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Re: The MVDP hotel incident "today" vs. "when I was a kid" [trail]
trail wrote:
ruby1 wrote:

If they were harassing him in middle of night, yes.

Stern talking to, sure. But I'd never physically assault any 13/14 year old. Ever

And "knock and run" is soooo lightweight on the scale of teen mischief. Not even flaming poo bag level

I want to preface this by saying we know each other outside the context of LR and I often find your takes on many issues to be cogent and fair

Having said that, I think you are downplaying the actions of the teenagers. Yeah, the alleged nuisance is seemingly trivial, but assuming the teenagers did indeed repeatedly rang doorbell at that hour, it's still battery, albeit a low level one.

I don't think it's fair to characterize what MvdP as alleged common assault without applying the same level of scrutiny on the teenagers. The age is irrelevant in determining whether the act is battery (age's only relevance being the level of punishment would be less than what an adult would receive), but it does not negate the fact that the nuisance (if true) is low level battery.
Last edited by: echappist: Sep 25, 22 12:33

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  • Post edited by echappist (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 25, 22 12:33