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Re: Tubeless Sealant: is there a preferred brand for TT? [thetrickster]
thetrickster wrote:
imswimmer328 wrote:
Tubeless is much faster than fixing a flat. I'll be contrary here and recommend tubeless. If you hit something small and sharp, it just adds that chance that the puncture seals and doesn't ruin your race. Don't let an extra hour of maintenance a year dissuade you, tubeless is much, much easier than slowtwitch makes it out to be.

Having left my race wheels hanging for a few months (and just forgot about them) with sealant in them, it was a joy (not) this past weekend to try and unmount the glued on tyres LOL. But I agree the benefits come race day are defo worth the hassle of tubeless. My plan now is to leave the tyres on the rims (but not seated) and empty. Couple of weeks pre race, seat them and fill them and confirm they seal, race them, and then after flush them out and unseat them again

This seems reasonable if you're concerned with flatting in a TT. Put the sealant in a few weeks before the race, clean everything out right after the race, before the sealant can dry, then immediately remount the tire (no sealant). I'd suggest only using water based sealants if you do this.
Last edited by: Hanginon: Jul 31, 23 6:35

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  • Post edited by Hanginon (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 31, 23 6:35