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Re: When the reviews are $18K bikes and $4K wheels how do we grow the sport? [davegibb26.2]
Rephrase one thing because I think what happens is, people start to merge different points into one topic.

The participant angle is different than what it takes to be good angle. If you are discussing participant, the first timers do they really care how they do? Or is it just about doing the sport and seeing what it is about. I mean of course people want to do well but the very 1st time your “expectation” is going to be much different than 5 races into your career, 20 races into your career etc.

I’m boots on the ground in this sport on a daily basis. Just today I dealt with a guy that wants to buy a fully decked out P5 10:15am and the other example of a newb guy going to “just see how it goes” on $1k all in budget at 4:15pm. Funniest thing about the day- the customer has no clue what he is doing, but the joy he had in telling his wife that at 52 he’s going to go out and do this. That’s the shit that your like, “that’s awesome”.

So it bothers me when I hear people talk about how costly the sport is or how much a pain in the ass second market is. It sometimes almost feels like some gleefulness about the complaints of our sport. That’s what I want to push back against because I don’t think it has to be that way. Again yes I recognize there are costs to this sport. And buying online can absolutely be a pain in the ass. i just think today more than ever people have the ability to get in the sport on a budget with all the secondary markets out there. Yes there will be some ass

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Dec 28, 22 17:30

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 28, 22 17:30