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Let's Put Everyone in Texas!
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Texas is so big and vast that you can apparently put every single person on Earth in it and they'd each have about 1,084 square feet of living space. (The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft). So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person.)

I say we give each person a little treadmill or something that's hooked up to a dynamo and voila! No more energy problems (and certainly no more idiotic manufactured immigration crises, either)! ;-)

"Land, they aren't making any more of it." -- Will Rogers

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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Traffic is bad enough here. I don’t need another 6.88 billion people fucking it up more.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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No can do.

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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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Some of the current residents might not be too happy about some/many of their new neighbors.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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That's cute.

Once you have everyone else in the world in Texas, me and my family will have Ontario (bigger than Texas) all to ourselves. Hell I might even visit British Columbia (also bigger than Texas) once all the idiots have left.

Do a map fight here...


How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Last edited by: BLeP: Jun 20, 18 7:31
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
That's cute.

Once you have everyone else in the world in Texas, me and my family will have Ontario (bigger than Texas) all to ourselves. Hell I might even visit British Columbia (also bigger than Texas) once all the idiots have left.

Do a map fight here...


Hahahahahaha! That's great! :-)

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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big kahuna wrote:
Texas is so big and vast that you can apparently put every single person on Earth in it and they'd each have about 1,084 square feet of living space. (The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft). So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person.)

I say we give each person a little treadmill or something that's hooked up to a dynamo and voila! No more energy problems (and certainly no more idiotic manufactured immigration crises, either)! ;-)

"Land, they aren't making any more of it." -- Will Rogers

This sounds great until you realize that 2/3 of the available space in Texas is nowhere near any place any rational human would want to live. Plus, it's hot as blazes.

But hey, if that fixes the traffic issues on I-70 headed out to Summit County (and the resulting real estate inflation in Breck/Frisco/Vail), then I'm all for it, as long as I can stay here in Denver.

''The enemy isn't conservatism. The enemy isn't liberalism. The enemy is bulls**t.''

—Lars-Erik Nelson
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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Theres enough people moving to Austin already, no thanks.

2x Deca-Ironman World Cup (10 Ironmans in 10 days), 2x Quintuple Ironman World Cup (5 Ironmans in 5 days), Ultraman, Ultra Marathoner, and I once did an Ironman.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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That's awesome!

But maybe this one is more to the point for us 'mercans:
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [eb] [ In reply to ]
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Interesting (to me anyway), Alaska is bigger than Quebec. However Nunavut is bigger than Alaska.

But what's really interesting is that two of Canada's three territories are in this website (Nunavut and Yukon). Northwest Territories is not given the opportunity to battle. I think Northwest Territories is bigger than Nunavut.


How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Last edited by: BLeP: Jun 20, 18 12:30
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [eb] [ In reply to ]
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And I am wrong. Nunavut is bigger than NWT (according to the Google)

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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I like that mapfight has Westeros available as a comparator.

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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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Comparing the area of a state (or especially a province) where few people actually can or want to live seems silly to me.

But whatever makes you Canadians feel better.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:
Comparing the area of a state (or especially a province) where few people actually can or want to live seems silly to me.

But whatever makes you Canadians feel better.

That's your inferiority complex talking.

Puny American.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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“You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.”

Suffer Well.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:

“You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.”

Is there a difference?

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [The GMAN] [ In reply to ]
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The GMAN wrote:
jmh wrote:

“You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.”

Is there a difference?

Yes. Hell is cooler today. And there are more guns.

Suffer Well.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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thinking like an airline, a person only needs about 4 square feet to stand in, you could put everyone in Rhode Island.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [tfleeger] [ In reply to ]
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tfleeger wrote:
thinking like an airline, a person only needs about 4 square feet to stand in, you could put everyone in Rhode Island.

I've lived in Rhode Island. I wouldn't do that to those fine folks. ;-)

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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Well said.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Well said.

You don't see that in Texas.

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
That's cute.

Once you have everyone else in the world in Texas, me and my family will have Ontario (bigger than Texas) all to ourselves. Hell I might even visit British Columbia (also bigger than Texas) once all the idiots have left.

Do a map fight here...


I'm never leaving BC, so, you're outta luck for a visit out here.

Also, "Everything is bigger in Nunavut" doesn't have the same ring to it.

