No one is excluded. As this emerging hurdle is growing places are being proactive based upon previous conflicts. And the government is stepping in seeing as how there is an obvious issue with people/organizations handling it on their own. Everyone is being given multiple opportunities to participate/compete.

Again, the basic issue is that protected classes are at the crux of this issue. Imagine if we never had civil rights legislation or women's suffrage and we just "left it up to the individual businesses or organizations" in their respective areas. Theres a reason legislation was passed for that.

We now have relatively uncharted territory when two protected classes begin to clash. So government intervention is not wildly inappropriate as has been claimed at times.

I don’t think we are in uncharted territory if you define the issue as the balancing of interests between people. If you think that transathletes do not have any valid interests to protect, then the issue is black and white and you must favor women over the transathletes. If transathletes have no rights at all, then whatever we do to them is okay.

We all agree that women have rights. We know women have the right to fair competition among women. Do women have the right to exclude women who are trans women? If so, why? Must there be proven harm from inclusion to support the right to exclude trans athletes? What kind of harm? Emotional harm? Is that sufficient? Deprivation of scholarships and other financial harm?

If you believe transathletes have some measure of rights, then there must be a balancing of the rights. What rights do transathletes have? Do they have a right to participate? Do they have a right to privacy? If they have either of these rights to any measurable degree, then we must examine to what extent these rights are burdened by any given rule.

The question about whether transathletes are excluded is not as simple as you make it. An unnecessary invasion of privacy as a prerequisite to participation results in exclusion for people who (a) enjoy privacy, (b) don’t like being burdened unfairly. Placing an unfair burden on someone sends a message of unwelcomeness. Lots of people are attuned to this— I remember being the only girl riding with a pack of guys and I felt unwelcome at times. It’s okay to endure that unwelcome feeling on a personal level, but it’s not good to bake that into the system.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

Anti-trans in the sense that you don’t believe in what believe is very different than anti-trans in saying they don’t deserve the same respect as any other human being.

Now we can argue whether or not it’s disrespectful to prohibit trans individuals from participating in every single situation without addressing the elephant in the room.

Exactly my point. That’s the conundrum. I suspect that what a trans person wants - to be recognized as their gender - is all that matters to them.

I don’t have any answer to that. I’ve really delved into biological explanations of transgenderism and some of it seems plausible and interesting. I think I’m about as “open minded” about this as you can be and I’m sitting at like 90% on these biological explanations. Which means that you think I’m 90% wrong. And at the same time, we both know, those with transgenderism would tell me I’m 10% wrong.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
I am totally OK with directly affected parties deciding whatever they think is best for their sport/team/event.
In this specific case, the government is a directly affected party. This has solely to do with issuing permits for the use of government facilities. In all other cases, the E.O. doesn't say anything about how a sport/team/event can organize itself.

We can debate this, but I really do not follow how a happy, well behaved set of teams using a county's baseball/softball fields directly affects the govt. Do teams of all black folks (vs teams of all white folks) playing softball on the fields directly affect the govt.? Do two womens teams that may, or may not, include trans athletes happily playing on a county baseball diamond wear out or damage the field in ways substantially different than other women's teams?

The government has two interests at play here. This is how the government is directly affected.

1. The government has a role in ensuring fairness and women's rights. The premise is that allowing male-to-female transgender athletes to compete with women negatively impacts that fairness that the government has a role in protecting.

2. The government has a role in ensuring safety in events held on its property. the premise here is that there is increased risk of injury to female athletes in contact sports with male-to-female transgender athletes.

It's not about who is happy or unhappy.

If you don't think organizations excluding a minority race in events permitted to be held on government property directly affects the government, then you really need to get re-baselined on government's role in discrimination.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Right, but the teams are not excluding athletes, they are including athletes.

It is the govt that want to exclude athletes.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

Anti-trans in the sense that you don’t believe in what believe is very different than anti-trans in saying they don’t deserve the same respect as any other human being.

Now we can argue whether or not it’s disrespectful to prohibit trans individuals from participating in every single situation without addressing the elephant in the room.

I don’t know what the elephant in the room is. And I would say we (citizens of a county) don’t have to argue over every situation if we place the responsibility for hashing out the details on the people who are most intimately impacted, ie the particular sports themselves.

You—as in the regular citizen of a county—cannot honestly express any grievance about being required to address every situation when you have voluntarily undertook the responsibility of making a rule on the issue. If you don’t like the job of dealing with this subject, then you should not be involving yourself in decision-making.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Right, but the teams are not excluding athletes, they are including athletes.

It is the govt that want to exclude athletes.

The government isn't asking to exclude athletes. It's asking them to compete in specific categories. It's teams to ensure that they only allow those athletes to compete in a way that protects the rights of women. Permits can be issued for events that allow male-to-female transgender athletes to compete in men's or co-ed categories, and female-to-male transgender athletes are free to compete in any category.

Take the issue of transgender out of the discussion for a second. If there was no such thing as transgender athletes, but a government decided to pass this exact same policy to ensure that men were not competing in women's/girls' categories or events, would people have a problem? I don't think they would. They'd say, "of course we think it's right to ensure that women/girls have the opportunity to compete in their own events/categories without men." The only difference is that we add transgender women to the mix, and now it's a hateful mean-spirited policy for some reason.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Last edited by: slowguy: Mar 6, 24 9:37
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Right, but the teams are not excluding athletes, they are including athletes.

It is the govt that want to exclude athletes.

The government isn't asking to exclude athletes. It's asking them to compete in specific categories. It's teams to ensure that they only allow those athletes to compete in a way that protects the rights of women. Permits can be issued for events that allow male-to-female transgender athletes to compete in men's or co-ed categories, and female-to-male transgender athletes are free to compete in any category.

Sure, I understand this.

But if the women and trans athletes (and their governing bodies) do not want and/or do ask for this, it is just bad faith micromanagement of sport. Let the directly affected parties decide the rules/divisions/categories/age groups of their own sport. Not Blakeman.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Right, but the teams are not excluding athletes, they are including athletes.

It is the govt that want to exclude athletes.

The government isn't asking to exclude athletes. It's asking them to compete in specific categories. It's teams to ensure that they only allow those athletes to compete in a way that protects the rights of women. Permits can be issued for events that allow male-to-female transgender athletes to compete in men's or co-ed categories, and female-to-male transgender athletes are free to compete in any category.

Sure, I understand this.

But if the women and trans athletes (and their governing bodies) do not want and/or do ask for this, it is just bad faith micromanagement of sport. Let the directly affected parties decide the rules/divisions/categories/age groups of their own sport. Not Blakeman.

The government doesn't get to provide official endorsement of events or organizations that violate another groups' rights just because some or even all members of that group say they're ok with having their rights violated.

Again, there's nothing in this E.O. that says that any of these sports can't decide the rules/divisions/categories/age groups of their own sport, and hold any contest, match, meet, or event they want. They just don't get to do it on government property unless they protect the rights of women/girls.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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The government doesn't get to provide official endorsement of events or organizations that violate another groups' rights just because some or even all members of that group say they're ok with having their rights violated.
So if a group of women are totally ok with trans athletes competing against/among them, they are still having their "rights violated"?? If this is what you are saying, I completely disagree with your take.

Again, there's nothing in this E.O. that says that any of these sports can't decide the rules/divisions/categories/age groups of their own sport, and hold any contest, match, meet, or event they want. They just don't get to do it on government property unless they protect the rights of women/girls.
This is true. Small detail: in most communities, many/most sports fields are govt owned. For cycling, walking, jogging, running, roller skating, skateboarding, unicycle riding, etc. events, nearly all roads are govt owned. Hence the govt is indeed excluding folks.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
The government doesn't get to provide official endorsement of events or organizations that violate another groups' rights just because some or even all members of that group say they're ok with having their rights violated.
So if a group of women are totally ok with trans athletes competing against/among them, they are still having their "rights violated"?? If this is what you are saying, I completely disagree with your take.

Do you think that, if a group of black people was totally ok with being excluded from their local government based on race, it wouldn't still be a rights violation?

Again, there's nothing in this E.O. that says that any of these sports can't decide the rules/divisions/categories/age groups of their own sport, and hold any contest, match, meet, or event they want. They just don't get to do it on government property unless they protect the rights of women/girls.
This is true. Small detail: in most communities, many/most sports fields are govt owned. For cycling, walking, jogging, running, roller skating, skateboarding, unicycle riding, etc. events, nearly all roads are govt owned. Hence the govt is indeed excluding folks.

The government is excluding people from getting permits. It's not preventing anyone from walking, jogging, roller skating, skateboarding, unicycle riding, or any other nonsense thing you list. It's just excluding you from getting a permit to hold an event unless you comply with the rules.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Do you think that, if a group of black people was totally ok with being excluded from their local government based on race, it wouldn't still be a rights violation?
Not sure I really understand your question. Can you explain,"being excluded from their local government based on race"? Also, how does that question relate to this topic?

The government is excluding people from getting permits. It's not preventing anyone from walking, jogging, roller skating, skateboarding, unicycle riding, or any other nonsense thing you list. It's just excluding you from getting a permit to hold an event unless you comply with the rules.
Understood, but typically one must get permits for organized events on public fields and public roadways. Hence, my point still stands.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Anti-trans in the sense that you don’t believe in what believe is very different than anti-trans in saying they don’t deserve the same respect as any other human being.

Now we can argue whether or not it’s disrespectful to prohibit trans individuals from participating in every single situation without addressing the elephant in the room.

Barks&Purrs wrote:
I don’t know what the elephant in the room is.

You're unaware of the elephant in the room when discussing trans individuals in sport which often relies heavily on physical characteristics? If this is the case I know you're being obtuse I'm just not sure if its willful or not.

Barks&Purrs wrote:
And I would say we (citizens of a county) don’t have to argue over every situation if we place the responsibility for hashing out the details on the people who are most intimately impacted, ie the particular sports themselves.

You're saying this as a citizen of a country that had to legislate for fair treatment of multiple classes of individuals over the last century or so in order to ensure fair and equal treatment. I find that more than ironic seeing as how the government had to legislate because the citizenry couldn't get it right and left to their own devices it may have never happened in many areas.

I will ask this again, do you feel the government should have let individual businesses and communities "hash it out" during the civil rights movement?

Nevertheless, I think it is CRUCIAL in our country to allow individuals to speak and have opinions on matters that dont directly involve them because it speaks to the idea of they are allowed to have a say in what kind of country they want to live in or be a representative of. This is why we are a democratic republic. We give politician's our voice.

I can take this concept and apply it to any number of analogies or situations where citizens have strong opinions and laws are passed on events or situations that will NEVER apply to them. This is our nation's process especially when it comes to protected classes.

I know that you know this. I also have my suspicions why you are choosing to take the contrarian route.

Barks&Purrs wrote:
You—as in the regular citizen of a county—cannot honestly express any grievance about being required to address every situation when you have voluntarily undertook the responsibility of making a rule on the issue. If you don’t like the job of dealing with this subject, then you should not be involving yourself in decision-making.

I'm not even sure I understand what you're saying here.
Last edited by: Yeeper: Mar 6, 24 10:52
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Do you think that, if a group of black people was totally ok with being excluded from their local government based on race, it wouldn't still be a rights violation?
Not sure I really understand your question. Can you explain,"being excluded from their local government based on race"? Also, how does that question relate to this topic?

I fully expect you to paint me as attacking the messenger (again) here but this reply of yours is a shining example of how/why you argue dishonestly.

You will really sit there and expect us to believe you con't understand what Slowguy means with that question? Is it so simple and straightforward and given all the context clues and 10+ pages worth of discussion on the topic you pretend you don't understand the concept or how it relates to the discussion. Frustrating because it undermines good honest discussion.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Do you think that, if a group of black people was totally ok with being excluded from their local government based on race, it wouldn't still be a rights violation?
Not sure I really understand your question. Can you explain,"being excluded from their local government based on race"? Also, how does that question relate to this topic?

You seem to think that government doesn't have a role in preserving a right if the potentially violated group doesn't care. You're objection is that some or all women might not care about competing with transgender women. But that's not how rights work. Some black people might not care about being excluded. Some gays might not care about not being able to buy a wedding cake.

The government is excluding people from getting permits. It's not preventing anyone from walking, jogging, roller skating, skateboarding, unicycle riding, or any other nonsense thing you list. It's just excluding you from getting a permit to hold an event unless you comply with the rules.
Understood, but typically one must get permits for organized events on public fields and public roadways. Hence, my point still stands.

Your point only stands if you think most people are getting permits to go roller skating or unicycle riding. Otherwise, it was just a random list of nonsense.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Do you think that, if a group of black people was totally ok with being excluded from their local government based on race, it wouldn't still be a rights violation?
Not sure I really understand your question. Can you explain,"being excluded from their local government based on race"? Also, how does that question relate to this topic?

I fully expect you to paint me as attacking the messenger (again) here but this reply of yours is a shining example of how/why you argue dishonestly.

