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Re: Entry level TT bike suggestions [Klemen S]
If I were you, I'd start with the ones that will match your baseline fit coordinates and any other constrains and considerations such as your racing type, budget, tyre widths, or need for front end adjustability.

Some bikes are short and tall, some long and low and combinations there of. Picking the wrong one can severely affect your ability to get positioned with your fit and subsequent adjustment.

By way of example, I ride a tall and short frame, but I'm fit for a short and long. This for a few reasons, but mostly my constraint for racing short UCI TT events. But, it's a compromise. If I was racing tri, especially long or middle distance, I'd have a different frame for certain.

And, as an exact opposite example, my son has the same frame and frame size. His fit points to a tall and short frame. But, he's training for middle distance tri and the frame sizing is perfect for him.

On that note, my son and I might be racing some TTTs soon and if so, I'll grab a pic of our bikes just to highlight the differences. Bikes will be setup for our overall racing goals, not the TTT.

Edit to correct wasn't to was.

rst, then slowtwitch lurker since '93
Last edited by: jasonmac: Dec 30, 23 23:23

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  • Post edited by jasonmac (Cloudburst Summit) on Dec 30, 23 23:23