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Re: 70.3 WC & Bird Flu [Ajax Bay]
That's lovely. Something else for le hypochondriacs to panic about. Before you get your mask out, for the record, there are no known (last I checked) cases of human to human H5N1 transmission.

There are very rare cases of people of all ages getting it from infected poultry (birds, ducks, etc). Of those that do get infected, if you are from Indonesia you're screwed. https://storage.googleapis.com/...cd1a1af6ccfcd8835229

As long as you aren't handling dead birds or their excrement, you'll be fine. It's probably more dangerous to swim in the water at Oceanside....
Last edited by: Lurker4: Jul 26, 23 12:38

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  • Post edited by Lurker4 (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 26, 23 12:38