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Re: Sam Long coaching change [mkq]
mkq wrote:
He has had a string of immature decisions in 2022. He can dress them up as "life experiences" but his stock has definitely gone down. If he is going to "self coaching", that is going to be another step that is not forward.

Not really sure how his stock has gone down for anyone doing the judging, maybe in your eyes. But for the folks cutting his checks, it's probably even or increased based on his results. As seen from Lacticturkey's post:

Lacticturkey wrote:
Ha, definately some recognisable footsteps there.

His season was quite good for a young pro

11 starts
4 wins
7 podiums

Week before the IM worlds he was hit by car and injured his back

At the 70.3 worlds he got that weird penalty

So overall pretty decent but as most pros there is the search for the balance in training volume and racing volume.

A coach could help keep feet on the ground during those vulnerable moments for a young pro wanting to race and train fast and often

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
Last edited by: TheStroBro: Dec 17, 22 7:16

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  • Post edited by TheStroBro (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 17, 22 7:16