You will really sit there and expect us to believe you con't understand what Slowguy means with that question? Is it so simple and straightforward and given all the context clues and 10+ pages worth of discussion on the topic you pretend you don't understand the concept or how it relates to the discussion. Frustrating because it undermines good honest discussion.
I truly do not understand this part.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

My nephew (born male) is trans-female, now legally an adult. They go by a genderless name. I call them by that name. They identify as female. I identify them as trans-female. If I were asked if they are male or female, I would say trans-female because that paints an accurate enough picture of reality that I would not be inaccurate or misleading to someone making the inquiry. As with any trans person, they are welcome in my home, my friend group, and wherever I choose to associate with other people. I support their right to marry, adopt, rear children in any manner available to cis/hetero couples or individuals. They deserve equal protection under the law in every way other Americans do. I treat the trans person who cleans our call suite no differently than anyone else, and I probably go out of my way to be more conversive than with others because I am aware that people avoid eye contact and conversation with them.

That said, I think there need to be hard lines when it comes to competition and fair play, an equal effort to protect women and girls from exposure to male bodies in traditional female spaces, and I think trans people need to be clear with others that they are trans when it comes to dating and how they present themselves, because in that realm it actually matters quite a bit. I obviously recognize a clear distinction between female and trans-female and I do not accept the idea that a trans-female is female for all practical purposes. They are in a unique category and that's ok by me. It should be ok by them as well.

So how you choose to define that position, be it anti-trans or pro-trans or just down the middle accepting, is entirely up to you. Personally, I think it would be counterproductive and inaccurate to say that's "anti-trans" if our definitions are to mean anything.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Last edited by: sphere: Mar 6, 24 10:21
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Do you think that, if a group of black people was totally ok with being excluded from their local government based on race, it wouldn't still be a rights violation?
Not sure I really understand your question. Can you explain,"being excluded from their local government based on race"? Also, how does that question relate to this topic?

I fully expect you to paint me as attacking the messenger (again) here but this reply of yours is a shining example of how/why you argue dishonestly.

You will really sit there and expect us to believe you con't understand what Slowguy means with that question? Is it so simple and straightforward and given all the context clues and 10+ pages worth of discussion on the topic you pretend you don't understand the concept or how it relates to the discussion. Frustrating because it undermines good honest discussion.
I truly do not understand this part.

You understand “x group” being excluded from athletic competitions enough to engage in 12 pages of discussion but you magically don’t understand “x group” being excluded from their government enough to answer Slowguy’s question.

I’m not buying it.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
You seem to think that government doesn't have a role in preserving a right if the potentially violated group doesn't care. You're objection is that some or all women might not care about competing with transgender women. But that's not how rights work. Some black people might not care about being excluded. Some gays might not care about not being able to buy a wedding cake.
Thanks for clarifying. Not sure if this is a relevant example. So if a group of women all want to play ball in sports bras and shorts (because its hot in the summer), but the govt thinks this is a violation of their rights, the govt can force the women to play in long pants and long sleeve Ts? So if a group of women all want to do a bike race where some use drop bars and other use clip on aerobars and they are competing with one another for prizes in the same category, but the govt thinks this is a violation of their bike race fairness rights, the govt can force the women to race in two different categories (drop bar category and aerobar category)?

Your point only stands if you think most people are getting permits to go roller skating or unicycle riding. Otherwise, it was just a random list of nonsense.
Sounds like the roller skating upset you, sorry. But I am confused, none of this applies to a women's group getting permits to have a road running race on public streets?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
I’m not buying it.

You don't have to buy it. But I can do nothing more than to tell the truth.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Is the elephant in the room unfair competition? That’s not an elephant in the room that anyone is avoiding talking about. My entire discussion about 90% of women not being impacted by transathletes is about competition. If there is something else that you think should be discussed and isn’t, then please bring it up.

I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

We are talking in circles. We have been over the same ground. You want to proactively prevent harm that might happen to women by burdening women and transathletes. I don’t want it; thank you, anyway. I feel comfortable allowing the sports governing bodies to make rules to protect fair competition. We can make a rule in the future if they fail.
Last edited by: Barks&Purrs: Mar 6, 24 10:31
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
You seem to think that government doesn't have a role in preserving a right if the potentially violated group doesn't care. You're objection is that some or all women might not care about competing with transgender women. But that's not how rights work. Some black people might not care about being excluded. Some gays might not care about not being able to buy a wedding cake.
Thanks for clarifying. Not sure if this is a relevant example. So if a group of women all want to play ball in sports bras and shorts (because its hot in the summer), but the govt thinks this is a violation of their rights, the govt can force the women to play in long pants and long sleeve Ts? So if a group of women all want to do a bike race where some use drop bars and other use clip on aerobars and they are competing with one another for prizes in the same category, but the govt thinks this is a violation of their bike race fairness rights, the govt can force the women to race in two different categories (drop bar category and aerobar category)?

If a group of women all want to compete in just their bras and panties, yes, the government could still make it a requirement to wear some sort of clothing in order to get a permit to hold that competition on Parks Department property. Do you really contest this premise? The government gets to set rules for use of government property. As to your other example, it's obviously just more of your nonsense, dropped in to avoid addressing the actual situation. As far as I know, nobody is contesting civil rights based on the degree of drop in bicyle handlebars. but hey, keep being obtuse if it makes you happy.

Your point only stands if you think most people are getting permits to go roller skating or unicycle riding. Otherwise, it was just a random list of nonsense.
Sounds like the roller skating upset you, sorry. But I am confused, none of this applies to a women's group getting permits to have a road running race on public streets?

Are public streets consider Parks Department property? Because the E.O. only excludes permitting for events on Parks Department property.

Once again, I'll ask you to just read the E.O.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
The government gets to set rules for use of government property. As to your other example, it's obviously just more of your nonsense, dropped in to avoid addressing the actual situation. As far as I know, nobody is contesting civil rights based on the degree of drop in bicyle handlebars. but hey, keep being obtuse if it makes you happy.
You seem to be getting angry. Are there a lot of women in Nassau county saying that their civil rights are being violated in their own softball games?

Are public streets consider Parks Department property? Because the E.O. only excludes permitting for events on Parks Department property. Once again, I'll ask you to just read the E.O.
Ok, my mistake. I thought the EO applied to co. roads too. But this does apply to women trying to get a permit to play a softball tournament on a public baseball diamond, yes? Are there many privately owned baseball diamonds in Nassau co. available to low-budget local community women's softball teams?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Is the elephant in the room unfair competition? That’s not an elephant in the room that anyone is avoiding talking about. My entire discussion about 90% of women not being impacted by transathletes is about competition. If there is something else that you think should be discussed and isn’t, then please bring it up.

I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

We are talking in circles. We have been over the same ground. You want to proactively prevent harm that might happen to women by burdening women and transathletes. I don’t want it; thank you, anyway. I feel comfortable allowing the sports governing bodies to make rules to protect fair competition. We can make a rule in the future if they fail.

I should have edited my post to you to make it clear. I fucked up the quoting somehow, my apologies. So thank you for editing yours here.

The elephant in the room is absolutely being ignored when individuals or groups advocate for inclusion of trans individuals without acknowledging the physical reality and the unfair situation it creates in sport. And that is exactly what has happened in this thread.

You are correct we are talking in circles. You want there to be "harm" before any legislative action is taken. I assume then that you would have no issue if an all white community in Maine wants to build a new library with a sign on the door that said "Blacks not Welcome." If theres no blacks in that community and no blacks tried to go into the building then theres no harm correct? No laws are needed to take corrective or preventative action?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
I’m not buying it.

You don't have to buy it. But I can do nothing more than to tell the truth.

You can allocate the basic amount of effort when taking part in discussions where others are doing the same out of respect for the conversation. It shows a lack of respect when you pretend not to understand the most straigthftorward concepts as an individual who has demonstarted he is more than capable of doing so in the past. And you do so to avoid answering the questions as it pertains to the topic.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
I’m not buying it.

You don't have to buy it. But I can do nothing more than to tell the truth.

You can allocate the basic amount of effort when taking part in discussions where others are doing the same out of respect for the conversation. It shows a lack of respect when you pretend not to understand ...

Sure, but how are you so certain over the internet if I am doing, or not doing, this? I think you may be greatly overestimating your perception ability via the internet. Also, I am not pretending.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
I’m not buying it.

You don't have to buy it. But I can do nothing more than to tell the truth.

You can allocate the basic amount of effort when taking part in discussions where others are doing the same out of respect for the conversation. It shows a lack of respect when you pretend not to understand ...

Sure, but how are you so certain over the internet if I am doing, or not doing, this? I think you may be greatly overestimating your perception ability via the internet. Also, I am not pretending.

Because I had to type post #288.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
I’m not buying it.

You don't have to buy it. But I can do nothing more than to tell the truth.

You can allocate the basic amount of effort when taking part in discussions where others are doing the same out of respect for the conversation. It shows a lack of respect when you pretend not to understand ...

Sure, but how are you so certain over the internet if I am doing, or not doing, this? I think you may be greatly overestimating your perception ability via the internet. Also, I am not pretending.

Because I had to type post #288.

I think you are doing a case of circular reasoning.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
The government gets to set rules for use of government property. As to your other example, it's obviously just more of your nonsense, dropped in to avoid addressing the actual situation. As far as I know, nobody is contesting civil rights based on the degree of drop in bicyle handlebars. but hey, keep being obtuse if it makes you happy.
You seem to be getting angry. Are there a lot of women in Nassau county saying that their civil rights are being violated in their own softball games?

You frequently accuse other posters of being angry when they disagree with you. Why are you unable to simply articulate a cogent position without personal characterizations?

Again, whether or not women in Nassau county are saying their rights are or are not being violated doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the policy is valid or mean-spirited. That argument gets back to your issue with the messenger and not liking the fact that he's laying out this policy and how he laid it out.

Are public streets consider Parks Department property? Because the E.O. only excludes permitting for events on Parks Department property. Once again, I'll ask you to just read the E.O.
Ok, my mistake. I thought the EO applied to co. roads too. But this does apply to women trying to get a permit to play a softball tournament on a public baseball diamond, yes? Are there many privately owned baseball diamonds in Nassau co. available to low-budget local community women's softball teams?

I don't have any idea how many private softball fields are in Nassau County, or how many other softball fields might exist that don't fall under the Parks Dept (maybe school fields don't) or how often someone actually has to request a permit to use one. If I ever played a game of softball that wasn't part of a league, in a public park, there was no permitting involved. We just got our mitts and bats and went out for a game.

But yes, if a group of women want to go get a permit to play softball on a Parks Dept field, and they wanted to allow transgender women to play, it sounds like they would have to characterize the event as co-ed on the permit application. The horror.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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You frequently accuse other posters of being angry when they disagree with you. Why are you unable to simply articulate a cogent position without personal characterizations?
Ok, will do.

Again, whether or not women in Nassau county are saying their rights are or are not being violated doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the policy is valid or mean-spirited. That argument gets back to your issue with the messenger and not liking the fact that he's laying out this policy and how he laid it out.
Again, nothing thing to do with the kooky messenger, l just don't think his sledgehammer is good targeted policy. So, how do we define/prove/determine if a womens softball team's "civil rights are being violated"?

But yes, if a group of women want to go get a permit to play softball on a Parks Dept field, and they wanted to allow transgender women to play, it sounds like they would have to characterize the event as co-ed on the permit application.
Yes, exactly, so the EO potentially excludes many from being able to stage sports events, without many (or any) suitable alternatives.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 6, 24 11:33
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But yes, if a group of women want to go get a permit to play softball on a Parks Dept field, and they wanted to allow transgender women to play, it sounds like they would have to characterize the event as co-ed on the permit application.
Yes, exactly, so the EO potentially excludes many from being able to stage sports events, without many (any?) suitable alternatives.

How do you figure that they're unable to stage sports events? They just can't call the sports event a women's/girls' event if they want to include transgender women. They can still have the event and get permitted.

If your definition of "stage sports events" or "suitable alternative" is being able to do exactly what you want with no interference from the government in any way,...well then you have to find a private venue. That's how life works, and not just for issues involving transgender sports.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But yes, if a group of women want to go get a permit to play softball on a Parks Dept field, and they wanted to allow transgender women to play, it sounds like they would have to characterize the event as co-ed on the permit application.
Yes, exactly, so the EO potentially excludes many from being able to stage sports events, without many (any?) suitable alternatives.

How do you figure that they're unable to stage sports events? They just can't call the sports event a women's/girls' event if they want to include transgender women. They can still have the event and get permitted.

If your definition of "stage sports events" or "suitable alternative" is being able to do exactly what you want with no interference from the government in any way,...well then you have to find a private venue. That's how life works, and not just for issues involving transgender sports.
OK, but then what is the major benefit of imposing such a policy on innocent, content, well meaning, mostly female athletes if no civil rights are being violated??

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Is the elephant in the room unfair competition? That’s not an elephant in the room that anyone is avoiding talking about. My entire discussion about 90% of women not being impacted by transathletes is about competition. If there is something else that you think should be discussed and isn’t, then please bring it up.

I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

We are talking in circles. We have been over the same ground. You want to proactively prevent harm that might happen to women by burdening women and transathletes. I don’t want it; thank you, anyway. I feel comfortable allowing the sports governing bodies to make rules to protect fair competition. We can make a rule in the future if they fail.

