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Re: Gain weight to gain FTP? [Tom_hampton]
Tom_hampton wrote:
Adding lean mass is hard. 20 watts is 5-6 kg or 11-13 lbs, depending on your watt/kg. That's a fair bit of muscle and you can't "just" gain muscle. You will gain fat too, then have to restrict intake to remove the fat back to your desired body comp.

Its also hard to gain mass while doing endurance training. So, you'd likely need to cut way back on the cardio. Then restart heavy training to regain what you've lost. You will likely them lose some of that gained muscle.

How old are you? this gets progressively harder as you get much older than 30.

I think that's a losing game in the short term. What time frame would be looking to try and make this type of change. This is more of a annual plan type of thing. Eg, you could focus time in the weight room over the winter and stop much endurance training, and then switch back in the early spring.

i am 41, I did gain 5lb last year cutting down my running after that volume was slowing me down and leading to injuries. Although I did take a new job 2 months ago, I lost all that mass and ftp went down about 10w... so I quit and went back to the old one..

Eltito wrote:
Et si prendre du poids, nous fait ensuite perdre du temps sur la course Ă  pieds, ce n'est pas top

See above, too low of weight not a good thing. Come to think of it most my marathon PR's when I was 10lb heavier

mathematics wrote:
By what mechanism would gaining weight help raise your FTP? Lifting for hypertrophy and eating a lot will help gain lean mass, but that will overwhelmingly help your 10-30sec power. If you're a world tour level rider such training would likely lower your FTP.

Gaining muscle mass in a vacuum would almost assuredly lower your FTP, assuming a reasonable level of baseline training. Bigger muscles can produce more maximal force, but also require greater amounts of oxygen and produce greater amounts of lactate. FTP and endurance is not about maximal force, it's about oxygen utilization.

We know this intuitively just by looking at athletes in different events. Track cycling sprinters are huge, muscular, max force producing machines. Track endurance riders are tiny and slight, even though there are no climbs on the track.

actually in crit racing improving my 10-30s power would be a benefit. My sprinting is so weak.

TulkasTri wrote:

How about some actual periodize bike training instead of just accumulating miles by being a bike courier?

I bet you can get those watts by actually training the bike. You can only get that far with volume, and even your current volume is spread out throughout the day so much that your “moving time” in an activity is like 20%.

I don’t think you are training the bike in any way, shape, or form. You are simply riding your bike.

still need to put food on the table. i just log those miles for tax reasons and big kahuna 13. I do a decent bike workout 1-2x a week. If you want to join me, tuesday fiesta island 815am ;)
Last edited by: synthetic: Oct 9, 23 7:57

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  • Post edited by synthetic (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 9, 23 7:57