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Re: When the reviews are $18K bikes and $4K wheels how do we grow the sport? [lastlap]
Try and have a sense of humor. Yep if you buy gear expect to write 40 % of new price. If you can do better so be it. I generally get the price I want, as I can afford new, if people don't meet my price I'll be new. It's called the market.

As for selling, I tend to give my used stuff to people who don't have any good kit, or sell it for a token fee, eg zipp 404/808 powertap to a new mid 20's guy in our squad who couldnt' afford anything flashy. I had lots of stuff I didn't need.

Same with my bikes, my older road bike I have lent to a club mate who didn't have a bike and said give it back when you are ready.

$300 is not out of spite, it's buying new, not clapped out, at least its clean, has a warranty, is $300 worth saving on stuff that in many instances is clapped out rubbish:
Last edited by: stevie g: Dec 28, 22 22:50

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  • Post edited by stevie g (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 28, 22 22:50