I should have edited my post to you to make it clear. I fucked up the quoting somehow, my apologies. So thank you for editing yours here.

The elephant in the room is absolutely being ignored when individuals or groups advocate for inclusion of trans individuals without acknowledging the physical reality and the unfair situation it creates in sport. And that is exactly what has happened in this thread.

You are correct we are talking in circles. You want there to be "harm" before any legislative action is taken. I assume then that you would have no issue if an all white community in Maine wants to build a new library with a sign on the door that said "Blacks not Welcome." If theres no blacks in that community and no blacks tried to go into the building then theres no harm correct? No laws are needed to take corrective or preventative action?

It doesn’t seem like a good idea for you to make assumptions about my position on any issue at all given that we do not understand each other, as evidenced by the fact that we are talking in circles. Hold off on making statements that you will assume are true unless I deny them. I don’t want to be required to deny a bunch of random statements.

You reference “physical reality and the unfair situation” as the elephant in the room. I believe I have addressed the “unfair situation” when I discussed competition in my posts above.

What is the “physical reality” that perhaps wasn’t addressed?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
ajthomas wrote:
sphere wrote:

If you don't endorse a trans person as the gender they identify with, you're anti-trans.

By definition that would be true.

So how you choose to define that position, be it anti-trans or pro-trans or just down the middle accepting, is entirely up to you. Personally, I think it would be counterproductive and inaccurate to say that's "anti-trans" if our definitions are to mean anything.

You are the one who made reductive statements in the first place. If you had bothered to ask, I'd say you are not anti-trans. And I'd say most of the people I know who want to endorse a trans person as the gender they identify have no problem grasping the complexity of these issues in spite of what you apparently think of us.

When I said earlier in the thread that what I really hope for is decency, it is no way a slight against you, this executive order, or people who place a priority of protecting the integrity of women's sports above the individual rights of transgendered people. I just want decency.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Is the elephant in the room unfair competition? That’s not an elephant in the room that anyone is avoiding talking about. My entire discussion about 90% of women not being impacted by transathletes is about competition. If there is something else that you think should be discussed and isn’t, then please bring it up.

I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

We are talking in circles. We have been over the same ground. You want to proactively prevent harm that might happen to women by burdening women and transathletes. I don’t want it; thank you, anyway. I feel comfortable allowing the sports governing bodies to make rules to protect fair competition. We can make a rule in the future if they fail.

I should have edited my post to you to make it clear. I fucked up the quoting somehow, my apologies. So thank you for editing yours here.

The elephant in the room is absolutely being ignored when individuals or groups advocate for inclusion of trans individuals without acknowledging the physical reality and the unfair situation it creates in sport. And that is exactly what has happened in this thread.

You are correct we are talking in circles. You want there to be "harm" before any legislative action is taken. I assume then that you would have no issue if an all white community in Maine wants to build a new library with a sign on the door that said "Blacks not Welcome." If theres no blacks in that community and no blacks tried to go into the building then theres no harm correct? No laws are needed to take corrective or preventative action?

It doesn’t seem like a good idea for you to make assumptions about my position on any issue at all given that we do not understand each other, as evidenced by the fact that we are talking in circles. Hold off on making statements that you will assume are true unless I deny them. I don’t want to be required to deny a bunch of random statements.

Then I am confused. You said:

Barks&Purrs wrote:
I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

And you’ve said this multiple times as well as saying that no “harm” has to women in Nassau county therefore it is unnecessary to do anything yet.

Why then is it a poor assumption on my part to think you’d have no issue with an all white community having a “no blacks allowed” sign on their door? No blacks were “harmed.” It’s an analogous situation with a different protected class in a different location.

Your entire stance is predicated on the fact that no harm has befallen therefore no action is needed and certainly no legislative action.

Can you clarify?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But yes, if a group of women want to go get a permit to play softball on a Parks Dept field, and they wanted to allow transgender women to play, it sounds like they would have to characterize the event as co-ed on the permit application.
Yes, exactly, so the EO potentially excludes many from being able to stage sports events, without many (any?) suitable alternatives.

How do you figure that they're unable to stage sports events? They just can't call the sports event a women's/girls' event if they want to include transgender women. They can still have the event and get permitted.

If your definition of "stage sports events" or "suitable alternative" is being able to do exactly what you want with no interference from the government in any way,...well then you have to find a private venue. That's how life works, and not just for issues involving transgender sports.

OK, but then what is the major benefit of imposing such a policy on innocent, content, well meaning, mostly female athletes if no civil rights are being violated??

Are you under the impression that the only rules that government can impose on the use of government property are rules that specifically address civil rights?

In the case listed above, the benefit is to provide a protection for women or girls who do want to be able to hold a sporting event or contest without having to compete against transgender females. That protection is applied in a broader manner which avoids having every organization have to attest to the desires and wants of every member of the potential contest (which they frequently wouldn't usually have at the time of requesting permits), and avoids having some Parks Dept. worker having to adjudicate every permutation of event or category construct.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

Not to mention that there has already been “harm” in women’s sport by including trans women. Instances all over and growing in frequency and levels competition where biological women are losing out to, losing records to, and getting physically injured by trans women.

So how can you claim women’s sport isn’t harmed already? Or that the sports governing bodies that have allowed the inclusion to continue aren’t failing to protect women?

In fact it seems like you’re taking the easy way out saying it hasn’t happened in Nassau county yet so then you’re saying it has to happen in each county? What about each town? Each school?

It seems convenient to your argument that you’re picking a microcosm as your justification that “no harm” has come while leaving out the other areas where it has happened.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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Are you under the impression that the only rules that government can impose on the use of government property are rules that specifically address civil rights?
No, l just thought that you said that this violated civil rights.

In the case listed above, the benefit is to provide a protection for women or girls who do want to be able to hold a sporting event or contest without having to compete against transgender females. That protection is applied in a broader manner which avoids having every organization have to attest to the desires and wants of every member of the potential contest (which they frequently wouldn't usually have at the time of requesting permits), and avoids having some Parks Dept. worker having to adjudicate every permutation of event or category construct.
This has to happen anyway, county employees have to adjudicate pretty much every sports event permit. But this EO just burdens them (and all women's teams) with some additional, yet to be decided, ovarian certification requirements. Seems poorly designed, poorly targeted, burdensome, and just mean spirited. Especially when this is being dealt with by nearly all sports governing bodies anyway.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

This has to happen anyway, county employees have to adjudicate pretty much every sports event permit. But this EO just burdens them (and all women's teams) with some additional, yet to be decided, ovarian certification requirements. Seems poorly designed, poorly targeted, burdensome, and just mean spirited. Especially when this is being dealt with by nearly all sports governing bodies anyway.

At some point in time it became necessary to affirm that someone lived in the county to participate. Then necessary to affirm they lived in a certain district, then necessary to affirm they were a certain age, etc etc.

Proof of eligibility is not a new concept nor should we pretend like there is some massive burden on anyone here. If a team enters into a female only division then a team representative must essentially check a box or sign a line that affirms all members of said team are biological females. As part of the regular application.

Stop pretending there are mounds of paperwork and man hours put into this.
Last edited by: Yeeper: Mar 6, 24 12:51
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

This has to happen anyway, county employees have to adjudicate pretty much every sports event permit. But this EO just burdens them (and all women's teams) with some additional, yet to be decided, ovarian certification requirements. Seems poorly designed, poorly targeted, burdensome, and just mean spirited. Especially when this is being dealt with by nearly all sports governing bodies anyway.

At some point in time it became necessary to affirm that someone lived in the county to participate. Then necessary to affirm they lived in a certain district, then necessary to affirm they were a certain age, etc etc.

Proof of eligibility is not a new concept nor should we pretend like there is some massive burden on anyone here. If a team enters into a female only division then a team representative must essentially check a box or sign a line that affirms all members of said team are biological females. As part of the regular application.

Stop pretending there are mounds of paperwork and man hours put into this.

Not pretending that, most of the burden will fall on the women's teams, but the devil will be in the details. Unless the EO is rescinded.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Is the elephant in the room unfair competition? That’s not an elephant in the room that anyone is avoiding talking about. My entire discussion about 90% of women not being impacted by transathletes is about competition. If there is something else that you think should be discussed and isn’t, then please bring it up.

I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

We are talking in circles. We have been over the same ground. You want to proactively prevent harm that might happen to women by burdening women and transathletes. I don’t want it; thank you, anyway. I feel comfortable allowing the sports governing bodies to make rules to protect fair competition. We can make a rule in the future if they fail.

I should have edited my post to you to make it clear. I fucked up the quoting somehow, my apologies. So thank you for editing yours here.

The elephant in the room is absolutely being ignored when individuals or groups advocate for inclusion of trans individuals without acknowledging the physical reality and the unfair situation it creates in sport. And that is exactly what has happened in this thread.

You are correct we are talking in circles. You want there to be "harm" before any legislative action is taken. I assume then that you would have no issue if an all white community in Maine wants to build a new library with a sign on the door that said "Blacks not Welcome." If theres no blacks in that community and no blacks tried to go into the building then theres no harm correct? No laws are needed to take corrective or preventative action?

It doesn’t seem like a good idea for you to make assumptions about my position on any issue at all given that we do not understand each other, as evidenced by the fact that we are talking in circles. Hold off on making statements that you will assume are true unless I deny them. I don’t want to be required to deny a bunch of random statements.

Then I am confused. You said:

Barks&Purrs wrote:
I’m familiar with the necessity of civil rights legislation. If we discover that the sports organizations fail to protect t women because there is actual harm, then it would be appropriate to give guidance (via law) to organizations to remedy the situation.

And you’ve said this multiple times as well as saying that no “harm” has to women in Nassau county therefore it is unnecessary to do anything yet.

Why then is it a poor assumption on my part to think you’d have no issue with an all white community having a “no blacks allowed” sign on their door? No blacks were “harmed.” It’s an analogous situation with a different protected class in a different location.

Your entire stance is predicated on the fact that no harm has befallen therefore no action is needed and certainly no legislative action.

Can you clarify?

Your analogy presents a different protected class, a different location, a different history of oppression between the groups and in relation to the majority rule-makers, a different type of potential harm, etc. There are enough differences that it is not analogous. There’s no point in working through an “analogy” when it isn’t analogous and it requires significant time and effort to glean out any helpful information.

My entire stance is not based upon a lack of harm. That is one component of my multiple points, which I’ve presented in my posts.

It has been a pleasure talking with you. I’ve said everything that I need to say on this subject.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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One thing that everyone is missing here is that trans rights, at least in NY has already been settled in 1977;

''On August 16, 1977, Judge Alfred M. Ascione found in Richards's favor. He ruled: "This person is now a female" and that requiring Richards to pass the Barr body test was "grossly unfair, discriminatory and inequitable, and a violation of her rights."[5][19] He further ruled that the USTA intentionally discriminated against Richards, and granted Richards an injunction against the USTA and the USOC, allowing her to play in the US Open.[5][7] Richards lost to Virginia Wade in the first round of the singles competition, but made it to the finals in doubles.[;;


It would seem at in NY Blakeman doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

This has to happen anyway, county employees have to adjudicate pretty much every sports event permit. But this EO just burdens them (and all women's teams) with some additional, yet to be decided, ovarian certification requirements. Seems poorly designed, poorly targeted, burdensome, and just mean spirited. Especially when this is being dealt with by nearly all sports governing bodies anyway.

At some point in time it became necessary to affirm that someone lived in the county to participate. Then necessary to affirm they lived in a certain district, then necessary to affirm they were a certain age, etc etc.

Proof of eligibility is not a new concept nor should we pretend like there is some massive burden on anyone here. If a team enters into a female only division then a team representative must essentially check a box or sign a line that affirms all members of said team are biological females. As part of the regular application.

Stop pretending there are mounds of paperwork and man hours put into this.

Not pretending that, most of the burden will fall on the women's teams, but the devil will be in the details. Unless the EO is rescinded.

You used the word burden. Please show me in which specific wording of the EO did you come to this conclusion. You've mentioned this burden repeatedly and Id be curious from where you are led to believe this. Please quote specific text from the EO.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And you’ve said this multiple times as well as saying that no “harm” has to women in Nassau county therefore it is unnecessary to do anything yet.

Why then is it a poor assumption on my part to think you’d have no issue with an all white community having a “no blacks allowed” sign on their door? No blacks were “harmed.” It’s an analogous situation with a different protected class in a different location.

Your entire stance is predicated on the fact that no harm has befallen therefore no action is needed and certainly no legislative action.

Can you clarify?

Your analogy presents a different protected class, a different location, a different history of oppression between the groups and in relation to the majority rule-makers, a different type of potential harm, etc. There are enough differences that it is not analogous. There’s no point in working through an “analogy” when it isn’t analogous and it requires significant time and effort to glean out any helpful information.

My entire stance is not based upon a lack of harm. That is one component of my multiple points, which I’ve presented in my posts.

It has been a pleasure talking with you. I’ve said everything that I need to say on this subject.

I wasn't aware that different protected classes received different forms of protection under the civil rights act. In that respect the analogy is fitting. A protected class is a protected class. Being denied equal protection to enter a building vs being denied equal protection in sport.

