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Re: The Aero Bike Shootout: New vs. Old; Rim vs. Disc; Direct to Consumer vs. Retailer; Beam vs. Double Diamond (*an update*) [dkennison]
dkennison wrote:

The bottom line to me... these fastest bike are all within 3-5 watts at 30 mph. At 23 mph maybe 1-2 watts. Anything a rider does will affect the drag more than any difference between the best bikes. So, who can hold that fantastic position comfortably for the distance of the race? That's who will be faster.

100% agree.

However what it did show was that bikes one would assume were fast, weren't.

I personally see a wind tunnel budget allocated to independant testing would find more useful things (for the general population interested in aero) elsewhere that the difference between top end bikes.

I suspect people would find far more surprising things than the delta between bikes. Heck, a comparison between a $5k and $12k bike would probably be more interesting.

Soooooooooo many myths to be busted.
Last edited by: marcag: Oct 19, 22 6:41

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  • Post edited by marcag (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 19, 22 6:41