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Re: Hemochormotosis? Still training! [raym256]
The treatment is weekly phlebotomies (taking blood on a weekly basis) for anywhere from 6 - 80 weeks, then a routine maintenance schedule of every 2-3 months.

I curious if anyone has any experience with this and what effects this treatment will result in as far as my ability to train.

When told what I was planning to do my doc simply asked "how bad do you want to do this?" I'm taking this as saying if I want it bad enough I can still do it but it's going to be a lot tougher.

I had to do around 7 months of weekly phlebotomies, it's rough. Doubly so if you're planning on training while aggressive reducing ferratin. I'm on maintenance now, every two months. I have to back on intense training for about 4-5 days after. It's pretty much a non-issue now, I just get a phlebotomy after any events!

Also, depending on high elevated your ferratin was, it's not a bad idea to see a Cardiologist and possibly a Hepatologist as well to check for any conduction delays (if I remember correctly) and/or liver damage. But stop drinking (if you partake) and eat a quality diet. Don't stress about eating citrus, reasonable amounts of Vitamin C (multi-vitamins are fine, but don't mega dose the stuff), using cast iron, etc. Obliviously consult your MD and your condition may vary; but that's the guidance from having seen Oncologists, Cardiologists, Hepatologists, and Hematologists.

Edit: I just realized this thread is from many, many years ago.
Last edited by: WolfPack: Feb 17, 24 14:21

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  • Post edited by WolfPack (Xantusia) on Feb 17, 24 14:21