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [JSA] [ In reply to ]
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JSA wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Well said.

You don't see that in Texas.

No. You see bulls with signs that say “Will do bovine stuff for money.”

Btw an anagram of my name is: A bovine drip line.

I have no idea what that means but it sounds disgusting.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
JSA wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Well said.

You don't see that in Texas.

No. You see bulls with signs that say “Will do bovine stuff for money.”

Btw an anagram of my name is: A bovine drip line.

I have no idea what that means but it sounds disgusting.

I won't embed the video, it is highly NSFW and viewer discretion is advised. From Full Metal Jacket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKFuc8CdvoA

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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jmh wrote:

Some of the current residents might not be too happy about some/many of their new neighbors.
Didn't take long for these Texans to cave. (Not that the scenery in the foreground of this picture would make me want to stay in Texas.)

"The billboard, which read, "Liberals, Please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS," was removed Wednesday

The Amarillo Convention and Visitors Council has purchased ad space on the billboard and intends to put up a welcome sign."


"Human existence is based upon two pillars: Compassion and knowledge. Compassion without knowledge is ineffective; Knowledge without compassion is inhuman." Victor Weisskopf.
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [Alvin Tostig] [ In reply to ]
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Alvin Tostig wrote:

Didn't take long for these Texans to cave. (Not that the scenery in the foreground of this picture would make me want to stay in Texas.)

"The billboard, which read, "Liberals, Please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS," was removed Wednesday

The Amarillo Convention and Visitors Council has purchased ad space on the billboard and intends to put up a welcome sign."


You didn't quote the best part...

The owner of the billboard said that the client who paid for the sign asked for it to be taken down, as they didn't realize how controversial it would become.

Basically the client who paid for the sign is a fucking r-word.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Last edited by: BLeP: Jun 21, 18 7:09
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:
Alvin Tostig wrote:

Didn't take long for these Texans to cave. (Not that the scenery in the foreground of this picture would make me want to stay in Texas.)

"The billboard, which read, "Liberals, Please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS," was removed Wednesday

The Amarillo Convention and Visitors Council has purchased ad space on the billboard and intends to put up a welcome sign."


You didn't quote teh best part...

The owner of the billboard said that the client who paid for the sign asked for it to be taken down, as they didn't realize how controversial it would become.

Basically the client who paid for the sign is a fucking r-word.

The sign said liberals, not people of color or other people liable to discrimination. It had to do with political ideology as well as philosophical ideology, I guess. How was it racist?

Increasingly, I see people of a certain ideological stripe toss out the racism charge as a means of shutting down the conversation and speech of others, almost all of whom are afraid of being tarred with that label, and rightly so.

My question is, who gets to be the arbiter of what's racist or not?

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
Last edited by: big kahuna: Jun 21, 18 7:20
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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big kahuna wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Alvin Tostig wrote:

Didn't take long for these Texans to cave. (Not that the scenery in the foreground of this picture would make me want to stay in Texas.)

"The billboard, which read, "Liberals, Please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS," was removed Wednesday

The Amarillo Convention and Visitors Council has purchased ad space on the billboard and intends to put up a welcome sign."


You didn't quote teh best part...

The owner of the billboard said that the client who paid for the sign asked for it to be taken down, as they didn't realize how controversial it would become.

Basically the client who paid for the sign is a fucking r-word.

The sign said liberals, not people of color or other people liable to discrimination. It had to do with political ideology as well as philosophical ideology, I guess. How was it racist?

Increasingly, I see people of a certain ideological stripe toss out the racism charge as a means of shutting down the conversation and speech of others, almost all of whom are afraid of being tired with that label, and rightly so.

My question is, who gets to be the arbiter of what's racist or not?

The R word I am not using isn't Racist. It is a banned word and rhymes with dotard.

Basically, if you don't know that this sign would be controversial then you must be mentally deficient.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Last edited by: BLeP: Jun 21, 18 7:17
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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What’s wrong with the word “rotard”?

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Banter wrote:
What’s wrong with the word “rotard”?

Don't be rotarded.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Let's Put Everyone in Texas! [big kahuna] [ In reply to ]
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big kahuna wrote:
My question is, who gets to be the arbiter of what's racist or not?
Check out JP Sears on Facebook. He's answered that for you.
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