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Re: Messi as a u8 or u9 [Tri2gohard]
Sublime. Looks like Ronaldinho here:


It's one thing to see kids dominate because of advanced size, speed or strength. This is a different matter.

I had to watch this video around 5 times to see how he moved the ball through that dudes legs. I am still not sure I understand what he does to move his ankle like that. I guess its push the ball with the outside of the foot. Let it get in front, and cut it back with inside.

Regarding the kids celebrating. In games where my kid is dominating. I let them get in one celebration, and then act like they have been there. If this is a close game, then sure have it.
Last edited by: sosayusall: Aug 18, 22 12:47

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  • Post edited by sosayusall (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 18, 22 12:47