And Im a bit amused now that you recognize the "potential" harm as it relates to other protected classes but not women in sport.

I find your position extremely confusing.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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The EO does not indicate how exactly it will be enforced.

If it will not be enforced, it will not be any burden.

How will it be enforced?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
The EO does not indicate how exactly it will be enforced.

If it will not be enforced, it will not be any burden.

How will it be enforced?

Read what you wrote carefully and slowly. This entire thread you have been stating it will be a burden to those that have to enforce the ban. Now you admit you don't know how it will be enforced.

If you don't know how it will be enforce, how can you possible complain (over and over) that it will be a burden?

This why so many of us have a problem with the way you debate issues..

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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This has to happen anyway, county employees have to adjudicate pretty much every sports event permit. But this EO just burdens them (and all women's teams) with some additional, yet to be decided, ovarian certification requirements. Seems poorly designed, poorly targeted, burdensome, and just mean spirited. Especially when this is being dealt with by nearly all sports governing bodies anyway.

Well, again, you have yet to explain what's mean-spirited about this policy. I agree that we have yet to see how it's implemented, and there's possibility that it becomes overly burdensome, or that the policy is abused to discriminate further than the policy explicitly states, but that's the case with basically all laws and regulations.

I don't see any ovarian certification requirement. As I mentioned, this can be executed as simply as an additional checkbox section on the permit form.

Gender category (if any) for this event - check all that apply:

(if you checked next to "Womens/girls" please initial in the blank to indicate that you understand and intend to comply with E.O. XXXXX which prohibits issuance of permits for events that allow competitors born as male to compete in womens/girls/female categories or events.)

And this is not addressing a thing that sports bodies are governing. Sports bodies don't get to govern what happens on government property.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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This is interesting. Is this for certain how the EO will be enforced?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
If you don't know how it will be enforce, how can you possible complain (over and over) that it will be a burden?

I am just a regular person. I'm trying to envision how it will possibly be enforced. Seems to be a burden placed only on women's teams.

I don't like this approach. It seems highly exclusionary and does not allow women to govern themselves.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 16, 24 8:11
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:

And you’ve said this multiple times as well as saying that no “harm” has to women in Nassau county therefore it is unnecessary to do anything yet.

Why then is it a poor assumption on my part to think you’d have no issue with an all white community having a “no blacks allowed” sign on their door? No blacks were “harmed.” It’s an analogous situation with a different protected class in a different location.

Your entire stance is predicated on the fact that no harm has befallen therefore no action is needed and certainly no legislative action.

Can you clarify?

Your analogy presents a different protected class, a different location, a different history of oppression between the groups and in relation to the majority rule-makers, a different type of potential harm, etc. There are enough differences that it is not analogous. There’s no point in working through an “analogy” when it isn’t analogous and it requires significant time and effort to glean out any helpful information.

My entire stance is not based upon a lack of harm. That is one component of my multiple points, which I’ve presented in my posts.

It has been a pleasure talking with you. I’ve said everything that I need to say on this subject.

I wasn't aware that different protected classes received different forms of protection under the civil rights act. In that respect the analogy is fitting. A protected class is a protected class. Being denied equal protection to enter a building vs being denied equal protection in sport.

And Im a bit amused now that you recognize the "potential" harm as it relates to other protected classes but not women in sport.

I find your position extremely confusing.

At least for Equal Protection challenges under the 14th Amendment different classes receive different levels of scrutiny. Race-based rules get the strictest level of scrutiny. Gender-based rules get intermediate scrutiny. There is not a lot of law on trans-related gender rules, but intermediate level of scrutiny seems to be used. The lowest level is rational basis scrutiny.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
This is interesting. Is this for certain how the EO will be enforced?

Stop being obtuse.

Of course it's not for certain anything. It's something I just made up.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
If you don't know how it will be enforce, how can you possible complain (over and over) that it will be a burden?

I am just a regular person. I'm trying to envision how it will possibly be enforced. Seems to be a burden placed only on women's teams.

I don't like this approach. It seems highly exclusionary and does not allow women to government themselves.

I think the bolded is basically what all your posts boil down to. You don't like it. You can't really articulate why, except to call it mean spirited and burdensome, but without explaining why it's either mean spirited or burdensome.

This policy is about as non-exclusionary as a policy can get while still protecting a women/girls/female only category of sports on government property. It doesn't exclude transgender athletes from government property. It doesn't exclude sports/events with transgender men in any way. It doesn't exclude events/sports with transgender women so long as they compete in the mens/boys or co-ed categories. It carves out one single exclusion.

I'll make the same comment again. Leaving aside the transgender issue completely, I don't think too many people would be in an uproar about this policy if it just carved out the prohibition for men or boys from competing against women or girls except in a co-ed category. It's because transgender is attached to it that somehow this is a terrible, mean-spirited, overly burdensome policy.

As an aside, it would be interesting to see what happened if a woman was asked to "government" herself. Not sure what that would look like. Does she declare herself to be a government of her own authority?


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Last edited by: slowguy: Mar 6, 24 15:33
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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It doesn't exclude transgender athletes from government property. It doesn't exclude sports/events with transgender men in any way. It doesn't exclude events/sports with transgender women so long as they compete in the mens/boys or co-ed categories. It carves out one single exclusion.
Sure, l agree. But it's an important exclusion. But why force that exclusion on groups of people that don't need it or want it, that seems like govt micromanagement in the extreme. Even though there are no civil rights being violated. I thought that you were a "small govt" kind of guy.

I didn't know you made that other stuff up, l thought the county published some enforcement details.

I don't think too many people would be in an uproar about this policy if it just carved out the prohibition for men or boys from competing against women or girls except in a co-ed category. It's because transgender is attached to it that somehow this is a terrible, mean-spirited, overly burdensome policy.
l would be against such a policy if it was against the wishes of the sports participants.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 6, 24 15:46
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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But why force that exclusion on groups of people that don't need it or want it, that seems like govt micromanagement in the extreme. Even though there are no civil rights being violated. I thought that you were a "small govt" kind of guy.

I don't know whether we've reached a point where this is firm legal opinion or precedent on whether a woman or girl's civil rights are violated if she's forced to compete with a transgender woman. It seems like both public opinion and legal opinion remains undecided on that, which is why we see varying degrees of inclusion/exclusion at varying levels of competition.

However, assuming that government of Nassau County (as personified by its chief executive) believes that this is an important protection for women and girls, then it may be appropriate for them to ensure that protection is in place when someone asks for a permit to use government property.

That said, again, not every rule for the use of public property needs to hang on a civil rights issue. Parks have all sorts of rules or questions when you ask for a permit. Alcohol use, catering, amplified music or announcing systems, what percentage of participants will be seniors, whether it's a water event, whether you'll have inflatables, number of chairs/tables/canopies/etc., whether there will be vendor sales, restrictions on glass containers/bottles, and on and on and on,....


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know whether we've reached a point where this is firm legal opinion or precedent on whether a woman or girl's civil rights are violated if she's forced to compete with a transgender woman. It seems like both public opinion and legal opinion remains undecided on that, which is why we see varying degrees of inclusion/exclusion at varying levels of competition.
fyi, l am definitely against forcing a woman to compete with a trans athlete. That said, why force that other exclusion (see previous post) on groups of people that don't need it or want it, as that seems like govt micromanagement in the extreme?

However, assuming that government of Nassau County (as personified by its chief executive) believes that this is an important protection for women and girls, then it may be appropriate for them to ensure that protection is in place when someone asks for a permit to use government property.
l assume this is Blakeman's claimed position. But where is the evidence that this is a big (or any) issue at public parks in Nassau co.? If there is no evidence, l think it is safe to assume that he is using entirely different reasoning.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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As I was sporting my way across the desert yesterday with 179 other people, my brain was working at times, too. I thought about participation in sporting events and the various measures of success. Typically, I like to measure many things, including effort, how closely one meets predicted goals and mastery of the various requirements to prepare. How cute one looks. Is pacing good? Can I identify the flow state? Whether someone maintains good attitude and if their bad attitude is salvaged by being funny. I remember a time when time/rank meant a lot to me.

Yesterday I saw someone finish and decline the award for first in their age group because their Strava showed a .3 or .5 deficit, which means they ran off course somewhere. They took the finishers medal and seemed pretty happy otherwise. I did not ever see this before. Everyone was very casual about it, and this honor check didn’t cause any kind of stir whatsoever.

While I was moving across that sandy desert, I thought about transathletes in sports, and I thought how silly it would be for anyone to increase barriers to participation, either by unfriendliness or legal prohibitions or by insisting on racing at the very top end where the question of unfair advantage is a legitimate question. Are people doing that? Is it truly a problem? Or is the problem like suitcases full of ballots, I.e. someone fears there’s a problem but the fear is based on incorrect, uninformed assumptions? Like many things, the regular person might not know how to assess situations. Have they identified the correct expert to help them understand?

The haters are gonna hate, right? I don’t like to concede ground to baseless fears and mindless MAGA hate. I don’t have any respect whatsoever for MAGA moral panic and illogical bullshit.

But maybe I’m changing my mind about where the competition line should be drawn. I don’t know if there has been unfair advantage. But perhaps there should be a wider margin for error to make people feel better about protecting women in sports in the rules written by each sports’ governing rules. That’s what I would like to see. I’d prefer it came through the organic honor check that everyone should do at the finish line. But, the lawyer in me loves RULES, too. So I’m good with stronger rules crafted by the governing sports.

By the way, why aren’t we hearing from the sports governing bodies? Or why isn’t anyone asking them what they are doing to meet the demands of the moment to protect athletes in sports? Are there good changes to rules right now?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
As I was sporting my way across the desert yesterday with 179 other people, my brain was working at times, too. I thought about participation in sporting events and the various measures of success. Typically, I like to measure many things, including effort, how closely one meets predicted goals and mastery of the various requirements to prepare. How cute one looks. Is pacing good? Can I identify the flow state? Whether someone maintains good attitude and if their bad attitude is salvaged by being funny. I remember a time when time/rank meant a lot to me.

Yesterday I saw someone finish and decline the award for first in their age group because their Strava showed a .3 or .5 deficit, which means they ran off course somewhere. They took the finishers medal and seemed pretty happy otherwise. I did not ever see this before. Everyone was very casual about it, and this honor check didn’t cause any kind of stir whatsoever.

While I was moving across that sandy desert, I thought about transathletes in sports, and I thought how silly it would be for anyone to increase barriers to participation, either by unfriendliness or legal prohibitions or by insisting on racing at the very top end where the question of unfair advantage is a legitimate question. Are people doing that? Is it truly a problem? Or is the problem like suitcases full of ballots, I.e. someone fears there’s a problem but the fear is based on incorrect, uninformed assumptions? Like many things, the regular person might not know how to assess situations. Have they identified the correct expert to help them understand?

The haters are gonna hate, right? I don’t like to concede ground to baseless fears and mindless MAGA hate. I don’t have any respect whatsoever for MAGA moral panic and illogical bullshit.

But maybe I’m changing my mind about where the competition line should be drawn. I don’t know if there has been unfair advantage. But perhaps there should be a wider margin for error to make people feel better about protecting women in sports in the rules written by each sports’ governing rules. That’s what I would like to see. I’d prefer it came through the organic honor check that everyone should do at the finish line. But, the lawyer in me loves RULES, too. So I’m good with stronger rules crafted by the governing sports.

By the way, why aren’t we hearing from the sports governing bodies? Or why isn’t anyone asking them what they are doing to meet the demands of the moment to protect athletes in sports? Are there good changes to rules right now?

I have not done a survey, but lots of sport governing bodies are adopting policies. Here is the climbing policy (the sport closest to me).

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ike] [ In reply to ]
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That’s from October, 2023, which seems up-to-date, and they say they will update their policy periodically. The organization seems responsive to potential demand for change if the policy doesn’t make the climbers happy.

I wonder if any particular sport has a significant group of athletes unhappy with the sport’s rules?
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [ike] [ In reply to ]
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This is behind a paywall, so I will quote the text. The plot is thickening:

The battle over Nassau County’s ban on transgender women from playing on female sports teams at county-run facilities continues.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman is set to make an announcement on the executive order later this morning.
Blakeman will be joined by U.S. Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner, who will talk about her experience as a transgender woman from a sports background.
Bruce Blakeman, Caitlyn Jenner make announcement regarding ban on transgender women from playing on female sports teams at county-run facilities
Mar 18, 2024, 6:48amUpdated 2h ago
By: News 12 Staff

The battle over Nassau County’s ban on transgender women from playing on female sports teams at county-run facilities continues.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman is set to make an announcement on the executive order later this morning.
Blakeman will be joined by U.S. Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner, who will talk about her experience as a transgender woman from a sports background.
As News12 has reported, the NY Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the county over its controversial ban. It says the policy violates the state’s civil and human rights laws.
In a statement, Blakeman says in part, “Nassau County remains vigilant in protecting women’s right to compete on a fair and even playing filed in a safe environment.”

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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The county executive has asked Caitlyn Jenner to provide their opinion on this subject because they are an expert? And their area of expertise is ____________.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
The county executive has asked Caitlyn Jenner to provide their opinion on this subject because they are an expert? And their area of expertise is ____________.

