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IMCanada RR w/pictures & gory details
It's strange, although it's been less than 2 weeks, IMC seems like forever ago. How soon we forget I guess.

Canada was a fluke for me. I DNF'd at CDA in June and by pure fate I had met someone earlier in the year that was able to offer me a late entry. It was too much of an opportunity to pass up, so I jumped at the chance. I wanted to approach the race with no expectations other than to finish and not use a watch, bike computer or HR moniter. This worked well, as I was pretty relaxed and just enjoyed the day.

Penticton is straight north of where I live in Eastern WA, and about a six hour drive, We left Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed the sights of nothingness going up through Central WA. A few pretty lakes, but not much else. It was REALLY smokey up towards Omak, but fine once we crossed the border. My BF Philip and I laughed at how nervous we were being questioned by the border guard, when in fact he didn't even ask to see any ID or proof of residency. Interesting, since you can't baord an aiplane wiht a tube of lip glass, but can cross international borders w/out a second glance.

We were sharing a house about 5 minutes from the race site with some Timex guys (Ben & Doug), C&C from Trigger Point Technologies, a very fast AGer (Stephan K, 16th overall in a blistering 9:24) and Max from FSA. Quite the crew, but everyone was fun and I had the house to myself all day as they were all working the expo. A few Sters met up on Thursday, it was really nice to put names and faces together. Especially great to meet Julian, as I saw him everywhere during the race and it was great to have him cheering me on!

Race morning, up at 5 eating my cereal then down to the race start. Wished ggod luck to roomie Stephan and hoped that some of his speed would rub off on me. Philip dropped me off then was going back back to the house to get his bike and ride to the start. It was strange going through all the motions alone, as I've always has friends racing with me in previous IMs. I got my stuff situated in my bags, special needs dropped off, body marked, porto'd once and waited for Philip, and waited, started getting nervous as the athletes were being beckoned to get onto the beach. I saw Julian and he waited with me then volunteered to take my bag and waitfor Philip, just as Philip came screeching up. What a sweetie he is. Kisses and off to the beach. I saw roomie Max up on the platform with Tom Z and gave him a big wave, yay it's my Ironman day!!!!

I positioned myself to the back far right taking the advice of Celina, which was a good plan. The bagpiper was a nice touch and then off goes the gun. I hung back a bit as I'm a really slow swimmer (consistant 1:30 in past races) I didn't feel too congested but did get elbowed really hard in the upper pec/boob around the first turn (this will be important later.) Shook off the jab and managed to get through the swim with no pec pain. I finally made it to the swim finish and couldn't stand not knowing my swim time so I asked a guy next to me.. 1:27. I made it across the mat by 1:28 and was elated to have a 2 minute swim PR. Silly I know, but it put me in the perfect mood.

Off on the bike. Fun and beautiful. The ride up until Richter pass is fast and easy, I loved it. Saw Khai on Richter, which was great. The climbs weren't as bad I had built them up to be in my head and the descents were fun, fun, fun. I stuck with Hammer Gel, water and Nuun for the entire bike course and was feeling great. No GI issues ala CDA. IMHO, the Canada course is way, way better than CDA; beautiful and easy to get in a groove and stay in it. My legs were feeling pretty cooked before I hit Yellow Lake and I was dreading the climb. There was a bit of a tail wind going up which made it oppressively hot. I really could have used an aid station somewhere closer to the bottom. Julian popped in my face out of nowhere and cheered me on as I chugged up the hill. I took a little peek at my watch when I hit the 100 mile mark and calculated that I would have to haul ass to break 7:00 on the bike. The ride into town was fantastic, mostly down hill and great road surface. I came in in 6:55, a 25 minute bike PR. The day was looking good!

Into the change tent, fresh clothes and off on the death march, I mean run. Ug. I hit the first aid station and realized that I had no nutrition plan for the run. I was sick of Hammer gel and sweet stuff... hmmm. Ok some banana I guess, next stop, maybe some orange, grapes, a little more banana. Mile 5... I guess I'll start the pepsi/coke. Although my stomach totally cooperated on the bike, it revolted on the run. The cola/fruit combo was not working. Mile 7-ish, I was bent over hands on the knees thinking "i'm gonna barf... but no barfing. I repeated this about 5 times, assuming the barfing postion with no luck. I kept a cup of water or ice with me after the turn around just in case and finally around mile 15 I assumed the position and thought, OK this is the real deal... Huaaaa, huaaa, huaaa, apologizing to the people coming up behind me. They were very sweet in asking if I was ok and offering electrolytes. Did you know that the orage membrane stuff doesn't really digest? A few dry heaves, then hey, I feel great. Look at me I'm running!!! The good feeling lasted about 3 miles then more stomach upset, but no more puking. I saw lots of others barfing and tons of ambulances coming out and back to the lake. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, so I'm not sure why so many people dropped, and why so much stomach upset. I saw sister Madonna sidlined on my way back in ans was sad to see she had a DNF. I asked her if she was planning on doing our local Oly the next weekend and told her I was signed up as well. She said "bless you child." I figured being blessed by a nun was a good thing and tried to suck it up for the rest of the run. The spectators coming back into town were great and I run most of the last mile. It seemed like the finish line appeared out of nowhere. I was twirling my green glow stick as I enjoyed the cheering crowd. I made it across the finish line, got my picture, medal, and was whisked off to home for a shower and food. Wahoo! I met my goal and swore I would never do anyother IM again. (It took about 4 days for me to think I MUST do it again and faster...!)

We drove home Monday, I had a meeting in Tennessee Tuesday -Thursday and here's the weird thing... I felt fantastic all week. My legs were stiff from flying on Tuesday, but otherwise I was amazed at how good I felt. That is until Thursday afternoon, my pec started mildly hurting. By Friday, it was excruciating (breathing, laughing, putting any wieght or strain on my pec/arm hurt like crazy and sneezing was unbearable) and on Saturday morning I couldn't even get myself out of bed. Off to urgent care I went to see if I had a cracked or broken rib. Nothing broken or cracked, the dr. diagnosed it as a deep contusion and said it typically takes a few days for the pain to surface. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

All in all Canada was fantastic and I highly recommend it!

Interesting things I saw on the race: a woman riding in a tri brief with a huge wedgie, what appeared to be home made flannel ear muffs and a surgical mask... All strange in their own right, but how does someone make it 112 mile with a wedgie?

Tri-chick in a fantastic super girl outfit, cape and all. She was so cute!!

Guy on the run carrying a large Amerian Flag (like color guard sized) wow!

Man with fuscia hair, wrapped like a chipotle burritto, projectile vomiting and waiting for an ambulance.

Sorry this is so long, here are my pics.

2 minute pr..

Could this smile be any bigger?

ST gathering Me, Juliann, Celina, Kevin, Khai

Me & Khai Dorothy, my packet pickup volunteer. They were all so sweet. PNF and Micheal Lovato at the expo :-) My new vocation, giving IM haircuts. I've never shaved a head before, it was fun!!! My trusty steed, set up and ready to go. Schwimmflugel, best said with a swedish accent. Cool, winners memorials that surround a big flower display at the race start.
Last edited by: QRgirl: Sep 8, 06 17:39

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  • Post edited by benderin (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 7, 06 14:23
  • Post edited by benderin (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 8, 06 17:39