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Acid reflux, hip angle and crank length
Hi everyone!
I'd like to have your input on an issue I've been experiencing on my last 2 triathlons (one 70.3 and one OD): I had some acid reflux happening (while biking). Once on the run section, the gut issues dissipate more or less rapidly (it took almost 10 km/ 35 minutes on the half).
Surprisingly, I've never had it happen while training.

I've started to wonder if this could be due to having a closed hip angle? I recently realised that my legs sometimes hit my lower abdomen.
Did you ever have this issue or heard about this happening to someone else?

Since then, I've started to wonder if I should move to shorter crank arms as I've seen a lot of people recommending switching to shorter cranks going as low as 150mm.

While discussing with my bike fitter when I was originally fitted, he recommended me to not go lower than 165 mm. For reference I'm currently on 172.5 cranks, my height is 183 cm and my inseam 87.5 cm (6', 34.44'').

Here are two pictures to visualize the hip angle. If needed I can also shoot a video on the trainer.
Last edited by: Slinker: Jan 12, 24 2:43

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Slinker (Big Pines) on Jan 12, 24 2:43