First, Caitlyn Jenner is a her, not a they.

Second, she used to be Bruce Jenner, so my guess is she has some insight on the subject matter. Are you playing stupid, or do you really not know the back story on Ms. Jenner?

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
The county executive has asked Caitlyn Jenner to provide their opinion on this subject because they are an expert? And their area of expertise is ____________.

First, Caitlyn Jenner is a her, not a they.

Second, she used to be Bruce Jenner, so my guess is she has some insight on the subject matter. Are you playing stupid, or do you really not know the back story on Ms. Jenner?

I am pretty interested to hear what she will say. I can't imagine she would say she believes she should have been able to compete as a woman back in the day. She may have some unique perspectives from an elite athletes standpoint, however, certainly not from a trans competing athletes viewpoint.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
The county executive has asked Caitlyn Jenner to provide their opinion on this subject because they are an expert? And their area of expertise is ____________.

First, Caitlyn Jenner is a her, not a they.

Second, she used to be Bruce Jenner, so my guess is she has some insight on the subject matter. Are you playing stupid, or do you really not know the back story on Ms. Jenner?

Yes, I’m pretty stupid. I’m preparing an expert witness designation for a trial in May so I’m thinking about things like a person’s scope of expertise. Whether a person is qualified to address a specific issue is important to consider.

What are the critical issues here? I object to the Nasseau County ban because I don’t think the county is the proper entity to set rules regarding who plays on what teams in sports. Is Caitlyn Jenner the correct expert to address my concerns in this matter? I’m not sure…
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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I think Jenner is reasonably qualified to speak on the matter of trans athletes and fairness in women's sports. Although l am not familiar if she ever competed seriously as a trans woman.

However, she is most definitely NOT remotely to qualified to speak (as an expert) on whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 18, 24 8:13
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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I believe certain folks here are just continuing to hold the line that was established previously in this thread. While most people in this thread agree on the outcome of this decision (i.e. M2F trans people participating in Female-only athletic events), their politics will not allow them acceptance of such a decision when it is coming from a Republican official.

If this decision was coming from a Democrat official, I expect there would have been far less discussion here.

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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Endo] [ In reply to ]
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Endo wrote:
I believe certain folks here are just continuing to hold the line that was established previously in this thread. While most people in this thread agree on the outcome of this decision (i.e. M2F trans people participating in Female-only athletic events), their politics will not allow them acceptance of such a decision when it is coming from a Republican official.

If this decision was coming from a Democrat official, I expect there would have been far less discussion here.

Your assumption is totally wrong.

Stupid policy is stupid policy.
And smart policy is smart policy.

The source is irrelevant. Even someone as stupid as trump occasionlly (unfortunately very rarely) did good things.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 18, 24 8:22
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I think Jenner is reasonably qualified to speak on the matter of trans athletes and fairness in women's sports. Although l am not familiar if she ever competed seriously as a trans woman.

However, she is most definitely NOT remotely to qualified to speak (as an expert) on whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.

She doesn’t have to be qualified to speak as an expert on public policy to offer relevant information or context.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I think Jenner is reasonably qualified to speak on the matter of trans athletes and fairness in women's sports. Although l am not familiar if she ever competed seriously as a trans woman.

However, she is most definitely NOT remotely to qualified to speak (as an expert) on whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.
She doesn’t have to be qualified to speak as an expert on public policy to offer relevant information or context.

Of course not. We have the 1st amendment.

But others could do a far better job discussing whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
I think Jenner is reasonably qualified to speak on the matter of trans athletes and fairness in women's sports. Although l am not familiar if she ever competed seriously as a trans woman.

However, she is most definitely NOT remotely to qualified to speak (as an expert) on whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.
She doesn’t have to be qualified to speak as an expert on public policy to offer relevant information or context.

Of course not. We have the 1st amendment.

But others could do a far better job discussing whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.

You’re missing the points entirely.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry, what point am I missing?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

Sorry, what point am I missing?

Jenner's value on this situation has nothing to do with freedom of speech. And for some reason you don't recognize the value of a prominent transgender individual who holds a specific view on this matter.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

Sorry, what point am I missing?

Jenner's value on this situation has nothing to do with freedom of speech. And for some reason you don't recognize the value of a prominent transgender individual who holds a specific view on this matter.

Not at all, l think Jenner is reasonably qualified to speak on the matter of trans athletes and fairness in women's sports. Although l am not aware if she ever actually competed at all as a trans woman.

However, she is definitely not remotely qualified to speak (as an expert) on whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.

Although she 100% has the right to speak, of course.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 18, 24 11:54
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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I will be interested in hearing what C J has to say about this. And I think that I will agree with her and disagree at the same time. It's that kind of subject.

As a former Gold Medal winner in decathlon as a man and a transgender person for almost 10 years, she knows an awful lot about it, And even at over 60 years old she could probably beat the crap out of most women athletes and knows it.

The trans women who feel the need to go out and dominate woman's sports know that they are wrong. Maybe after Jenner finishes talking to us in Nassau County, she should go see them individually and ask them what the fuck they think they are doing!

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Although l am not aware if she ever actually competed at all as a trans woman.

Maybe that has something to do with what she will talk about. Hint hint.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
However, she is definitely not remotely qualified to speak (as an expert) on whether or not a blanket "trans women on women's teams" ban of county facilities/parks is a smart, effective, fair, or narrowly tailored policy to best promote opportunity and fairness in women's sports.

Not everyone that speaks has to be a subject-matter expert on all topics. Where do you think policy comes from? You don't see value in hearing from the actual people involved or affected?

It is quite telling that young women and their parents who feel affected and want this legislation have been quoted on the matter and they have been shot down. And now CJ is aiming to speak and has made her position well-known and you are shooting her down.

It seems like theres a pattern here where biological females and their families and trans athletes/women who are against this are the ones most involved but someone in the wrong.
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
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Behind a paywall, again, but here is the text:

Former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner throws support behind order banning transgender women from competing in women's sports at Nassau facilities
Mar 18, 2024,
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman was joined by U.S. Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete Caitlyn Jenner in Mineola on Monday to show her support regarding the county executive’s recent executive order banning biological males from competing in women’s sports at county facilities.
Jenner spoke about her experience as a transgender woman from a sports background and said she fully supports Blakeman’s decision.
Under the county executive’s order, all leagues or teams seeking a permit to use the more than 100 county facilities would have to state that they are not allowing transgender athletes to compete on girls' teams.
The New York Civil Liberties Union brought forward a lawsuit, saying the policy violates the state’s civil and human rights laws.
Jenner said we need to protect women’s sports.
The president of the LGBT Network responded in a statement saying “Caitlyn Jenner's support for anti-LGBT initiatives stands as a baffling contradiction to her own identity and the struggles she has faced as a transgender woman. Embracing policies or ideologies that undermine the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ individuals is not only hypocritical but also harmful.”

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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The president of the LGBT Network responded in a statement saying “Caitlyn Jenner's support for anti-LGBT initiatives stands as a baffling contradiction to her own identity and the struggles she has faced as a transgender woman. Embracing policies or ideologies that undermine the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ individuals is not only hypocritical but also harmful.”

Apparently the president of the LGBT Network is confused by someone who can hold a more nuanced view than "all or nothing."

I'm no big fan of Caitlyn Jenner in particular, but a person who is baffled by the idea that someone might be transgender and yet not support transgender woman competing directly against cisgender women,...probably shouldn't be the President of an organization with the purpose of representing LGBT issues.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Yeeper wrote:
Not everyone that speaks has to be a subject-matter expert on all topics. Where do you think policy comes from? You don't see value in hearing from the actual people involved or affected?

It is quite telling that young women and their parents who feel affected and want this legislation have been quoted on the matter and they have been shot down. And now CJ is aiming to speak and has made her position well-known and you are shooting her down.

It seems like theres a pattern here where biological females and their families and trans athletes/women who are against this are the ones most involved but someone in the wrong.

I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

You and I might also agree on the goal of reducing the number of abortions in the usa. But, there are many different methods to achieve this goal. And we might not agree on which of those is best or most effective.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Not everyone that speaks has to be a subject-matter expert on all topics. Where do you think policy comes from? You don't see value in hearing from the actual people involved or affected?

It is quite telling that young women and their parents who feel affected and want this legislation have been quoted on the matter and they have been shot down. And now CJ is aiming to speak and has made her position well-known and you are shooting her down.

It seems like theres a pattern here where biological females and their families and trans athletes/women who are against this are the ones most involved but someone in the wrong.

I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

You and I might also agree on the goal of reducing the number of abortions in the usa. But, there are many different methods to achieve this goal. And we might not agree on which of those is best or most effective.

Well gee then I guess it’s a real good thing Blakeman isn’t tasking Jenner with being the lone spokesperson for this media day and only talking about policy isn’t it?

Whether you will see or believe it, having a notable trans individual who was an accomplished athlete speak and offer their thoughts on the appropriateness and handling of trans individuals in sport makes a whole lot of fucking sense.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Not everyone that speaks has to be a subject-matter expert on all topics. Where do you think policy comes from? You don't see value in hearing from the actual people involved or affected?

It is quite telling that young women and their parents who feel affected and want this legislation have been quoted on the matter and they have been shot down. And now CJ is aiming to speak and has made her position well-known and you are shooting her down.

It seems like theres a pattern here where biological females and their families and trans athletes/women who are against this are the ones most involved but someone in the wrong.

I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

You and I might also agree on the goal of reducing the number of abortions in the usa. But, there are many different methods to achieve this goal. And we might not agree on which of those is best or most effective.
Well gee then I guess it’s a real good thing Blakeman isn’t tasking Jenner with being the lone spokesperson for this media day and only talking about policy isn’t it?

Whether you will see or believe it, having a notable trans individual who was an accomplished athlete speak and offer their thoughts on the appropriateness and handling of trans individuals in sport makes a whole lot of fucking sense.

Well, gee, I totally agree that it is appropriate for her to talk about the topic in general.

What is not appropriate is the co.'s method of the "handling" of trans athletes in sport.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 18, 24 14:42
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Not everyone that speaks has to be a subject-matter expert on all topics. Where do you think policy comes from? You don't see value in hearing from the actual people involved or affected?

It is quite telling that young women and their parents who feel affected and want this legislation have been quoted on the matter and they have been shot down. And now CJ is aiming to speak and has made her position well-known and you are shooting her down.

It seems like theres a pattern here where biological females and their families and trans athletes/women who are against this are the ones most involved but someone in the wrong.

I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

You and I might also agree on the goal of reducing the number of abortions in the usa. But, there are many different methods to achieve this goal. And we might not agree on which of those is best or most effective.
Well gee then I guess it’s a real good thing Blakeman isn’t tasking Jenner with being the lone spokesperson for this media day and only talking about policy isn’t it?

Whether you will see or believe it, having a notable trans individual who was an accomplished athlete speak and offer their thoughts on the appropriateness and handling of trans individuals in sport makes a whole lot of fucking sense.

Well, gee, I totally agree that it is appropriate for her to talk about the topic in general.

What is not appropriate is the co.'s method of the "handling" of trans athletes in sport.

Why the fuck have you been going on about her talking as an expert on policy? AJ provided the quote from the release and nowhere in that release did it mention Jenner would be speaking in a capacity as an expert on policy.

Yet in post #334 and then your reply to me in #338 you introduced and kept digging at her qualifications on policy and how she is not in a position to talk about policy.

Nowhere in the fucking release was it mentioned she would be there in that expert capacity. It is just common sense and logical that she will be speaking in the capacity as a trans female and high level athlete and how her thoughts on the matter might be beneficial with respect to the policy.

This is not that difficult yet you keep making strawman arguments.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
No, I was actually saying exactly the opposite: she has no expertise on policy.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
No, I was actually saying exactly the opposite: she has no expertise on policy.

That has been obvious from the get go. I wasn’t questioning that.

It makes no sense why you were arguing that in the first place and to multiple posters considering no one suggested she did and nowhere was it suggested that she did or was going to act as if she did.
Last edited by: Yeeper: Mar 18, 24 15:50
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

Unfortunately, your specific opinion about this E.O. isn't the only opinion the county has to contend with. Lots of the opposition to this E.O. comes from people who do NOT agree with separating transgender women from biological women, who believe this issue is a violation of transgender civil rights, and who generally don't share the goal that you and Yeeper share. So while your concern may primarily be with method to achieve the goal, the Nassau County chief executive has to also answer arguments from a fair few people who don't think there should be any separation at all. And since he's not only arguing his case in front of you specifically, it might make sense for him to include other voices that reinforce his core premise, namely that cisgender women /girls shouldn't have to compete against transgender women/girls. He's not somehow limited to only including voices that speak directly and narrowly to the policy method.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

Unfortunately, your specific opinion about this E.O. isn't the only opinion the county has to contend with. Lots of the opposition to this E.O. comes from people who do NOT agree with separating transgender women from biological women, who believe this issue is a violation of transgender civil rights, and who generally don't share the goal that you and Yeeper share. So while your concern may primarily be with method to achieve the goal, the Nassau County chief executive has to also answer arguments from a fair few people who don't think there should be any separation at all. And since he's not only arguing his case in front of you specifically, it might make sense for him to include other voices that reinforce his core premise, namely that cisgender women /girls shouldn't have to compete against transgender women/girls. He's not somehow limited to only including voices that speak directly and narrowly to the policy method.

