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Re: Holly Lawrence mislead 4 miles off bike course at Bahrain 70.3 [airhol2]
airhol2 wrote:
I know this is in pink, but why dont the athletes download the course onto their garmin (or other brand) head unit for turn by turn directions? Im not saying this should be what they rely on, but if your headunit tells you your off course, it will give you pause to look around and figure out wtf is going on?

I thought about doing this but after trying it out in training, it's very suboptimal. Interferes with looking at your normal screen with power/HR, and also is really distracting for the vast majority of the course where you're not going off course but it's still beeping and/or warning you about upcoming corners that you know are there already.

On a hillclimb TT where I actually tried it out, it was even worse - despite there being only 2-3 possible turnoffs, the head unit beeped at every curve in the road as if I might go off-course, when there were no side streets possible to turn onto. Superfail.

Although I hear that gravel riders do use this to good effect, would be interesting to hear from them, although I do wonder if the lower speeds on the technical sections of gravel make this more useful.
Last edited by: lightheir: Dec 9, 22 8:53

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  • Post edited by lightheir (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 9, 22 8:53