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Re: The MVDP hotel incident "today" vs. "when I was a kid" [Amnesia]
Was the hotel notified? If that happened to me, the first thing I would do is complain to the hotel. The hotel should be able to handle something so simple, after all there are much worse things that could happen. It could have been a thief or a rapist. They should be able to get on top of it very quickly.

Aren't there usually cameras in hotel hallways? There shouldn't be random people walking around the hallways causing mischief.

And how stupid is it to have kids running around at night, especially girls, banging on people's doors. Anything could happen. A lot worse than being pushed or yelled at.
Last edited by: FishyJoe: Sep 26, 22 5:26

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  • Post edited by FishyJoe (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 26, 22 5:26