No real disagreement from me. But an interesting question (to me at least): is this a real issue that his constituents actually brought up to him (given that he himself has admitted that he knew of zero cases where trans athletes were competing with and/or taking athletic advantage of biological female competitors in the county), or is it an issue that he has essentially fabricated to get his name in the news and to just rile up a right wing nutter base? Him knowing that this is a hot button issue with trumpers and such. Unfortunately, I suspect it is the latter.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

Unfortunately, your specific opinion about this E.O. isn't the only opinion the county has to contend with. Lots of the opposition to this E.O. comes from people who do NOT agree with separating transgender women from biological women, who believe this issue is a violation of transgender civil rights, and who generally don't share the goal that you and Yeeper share. So while your concern may primarily be with method to achieve the goal, the Nassau County chief executive has to also answer arguments from a fair few people who don't think there should be any separation at all. And since he's not only arguing his case in front of you specifically, it might make sense for him to include other voices that reinforce his core premise, namely that cisgender women /girls shouldn't have to compete against transgender women/girls. He's not somehow limited to only including voices that speak directly and narrowly to the policy method.

No real disagreement from me. But an interesting question (to me at least): is this a real issue that his constituents actually brought up to him (given that he himself has admitted that he knew of zero cases where trans athletes were competing with and/or taking athletic advantage of biological female competitors in the county), or is it an issue that he has essentially fabricated to get his name in the news and to just rile up a right wing nutter base? Him knowing that this is a hot button issue with trumpers and such. Unfortunately, I suspect it is the latter.

Yeah, we know you suspect the latter, and I think most people suspect the latter, but that's really a separate issue from whether or not the policy makes sense. It gets back to the motives of the messenger, which you've claimed don't matter to you.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
slowguy wrote:
I am definitely not "shooting her down" as a trans woman and as a former athlete. But I don't think she has any special expertise in policy. Nor does she even live in Nassau co. (AFAIK).

I think you and I are likely in agreement about trans women competing directly against biological women when the biological women do want such competition. But I just think the Nassau co. policy is a very poor method to get to this goal.

Unfortunately, your specific opinion about this E.O. isn't the only opinion the county has to contend with. Lots of the opposition to this E.O. comes from people who do NOT agree with separating transgender women from biological women, who believe this issue is a violation of transgender civil rights, and who generally don't share the goal that you and Yeeper share. So while your concern may primarily be with method to achieve the goal, the Nassau County chief executive has to also answer arguments from a fair few people who don't think there should be any separation at all. And since he's not only arguing his case in front of you specifically, it might make sense for him to include other voices that reinforce his core premise, namely that cisgender women /girls shouldn't have to compete against transgender women/girls. He's not somehow limited to only including voices that speak directly and narrowly to the policy method.

No real disagreement from me. But an interesting question (to me at least): is this a real issue that his constituents actually brought up to him (given that he himself has admitted that he knew of zero cases where trans athletes were competing with and/or taking athletic advantage of biological female competitors in the county), or is it an issue that he has essentially fabricated to get his name in the news and to just rile up a right wing nutter base? Him knowing that this is a hot button issue with trumpers and such. Unfortunately, I suspect it is the latter.

Yeah, we know you suspect the latter, and I think most people suspect the latter, but that's really a separate issue from whether or not the policy makes sense. It gets back to the motives of the messenger, which you've claimed don't matter to you.

The messenger matters a bit (probably more for entertainment's sake), but, yes, the intelligence (or lackthereof) of the policy is truly what really matters. And, related to what l said above, in addition to the policy being extremely poorly conceived, is it a policy that vast majority of his constituents even want? I don't live in Nassau co., but l doubt it.

(Yes, l am sure that most Nassau co. residents want sport to be fair, but do they want this facility ban as a way to get there? Again, l doubt it, but time will tell.)

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.

My events are going to be open to cis women and trans women. I will want to be accurate when I apply for my permit. I’m not going to say my women’s run is a mixed competition when it’s not. I’m not comfortable lying on my application.

So if I apply as a women’s event open to ALL women, I’ll get my permit? If so, what’s the point of the EO? Who would ever get denied a permit?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.

My events are going to be open to cis women and trans women. I will want to be accurate when I apply for my permit. I’m not going to say my women’s run is a mixed competition when it’s not. I’m not comfortable lying on my application.

So if I apply as a women’s event open to ALL women, I’ll get my permit? If so, what’s the point of the EO? Who would ever get denied a permit?

Well you are acknowledging that there is a difference and you acknowledge that the EO differentiates and also offers options for inclusion for different categories. So you have plenty of options and it is very simple to apply to host your event if you only follow the rules.

You are an attorney. You should be well-versed in documentation and regulations using specific language and how using anything other than that language could result in unnecessary delays.

So, since you are currently aware of the EO and how it uses specific language separating biological women and trans women then it would behoove you to abide by the language used in the legal order rather than try to intentionally bypass the regulations for the sake of your virtue or frustrations.

Any issue with the permitting issue would surely be your fault and and your fahlt alone. Because your event would go off without a hitch if you only used the legal language used in the county and facilities you are electing to use and not being coerced to use.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.

My events are going to be open to cis women and trans women. I will want to be accurate when I apply for my permit. I’m not going to say my women’s run is a mixed competition when it’s not. I’m not comfortable lying on my application.

So if I apply as a women’s event open to ALL women, I’ll get my permit? If so, what’s the point of the EO? Who would ever get denied a permit?

Well you are acknowledging that there is a difference and you acknowledge that the EO differentiates and also offers options for inclusion for different categories. So you have plenty of options and it is very simple to apply to host your event if you only follow the rules.

You are an attorney. You should be well-versed in documentation and regulations using specific language and how using anything other than that language could result in unnecessary delays.

So, since you are currently aware of the EO and how it uses specific language separating biological women and trans women then it would behoove you to abide by the language used in the legal order rather than try to intentionally bypass the regulations for the sake of your virtue or frustrations.

Any issue with the permitting issue would surely be your fault and and your fahlt alone. Because your event would go off without a hitch if you only used the legal language used in the county and facilities you are electing to use and not being coerced to use.

These are events are women-centered events. They are not mixed-gender events at all. They will be events that are safe spaces for ALL women. These events will be a celebration of and for ALL women who are tired of men telling us what we can and cannot do. I might turn this into an event series and host them four times per year. We may solicit input from our participants and set up our own rules for the competitions. If people don’t like our running events and bocce ball competitions, they can do a different series.

As a tax-paying citizen, I think it’s unfair that my events won’t be allowed at the county facilities. If I am denied my permits and I have to pay more to rent space elsewhere, then I will suffer economic damages. What should I do then?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.

My events are going to be open to cis women and trans women. I will want to be accurate when I apply for my permit. I’m not going to say my women’s run is a mixed competition when it’s not. I’m not comfortable lying on my application.

So if I apply as a women’s event open to ALL women, I’ll get my permit? If so, what’s the point of the EO? Who would ever get denied a permit?

Well you are acknowledging that there is a difference and you acknowledge that the EO differentiates and also offers options for inclusion for different categories. So you have plenty of options and it is very simple to apply to host your event if you only follow the rules.

You are an attorney. You should be well-versed in documentation and regulations using specific language and how using anything other than that language could result in unnecessary delays.

So, since you are currently aware of the EO and how it uses specific language separating biological women and trans women then it would behoove you to abide by the language used in the legal order rather than try to intentionally bypass the regulations for the sake of your virtue or frustrations.

Any issue with the permitting issue would surely be your fault and and your fahlt alone. Because your event would go off without a hitch if you only used the legal language used in the county and facilities you are electing to use and not being coerced to use.

These are events are women-centered events. They are not mixed-gender events at all. They will be events that are safe spaces for ALL women. These events will be a celebration of and for ALL women who are tired of men telling us what we can and cannot do. I might turn this into an event series and host them four times per year. We may solicit input from our participants and set up our own rules for the competitions. If people don’t like our running events and bocce ball competitions, they can do a different series.

As a tax-paying citizen, I think it’s unfair that my events won’t be allowed at the county facilities. If I am denied my permits and I have to pay more to rent space elsewhere, then I will suffer economic damages. What should I do then?

Unfortunately for you the EO uses the commonly accepted definitions and distinguishes between women and trans women. So you don’t get to use your own definitions and include trans women into your definition of “all” women.

The EO clearly defines the accepted categories of competition for permits regardless of your preferences and you are aware of this. So again I repeat, if you intentionally choose to either ignore the rules or mislead during your application process the fault falls squarely on you and you alone.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:

As a tax-paying citizen, I think it’s unfair that my events won’t be allowed at the county facilities. If I am denied my permits and I have to pay more to rent space elsewhere, then I will suffer economic damages. What should I do then?

It’s funny the phrasing you chose. I’m not saying this is your belief because you may or may not support trans women in competitive sport…but I feel it’s worthwhile to bring attention to the fact that biological women who are competing for roster spots, trophies, records, scholarships, or paychecks also find it unfair that their events are open biological men and they may be burdened and forced to pay more or move to find areas that don’t allow biological men to compete and/or they suffer economic hardship by missing out on scholarships or opportunities or prize monies.

But to someone who is not looking for a scholarship or professional prize money, I say that rules are rules and the facility offered you more than enough opportunity to host your event where you wanted. You simply had to check a different box on the application which you didn’t want to do. If you didn’t like the terms then you didn’t have to choose that location.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.

My events are going to be open to cis women and trans women. I will want to be accurate when I apply for my permit. I’m not going to say my women’s run is a mixed competition when it’s not. I’m not comfortable lying on my application.

So if I apply as a women’s event open to ALL women, I’ll get my permit? If so, what’s the point of the EO? Who would ever get denied a permit?

Well you are acknowledging that there is a difference and you acknowledge that the EO differentiates and also offers options for inclusion for different categories. So you have plenty of options and it is very simple to apply to host your event if you only follow the rules.

You are an attorney. You should be well-versed in documentation and regulations using specific language and how using anything other than that language could result in unnecessary delays.

So, since you are currently aware of the EO and how it uses specific language separating biological women and trans women then it would behoove you to abide by the language used in the legal order rather than try to intentionally bypass the regulations for the sake of your virtue or frustrations.

Any issue with the permitting issue would surely be your fault and and your fahlt alone. Because your event would go off without a hitch if you only used the legal language used in the county and facilities you are electing to use and not being coerced to use.

These are events are women-centered events. They are not mixed-gender events at all. They will be events that are safe spaces for ALL women. These events will be a celebration of and for ALL women who are tired of men telling us what we can and cannot do. I might turn this into an event series and host them four times per year. We may solicit input from our participants and set up our own rules for the competitions. If people don’t like our running events and bocce ball competitions, they can do a different series.

As a tax-paying citizen, I think it’s unfair that my events won’t be allowed at the county facilities. If I am denied my permits and I have to pay more to rent space elsewhere, then I will suffer economic damages. What should I do then?

Unfortunately for you the EO uses the commonly accepted definitions and distinguishes between women and trans women. So you don’t get to use your own definitions and include trans women into your definition of “all” women.

The EO clearly defines the accepted categories of competition for permits regardless of your preferences and you are aware of this. So again I repeat, if you intentionally choose to either ignore the rules or mislead during your application process the fault falls squarely on you and you alone.

This is just some fairly typical Clara nonsense. There's nothing in the EO that says her proposed event can't be held in that county at Parks Department facilities. She just has to indicate that it's a co-ed or mixed gender event on the permit application. Her complaint boils down to, "I don't want to follow the law (stamp feet, cross arms, and pout)!"

When trying to comply with a law, it's helpful to read that law, and then adhere to the definitions it provides, especially when it explicitly does provide those definitions. This laws says that events must be categorized as male/mens/boys, female/women/girls, or co-ed/mixed. It also defines gender, for the purposes of the permitting process, as biological sex at birth. So if Clara wants to allow both cisgender and transgender women, it is, by the definitions of this EO, a co-ed or mixed gender event for the purposes of the permitting process.

That doesn't mean she has to advertise it that way, or that she has to call it a co-ed event on flyers or t-shirts, or that the event can't celebrate ALL women (with special emphasis on ALL). She just has to adhere to the law in the permitting process. Clara is purportedly a lawyer, so we can only hope that she fully understands this from an intellectual perspective, and has simply chosen to play dumb and rely on the emotional "I don't like it" argument.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:

This is just some fairly typical Clara nonsense. There's nothing in the EO that says her proposed event can't be held in that county at Parks Department facilities. She just has to indicate that it's a co-ed or mixed gender event on the permit application. Her complaint boils down to, "I don't want to follow the law (stamp feet, cross arms, and pout)!"

When trying to comply with a law, it's helpful to read that law, and then adhere to the definitions it provides, especially when it explicitly does provide those definitions. This laws says that events must be categorized as male/mens/boys, female/women/girls, or co-ed/mixed. It also defines gender, for the purposes of the permitting process, as biological sex at birth. So if Clara wants to allow both cisgender and transgender women, it is, by the definitions of this EO, a co-ed or mixed gender event for the purposes of the permitting process.

