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Re: Using a Food Tracker vs. Disordered Eating [Dr. Tigerchik]
Thank you for this -- I truly appreciate the honesty.

You're right about what is triggering leading to other, undesirable behaviors. That was my initial fear, and why I'm definitely not going to weigh myself (that's my super, mega, ultra trigger) any time soon. But the compromise I've made is to only track on days I have biggish workouts. I've also make it a point to remind myself that 1) what I'm really using this tool for is to make sure I'm getting sufficient carbs (nope! lol) and 2) that I'm doing it to make sure I don't fall too far behind in calorie intake, because I'm 98% sure what derailed me in the past was chronic underfueling. Fortunately, Cronometer will let you toggle over to the display of targets like fiber and protein where calories aren't necessarily visible. I'm happy to report that this "one foot in, one foot out" approach seems to be keeping the disorderliness at bay -- it's not much but it feels like progress.

Anyway, thanks again and best of luck to you on your journey. :)

[what Yoda said about trying]
Last edited by: Bastet: Oct 10, 22 12:14

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  • Post edited by Bastet (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 10, 22 12:14