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Re: Coronary Calcium Score (update) [lanierb]
I didn't know what CAD stood for before this summer. Now I know a little bit more and yes, it's not the best thing to have but it also sounds like it is very common for people eating a western diet. At almost 70 I'll take a CAD-RADS 2 score vs something higher. Out of all of this I am now on a statin and baby aspirin so hopefully that and a healthy lifestyle will keep the CAD under control.

I'm still conflicted on the statin because since starting it there have been a few occasions (maybe once a month) where I feel horrible post workout. But on the plus side, lately I feel like I can breathe so much easier during intense workouts. Something with my body has changed.

Now what I really want to know is if I race a guy in my AG who has no CAD does he have a performance advantage :)
Last edited by: TJ56: Oct 19, 23 15:49

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  • Post edited by TJ56 (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 19, 23 15:49