That doesn't mean she has to advertise it that way, or that she has to call it a co-ed event on flyers or t-shirts, or that the event can't celebrate ALL women (with special emphasis on ALL). She just has to adhere to the law in the permitting process. Clara is purportedly a lawyer, so we can only hope that she fully understands this from an intellectual perspective, and has simply chosen to play dumb and rely on the emotional "I don't like it" argument.

Oh yea. I know that. You know that. And I’m sure others know that also.

There was something smug or sarcastic or an attempt at being smugly or sarcastically clever in her initial hypothetical question to you. The kicker for me though is that she is an attorney and continues to ignore the actual letter of the EO and her hypothetical was predicated on her either not reading or not following the legal order. The fact that that and her subsequent replies were typed by an attorney gives me a good chuckle because she things it’s some “gocha” moment.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Sweeney wrote:
Here's an article from ABC news;


Here's another from Long Island public radio;


Here's part of what Blakeman had to say;
"Biological males who identify as females have other outlets where they can compete," Blakeman said. "They can compete against other biological males, they can compete in a co-ed league, they can compete in a transgender league if they choose to form one."
His EO says nothing about any of that.

His EO does speak to that. It specifically calls out having categories for males/men/boys, co-ed, and females/women/girls. It only prohibits issuing permits if the event allows biological males to compete in female/women/girls categories. And it specifically says that this prohibition doesn't extend to biological females competing in male/men/boys categories.

It doesn't explicitly state "biological males can compete in the male/men/boys or co-ed categories" but it's pretty clear that it's not prohibited.

Dear Slowguy, I’d like to host a women’s day run that’s open to all women (cis & trans) and get a permit for the county picnic pavilion near our start/finish line and use the county bocce ball field for some friendly competition. Unfortunately, I think the EO says I’m not allowed to get a permit for my events. Do you have advice for me? Sincerely,
A woman and her 1,001+ friends

While you didn’t ask me specifically, my advice is that you should probably read the EO again. If you state that your event is open to biological women and trans individuals then it is a mixed competition according to the current interpretations of the EO. So you would be fine and you and your 1,001+ friends don’t need anything else from anyone. So go about your events.

Sincerely, someone who was the only male in a field of 5,000+ women for a race once.

My events are going to be open to cis women and trans women. I will want to be accurate when I apply for my permit. I’m not going to say my women’s run is a mixed competition when it’s not. I’m not comfortable lying on my application.

So if I apply as a women’s event open to ALL women, I’ll get my permit? If so, what’s the point of the EO? Who would ever get denied a permit?

Well you are acknowledging that there is a difference and you acknowledge that the EO differentiates and also offers options for inclusion for different categories. So you have plenty of options and it is very simple to apply to host your event if you only follow the rules.

You are an attorney. You should be well-versed in documentation and regulations using specific language and how using anything other than that language could result in unnecessary delays.

So, since you are currently aware of the EO and how it uses specific language separating biological women and trans women then it would behoove you to abide by the language used in the legal order rather than try to intentionally bypass the regulations for the sake of your virtue or frustrations.

Any issue with the permitting issue would surely be your fault and and your fahlt alone. Because your event would go off without a hitch if you only used the legal language used in the county and facilities you are electing to use and not being coerced to use.

These are events are women-centered events. They are not mixed-gender events at all. They will be events that are safe spaces for ALL women. These events will be a celebration of and for ALL women who are tired of men telling us what we can and cannot do. I might turn this into an event series and host them four times per year. We may solicit input from our participants and set up our own rules for the competitions. If people don’t like our running events and bocce ball competitions, they can do a different series.

As a tax-paying citizen, I think it’s unfair that my events won’t be allowed at the county facilities. If I am denied my permits and I have to pay more to rent space elsewhere, then I will suffer economic damages. What should I do then?

Unfortunately for you the EO uses the commonly accepted definitions and distinguishes between women and trans women. So you don’t get to use your own definitions and include trans women into your definition of “all” women.

The EO clearly defines the accepted categories of competition for permits regardless of your preferences and you are aware of this. So again I repeat, if you intentionally choose to either ignore the rules or mislead during your application process the fault falls squarely on you and you alone.

Goodness. What are the accepted categories? Can I have cis women and trans women but no guys? Is that pairing of people prohibited? I think it is. Maybe?

Or maybe the cis women/trans women category are allowed but I have to use special words that mark a distinction between them? That distinction actually runs counter to my purpose. I want to highlight their commonalities and unify them! I want these people to associate and bond. I want to strengthen and build community between cis women and transwomen. I think it will enrich these two groups who have been historically marginalized by another group. Together, they will be stronger and will crush oppressors because it will boost women’s numbers into a better advantage over men. (Oh wait. Did I say that out loud?) It will be very benign and wholesome. It will boost confidence, physical strength, & mental health. We might lift weights together, too. Not to crush oppressors but to be cute like Taylor Swift.

What is the category for cis women and trans women but no guys?

TIA for clarification.

🔥Clara-Fire 🔥
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Goodness. What are the accepted categories? Can I have cis women and trans women but no guys? Is that pairing of people prohibited? I think it is. Maybe?

Or maybe the cis women/trans women category are allowed but I have to use special words that mark a distinction between them? That distinction actually runs counter to my purpose. I want to highlight their commonalities and unify them! I want these people to associate and bond. I want to strengthen and build community between cis women and transwomen. I think it will enrich these two groups who have been historically marginalized by another group. Together, they will be stronger and will crush oppressors because it will boost women’s numbers into a better advantage over men. (Oh wait. Did I say that out loud?) It will be very benign and wholesome. It will boost confidence, physical strength, & mental health. We might lift weights together, too. Not to crush oppressors but to be cute like Taylor Swift.

What is the category for cis women and trans women but no guys?

TIA for clarification.

🔥Clara-Fire 🔥

Yea…it’s all well-spelled out in the EO and in many posts here in this thread. What about trans males though? Do you want them? What about gender fluid but male on the day of your event?

But ultimately what it comes down to is it doesn’t really matter what you want or what your purpose is. If you want to have an event for women and trans women but exclude guys then that’s your prerogative but you’re going to have to find a venue that allows you to do so.

You can keep arguing this all you want and pretending like there’s some grave travesty that’s been committed against you in this hypothetical but the reality is the EO lays out specific guidelines for use of their facilities to ensure fairness in sport. And it allows opportunities for everyone to participate. No one is excluded. But this EO for this county uses biological sec as the jumping off point for creating categories for permit issue. You can choose to understand that and abide by the rules or you can go elsewhere with your events. It really is simple.

There are no shortage of ways to strengthen the community or enrich lives or strengthen bonds and commonalities. So keep at it.

Also you don’t have to try and be clever with words or coy about “saying that out loud.” Your misandry has been well-noted here on Slowtwitch so no worries about any wording.

But out of curiousity what group has marginalized the trans women? Specifically what group against trans women has caused you the desire to seek enrichment because of it?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
B%P, your challenge will give Blakeman exactly what he wants. He wants publicity and he wants to look like he's standing up for something.

The EO;


does not say that trans women can compete in mixed or coed competition. It says that everyone must be categorized by sex at birth. So a trans woman could play as long as they are willing to be categorized as a man.

In NY, this has been settled since the 1970's in the Renee Richards case. Blakeman, not being a lawyer, might not have known this but his underlings should have known it. It just sets him up for a long legal fight, at county taxpayers expense, and his name will be in the news over and over.

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
B%P, your challenge will give Blakeman exactly what he wants. He wants publicity and he wants to look like he's standing up for something.

The EO;


does not say that trans women can compete in mixed or coed competition. It says that everyone must be categorized by sex at birth. So a trans woman could play as long as they are willing to be categorized as a man.

In NY, this has been settled since the 1970's in the Renee Richards case. Blakeman, not being a lawyer, might not have known this but his underlings should have known it. It just sets him up for a long legal fight, at county taxpayers expense, and his name will be in the news over and over.

Ike needs to chime in there, but I don't think that ruling is as clear and on point as you claim. The NY Appellant Court found that USA Tennis could not force a participate to take a Barr Test to compete. It did not authorize trans-anyone to play in any category, it ruled under the 14 Amendment that the test was an invasion of privacy. Blakeman is not going that route.

Also keep in mind that it never went to SCOTUS, and they have a different view of the 14th than the courts did in 1977. A good example is Roe, which was decided based on the 14th and has been struck down.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Sweeney wrote:
B%P, your challenge will give Blakeman exactly what he wants. He wants publicity and he wants to look like he's standing up for something.

The EO;


does not say that trans women can compete in mixed or coed competition. It says that everyone must be categorized by sex at birth. So a trans woman could play as long as they are willing to be categorized as a man.

In NY, this has been settled since the 1970's in the Renee Richards case. Blakeman, not being a lawyer, might not have known this but his underlings should have known it. It just sets him up for a long legal fight, at county taxpayers expense, and his name will be in the news over and over.

You’re correct the EO doesn’t say trans women can compete. It also doesn’t say that amputees can compete. It doesn’t say that people with Down’s syndrome can compete. It doesn’t say that left handed people can compete. It also doesn’t say that Hispanic people can compete. In fact it doesn’t offer an inclusive or exclusive list at all.

It simply says your team must register based on the biology or gender at birth of your team members.

Considering the very definition of transgender includes a phrase about biological sex at birth I fail to see how this is anything other than straightforward or fair to all.

Just check a different box that correlates with the very definition of transgender.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Goodness. What are the accepted categories? Can I have cis women and trans women but no guys? Is that pairing of people prohibited? I think it is. Maybe?

Or maybe the cis women/trans women category are allowed but I have to use special words that mark a distinction between them? That distinction actually runs counter to my purpose. I want to highlight their commonalities and unify them! I want these people to associate and bond. I want to strengthen and build community between cis women and transwomen. I think it will enrich these two groups who have been historically marginalized by another group. Together, they will be stronger and will crush oppressors because it will boost women’s numbers into a better advantage over men. (Oh wait. Did I say that out loud?) It will be very benign and wholesome. It will boost confidence, physical strength, & mental health. We might lift weights together, too. Not to crush oppressors but to be cute like Taylor Swift.

What is the category for cis women and trans women but no guys?

TIA for clarification.

🔥Clara-Fire 🔥

Yea…it’s all well-spelled out in the EO and in many posts here in this thread. What about trans males though? Do you want them? What about gender fluid but male on the day of your event?

But ultimately what it comes down to is it doesn’t really matter what you want or what your purpose is. If you want to have an event for women and trans women but exclude guys then that’s your prerogative but you’re going to have to find a venue that allows you to do so.

You can keep arguing this all you want and pretending like there’s some grave travesty that’s been committed against you in this hypothetical but the reality is the EO lays out specific guidelines for use of their facilities to ensure fairness in sport. And it allows opportunities for everyone to participate. No one is excluded. But this EO for this county uses biological sec as the jumping off point for creating categories for permit issue. You can choose to understand that and abide by the rules or you can go elsewhere with your events. It really is simple.

There are no shortage of ways to strengthen the community or enrich lives or strengthen bonds and commonalities. So keep at it.

Also you don’t have to try and be clever with words or coy about “saying that out loud.” Your misandry has been well-noted here on Slowtwitch so no worries about any wording.

But out of curiousity what group has marginalized the trans women? Specifically what group against trans women has caused you the desire to seek enrichment because of it?

At this point in the discussion, anyone asking what the accepted categories are clearly hasn’t bothered to put in the minimal effort required to read the EO, and their opinion isn’t worth the electrons on the screen.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
l feel it’s worthwhile to bring attention to the fact that biological women who are competing for roster spots, trophies, records, scholarships, or paychecks also find it unfair that their events are open biological men and they may be burdened and forced to pay more or move to find areas that don’t allow biological men to compete and/or they suffer economic hardship by missing out on scholarships or opportunities or prize monies.

No disagreement at all.

But do you sincerely think that Blakeman's approach with county facilities is the best way to achieve this goal, to address the issue quoted above?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:

Goodness. What are the accepted categories? Can I have cis women and trans women but no guys? Is that pairing of people prohibited? I think it is. Maybe?

Or maybe the cis women/trans women category are allowed but I have to use special words that mark a distinction between them? That distinction actually runs counter to my purpose. I want to highlight their commonalities and unify them! I want these people to associate and bond. I want to strengthen and build community between cis women and transwomen. I think it will enrich these two groups who have been historically marginalized by another group. Together, they will be stronger and will crush oppressors because it will boost women’s numbers into a better advantage over men. (Oh wait. Did I say that out loud?) It will be very benign and wholesome. It will boost confidence, physical strength, & mental health. We might lift weights together, too. Not to crush oppressors but to be cute like Taylor Swift.

What is the category for cis women and trans women but no guys?

TIA for clarification.

🔥Clara-Fire 🔥

Yea…it’s all well-spelled out in the EO and in many posts here in this thread. What about trans males though? Do you want them? What about gender fluid but male on the day of your event?

But ultimately what it comes down to is it doesn’t really matter what you want or what your purpose is. If you want to have an event for women and trans women but exclude guys then that’s your prerogative but you’re going to have to find a venue that allows you to do so.

You can keep arguing this all you want and pretending like there’s some grave travesty that’s been committed against you in this hypothetical but the reality is the EO lays out specific guidelines for use of their facilities to ensure fairness in sport. And it allows opportunities for everyone to participate. No one is excluded. But this EO for this county uses biological sec as the jumping off point for creating categories for permit issue. You can choose to understand that and abide by the rules or you can go elsewhere with your events. It really is simple.

There are no shortage of ways to strengthen the community or enrich lives or strengthen bonds and commonalities. So keep at it.

Also you don’t have to try and be clever with words or coy about “saying that out loud.” Your misandry has been well-noted here on Slowtwitch so no worries about any wording.

But out of curiousity what group has marginalized the trans women? Specifically what group against trans women has caused you the desire to seek enrichment because of it?

At this point in the discussion, anyone asking what the accepted categories are clearly hasn’t bothered to put in the minimal effort required to read the EO, and their opinion isn’t worth the electrons on the screen.

Go read what I wrote in Post 228. The group is wasting their time interacting with her.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
l feel it’s worthwhile to bring attention to the fact that biological women who are competing for roster spots, trophies, records, scholarships, or paychecks also find it unfair that their events are open biological men and they may be burdened and forced to pay more or move to find areas that don’t allow biological men to compete and/or they suffer economic hardship by missing out on scholarships or opportunities or prize monies.

No disagreement at all.

But do you sincerely think that Blakeman's approach with county facilities is the best way to achieve this goal, to address the issue quoted above?

Best? No idea.

But at times I certainly think the govt needs to step in. And title IX was ruled on 50+ years ago. This definitely undermines that.

So I like this option better than the lack of continuity that surely is a detriment to women seeking a fair opportunity and is almost certainly going to continue if it’s left up to individuals here there and everywhere.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

l feel it’s worthwhile to bring attention to the fact that biological women who are competing for roster spots, trophies, records, scholarships, or paychecks also find it unfair that their events are open biological men and they may be burdened and forced to pay more or move to find areas that don’t allow biological men to compete and/or they suffer economic hardship by missing out on scholarships or opportunities or prize monies.
No disagreement at all.

But do you sincerely think that Blakeman's approach with county facilities is the best way to achieve this goal, to address the issue quoted above?
Best? No idea.

But at times I certainly think the govt needs to step in. And title IX was ruled on 50+ years ago. This definitely undermines that.

So I like this option better than the lack of continuity that surely is a detriment to women seeking a fair opportunity and is almost certainly going to continue if it’s left up to individuals here there and everywhere.

Ok, understood.

I personally would not be opposed to the federal govt stepping in with a national but narrowly tailored and effective approach, one that had buy in from all (or at least most) of the directly affected parties, especially teams and sport governing bodies. What that law or policy would be exactly, I am not sure.

But doing this just county by county with only certain facilities impacted and using a facility ban on womens teams in general (if those teams include trans women) by grandstanding politicians seems far from effective or ideal to me.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Last edited by: DarkSpeedWorks: Mar 19, 24 8:00
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.
Last edited by: Yeeper: Mar 19, 24 8:17
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:

Ok, understood.

I personally would not be opposed to the federal govt stepping in with a national but narrowly tailored and effective approach, one that had buy in from all (or at least most) of the directly affected parties, especially teams and sport governing bodies. What that law or policy would be exactly, I am not sure.

Imagine if we decided civil rights or the 19th amendment based on what the restaurants or businesses wanted. Personally I think it’s a good idea to be proactive with issues of this scope.

When it comes to fairness and equality we can’t really let the teams decide. It has already been established that certain aspects are protected, period. In this case title IX and fairness to biological women.

If you wouldnt want a team to say “we don’t recognize the protection of Asians in our organization” then you shouldn’t want a team to be able to say “we don’t recognize the protection of biological women in our organization” either. The govt has taken a stance on that and that is the way a lot of people view this when it comes to preserving women’s rights.

DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
But doing this just county by county with only certain facilities impacted and using a facility ban on womens teams in general (if those teams include trans women) by grandstanding politicians seems far from effective or ideal to me.

Effective being the key word here. You need to acknowledge that your idea of effective or an ideal outcome is different than others.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
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Do you think that teams and sports governing bodies, if given input to a potential federal law or policy, would decide on an approach that is inherently unfair to women athletes? That they would all be ok with that?

Seems very unlikely to me.

I agree that we can't absolutely and always do exactly what various governing bodies might demand, but I would at least like to see what solution or solutions they come up with. Call me crazy, but I have far more confidence in their approaches over Blakeman's "how can I go viral and further my career" approach.

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

So you want to discriminate against men and trans men. What kind of monster are you? What about their rights?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

The rule of fairness is preserved because biological woman have the option to willingly compete with or against biological males or they can choose to refrain and ensure their competition is strictly with or against other biological females.

The rule of fairness is preserved because they are not forced to be put into an unfair competition . They have no say over their competition or any position they put themself in.

The woman is allowed to choose. Hence he fairness to biological women is preserved.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Kay Serrar wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

So you want to discriminate against men and trans men. What kind of monster are you? What about their rights?

I’m a little monstrous! There are organizations that exclude women from leadership positions, and my organization might be as monstrous as them. After we hash out the rules for our competitions, we might let men participate in my organization in a limited capacity. I’m thinking about churches, of course, including many of the largest denominations, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Yeeper] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

The rule of fairness is preserved because biological woman have the option to willingly compete with or against biological males or they can choose to refrain and ensure their competition is strictly with or against other biological females.

The rule of fairness is preserved because they are not forced to be put into an unfair competition . They have no say over their competition or any position they put themself in.

The woman is allowed to choose. Hence he fairness to biological women is preserved.

I do not plan to force any women to sign up for my events! It is strictly voluntary and I intend to have big signs that accurately convey information so that no one is deceived.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

The rule of fairness is preserved because biological woman have the option to willingly compete with or against biological males or they can choose to refrain and ensure their competition is strictly with or against other biological females.

The rule of fairness is preserved because they are not forced to be put into an unfair competition . They have no say over their competition or any position they put themself in.

The woman is allowed to choose. Hence he fairness to biological women is preserved.

I do not plan to force any women to sign up for my events! It is strictly voluntary and I intend to have big signs that accurately convey information so that no one is deceived.

That’s great. I’m glad to hear you have an event that you would like to host and that you’ll be able to do just that. You want to include biological females and biological males into your event and create a cohesive event. I think it sounds great.

All you have to do is fill out the paperwork appropriately.

So where exactly is your hold up?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

The rule of fairness is preserved because biological woman have the option to willingly compete with or against biological males or they can choose to refrain and ensure their competition is strictly with or against other biological females.

The rule of fairness is preserved because they are not forced to be put into an unfair competition . They have no say over their competition or any position they put themself in.

The woman is allowed to choose. Hence he fairness to biological women is preserved.

I do not plan to force any women to sign up for my events! It is strictly voluntary and I intend to have big signs that accurately convey information so that no one is deceived.

Except you want to lie to the facility hosting your events by not filling out the forms accurately. If you do so, then you will get your permit. Just admit that you are having a co-ed event minus cis men and trans-women. It think that would be allowed assuming you admit it.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Kay Serrar wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
Yeeper wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
This is a lose/lose situation for the county with this ban.

If I am allowed to host my competitive events for women, including both cis and trans women, under the EO rules and gain the full benefit of the county facilities like any other person, then what what does the EO achieve? Why should we have this superfluous rule?

If I am denied the beneficial use of the county facilities because the pairing of cis and trans women in events is disallowed, then isn’t that a violation of my freedom of association? It’s a broad government restriction that interferes with my events, which are clearly not harmful to anyone. There is no legitimate government interest served by refusing me permits.

The sports governing bodies are not government and are not subject to the same 1st Amendment restrictions. Thus, they would be the correct entity to create rules to protect competition in sports.

I think the women who are hoping to preserve fairness in their sport wouldn't consider this a loss.

And for the Nth time you are not denied the opportunity to use facilities with any combination of members AT ALL. You are completely free to participate and use them as you wish. So long as you fill out the paperwork correctly.

Edit: not just women, but all individuals hoping to preserve fairness would consider this a win.

How does the rule preserve fairness if I can host my events which provide for competition of trans women against cis women? The whole point of my events is to bring these two groups together to establish for ourselves the balance between participation and competition. I need both groups together, without the influence of men, so we can explore the positive benefits of the community of women and make our own rules for competition. We have a competitive running race planned.

So you want to discriminate against men and trans men. What kind of monster are you? What about their rights?

I’m a little monstrous! There are organizations that exclude women from leadership positions, and my organization might be as monstrous as them. After we hash out the rules for our competitions, we might let men participate in my organization in a limited capacity. I’m thinking about churches, of course, including many of the largest denominations, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and the Southern Baptist Convention.

So to summarize, you’re ok with discriminating against men and trans men, and you’re against biological women having their own protected sports events. Glad we finally clarified your position.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
AutomaticJack wrote:
Go read what I wrote in Post 228. The group is wasting their time interacting with her.

You don't need to tell me. There's no one in the LR who has a better feel for how useless those discussions can be. There's a reason my replies are to Yeeper, and it's because I have Clara's posts set to "ignore."


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
Go read what I wrote in Post 228. The group is wasting their time interacting with her.

You don't need to tell me. There's no one in the LR who has a better feel for how useless those discussions can be. There's a reason my replies are to Yeeper, and it's because I have Clara's posts set to "ignore."

This board needs a "like" button. :)

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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More developments:

"Blakeman, a Republican who was elected in 2021, has said constituents asked his office to act. But many critics dismiss the ban as political posturing, noting he has acknowledged there have been no local complaints involving transgender players on women’s teams. "This is a solution in search of a problem,” said Emily Santosus, a 48-year old transgender woman on Long Island who hopes to join a women’s softball team. “We’re not bullies. We’re the ones that get bullied.” The ones who will suffer most aren’t elite athletes, but children still trying to navigate their gender identities, added Grace McKenzie, a transgender woman who plays for the New York Rugby Club’s women’s team. "Cruel is the only word that I can use to describe it,” the 30-year-old Brooklyn resident said. “Kids are using sports at that age to build relationships, make friendships, develop teamwork skills, leadership skills and, frankly, just help shield them from all the hate they face as transgender kids already."


Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
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Are the women Grace McKenzie plays rugby against all in favor of her participation in their women’s rugby games, or should they not get a say?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
You bet, those women should definitely get a say. Not Blakeman.

But the roller derby folks say they don't like Blakeman's idiocy. Should they get a say?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
More developments:

"Blakeman, a Republican who was elected in 2021, has said constituents asked his office to act. But many critics dismiss the ban as political posturing, noting he has acknowledged there have been no local complaints involving transgender players on women’s teams. "This is a solution in search of a problem,” said Emily Santosus, a 48-year old transgender woman on Long Island who hopes to join a women’s softball team. “We’re not bullies. We’re the ones that get bullied.” The ones who will suffer most aren’t elite athletes, but children still trying to navigate their gender identities, added Grace McKenzie, a transgender woman who plays for the New York Rugby Club’s women’s team. "Cruel is the only word that I can use to describe it,” the 30-year-old Brooklyn resident said. “Kids are using sports at that age to build relationships, make friendships, develop teamwork skills, leadership skills and, frankly, just help shield them from all the hate they face as transgender kids already."


It would be better if the article was accurate in it's reporting.

"Sports leagues and teams seeking permits to play or practice in county-run parks must disclose whether they have or allow transgender women or girls. Any organization that allows them to play will be denied a permit, though men’s leagues and teams aren’t affected."

That's not what the E.O. says.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [DarkSpeedWorks] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
You bet, those women should definitely get a say. Not Blakeman.

But the roller derby folks say they don't like Blakeman's idiocy. Should they get a say?

And if they want to not play against biological men, who should they tell that can help them?
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Kay Serrar wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
You bet, those women should definitely get a say. Not Blakeman.

But the roller derby folks say they don't like Blakeman's idiocy. Should they get a say?

And if they want to not play against biological men, who should they tell that can help them?

They should tell everyone who will listen, particularly the league organization that sets the rules for league competition and play. If the league fails to make a majority of the players happy, the players can pressure the league to adopt policies that reflect their views. This is the most empowering way to meet the needs of the people most directly impacted.
Quote Reply
Re: Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities. [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Kay Serrar wrote:
DarkSpeedWorks wrote:
You bet, those women should definitely get a say. Not Blakeman.

But the roller derby folks say they don't like Blakeman's idiocy. Should they get a say?
And if they want to not play against biological men, who should they tell that can help them?

This is sport, so they should of course get help from the organization(s) that set rules for sport. The same organization(s) that any person would go to if an event, team, or group did anything that allowed or promoted unfair competition. Wouldn't it be weird if a county micromanaged tri or cycling events so much that the county said that any cycling group (like triathletes) that wanted to use aero wheels deeper than, say, 35mm, they would be banned from county facilities?

Advanced Aero TopTube Storage for Road, Gravel, & Tri...ZeroSlip & Direct-mount, made in the USA.

Quote Reply